1234f при загрузке linux

Thread: Boot-Repair Ubuntu. error: 1234F

14309128 is offlineFirst Cup of Ubuntu

Boot-Repair Ubuntu. error: 1234F

So I use a Dell Inspiron 15-3521 that uses Windows 8. I took care of the PXE-E61 error by disabling NIC. Then the next error that I also had with PXE-E61 is: 1234F, which I don’t know how to fix. I followed the instructions to use Boot-repair through my working Ubuntu 14 live CD, and clicked Recommended repair. but it still didn’t work after a reboot, and gave me the same 1234F error.

How to do this? I don’t understand the paste report.

I also have Hirens boot CD, if somehow I can use that.

oldfred is online nowSuper Master Roaster

Re: Boot-Repair Ubuntu. error: 1234F

Is this a Windows only system? I do not see any Linux partitions.

Boot-Repair is primarily for Linux systems. It can only do very minor fixes to Windows systems.
You normally use your Windows repair CD or flash drive to fix Windows issues and may get better help on a Windows forum. Some of us do dual boot and may be able to offer some suggestions.

You have installed testdisk boot loader (an old BIOS boot) to MBR. But your system is UEFI and you should make sure you always only boot in UEFI boot mode. You will get errors if you boot in BIOS mode as that will never work.

Not sure sure what your error is. Boot-Repair does not use error numbers. May be UEFI or Windows?
You may have corruption on sda5 which should be your c: drive in Windows. You may need to run chkdsk which only can be run from Windows, not from Linux.

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Not sure if this is still the same in newer Windows or not:

UEFI boot install & repair info — Regularly Updated :
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14309128 is offlineFirst Cup of Ubuntu

Re: Boot-Repair Ubuntu. error: 1234F

Yes, this computer that I am talking about is a Windows 8 only PC. No other OS’s installed.
I guess a microsoft fourm would be more suitable for my problem.

And F8 does not work, for the newer Windows 8 PCs holding down shift is what google told me.
UEFI mode gave me a blank screen after the «preparing repair» both secure on/off modes. Also, after it a long of waiting on the screen, it gives a skyblue blackground with white grey text that says there is an error and has to restart. (can’t read it though because it auto-restarts after 3 seconds)

Anyway, I am now attempting a chkdsk using «chkdsk C: /f /r /x»
Using Hiren’s Boot CD, underneath mini XP mode.
I am receiving many «File record segment 2xxxxxx is unreadable.»
UPDATE: I restarted after it finished and nothing happened, same 1234F error.

I did remember yesterday that I did mess with the testdisk mbr with Hiren’s Boot CD because I thought that would work, so that may explain the old BIOS boot.



MBR Code written brings 1234F: after Linux installation

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MBR Code written brings 1234F: after Linux installation

#1 Post by harald1 » 03 Nov 2016, 14:50

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The issue I am facing is that after installing Linux on a partition, none of the 2 Windows OS on other partitions are available for booting, while it is possible to boot Linux.

I tried to use testdisk to fix this using these instructions: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step .
In these instructions at NTFS Boot sector recovery section, it shows a screenshot with bad sector and after this is repaired. On my system both partitions with Windows had ‘Boot sector’ and ‘Backup boot sector’ on OK. In my opinion this makes actually sense, as they were working fine until installing Linux Mint. Even so, I have used the option ‘Rebuild BS’ for sda5 , without success though.

Now I have used the tool to write the MBR Code and at restart it displays: » 1234F: «

Hitting 1 ,3 or 4 returns the same immediately, hitting ‘F’ makes the cursor go to the next line for a while and then » 1234F » is shown again.
Hitting 2 brings the cursor to the next line and it stays like that.

The only way to get back to boot Linux again is to run the boot-repair utility from Linux, which enables to repair/reset grub (which I understand is a kind of boot manager for Linux).

The partitions look like this:

============================ Drive/Partition Info: ============================= Drive: sda _____________________________________________________________________ Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders, total 312581808 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Partition Boot Start Sector End Sector # of Sectors Id System /dev/sda1 * 63 20,964,824 20,964,762 83 Linux /dev/sda2 20,964,825 312,560,639 291,595,815 f W95 Extended (LBA) /dev/sda5 20,964,888 62,910,539 41,945,652 7 NTFS / exFAT / HPFS /dev/sda6 62,910,603 125,821,079 62,910,477 7 NTFS / exFAT / HPFS /dev/sda7 125,821,143 188,731,619 62,910,477 7 NTFS / exFAT / HPFS /dev/sda8 188,731,683 312,560,639 123,828,957 7 NTFS / exFAT / HPFS

Windows OS is on sda5 and sda7.

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If needed, a detailed summary file generated by the boot-repair tool from Linux here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23419847/

I would appreciate if you can help me make all 3 operating systems available for booting again using testdisk. I really hoped that writing MBR Code would fix it..
I have asked for help in the ubuntu/boot-repair forum and I was told that «Boot Repair will not repair the Windows boot» .

cgrenier Site Admin Posts: 5421 Joined: 18 Feb 2012, 15:08 Location: Le Perreux Sur Marne, France Contact:


Черный экран Ubuntu с 1234F:?

Ubuntu был запущен, мой компьютер, очевидно, отключился прошлой ночью и умер. Я подключил его и включил. Мой экран весь черный с 1234F: .

Когда я набираю букву, цифру или нажимаю клавишу ввода, она делает еще одну строку, говоря 1234F: , что я ничего не могу с ней поделать.

2 ответа

  • Ваш MBR арестован.
  • Восстановление начальной загрузки является, вероятно, лучшим инструментом для фиксации его: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair

У меня была именно эта проблема. Оказалось, разъем питания для HD выскользнул из гнезда. Подключил его обратно и машина загрузилась. Решение было замаскировано наличием нескольких дисков SATA в корпусе ПК — не удалось вспомнить название диска, с которого я обычно загружался.

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