Aliens vs predator linux

Aliens vs predator linux

8 янв. 2014 в 12:38

I just wanted to provide some basic feedback on how AvP Classic runs on Ubuntu via Crossover 13 from Codeweavers. This post is for the ppl already using or interested in using Linux for gaming. At the same time, I’d also like to point out that while I’d prefer a native version of AvP Classic via the new and shiny Steam Linux client, it does run perfectly fine via Crossover. In fact, a lot of my games run just as fast or even faster in Crossover than the native Windows counterpart. Yeah, big surprise, I didn’t expect that either. Just like on Windows, most of the time you have to be sure certain things are configured correctly to achieve optimal results.


— Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS 64-bit
— All OS updates applied
— Toshiba Satellite L750-16W
— Nvidia 319 proprietary drivers installed by Ubuntu
— 80+ fps in all situations, maximum settings

— Installed Steam via the officially supported and preconfigured Steam «bottle» in Crossover.
— Downloaded and installed the game via Steam in the new Steam bottle.
— Done, no manual config needed. Launched the game afterwards.

— No issues whatsoever. Everything is working as expected.


— If you are going to use Ubuntu, I highly recommend you stick to the longterm and extremly stable LTS releases, because these are meant for mainstream adaptation. The other «stable» versions are meant for advanced users or for ppl that want to contribute to Ubuntu in some form.

— Please note: As of this writing, you will need to download and manually install the .bin version of Crossover 13 for Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS. The automated installation of the .deb version of Crossover 13 will not work on this version of the OS. See here for instructions on how to install the .bin version:

— Make sure you have all the important and recommended dependencies installed. After Crossover 13 is installed, you can check for missing dependencies by running the following command in a terminal: ~/cxoffice/bin/cxdiag

This will list any libraries that are missing that Crossover may need. You can then install them using the guides available here:

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— If you are installing a game via Steam: I recommend that you create and use a fresh Steam bottle per game. It’s better this way, as you can optimize a game to achieve optimal results, without messing up anything else in the same bottle. It’s an isolated environment.

— Don’t trust old or negative rankings of an application on the Codeweavers website. Try it out yourself first. I have been able to run stuff ranked as «not working» just fine. Just like on Windows, every system is different, resulting in different experiences.

— Before you buy: Try out the demo of Crossover with the application you intend to run. For more information and help visit:

Please note: You use this information at your own risk. I am posting this just to help out my fellow gamers here on Steam. I support, use and prefer the native Steam client and games in every way, but there are a few games that I wish to play on Ubuntu, which, unfortunately, aren’t available yet. Crossover is a nice work around for that kind of situation.

Thanks for reading, have fun and save the whales!


Aliens vs predator linux

Following installation guide is by no means perfect, I am unsatisfied with the some of its results. But as this is probably the only way which does not involve compiling the source code, end users would find this compelling. The guide involves extracting avp binary from AVP package of Tomasz Makarewicz (makson96).

Disclaimer: There is an open source tool, Recultis which downloads and installs Steam version of Aliens versus Predator Classic 2000 by entering Steam account info. As I only have GOG version of the game, I couldn’t test it; however it failed to download and install another Steam game that I own, Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. So, if you have the Steam version of AVP2000, give it a try.

GOG version installation:

  1. Create a game folder on your home directory. $ cd ~ && mkdir avp && cd ~/avp
  2. Download AVP2000 «classic installer» version to newly created ~/avp folder:

3) Install the latest version of innoextract :

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:arx/release $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install innoextract

4) Unpack the game with lowercase option:

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$ innoextract —exclude-temp —lowercase *.exe

5) Download and extract avp package of Recultis:

$ wget —no-check-certificate && dpkg -x avp_20170505-a1-ppa6_amd64.deb ~/avp

6) Copy avp binary to game’s directory:

7) You may launch the game with avp binary:

Steam version installation:

