Airport time capsule пропадает интернет

Time Capsule won’t connect to the internet

I had an Airport Extreme that I can configure no problem for it’s hook up to the internet using my provider’s cable modem. I got Time Capsule (1 TB) and configured it, except it won’t get an IP address and cannot connect to the web. I unhooked it, reinsalled my old Airport Extreme, and it works fine. I’ve reset and reconfiguered Time Capsule a number of time and with varing configurations. Alas, nothing works. At first, I thought it was the WAN port that was defective, so I exchanged it for another! Same problem!

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.10), 6GB RAM, ATI X1900, AJA Kona LHe, 1x500GB, 3x320GB RAID0

Posted on Mar 11, 2008 6:21 PM

Open your airport utility and go to manual mode, then click on the internet tab. If you are getting an ip of 169.254.x.x then the Time Capsule is working just fine. It sees that there is an Ethernet cable connected but it is not getting an ip address from the modem, and is assigning a self assigned ip address.

Its a problem with your Cable or DSL modem. Turn off both the modem and the Time Capsule. Wait for about 5 minutes then power on the modem and let it power on all the way. Then power on the Time Capsule wait up to 5 minutes for it to get a green light.

NOTE: This will happen if your modem is using DHCP to distribute IP address to connected devices. If you have to use a manual IP address then you need to get that information from your ISP.

Posted on Mar 12, 2008 7:32 AM

I have a similar problem with my TC. My guess is the problem lies in the DHCP code. My AE works just fine as well, no connectivity problems. Talked with Apple and though they did not have a fix or work around they did mention that other users are having similar issues. If that is any consolation.

As a first attempt — power down your cable modem for more than 30 seconds — unplug it if possible.

Plug your modem back in and after it is ready — power on the TC.

This worked for me. The problem is the cable modem does not recognize that a new device has been attached some times.

Alternatively, your cable provider is caching the MAC address of the AEBS.
In this case, you might need to power your modem down overnight or call your cable company and ask them to flush the caching entry.

Just downloaded the airport utility update & still no fix.

there are 5 macs in this house all connections to the internet is great but when trying to connect on my g4 desktop with airport it says that connection times out or invalid password when infact it is the correct password.

ive tried everything even resetting the nvram at boot.

ive tried manually inputting dhcp info still no connection.

ive erased keychains and network profiles. still nothing.

i can access the TC and share itunes libraries but just the internet wont connect on this one specific machine. !

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whats the answer to this glitch?

Message was edited by: sooperfresh

Open your airport utility and go to manual mode, then click on the internet tab. If you are getting an ip of 169.254.x.x then the Time Capsule is working just fine. It sees that there is an Ethernet cable connected but it is not getting an ip address from the modem, and is assigning a self assigned ip address.

Its a problem with your Cable or DSL modem. Turn off both the modem and the Time Capsule. Wait for about 5 minutes then power on the modem and let it power on all the way. Then power on the Time Capsule wait up to 5 minutes for it to get a green light.

NOTE: This will happen if your modem is using DHCP to distribute IP address to connected devices. If you have to use a manual IP address then you need to get that information from your ISP.

all other machines are able to connect wirelessly to the internet.

this particular one can mount TC and read the itunes library but just not the internet.

i know my airport card is working. but the communication with internet is being blocked somewhere.

all information is correctly inputed.

I unplugged my cable modem, removed the backup battery for 5 minutes. Turned it back on, and reconfigured my TC. All was fine after that. Funny because I did not have to do that with my Airport Extreme.

I’m » happy’ to know that I’m not the only one with this problem. My TC arrived one week ago, but there is still no Internet connection possible. Yesterdays update of Airport utility doesn’t make any difference.
My Linksys router doesn’t have any problem with the Internetconnection.

At this moment the only function of my TC is backing-up via Ethernetcable.

I’ll try the unplugging trick tomorrow. Other suggestions are welcome!

what is the real deal? what is really going on?
can my airport card be fried from all the wireless backing up? (134 gigs)

I was having the same problems listed here. I was trying to extend my Airport Extreme set up with a Time Capsule. I had actually got the time capsule going, but could not get the Airport Extreme to play nicely. I connected an ethernet cable and changed some setting, still no luck and then the Time Capsule would only connect via ethernet, ie unplug the cable. no internet connection. Now I’m not saying that everybody has had the same problems, this worked for me. you never know.

Go to Network in System Preferences and make sure that Airport is at the top of the list. It will try to connect to the top item first. My top item was Built in Ethernet. To change the setting click on the padlock, enter your code and then click on the cog and select Set Service Order. you can then drag and drop Airport to the top of the list.

I’m sorry if this is too simple for this discussion thread, I messed around for quite some time, in the end this worked for me. I hope it works for you too.


