Download LANState (Pro) V7.8
System requirements: a Windows PC with network. SNMP might be required on managed switches for network mapping (but not necessary for the program operation).
How to install the program: Download the program using the above links. Run the installation package and click «Allow» if the system asks for your permission. Follow the installation wizard’s instructions, click «Next» till the «Finish» button appears. No additional components will be installed.
How to remove the program: Use the standard system software removing procedure (Control panel -> Add/remove programs) or use the program deletion shortcut in the program’s group in the Start menu.
What to Download Next?
Try Other Our Useful Network Software:
We offer another network monitoring program:
10-Strike Network Monitor — It is implemented as a service but does not have a graphic network device map like LANState does. The monitoring checks and notification methods are the same as in LANState Pro. If you want to monitor devices using a service, try this program!
Monitor databases, services, files, folders, processes, free space on disks, VPN connections, JavaScript and VisualBasic scripts, etc. Set up the program’s response to particular events (device or service on/off) and receive notifications via email, SMS, etc.
We offer another network scanning and diagramming program:
10-Strike Network Diagram — It has more advanced graphics engine, vector device icons, and better visual quality. But it cannot monitor hosts as LANState Pro does.
Create network diagrams and maps easily with our new program. 10-Strike Network Diagram scans your network and searches it for network devices. All found computers and switches are placed on a diagram. If your switches support SNMP, connections between devices will be drawn automatically. Just arrange devices with a mouse and save the network diagram to a file, print it, or export to Microsoft Visio.
10-Strike Network Diagram has a more powerful graphics engine and better image quality of created network diagrams comparing to 10-Strike LANState, but it cannot monitor network devices.
We also offer the network computer asset inventory tool:
10-Strike Network Inventory Explorer
Create and maintain the inventory database of your network computers. View hardware and software on network computers remotely, track hardware and software changes. Create reports on the availability of particular programs and number of copies installed on computers. Plan upgrades, generate reports on computers with insufficient RAM size or disk space.
. And other useful tools for network administrators:
10-Strike Bandwidth Monitor
Monitor network bandwidth and traffic usage. Control bandwidth on your computers, routers, switches, printers, etc. The program can monitor your network in the 24*7 mode and notify you when the bandwidth of the traffic volume is exceeding the configured threshold on hosts. View the network bandwidth diagrams in the real-time.
10-Strike Network File Search
Search files on local network computers’ shared resources and FTP servers. Search documents on a corporate file server or look up new photos and multimedia files on your neighbours’ computers. The preview feature allows you to filter out the unnecessary information. Enter a search phrase or file masks and find the files you need.
10-Strike Connection Monitor
Audit access to your shared folders. Watch who gets info your files in a real-time! The program generates screen, sound, and e-mail notifications on connections to shared resources. It records a log file that contains the information on remote user and computer name, accessed file and folder name, date, type of access, and so on. The application also allows you to quickly enable or disable network shares when it is necessary using the program’s context menu in the system tray.
Related Links:
Download LANState and LANState Pro
If you do not know which version to choose, please read the full comparison table.
Current product version: 10.13 | Version History
Trial version limitations: 30-day trial period, maximum 50 hosts allowed on all maps
Languages: English, Spanish, Italian, Korean, Russian
Operating systems supported: Windows XP/Vista/7/8.1/10/11, Server 2003/2008/2012/2016/2019/2022/2016
Download previous version 7.8 (with old bitmap graphics engine)
Download LANState Pro — Professional Version (100+ Hosts, +Web UI, +SNMP traps, +Advanced SNMP functions, +Visio exporting, +Reporting, +Larger maps, +Syslog support); Free 30-Day Trial;
Download LANState — Standard Version (Up to 50 hosts on map); Free 30-Day Trial; —>
System requirements: a Windows PC with network. SNMP might be required on managed switches for the network mapping (but not necessary for the program operation).
