Аналог guitar rig linux

Аналог guitar rig linux

Thank Dave and Mcgiver for the recommendation! I sure will be testing Tonelib.

but haven’t made the plunge to dedicating the Linux laptop to all my audio software. Mostly because my Linux experience tends to go along the following lines for EVERY step of EVERY change or improvement: 1) find simple package to install 2) do an internet search on how to install 3) get a bunch of inconsistent answers 4) realize each answer requires another package to install 5) see #1 6) repeat. Kidding/Not kidding

I’m on Manjaro (Arch-based). Since the Add/Remove software and Octopi have repositories of almost all available packages, steps 1 to 6 are not necessary.

All my guitar rig is from Audio Assault.
Very linux friendly
Check prices they changing every day

I’ve dabbled with using Reaper and ToneLib on the Linux laptop, but haven’t made the plunge to dedicating the Linux laptop to all my audio software. Mostly because my Linux experience tends to go along the following lines for EVERY step of EVERY change or improvement: 1) find simple package to install 2) do an internet search on how to install 3) get a bunch of inconsistent answers 4) realize each answer requires another package to install 5) see #1 6) repeat. Kidding/Not kidding

I think that`s a problem with Linux, or open source in general.

1. Everyone can grab some code, do his own stuff with it and release it. Often with weird dependencies or structures.
And if it does not work for you, well.. bad luck, no one cares. All you can do is find a way to get it working. Or grab the code and do your own thing with it 🙂

2. Linux is a mess. Hundreds of distributions, all with their own structures, packet managers, kernels, repos. Which developer can cover that all?

My experience with Linux so far is, that you often spend more time to get things to work, than actually doing productive work.

I think that`s a problem with Linux, or open source in general.

1. Everyone can grab some code, do his own stuff with it and release it. Often with weird dependencies or structures.
And if it does not work for you, well.. bad luck, no one cares. All you can do is find a way to get it working. Or grab the code and do your own thing with it 🙂

2. Linux is a mess. Hundreds of distributions, all with their own structures, packet managers, kernels, repos. Which developer can cover that all?

My experience with Linux so far is, that you often spend more time to get things to work, than actually doing productive work.

I think you be on the wrong forum to bash Linux. The proprietary OSs do not let you do anything as far customizing programs. For you, maybe you should stick to a one that is turn key proprietary — with the hood welded shut. I have never had a problem with Linux. you follow simple steps — know basic theory and you are captain of your ship!

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I have had many more lock ups and crashes and down right frustrating situations with the ‘other’ OSs. Linux (if you know a touch about what you are doing) is much more rack solid and stable) I even have my old PCs with Ardour etc. And they will fire up flawlessly. To each their own..

I really don’t think you are evaluating correctly. My experience is — I have never had a ‘crash’ and I spend much more time doing my work — it is the other way around.

You can not randomly take programs from situation/os and THINK that it will work. If you have trouble understanding why you have problems; people here can help. I would not suggest i3 for you. but a simple stable workhorse like mint. (downloading every new semi NEW alpha programs when they come along is not the way to go for most people) best of luck!

Best one in my opinion is Tone-Lib GFx, there’s an old version for free. They are now paid and they can go for $35 on offer.

Unfortunately seemingly not available for RasPi

I have had many more lock ups and crashes and down right frustrating situations with the ‘other’ OSs. Linux (if you know a touch about what you are doing) is much more rack solid and stable) I even have my old PCs with Ardour etc. And they will fire up flawlessly. To each their own..

I really don’t think you are evaluating correctly. My experience is — I have never had a ‘crash’ and I spend much more time doing my work — it is the other way around.

I am sorry! I did not want to bash Linux in any way. I am Linux only for more than two years now. And I will not go away from it.
To tell you the truth: I am using Arch Linux, and yes, I use the I3 window manager and I love it! I have set up all my config files from scratch and have built the system that I want and need.
I just wanted to share my experiences, especially when it comes to Reaper and plugins. I never had so many quirks and issues to get plugins work on Linux/Reaper than ever. Most of them are GUI related. I tried amsynth — no GUI, eq10q — no GUI, calf plugins -no GUI and other issues, guitarix — issues and no GUI on some plugins, and so on. These plugins are all in the official Arch repos.

