Amlogic aml8726 mx linux
Antonio Ospite, theorist attacks

Xin He from Amlogic informed me that the linux kernel source code for their AML8726-MX SoC has been released:

AML8726-MX (code named MESON6) is the base of a lot of Android tablets from Chinese system integrators/distributors, like the ones from Ainol for instance; I was even considering getting one of them myself and try to get Debian running on it, but I haven’t made up my mind yet.

A tarball is not the ideal medium to release kernel code, a public git repository would have been the best way to do it, but it is more than enough for Amlogic to comply to the GPL; the code seems to be based on the Android common kernel code in particular on the andoid-3.0 branch, with some other fixes from different linux-stable releases on top.

The complete archive from Amlogic is about 107 MiB, I took some time to isolate the Amlogic changes and here is a compressed patch (4 MiB, about 40 MiB uncompressed) if you want to take a look. The patch contains also code from other Amlogic platforms, it applies cleanly on top of the android-3.0 branch of the Android common Kernel code, and “almost cleanly” on top of the v3.0.31 branch of the linux-stable tree.

The released code is the one Amlogic uses on their own products and the one provided to system integrators using Amlogic products, however Amlogic confirmed that it is not unusual for system integrators to make changes to the code themselves, like adding new device drivers; so if you have a final product with AM8726-MX on board which is not directly from Amlogic you may still want to contact the manufacturer to get the source code correspondent to the GPL binaries shipped on the device.

This story made me think about companies basing their code on top of android kernels instead of mainline linux, is this something that other companies are doing as well?

Antonio Ospite, theorist attacks

Xin He from Amlogic informed me that the linux kernel source code for their AML8726-MX SoC has been released:

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AML8726-MX (code named MESON6) is the base of a lot of Android tablets from Chinese system integrators/distributors, like the ones from Ainol for instance; I was even considering getting one of them myself and try to get Debian running on it, but I haven’t made up my mind yet.

A tarball is not the ideal medium to release kernel code, a public git repository would have been the best way to do it, but it is more than enough for Amlogic to comply to the GPL; the code seems to be based on the Android common kernel code in particular on the andoid-3.0 branch, with some other fixes from different linux-stable releases on top.

The complete archive from Amlogic is about 107 MiB, I took some time to isolate the Amlogic changes and here is a compressed patch (4 MiB, about 40 MiB uncompressed) if you want to take a look. The patch contains also code from other Amlogic platforms, it applies cleanly on top of the android-3.0 branch of the Android common Kernel code, and “almost cleanly” on top of the v3.0.31 branch of the linux-stable tree.

The released code is the one Amlogic uses on their own products and the one provided to system integrators using Amlogic products, however Amlogic confirmed that it is not unusual for system integrators to make changes to the code themselves, like adding new device drivers; so if you have a final product with AM8726-MX on board which is not directly from Amlogic you may still want to contact the manufacturer to get the source code correspondent to the GPL binaries shipped on the device.

This story made me think about companies basing their code on top of android kernels instead of mainline linux, is this something that other companies are doing as well?


Debian Linux 7.6.0 LXDE for AML8726MX processor from Amlogic

Debian 7.6 includes 45 updates with removal of serious problems with the stability and 51 updated with the Elimination of vulnerabilities. Compared to the last release from the repositories removed 4 package: Debian (due to security issues), Firecookie (obsolete), whatsnewfm and freecode-submit (lost meaning after the closure of the service In the apache2 package adds support for ECC keys and ECDH ciphers. To fresh versions of the upgraded Tor bundles and Clamav.

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Debian Linux 7.6.0 LXDE для процессора AML8726MX от Amlogic

LXDE is not powerful and overloaded functions, and easy to use, fairly easy and not demanding system resources. The creators did not seek to closely integrate the various components of the, Vice versa, each of them can be used separately with multiple dependencies.

Debian Linux 7.6.0 LXDE для процессора AML8726MX от Amlogic

What is Debian?
The Debian project is an Association of people, common cause which is to create a free operating system. We have created an operating system called Debian.
An operating system is the set of basic programs and utilities, that make your computer run. The heart of the operating system is the kernel. The kernel does all the basic work and gives you the ability to run other programs.

Debian systems currently use Linux or FreeBSD kernel. Linux Linus Torvalds started to develop (Debian), and supported by thousands of programmers worldwide. FreeBSD is an operating system, includes the kernel and other.
A big part of basic tools, that fill the operating system, excerpted from (The GNU Project (Debian)); as the title say: Gnu/Linux, GNU/kFreeBSD and GNU/Hurd. These tools are also free.

Of course, in the first place, people want to have application software, ie. program, to help them do what, what they want: from editing documents to running a business, from games to write other software. Debian comes with over 37500 packages (precompiled software that is easy to install on your machine format) — and they are all free.

In some way, all this is reminiscent of the Tower. At the base of the Tower – kernel. On it all the basic tools. Next is all the software, that you use on your computer. At the very top of the tower is Debian — carefully organizing and sostykovyvaûŝij all in one piece so, to work together.


запус Linux на проце aml8726-m3 планшет 3Q LC0725B

Всем привет,,купил специально для опытов дешовый планшет. хочу установить Linux на него. нашел официальное wiki описание загрузки на китайском но вроде понятно что планшет ищет загрузчик на sd card с 32 сектора,, нашел флешку на 4 гига,, пришел дамой , запускаю fdisk пытаюсь разделить на нужные разделы флеху но не получается почему то начальный сектор у меня 2048. короч не могу выбрать 32 сектор так как от 2048 и более. помогите понять что за фигня. за ранее спасибо за ответы. и не ругайтесь если что не так написал)

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Может я чего не так понял, но, вроде как на разделы диск обычно разбивается по границам цилиндров. А загрузчик обычно маленький, его до первого раздела (цилиндра) засовывают. Или загрузчик сам себя записывает или есть команда dd.

Какие цилиндры на флеше, ты о чём?

Раздел и должен быть где-то оттуда, тебе загрузчик надо без всяких разделов положить на 32й и последующие сектора, используй dd.

Есть же прямые инструкции по разметке флеша для amlogic. Как запускать fdisk, чо нажимать по порядку.

да есть документация. все делаю так же как в доках. но вот сталкиваюсь с проблемой что у меня сектора начинаются при разбивки с 2048 и до конца .

Ты уверен, что именно те параметры используешь, которые нужно? Вообще телепаты в отпуске — давай сюда полные выкладки о том, как ты пытаешься на карту памяти записать загрузчик.

Фэйковые, впрочем как и на обычных НЖМД, где есть зонная запись и realloc, и C/H/S адрес сектора слабо связан с его физическим местоположением на блине. вот тут документация которую я нашел. поясните что нужно сделать ато я понять не могу. мне главное загрузчик записать,дальше с ядром сам разберусь

Я нихрена не понял иероглифы, на всякий случай скастую Quasar , он просил документацию, я не уверен, что он подписан на эту тему и получит уведомление без моего каста.

В тех скриншотах терминала, что по ссылке, раздел на /dev/sdb, который они, вроде как, мучают с помощью fdisk, начинается с цилидра 32. Почему я не знаю, может там что понаписано, откуда это 32 берётся, а может всегда так. В любом разе, они не пытаются создать не стандартные разделы. Создаются вполне обычные разделы, сначал fat, потом ext3. Причём не понятно, размер первого раздела чем определятся.

А вот потом идёт uboot и шаманизм с winhex. Наверно там всё самое интерестное и происходит.


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