Android and arduino wifi

ESP8266 WiFi Android Controller

Самое первое что нам нужно сделать это установить в Arduino IDE две библиотеки:

На видео я показал где это можно сделать. После того как это сделано убедитесь что у вас также установлена поддержка плат ESP8266 и выбрана в разделе “Инструменты – Платы“. Если все выбрано то подключаем к ПК микроконтроллер ESP8266 и выбираем в “Инструменты – Порт” порт к которому подключен ESP8266.

Шаг 2 (копируем скетч в Arduino IDE):

#include ESP8266WiFi.h> #include OneWire.h> #include DallasTemperature.h> bool led1IsOn = false; bool led2IsOn = false; bool led3IsOn = false; const int LED_0 = 16; const int LED_1 = 5; const int LED_2 = 2; const int oneWireBus = 4; const char* ssid = ""; const char* password = ""; float temperatureC = 0.0f; // Create an instance of the server // specify the port to listen on as an argument WiFiServer server(80); OneWire oneWire(oneWireBus); DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire); void setup()  Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(LED_0, OUTPUT); pinMode(LED_1, OUTPUT); pinMode(LED_2, OUTPUT); delay(1000); digitalWrite(LED_0, HIGH); digitalWrite(LED_1, HIGH); digitalWrite(LED_2, HIGH); delay(1000); digitalWrite(LED_0, LOW); digitalWrite(LED_1, LOW); digitalWrite(LED_2, LOW); delay(10); sensors.begin(); // Connect to WiFi network Serial.println(); Serial.println(); Serial.print("Connecting to "); Serial.println(ssid); WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.begin(ssid, password); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)  delay(500); Serial.print("."); > Serial.println(""); Serial.println("WiFi connected"); // Start the server server.begin(); Serial.println("Server started"); // Print the IP address Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); > void loop()  // Check if a client has connected sensors.requestTemperatures(); WiFiClient client = server.available(); if (!client)  return; > // Wait until the client sends some data Serial.println("new client"); while(!client.available()) delay(1); > // Read the first line of the request String req = client.readStringUntil('\r'); Serial.println(req); // Match the request controller(req, client); client.flush(); // Prepare the response String s = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n"; s += temperatureC; // Send the response to the client client.print(s); delay(1); Serial.println("Client disonnected"); // The client will actually be disconnected // when the function returns and 'client' object is detroyed > void controller(String req, WiFiClient client) if (req.indexOf("/temperature") != -1) temperatureC = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0); Serial.println("Showing temperature"); > else if(req.indexOf("/led1") != -1) setLedState(LED_0, led1IsOn); led1IsOn = !led1IsOn; > else if(req.indexOf("/led2") != -1) setLedState(LED_1, led2IsOn); led2IsOn = !led2IsOn; > else if(req.indexOf("/led3") != -1) setLedState(LED_2, led3IsOn); led3IsOn = !led3IsOn; > else  Serial.println("invalid request"); client.stop(); return; > > void setLedState(int led, bool state) if(!state) digitalWrite(led, HIGH); > else  digitalWrite(led, LOW);> > 


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Android wifi is a demo aplication that shows you how to connect and send messages to Arduino via wifi communication , the demo android app is also provided in google play under the link . the communication system based on sever/client communication , in which android app act like client and the arduino program as server.

in the android side the steps to communicate to arduino is very easy , the socket client is used for that , the socket client needs two parameters to find the tareget wifi module the first parameter is the wifi module IP address , and the seconde parameter is the port number , well the first thing you need to do is to open a socket connection , the server side (arduino with wifi module) has to be launched first and then the client (android device) will reach the server by the ip address and port number , you should be aware of where you instanciate the socket because it has to be instanciated in diffrent thread then the UI thread , if you do it in UI thread the app will crash , here sample how to open socket connection inside asyncTask:

class OpenConnection(private val ipAddress: String, private val portNumber: Int) : AsyncTask() < override fun doInBackground(vararg voids: Void): Void? < try < MyData.socket = Socket(ipAddress, portNumber) System.out.println("connection opened") >catch (e: IOException) < e.printStackTrace() >return null > > 

and to send messages to server , you will need printWriter object to write in socket ibject that you already created and the socket will do the rest , here how you can do it :

class SendMessages(msg: String) : AsyncTask()

internal var msg = "" init < this.msg = msg >override fun doInBackground(vararg voids: Void): Void? < try < val out = PrintWriter(BufferedWriter(OutputStreamWriter(MyData.socket .getOutputStream())), true) out.println(msg) println("message send") >catch (e: IOException) < e.printStackTrace() >return null > 

and to recieve messages from server , all you need to do is create an instance of bufferReader and pass the socket to it as parameter , and of course you need to do that inside loop with time out as optional , so whenever the server send message the socket object will receive it and bufferdReader will read the message from socket and you write it to the UI thread , here is the code (I used anko library in this code):

to close the connection that what you do : socket.close() method :

class CLoseConnection : AsyncTask()

override fun doInBackground(vararg params: Void?): Void? < try < MyData.socket?.close() System.out.println("connection closed") >catch (e: IOException) < e.printStackTrace() >return null > 

