Android bluetooth media streaming

Bluetooth audio streaming between android devices

I made a research on the same topic and found that android devices are a2dp sources and the audio can be streamed only from an a2dp source to an a2dp sink. A2dp sink can be a bluetooth headset or a bluetooth speaker. But my question is then how the android app named «Bluetooth Music Player» works? It allows streaming from one mobile to another. So in this case the listening mobile device must act as a sink. How this is possible? Are they using some other profile instead of a2dp? Ok, that may be a different profile what they are using. Because the application needs to be installed in the client side also. But how it becomes possible to stream voice from a bluetooth microphone to an android device? Please help.

I did not understand what you need to know: sending audio from one Android to another, or sending audio from a standalone Bluetooth microphone to an Android?

Hello Sir, I need your help to steaming audio from one device to another device. Can you please give me any example code for this ? I have asked question :…

1 Answer 1

Without knowing details about the mentioned Bluetooth Music Player, it seems to use simple Bluetooth data connection, otherwise you would not need to install a client on playing/sending device.

To stream audio from microphone to another device, you can record it on your sending device and send it to the receiving device. You will need to implement a protocol for that purpose.
You can implement an alternative A2DP sink service. This is, what the sink is: a device with a Bluetooth Protocol Stack with an implementation of A2DP Sink.

For the case you detailed by your comments, the sending device should be left as-is, without installing any app. That implicitly means that your solution must make use of out-of-the-box Bluetooth functionality of that Android device.
What you can use here is therefor limited to those profiles that Android typically support, which is HSP, HFP and A2DP. Since you obviously want to stream music, A2DP would be your choice.
On the device supposed to receive the audio stream and do the playback, you have to implement a service providing the A2DP sink as an self implemented BluetoothService opening a BluetoothServerSocket on RFCOMM as described in Android documentation.

You will have to spend much effort implementing this, and I am not sure if you will need a license for this.

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Media files streaming on Android via Bluetooth

We have prepared this article to tell our readers about the possibility of streaming via Bluetooth between devices. We will show how to broadcast multimedia files, as well as explain why you will not be able to stream video via Bluetooth on Android.

Video streaming

Let us start with the theory. If we want to broadcast via Bluetooth, it is necessary to understand that our bitrate of playable files should not exceed the bandwidth the wireless module.

The advantage of Bluetooth is not its high bandwidth, but the low power consumption and ease of use. On some devices, the speed of Bluetooth cannot exceed 1 Mb/s, which is not sufficient for the playback of the video with the normal quality.

Only starting with version 3.0, the highest speed of Bluetooth is 24 Mbit/s. Apparently, because of the limited number of users, this method has not found popularity in the development of programs with such a functionality. Therefore, more technologies have been invented, and they were implemented with Wi-Fi (Miracast and Chromecast). Here, the bandwidth can reach an average of 50 – 150 Mbit s, which will play even videos with a resolution of 4K.

Music streaming

As for audio, the speed of Bluetooth is enough. Therefore, we will show a few ways to broadcast audio files.

Between two smartphones

So in order to perform music streaming to other Android via Bluetooth, you will need to use third-party program that was specifically designed for this goal. It is called Bluetooth Music Player. It is completely free and available in the Google Play .

  1. Activate the wireless module on two smartphones.
  2. Run the downloaded player on both devices.
  1. Select «Menu» at the top left of the screen.
  2. Click «Player mode».
  3. Choose «shareMUSIC».
  4. After that, in the «Menu», open the «Music Library», to open the list of songs.
  5. Click the title of the audio file to start playing.
  1. In the main window of the player, click «Menu».
  2. Choose «Player mode».
  3. Activate the «listenMUSIC» mode.
  4. In the list of devices, select the name of the server phone.
  5. This will open a window with information about the currently playing track. Press «mute» to start playing the track on your device.

From the phone on the PC

Audio Streaming from Android on the PC via Bluetooth is implemented by the standard method on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 (except Windows 10 c update for September 2015). In addition, there are third-party programs that work through BT and Wi-Fi.

  1. Activate the wireless module on the phone and on your PC.
  2. On the PC, open the «Control Panel».
  3. Select the category «Hardware and Sound».
  4. Next, click «Devices and Printers».
  5. Click «Add a device» and wait for the name of your smartphone in the found devices.
  6. Select the name of your smartphone and click «Next» to add it and pair it.
  7. Then, in the list of the devices, click twice the name of your smartphone.
  8. In the new window, click «Connect» in front of the «To use PC’s speakers to listen to stereo …».
  9. Your phone will see the PC as an ordinary headset, and when playing music through a standard player, the sound will be played on the computer.
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From the PC to the phone

Audio streaming from PC to Android via Bluetooth is not supported by standard methods by Microsoft. We did not find any program that could play an audio stream from your PC on your phone via Bluetooth. On the other hand, there are alternatives that work via Wi-Fi.

