Adding hosts in linux

How to Edit Your Hosts File on Linux, Windows, and macOS

The hosts file is used to map domain names (hostnames) to IP addresses. It is a plain-text file used by all operating systems including, Linux, Windows, and macOS.

The hosts file has priority over DNS. When you type in the domain name of a web site you want to visit, the domain name must be translated into its corresponding IP Address. The operating system first checks its hosts file for the corresponding domain, and if there is no entry for the domain, it will query the configured DNS servers to resolve the specified domain name. This affects only the computer on which the change is made, rather than how the domain is resolved worldwide.

Using the hosts file to map a domain to an IP address is particularly useful when you want to test your website without changing the domain DNS settings. For example, you are migrating your website to a new server, and you want to verify whether it is fully functional before pointing the domain to the new server. The hosts file can also be used to block websites on your computer.

In this article, we’ll provide instructions about how to modify the hosts file on Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Hosts File Format #

Entries in the hosts file have the following format:

IPAddress DomainName [DomainAliases] 

The IP address and the domain names should be separated by at least one space or tab. The lines starting with # are comments and are ignored.

To add an entry to the hosts file, simply open the file in your text editor. Below is a sample hosts file:

# Static table lookup for hostnames. # See hosts(5) for details. linuxize.desktop linuxize localhost 

The hosts file changes take effect immediately except in cases where the DNS entries are cached by applications.

To undo the changes, simply open the file and remove the lines you added.

Modify Hosts File in Linux #

On Linux, the full path to the file is /etc/hosts .

The instructions below are valid for all Linux distribution, including Ubuntu, CentOS, RHEL, Debian, and Linux Mint:

    In your terminal window, open the hosts file using your favorite text editor :

When prompted, enter your sudo password.

  • Scroll down to the end of the file and add your new entries:
  • Save the changes.
  • Modify Hosts File in Windows #

    On Windows, the full path to the file is c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts . The instructions below are valid for Windows 10 and Windows 8.

    1. Press the Windows key and type Notepad in the search field.
    2. Right-click on the Notepad icon and select Run as administrator.
    3. In Notepad, click File then Open. In the File name field, paste c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts .
    4. Scroll down to the end of the file and add your new entries:
    5. Save the changes by clicking File > Save .
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    Modify Hosts File in macOS #

    On macOS, the full path to the file is /etc/hosts . The instructions below are valid for all macOS versions.

      In your terminal window, open the hosts file using your favorite text editor:

    When prompted, enter your administrative password.

  • Scroll down to the end of the file and add your new entries:
  • Save the changes and flush the DNS cache:

    Conclusion #

    The hosts file allows you to set the IP address of a given domain name.

    Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions.


    How to add entry to /etc/hosts with a built-in command line

    There’s no such tool, but you could script it yourself. Also, what will happen if is already mapped to some hostname?

    sudo echo >> /etc/hosts should be enough for adding entries. Removing them would probably be a simple sed command, also run through sudo. Sanity-checking for duplicate host names with grep is also straightforward enough.

    You can add new entry to /etc/hosts with sed -i and $ a option, see

    3 Answers 3

    After seeking for CLI for /etc/hosts , we find :

    host-manager -add host-manager -remove 

    I tried to get the host-manager tool listed above to work but it looks like maybe it’s for Windows or macOS? It was trying to cross compile and didn’t look right for Ubuntu. I found this tool ‘Hostess’ though which works great and seems to do exactly what the OP was looking for:

    hostess add hostess add 

    Just to add to other suggestions — there’s one more option which exists in standard Ubuntu package repositories — hostsed (github page + docs here). As a result install is as easy as apt install hostsed .

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    Файл hosts на Linux

    В этой статье мы расскажем, что такое файл hosts Linux, как его использовать и как изменить файл hosts в Linux.

    Данные любого сайта находятся на физическом сервере. Чтобы браузер нашёл нужный сервер, он должен знать его IP-адрес. Узнать, какому IP соответствует домен, можно с помощью DNS-системы. DNS ― это своеобразная телефонная книга, где записаны абсолютно все домены и соответствующие им IP-адреса. До появления DNS использовался hosts. Hosts ― это текстовый файл, в котором находятся данные домена и его IP.

    С появлением DNS hosts поменял сферу применения. Настройки в файле для браузера более приоритетны. Поэтому, перед тем как обратиться к DNS, браузер проверяет настройки hosts. Если в файле нет никаких данных по нужному хосту (домену), браузер обращается к DNS-системе. Эту особенность можно использовать. С помощью файла hosts можно:

    1. Указать псевдоним для локальной сети.
    2. Запретить посещение какого-либо сайта. Такой метод часто применяется на рабочих компьютерах, чтобы сотрудники не отвлекались на развлекательные сайты. Также ограничения можно установить для детских устройств. Например, вы не хотите, чтобы ребёнок посещал сайт, впишите в hosts ― эта запись заставляет систему обращаться к собственному компьютеру.
    3. Просмотреть сайт до внесения его в DNS-систему. Если вы прописали DNS-серверы для домена, изменения вступят в силу в течение 24 часов. В некоторых случаях увидеть свой сайт нужно быстрее. Для этого вручную впишите свой домен и соответствующий ему IP. Тогда браузеру будет неважно, есть ли данные о этом сайте в единой системе.
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    Как добавить нужные данные, мы расскажем в инструкции ниже.