How to install the program: Download the program using the above links. Run the installation package and click «Allow» if the system asks for your permission. Follow the installation wizard’s instructions, click «Next» till the «Finish» button appears. No additional components will be installed.
How to remove the program: Use the standard system software removing procedure (Control panel -> Add/remove programs) or use the program deletion shortcut in the program’s group in the Start menu.
What to Download Next?
Try Other Our Useful Network Software:
We offer another network monitoring program (which works as a service application in the background mode):
10-Strike Network Monitor — It is implemented as a service but does not have a graphic network device map like LANState does. The monitoring checks and notification methods are the same as in LANState Pro. If you want to monitor devices using a service, try this program!
Monitor databases, services, files, folders, processes, free space on disks, VPN connections, JavaScript and VisualBasic scripts, etc. Set up the program’s response to particular events (device or service on/off) and receive notifications via email, SMS, etc.
We offer another network scanning and diagramming program (it’s cheaper because it does not have the monitoring functions):
10-Strike Network Diagram — It has more advanced graphics engine, vector device icons, and better visual quality. But it cannot monitor hosts as LANState Pro does.
Create network diagrams and maps easily with our new program. 10-Strike Network Diagram scans your network and searches it for network devices. All found computers and switches are placed on a diagram. If your switches support SNMP, connections between devices will be drawn automatically. Just arrange devices with a mouse and save the network diagram to a file, print it, or export to Microsoft Visio.
10-Strike Network Diagram has a more powerful graphics engine and better image quality of created network diagrams comparing to 10-Strike LANState, but it cannot monitor network devices.
We also offer the network computer asset inventory tool:
10-Strike Network Inventory Explorer
Create and maintain the inventory database of your network computers. View hardware and software on network computers remotely, track hardware and software changes. Create reports on the availability of particular programs and number of copies installed on computers. Plan upgrades, generate reports on computers with insufficient RAM size or disk space.
. and other useful tools for network administrators:
10-Strike Bandwidth Monitor
Monitor network bandwidth and traffic usage. Control bandwidth on your computers, routers, switches, printers, etc. The program can monitor your network in the 24*7 mode and notify you when the bandwidth of the traffic volume is exceeding the configured threshold on hosts. View the network bandwidth diagrams in the real-time.
10-Strike Network File Search
Search files on local network computers’ shared resources and FTP servers. Search documents on a corporate file server or look up new photos and multimedia files on your neighbours’ computers. The preview feature allows you to filter out the unnecessary information. Enter a search phrase or file masks and find the files you need.
10-Strike Connection Monitor
Audit access to your shared folders. Watch who gets info your files in a real-time! The program generates screen, sound, and e-mail notifications on connections to shared resources. It records a log file that contains the information on remote user and computer name, accessed file and folder name, date, type of access, and so on. The application also allows you to quickly enable or disable network shares when it is necessary using the program’s context menu in the system tray.
Related Links:
LANState — это простая NMS с отображением топологии сети и функциями мониторинга устройств. Добавьте хостов в графическую карту сети и контролируйте их состояние в реальном времени. Получать уведомления о сбое, когда хосты и службы идут вниз. См. Фактическое состояние сети на графической карте! Сканируйте свою сеть, найдите хосты и топологию. Организуйте приборную панель мониторинга устройств. Управление и доступ к узлам быстрее с помощью карты. Мониторы, ИБП, датчики дверей, температура и напряжение через SNMP. Получать сообщения электронной почты, SMS, звуковые уведомления о сбоях. Анализ диаграмм и трендов. 10-Strike LANState — это программное обеспечение для визуального отображения сети, мониторинга и управления. Эта простая NMS позволяет выполнять управление сетью, мониторинг и администрирование. Вы можете легко сканировать свою сеть, найти все устройства, добавить их на карту сети и настроить программу для мониторинга ваших коммутаторов, ИБП, сетевого оборудования, серверов и рабочих станций. Быстрый доступ к хостам и управление ими с помощью графической сетевой карты.