How to force Wine into acting like 32-bit Windows on 64-bit Ubuntu?
When installing Wine on 64-bit Ubuntu 12.04, both 64-bit support and 32-bit support get installed. If I run wine foo.exe where foo.exe is a 64-bit-aware installer, it thinks it’s on 64-bit Windows. This would be fine if this mode didn’t fail, but in my case, it does (yet the Wine database suggests the app I’m trying to install should work, presumably as a 32-bit app). How do I tell Wine (and Winetricks) to use Wine in 32-bit-only mode?
7 Answers 7
It turns out that to make Wine run in 32-bit-only mode, one needs to:
- Remove ~/.wine if it was already created in the 64-bit mode. (WARNING: This removes all stuff you have installed under Wine. Move it aside instead if you want to avoid dataloss.)
- Set the WINEARCH environment variable to win32 i.e. export WINEARCH=win32
- Then run wine (or winetricks , etc.)
Just used this to get Editpad Pro 7.1.1 (32/64bit .exe) to correctly install under 12.04 LTS (64bit). After deleting ~/.wine, needed to re-install any apps (under Wine).
Install playonlinux there you will have this option. It is a frontend to wine, and makes it far better.
This picture was taken on a 12.04 — 64bit system.
Even after moving x86 Wine 1.5.4 from the «available» column to the «installed» column, launching installation using the «Configure» button in PlayOnLinux still launches in a 64-aware version of Wine.
You can in an easy way copy all win32 files into .wine to substitute the lesser need to change all run commands as well. By avoiding doing to much changes to the system in another hand. At first, run the command:
WINEPREFIX="$HOME/prefix32" WINEARCH=win32 wine wineboot
Assume you already made a run of making .wine with 64bit compatibility. If not you are still able to make a folder called .wine instead in your home directory.
Then copy all content of prefix32 found in your home directory to your .wine content area both files and directories, first either backup or just remove the content in the directory .wine if you already are planning running 32bit arch of wine, don’t overwrite content! Rather delete if you already made a backup.
Remember that directory .wine might be hidden, any use of seeing hidden files will make you be able to see the folder in your home directory. You can as well use the Go in Thunar with Ubuntu to either just go straight into the folder called .wine in the home directory and make the process as told here before.
Устанавливаем 32-битный Wine в 64-битной Debian, Linux Mint и Ubuntu
Linux хорош всем, но иногда нужно запустить программу, которая существует исключительно только для Windows. На помощь приходит Wine. Все отлично, если у Вас 32-битная операционная система, но мы живем в 2019 году и уже давно используем только 64-битные операционные системы?
Версия Wine на 64 бит — это еще то говно, которое практически ничего не умеет запускать. В deb-подобных системах запустить 32-битный Wine не составит особого труда.
Приведенный ниже способ запуска 32-битного Wine в 64-битной ОС работает только в Debian, Linux Mint и других дистрибутивах основанных на Debian или Ubuntu (ElementaryOS, Deepin и т.д.)
Подготовка к установки Wine
Перед те как начать процесс установки Wine, необходимо подготовить систему. Для этого открываем консоль и удаляем все предыдущие неудачные попытки установки:
rm -fR ~/.wine sudo apt purge wine*
Далее «объясняем» системе что будем ставить i386-пакет:
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 sudo apt update sudo apt install libpulse0:i386 sudo apt install -f
Процесс установки Wine
После этого устанавливаем 32 битный Wine.
В Debian, Ubuntu и Linux Mint можно установить из официального репозитория командой:
sudo apt-get install wine:i386
Для Ubuntu и Linux Mint можно воспользоваться сторонним PPA -репозиторием. Для этого вместо предыдущей команды выполняем по очереди:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa sudo apt install wine:i386
В Debian из коробки такой трюк не прокатит. Исправить можно, но стоит ли в стабильный дистрибутив вносить нестабильные пакеты?
Зачем нужен Wine?
Wine — это очень хорошее и нужное приложение, с помощью которого есть возможность использовать коммерческие Windows-приложения на своей любимой системе Debian/Ubuntu или Linux Mint. Wine не всегда используется в запуске пиратских фотошоп и корел. Есть, к примеру, официальная утилита для управления маршрутизаторами Mikrotik — Winbox, которая имеет только windows-версию. С Wine можно с легкостью пользоваться Winbox на Mint’е или Ubuntu. Даже есть порт Winbox’а для MacOS, которое тоже работает через Wine.
я пиздец как благодарен этой статье,единственная с помощью которой у меня получилось установить wine после трех часовой пляски с бубном
Спасибо тебе добрый гуру линя.задолбался инет рыть и читать всякий бред…а тут в двух словах и все готово!спасибо от души!
Спасибо! Кратко и толково. Только пока установить не получилось. Но думаю косяк у меня в линухе.
Класный сайт, и материал про системщика отличный
наконецто. все работает!столько всего перечитал и тольку ноль.а тут раз – и готово!
супер мт4 запустился после этих действий
Чушь полная. На 64-битной системе не будет работать 32-битный WINE . Статью в топку!