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Time Capsule 2Tb: нет WiFi-сети

Если вам «повезло» и вы прикупили Apple Time Capsule 2Tb (или 1Tb, но выпущенную в конце 2009 – начале 2010 года), то вы можете столкнуться с тем, что после первоначальной настройки, в процессе которой беспроводная сеть была доступна для вашего компьютера, сеть WiFi больше не видна.
Как удалось выяснить, такое случается как на Time Capsule, купленных в США, так и на европейских устройствах. На одном из дискуссионных форумов Apple мне удалось найти как многочисленные описания повторяющейся проблемы, так и «хитрое» решение для нее:
1. Отключаем от Time Capsule все Ethernet-кабели.
2. Жестко сбрасываем Time Capsule. Для этого отключаем ее от электрической сети, затем подключаем вновь, одновременно удерживая нажатой утопленную в корпусе кнопочку сброса (второе справа отверстие с той стороны устройства, куда подключаются кабели). Ждем до того момента, пока лампочка на передней панели не начнет перемигиваться желтым и зеленым цветом.
3. Дожидаемся того момента, когда сеть Apple Network XXXX (вместо Х будут цифры, соответствующие MAC-адресу вашего устройства) будет видна.
4. Устанавливаем Airport Utility версии 5.5 с диска, прилагавшегося к устройству. На данный момент скачать эту версию с сайта компании НЕВОЗМОЖНО.
5. Запускаем Airport Utility и ВРУЧНУЮ, используя только WiFi и не подключая ethernet-кабели настраиваем Time Capsule, указывая в данный момент каналы, на которых будет работать ваше устройство (в дальнейшем это может стать невозможным). В моем случае это стали 2-й и 36-й каналы.
6. Закончив настройку, нажимаем на кнопку «Перезагрузить» в Airport Utility. После перезагрузки все должно работать «как надо».
Остается только надеяться, что в будущей версии прошивки для данного устройства Apple решит возникшую проблему. На данный момент более свежей прошивки, чем та, с которой Time Capsule данной модели поставляется, к сожалению нет.

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Time Capsule and Slow Wifi

I recently connected my Time Capsule to my router with an ethernet cable. The wireless worked fine (if not better) for a few hours but now has ground to a halt. I want to use the TC as the router as I have heard it should function better than the one issued by my ISP. I also want this TC to connect to my Airport Express which I use to stream music and radio through my Stereo.

What is the best way to organise this setup??

Thanks in advance for input.

Posted on May 14, 2017 10:37 AM

I recently connected my Time Capsule to my router with an ethernet cable

Check to insure that the Ethernet cable connects from a LAN Ethernet port on the router to the WAN «O» port on the Time Capsule.

The wireless worked fine (if not better) for a few hours but now has ground to a halt.

Use AirPort Utility on your Mac to check basic settings on the Time Capsule to make sure that they are correct. We assume that you are using a Mac at the present time.

Power off the Time Capsule, wait a few seconds, then power it back up again

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Open AirPort Utility (Finder > Applications > Utilities > AirPort Utility)

Click on the picture of the Time Capsule

Click Edit in the smaller window that appears

Click the Internet tab and insure that the setting for Connect Using is set to DHCP

Click the Wireless tab at the top of the next window and insure that the Time Capsule has been set up to «Create a wireless network», that the name of the wireless network is correct, and that the wireless security has been set up WPA2 Personal. Also insure that there is not a check mark in the box next to Enable Guest Network.

Next, click the Network tab and insure that the Time Capsule setting for Router Mode is set to «Off (Bridge Mode)».

Click the Update tab at the lower right of the window to save any settings changes and the Time Capsule will restart in about a minute

I want to use the TC as the router as I have heard it should function better than the one issued by my ISP.

Unfortunately, you will not be able to use the Time Capsule as your network router. unless . your current router has a special capability that would allow it to be set up to operate as only a simple modem. Whether that is even possible. (often it is not with routers provided by most Internet Service Providers (ISP)). is open to question.

Another question would be whether your ISP will help you and offer support with the router configured to operate only as a simple modem.

If your existing router cannot be configured to act only as simple modem, you will have to run the Time Capsule in «Off (Bridge Mode)» as mentioned above. The Time Capsule will not be your router in this case, but it can be configured to act as a wireless access point and provide a wireless network signal for network devices.

If this is the case. (it likely will be). you should turn off the wireless function on your existing router, to reduce the chances of wireless interference that can be generated when two devices in close proximity are both providing wireless signals.

I also want this TC to connect to my Airport Express which I use to stream music and radio through my Stereo.

I would suggest that you keep the AirPort Express powered off for now, and concentrate first on getting the Time Capsule set up and operating correctly.

Then, we can look at setting up the AirPort Express to do what you want. We assume that you have the current version of the AirPort Express, correct?

When the time comes, we will need to know how you want the AirPort Express to connect to the Time Capsule. A permanent, wired Ethernet cable connection will produce by far the best results in terms of both performance and reliability.

A wireless connection can be used to connect to the Time Capsule though, if the AirPort Express will be located where it can receive a strong wireless signal from the Time Capsule. With wireless, you will tend to lose the connection from time to time. even with a good connection. a nature of the beast with wireless.


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