    Как отредактировать файл hosts в Linux

    В Linux файл hosts находится в папке /etc/hosts. Обратите внимание! Обычно для редактирования hosts нужен доступ суперпользователя.

    Чтобы отредактировать его:

    Как отредактировать файл hosts в Linux 1

    Hosts Linux настройка
    • — IP-адрес сервера или хостинга,
    • — имя домена.

    Как отредактировать файл hosts в Linux 2

    Ubuntu файл hosts

    Файл hosts редактируется одинаково во всех Unix-системах.

    Google Chrome может игнорировать файл hosts. Если вы хотите заблокировать какой-либо сайт в этом браузере, вводите http:// в начале каждого адреса. Например, вводите не, а http:/ При таких настройках Google Chrome не будет игнорировать hosts.

    Если вы не хотите разбираться, как работать с файлом hosts, но заблокировать нежелательные сайты нужно, воспользуйтесь приложением Linux Mint Domain Blocker. Оно самостоятельно добавит домены, которые нужно заблокировать, в файл hosts. Эта программа пользуется тем же способом, что и пользователь при ручной блокировке. Linux Mint Domain Blocker вместо правильного IP добавляет


    How to Edit Hosts File on Linux?

    A Hosts file is supported in Linux, Windows, and Mac; they are plain-text files that work to map hostnames to various IP addresses. It is great to edit the Hosts file when you run the test on the specific network. You can also use the mapping of an IP address to skip the process in which the web browser uses the DNS (Domain Name Server) lookup for translating a domain name to a particular IP address.

    When a user types a website’s domain name, the domain name needs to translate into a specific IP address. A Hosts file has a top priority over DNS since an operating system checks its Hosts file for a domain and in case there is no entry for that domain. It starts to query the configured DNS servers for resolving the particular domain name. It was the little information about the Hosts file, and we will consider every single aspect on how to edit Hosts files on Linux easily.

    Why Edit Hosts File?

    There are various reasons for editing hosts file in the Linux machine:

    • You can easily block a website.
    • You can handle an attack.
    • You can create an alias for different locations on a local server.
    • You can override addresses that a DNS server delivers.
    • You can easily control access to network traffic.

    How to Edit Hosts File on Linux?

    Open the terminal from applications > utilities > terminal feature, or you can use CTRL, ALT, and T as shortcut keys.

    After opening the terminal, open the Linux Hosts file in the system using the following command:

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    We have used Vim, but you can use different text editors like nano.

    Once you execute the command, the system will prompt you to enter the password to open the Hosts file.

    You can easily modify the Hosts file, so the file is formatted like the IP address is written first, and the server’s name is on second.

    You can add entries at the end of the Hosts file as per your requirements. In case you want to ignore any line or specify the system to not read the line, then you can put the “#” sign at the starting of that particular line. Finally, you can save the file before and make sure you save it before exiting.

    Block a Website

    If you want to block a particular website from redirecting it to the localhost’s IP address, change the Hosts file’s domain name. For example, we want to block, then we can write:

    In the above text, is the IP of the localhost, but if you want to make changes in the default route, then you can write:

    In the above text, IP is a default route from this particular Hosts file.

    At last, you can press CTRL and X keys simultaneously to save the file.

    Name Service Switch

    As mentioned, a Hosts file works to bypass a Domain Namer server lookup. Still, it has another file that has the information of the operating system about the order for finding the IP address translation.

    The nsswitch.conf is a file completely configured for finding the DNS, then skips the Hosts file and goes in the DNS lookup. You can use the below command line for configuration checking easily:

    xyz@xyz-virtualBox:~$ cat etc nsswttch.conf
    # /etc/nsswitch.conf
    # Example configuration of GNU Name Service Switch functionality.
    # If you have the ‘glibc-doc-reference’ and ‘info’ packages installed, try:
    # ‘info libc «Name Service Switch»‘ for information about this file.

    passwd: compat systemd
    group: compat systemd
    shadow: compat
    gshadow: files

    hosts: files mdns4_minimal [ NOTFOUND = return ] dns myhostname files
    networks: db files
    protocols: db files
    services: db files
    ethers: db files
    rpc: db files

    netgroup: nis
    xyz @ xyz-VirtualBox: ~$

    There is an entry called “Hosts,” ensuring that the files should be listed in the right-hand column in the above results. In case it is not listed like this, then open your file editor using the below command:

    This command will open the Vim text editor to make changes and set the files at the beginning for appropriate use.


    The Hosts files are beneficial to perform multiple tasks for domain names and IP addresses. It was the complete information on the Hosts file and how you can easily edit the Hosts file on Linux. This procedure is tried and tested on multiple Linux machines, but you have to carefully follow every step.

    About the author

    Simran Kaur

    Simran works as a technical writer. The graduate in MS Computer Science from the well known CS hub, aka Silicon Valley, is also an editor of the website. She enjoys writing about any tech topic, including programming, algorithms, cloud, data science, and AI. Travelling, sketching, and gardening are the hobbies that interest her.


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