Server Side (Arduino with wifi module)

in the server side I use arduino with wifi module(ESP8266) , well the first thing you need to consider is how to communicate arduino with the module , the communication will be done by the serial communication(Rx/Tx) , arduino board contains UART(Universal Asynchronious Receiver Transmmiter) , and the number of UART that arduino board contain is depend on the type of arduino like arduino uno has only one UART , so we are going to use the library of the serialSoftwar in arduino and by this library we can write and read to serial buffer (Rx/Tx) , after that we attach the Rx and Tx pin to Tx and Rx pin of the ESP8266 , this is how to communicate arduino with ESP8266 :

Communicate arduino with esp module

#include SoftwareSerial ESP8266(2,3); //(Rx/Tx) that means you have to attach pin 2 with esp Tx and pin 3 with esp Rx 

ESP configuration and setup with AT commands

after the communication is established you now need to configure ESP as you need it to work , and that will be done by the ATcommand , in arduino IDE we will type the ATcommand and write it to the serialSoftware :

void sendESP8266Cmdln(String cmd, int waitTime) < ESP8266.println(cmd); delay(waitTime); clearESP8266SerialBuffer(); >void setup() < Serial.begin(9600); ESP8266.begin(115200); // change this value to your wifi module (esp8266) baud rate do< ESP8266.println("AT"); delay(1000); if(ESP8266.find((char*)"OK")) < Serial.println("Module is ready"); delay(1000); clearESP8266SerialBuffer(); //configure ESP as station sendESP8266Cmdln("AT+CWMODE=1",1000); //Join Wifi network sendESP8266Cmdln("AT+CWJAP="+ssid+","+pass,6500); //Get and display my IP sendESP8266Cmdln("AT+CIFSR", 1000); //Set multi connections sendESP8266Cmdln("AT+CIPMUX=1", 1000); //Setup web server on port 80 sendESP8266Cmdln("AT+CIPSERVER=1,3333",1000); Serial.println("Server setup finish"); FAIL_8266 = false; >else < Serial.println("Module have no response."); delay(500); FAIL_8266 = true; >>while(FAIL_8266); ESP8266.setTimeout(100); > 

Receive messages from client

after the configuration and setup of the ESP now you are ready to send and recieve data from client : to recieve data from client is very easy step , first you need to prepare the server and that will be done in the setup part , after that you write this code inside the loop method :

to send data to client , well in this case to establish the client you need communication id , so if there are for exemple 5 client , so you need 5 communication id to send to each client , and in the case there is only one client you can use 0 as the value of the communication id :

connectionId = 0 ; void sendStringResponse(int connectionId, String content) < sendCIPData(connectionId,content); >void loop() < if ( Serial.available() )< String s = Serial.readString(); sendStringResponse(connectionId , s + "\r\n"); >> 


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Demo of a clear and simple way to interface Android and Arduino over a WiFi connection



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Demo of a clear and robust way of creating a serial communication link between an Arduino and an Android device using WiFi.

  • WiFi server using the WiFly Shield and associated library on Arduino
  • WiFi client socket implemented using AsyncTask in Android
  • UI for connecting, disconnecting, reading, and writing
  • Exception handling and error management to prevent crashes
  • Parsing of complete newline-delimited messages from the stream
  • Timeout detection using a ping system
  • Lots of comments


  • Android device with WiFi enabled
  • Arduino with a WiFly shield
  • Android Studio and an Arduino IDE
  • A WiFi network to connect to and a not-blocked port
  • Arduino — set your WiFi network name and password in Credentials.h .
  • Arduino — set your desired port number in wifi_demo.ino .
  • Flash the Arduino, then turn it on and open the serial monitor at 115200bps.
  • Wait for the WiFly to get an IP address.
  • Open the Android app, enter the address and port, and hit connect.
  • You should now be able to send messages and have them echoed back.
  • You can also type messages into the Aruino serial monitor to send them to the Android device (select newline endings).

Important files:

  • WiFly takes a long time (~20s) to connect to a network on startup (watch the LEDs).
  • After disconnecting from a client, the WiFly takes about 6 seconds before it can connect to another client (again, watch the LEDs).
  • I had an issue with a version of the WiFly library where it would not initialize until it heard a *READY* message from the chip, which never came. If you get stuck at WiFly.begin(), look into this.


Demo of a clear and simple way to interface Android and Arduino over a WiFi connection


Читайте также:  Чтобы посмотреть доступные сети включите wifi
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