  1. Create a game folder on your home directory and install SteamCMD: $ cd ~ && mkdir avp && cd ~/avp && wget && tar xvf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz && ./ $ quit
  2. Install AVP2000: $ ./ +@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows +login +force_install_dir ~/avp/app +app_update 3730 validate +quit
  3. Make all of game’s subdirectories and files lowercase: $ cd ~/avp/app && find ./ | sort -r | sed ‘s/(./)(.)/mv «\1\2» «\1\L\2″/’ |sh
  4. Download and extract avp package of Recultis: $ cd ~/avp && wget —no-check-certificate && dpkg -x avp_20170505-a1-ppa6_amd64.deb ~/avp
  5. Copy avp binary to game’s directory: $ cp ~/avp/opt/avp/avp ~/avp/app
  6. You may launch the game with avp binary: $ ~/avp/app/avp —fullscreen
  • Main menu does not scale accordingly with native resolution.
  • In-game hud is bigger than it supposed to be.
  • Cinematics and in-game videos do not play, text messages provide messages.
  • Some setting can only be changed after the campaign is started.
  • Key bindings are ancient, better be rebound.
  • The game is too dark for my taste, change gamma to maximum after starting the game.
  • I didn’t try the multiplayer component.


Aliens vs Predator Classic Guide


Scale walls and attack your prey as an Alien.
Use stealth, blades and a shoulder cannon as Predator.
Fight with an arsenal of machine guns, grenade launchers, flame throwers and turrets to slaugher the rest.
Play a single-player campaign to go head-to-head in player vs player deathmatch in starships, space stations, colonial bases and alien planets.


Follow my step-by-step guide on installing, configuring and optimizing Aliens vs Predator in Linux with PlayOnLinux.

Note: This guide applies to the GOG version of Aliens vs Predator. Other versions may require additional steps.

To learn more about PlayOnLinux and Wine configuration, see the online manual: PlayOnLinux Explained

Mint 17 64-bit
PlayOnLinux: 4.2.9
Wine: 1.6.2


Click Tools
Select «Manage Wine Versions»

Look for the Wine Version: 1.6.2
Note: Try using stable Wine 1.8 and 1.8-staging


Select it
Click the arrow pointing to the right


Downloading Wine


Downloading Gecko



Wine 1.6.2 is installed and you can close this window


Launch PlayOnLinux
Click Install

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Click «Install a non-listed program»


Select «Install a program in a new virtual drive»
Click Next


Name your virtual drive: alienspredator
Click Next


Check all three options:

  • Use another version of Wine
  • Configure Wine
  • Install some libraries

Click Next


Select Wine: 1.6.2
Click Next


Select «32 bits windows installation»
Click Next


Applications Tab
Windows version: Windows 7
Click Apply


Graphics Tab
Check «Automatically capture the mouse in full-screen windows»
Check «Emulate a virtual desktop»
Desktop size: 1024×768
Click OK

PlayOnLinux Packages (DLL’s, Libraries, Components)


Check the following packages:

  • POL_Install_corefonts
  • POL_Install_d3dx9
  • POL_Install_gdiplus
  • POL_Install_tahoma

Click Next

Note: All packages will automatically download and install


Select «setup_avp_classic_2.1.0.25.exe»
Click Open


Check «Yes, I have read and accept EULA»
Click Options
Uncheck «Create desktop icons»
Click Install


The installation will halt at about 80%
You will see this pop-up error
Click OK


Killing AvP Installer
Alt+Tab back to PlayOnLinux
Click Configure


Wine Tab
Click «Kill processes»

PlayOnLinux Configure


General Tab
Wine version: 1.6.2

Note: Click the + to download other versions of Wine. Click the down-arrow to select other versions of Wine


Click «Make a new shortcut from this virtual drive»
Select «AvP_Classic.exe»
Click Next


Name your shortcut: Aliens vs Predator
Click Next


Select «I don’t want to make another shortcut»
Click Next


Display Tab
Video memory size: Enter the amount of memory your video card/chip uses

Launching Aliens vs Predator


Select «Aliens vs Predator»
Click Run

Note: Click debug to see bugs and errors


Click «Audio/Video Options»


Click «Video Card & Resolution»


Adjust resolution to match your Linux Desktop
Click «Use These Settings»

Note: The menu will not resize to match the new resolution, but the game will when the first level loads.


Detail Levels Menu



  • Number of Decals
  • Light Coronas
  • Decals on Characters
  • Deformable Explosions
  • Character Complexity
  • Complex Particle Effects

Click «Use These Settings»

Aliens vs Predator is a pretty old game and should run on any Desktop, Laptop and Netbook. I was able to run all the settings on high with my GeForce 550 Ti and my GeForce 7600 GT. I could never figure out why the installer freezes, but the game is installed and can run just fine.
There is a native installer available but requires Terminal and compiling. Using PlayOnLinux is an easy option in comparison.

Gameplay Video:




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