Media files streaming on Android via Bluetooth: Video

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Потоковое воспроизведение медиафайлов на Android через Bluetooth

Потоковое видео через Bluetooth на Android

Данную статью мы подготовили, чтобы рассказать нашим читателям про возможности потокового вещания через Bluetooth между устройствами. Покажем, как можно транслировать мультимедийные файлы таким образом, а также объясним, почему не получится выполнить потоковое вещание видео через Bluetooth на Android.

Трансляция видео

Начнем с теории. Если нам нужно вещать через Bluetooth, нужно понимать, что для того, чтобы все получилось, наш битрейт воспроизводимых файлов не должен превышать пропускной способности беспроводного модуля.

Сильной стороной Bluetooth является не большая пропускная способность, а малое энергопотребление и удобство в использовании. На некоторых устройствах скорость Bluetooth может не превышать 1 Мбит/с, чего недостаточно для проигрывания видео нормального качества.

Только начиная с версии 3.0, наивысшая скорость Bluetooth равна 24 Мбит/с. Видимо, из-за ограниченного количества пользователей данный метод не нашел популярности в разработке программ с таким функционалом, поэтому были изобретены более подходящие технологии и реализованы с Wi-Fi: такие, как Miracast и Chromecast. Здесь пропускная способность может достигать в среднем 50 – 150 Мбит/с, что позволит воспроизводить даже самые тяжелые видео с разрешением в 4К.

Трансляция музыки

Что касается аудиофайлов, то скорости синезуба вполне хватает. Поэтому мы покажем несколько способов трансляции аудиофайлов.

Между двумя смартфонами

Итак, чтобы выполнить потоковую трансляцию музыки на другой Android по Bluetooth, нужно воспользоваться сторонней программой, которую специально разработали для поставленной цели. Называется она Bluetooth Music Player. Программа бесплатна и доступна в Google Play.


Streaming media to Android via Bluetooth

Video broadcast

We have prepared this article to tell our readers about the possibilities of streaming via Bluetooth between devices. We’ll show you how you can stream media files this way, and also explain why you can’t stream video from Bluetooth to Android.

Video broadcast

Let’s start with theory. If we need to broadcast through Bluetooth, we need to understand that in order for everything to work out, our bitrate of the files being played must not exceed the bandwidth of the wireless module.

The strong point Bluetooth is not a large bandwidth, but low power consumption and ease of use. On some devices, the speed of the bluetooth may not exceed 1 Mbps, which is not enough to play video of normal quality.

Only starting from version 3.0, the highest speed Bluetooth is 24 Mbps. Apparently, due to the limited number of users, this method did not find popularity in the development of programs with such functionality, so more suitable technologies were invented and implemented with Wi-Fi: such as Miracast and Chromecast. Here, the throughput can reach an average of 50 – 150 Mbps, which will allow you to play even the heaviest videos with 4K resolution.

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Music broadcast

As for the audio files, the speed of the blue tooth is quite enough. Therefore, we will show several ways to stream audio files.

Between two smartphones

So, to stream music to another Android by Bluetooth, you need to use a third-party program that was specially developed for this purpose. It is called Bluetooth Music Player. It is completely free and available on Google Play.

Bluetooth music player

  1. Activate the wireless module on two smartphones.
  2. Launch the downloaded player on both devices.
  1. Select the ‘Menu’ button at the top left of the screen. Menu
  2. Click on ‘Player mode ‘. Player mode
  3. Select the ‘shareMUSIC ‘ line. shareMUSIC
  4. After in the ‘Menu’ item, open the ‘Music library ‘ to open a list with songs. Music Library
  5. Click on the name of the audio file to start playing it. Music selection
  1. As with the first device, while in the main window of the player, select the ‘Menu’ button. Menu
  2. Select ‘Player mode’. Player mode
  3. Activate ‘listenMUSIC ‘ mode. listenMUSIC
  4. Select the server phone name from the device list. Select device
  5. A window with information about the track being played will open. Click on ‘mute ‘ to start playing the track on this unit. mute

Phone to PC

Streaming audio from Android to PC to Bluetooth is implemented using the standard method on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, (except for Windows 10 with September update 2015). There are also many alternatives in the form of third-party programs that work over BT and Wi-Fi.

  1. Activate the wireless module on your phone and PC.
  2. Open ‘Control Panel’ on your PC.
  3. Select the Hardware and Sound category.
  4. Then tap on ‘Devices and Printers’.
  5. Click on the ‘Add device’ button and wait for the name of your smartphone to appear in the window of found devices. Add device
  6. Highlight the name of your smartphone and click Next to add and pair with it. Further
  7. Then double-click on the name of your smartphone in the list of your devices. Smartphone properties
  8. In the new window, click ‘Connect’ next to the ‘Use PC speakers as stereo …’. To plug
  9. Your phone will see the PC as a normal headset, and when you play music through a standard player, the sound will be played on the PC.

PC to phone

Streaming audio from PC to Android to Bluetooth is not supported by standard methods on any system from Microsoft, and we did not find any program on the network that could to play the audio stream from the PC through the bluetooth on the phone. But there are alternatives that work over Wi-Fi.

Play music via Bluetooth to Android: Video

Streaming video via Bluetooth to Android: Video


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