Врубель Вшнобель: Чушь полная. На 64-битной системе не будет работать 32-битный WINE . Статью в топку!
Вы хоть пробовали это делать? Все пакеты, которые предназначены для i386 можно установить для amd64. Наоборот это правило не работает.
Сейчас пробую именно на Debian 64 установить Wine 32. Статью пока не в топку. В топку дибилов криворуких, типа «врубель вшнобель». А еще лечше таким мудакам действительно в шнобель!
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How to install 32 Bit Wine on 64 Bit Ubuntu?
Currently I’m running Ubuntu 11.10 64 Bit on my laptop and I want to install some Windows programs with Wine (Dreamweaver CS5/Starcraft II etc) but these programs require the 32Bit version of Wine to work even being in a 64Bit environment. I’m a Fedora user most of the time and in that distro installing 32Bit versions of apps inside of a 64Bit system is never a problem, but didn’t find a way to do that on Ubuntu.
5 Answers 5
Things have changed a few times since my original answer. 64bit prefixes versions of Wine are pretty capable these days. I haven’t had a pure 32bit version in at least a few years.
Your «Wine prefix» (traditionally at ~/.wine/ , but settable via env WINEPREFIX ) controls how things will be run for the lifetime of that prefix. If you set up a 32bit prefix, everything will run in 32bit mode in that prefix. Conversely, if you don’t do anything and run anything special, you’ll create a Wine64 environment.
If you’re starting a new prefix (ie on a new install of Ubuntu), you’ll need to do a few special things:
# Move the old prefix (if one exists) # You could rm -rf it if you don't want it. mv ~/.wine/ ~/oldwine/ # Create prefix with right arch, per # WINEARCH=win32 winecfg
And that’s it. Unless you’re specifying another prefix that doesn’t exist yet, you shouldn’t need to set WINEARCH again.
The revision history to this answer holds additional information that I don’t think is relevant in 2018. This is mostly point and shoot these days.
Fixed the problem: Installed Wine 1.2 via PlayOnLinux and then ran the apps that won’t run via the terminal, looked at the output. In the case of dreamweaver, it was matter of installing «vcrun2008» using winetricks. It runs fine now, thanks!
This seems to be incomplete. I get wine: invalid directory prefix32 in WINEPREFIX: not an absolute path .
Step 1: Install wine 1.4. This version of wine supports win32 and win64.
Step 3: export WINEPREFIX=prefix32
Step 4: export WINEARCH=win32
Step 6: Enjoy, the new prefix is set for 32-bit execution.
This is the proper way to do this. Installing cross-arch packages is a dirty fix that’s likely to cause you trouble.
Steps 3 and 4 solve many wine problems and performance issues with several games. This is a must when installing Wine on a 64 bit OS.
@Relish I tried to execute these commands. I’m getting error: wine: invalid directory prefix32 in WINEPREFIX: not an absolute path
- (Permanently) Edit /etc/environment :
- sudo nano /etc/environment
- Add the following line: WINEARCH=win32
Note: by the above solution, wine & wibom use always the 32 bit version of wine.
On Ubuntu Oneiric, the 32-bit binaries and libraries of Wine are installed by default. No special action is necessary other than installing wine .
$ file `which wine` /usr/bin/wine: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, stripped
Indeed, it seems to not a valid confirmation. When I use winetricks -q dotnet30 I get You are using a 64-bit WINEPREFIX. If you encounter problems, please retest in a clean 32-bit WINEPREFIX before reporting a bug.
. Was having the same problem. I just upgraded to Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit and was trying to get Office 2007 to work. It won’t run in a 64-bit wine configuration. After a lot of searching, this is what I came across:
- The folder in which all your wine software are installed is known as your WINEPREFIX. By default this folder resides in your home (~) directory by the name ‘.wine’. There can be more than one WINEPREFIX.
- There also exists an environment variable known as WINEARCH which represents the mode of your current wine settings, i.e. 64-bit or 32-bit.
- THIS IS IMPORTANT. At the time of the creation of a WINEPREFIX the value of WINEARCH decides the mode in which wine will function when running applications from that WINEPREFIX.
By default the WINEARCH variable is set to the value ‘win64’ (stands for 64-bit) on a 64-bit Ubuntu installation therefore the automatically created WINEPREFIX has a 64-bit operation mode. In order to change this mode we need to 1) delete the current WINEPREFIX. 2) set WINEARCH to ‘win32’ 3)Create a new WINEPREFIX. The Steps: NOTE: These steps are to be done after installing wine. You can easily do that using the Ubuntu Software Center. search for Wine 1.6 and click install.
1) Open up the terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T. And type the following commands: cd ~ rm -rf .wine rm -f .config/menus/applications-merged/wine* rm -rf .local/share/applications/wine rm -f .local/share/desktop-directories/wine* rm -f .local/share/icons/. _*.xpm 2) Now to set your enviroment variable and also to create your new 32-bit WINEPREFIX go ahead and type: WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine winecfg
That’s about it I guess! This worked for me! now all you need to do is to install your 32-bit applications.