What I wanted to say is, and I really think so: Linux is great, I will stick with it forever, but on the other side, because of the way Linux is built, it gives you quirks and issues and forces you to hack and look for workarounds, which is simply not needed in other OS`s. And you cannot deny that 🙂

Sorry again, if my other post came out as a bash, it was not. I hope I made my point clear now.

Guitar FXs built for Rasperry Pi :
There is also a soundcard from the same developpers/manufacturers :

I would also like to point to Guitarix. Lots of useful modules, good sound and free. GR6 works on WINE too btw.

All my guitar rig is from Audio Assault.
Very linux friendly
Check prices they changing every day

Besides the cool stand alone part of Guitarix, the LV2 plugins are pretty slick too. I like to use the «Redeye Vibro Chump» plugin (a vintage Fender Vibro Champ simulation) on guitar that was already recorded through a real amp so I can tone shape it some more after the fact.

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I have Native Instruments, Guitar Rig 5&6 installed in wine (from winehq — V 7.x) although I am still playing with the rest of Native Instruments Komplete atm and have not tried them out.

I use yabridge to load them into Reaper.

I have found that Guitar Rig 5 does not work as either a plugin or standalone. Guitar Rig 6 works as both plugin and standalone, but I have not managed to get audio working in the standalone apps either in Pulse Audio or jack.

I have tried several presets with a slow jazz ballad played via a Kontakt guitar (not the most appropriate source!) and the presets appear fine.

Last edited by royleith; 02-21-2022 at 01:17 AM . Reason: Further testing showed problems with NI Guitar Rig5

I am sorry! I did not want to bash Linux in any way. I am Linux only for more than two years now. And I will not go away from it.
To tell you the truth: I am using Arch Linux, and yes, I use the I3 window manager and I love it! I have set up all my config files from scratch and have built the system that I want and need.
I just wanted to share my experiences, especially when it comes to Reaper and plugins. I never had so many quirks and issues to get plugins work on Linux/Reaper than ever. Most of them are GUI related. I tried amsynth — no GUI, eq10q — no GUI, calf plugins -no GUI and other issues, guitarix — issues and no GUI on some plugins, and so on. These plugins are all in the official Arch repos.

What I wanted to say is, and I really think so: Linux is great, I will stick with it forever, but on the other side, because of the way Linux is built, it gives you quirks and issues and forces you to hack and look for workarounds, which is simply not needed in other OS`s. And you cannot deny that 🙂

Sorry again, if my other post came out as a bash, it was not. I hope I made my point clear now.

Most of the problems that you are mentioning are LV2 GTK2 issues. It is not good practice to code plugins with GTK, but that was done a lot in earlier days. Reaper�s LV2 wrapper capabilities don�t handle it. If you want these plugins to work, you need to get the plugin developers to change their plugin code to be more compatible, or try using Ardour. Ardour has worked around the issue, and most of these plugins will work properly in Ardour. Otherwise, you just don�t use those plugins.

I use a Lenovo laptop with a high resolution 4k screen. Most Linux apps are too tiny�they don�t support scaling. I�m putting my own list together of �Modern� plugins that don�t have these GUI issues, and that scale properly. So far, the list is quite limited. There�s something like 70,000 open source packages available out there. Unfortunately, only a small handful of these apps currently support modern libraries-many repos contain software that is 10+ years old. Only the newest plugins coming out use what are now considered best practices for avoiding these issues. It�s not much better in the Windows world. The vast majority of the 18,000+ audio plugins, hosts and tools will give you GUI issues on 4k screens.

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So, in short, it is what it is. I�d be happy to share my list of what apps I�ve got so far that have GUIs that show up properly in Reaper. My list will be more picky though, because I leave a lot of perfectly good plugins off the list because they don�t yet scale up to be usable in 4k screens.


Guitar Rig

Логотип Guitar Rig

Guitar Rig is a guitar multi-effects processor software developed by Native Instruments. It is sold either with a pedalboard hardware controller called Rig Kontrol, or the software only. This software can be.


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Этот список содержит 9 альтернатив приложению Guitar Rig, для таких платформ как: Windows, Linux, macOS, Jack Audio Connection Kit, Онлайн Сервис, iPhone, iPad и многих других. Список альтернатив можно фильтровать по типу лицензии, платформе и тегам. Поддерживается сортировка по количеству пользователей которые уже используют альтернативу, или дате добавления приложения.

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