Android boot img linux

How to extract boot.img?

I am trying to see the content in a boot.img file from an Android image. I googled and found this article to extract system.img , but it doesn’t work for boot.img . When trying to do this for boot.img , it is showing the following:

Invalid sparse file format at header magi Failed to read sparse file 
  1. If so, Is there any other method to extract boot.img ?
  2. If not, what is the problem for not extracting boot.img ?

4 Answers 4

boot.img is a small(ish) file that contain two main parts.

Unpack boot.img :

It contains the following steps:

tar xvzf android_bootimg_tools.tar.gz 

We can extract the ramdisk also, using the following command

gunzip -c boot.img-ramdisk.gz | cpio -i 

After changing the files, we can again pack those files as boot.img using mkbootimg

Getting the same error for step 3 on Mint 17 here. Tried running them by sudo and after chmod 755 to no avail.

Fix for: «unpackbootimg command not found», you are running 32bit binary on a 64 bit machine without 32bit dependencies. Install them with «apt-get install gcc-multilib»

Install abootimg (available as a package, for example in Debian/Ubuntu and openSUSE).

To extract (boot|recovery).img :

$ abootimg -x (boot|recovery).img $ ls boot.img bootimg.cfg initrd.img zImage 

To repack (boot|recovery).img after modifying one of bootimg.cfg , zImage or initrd.img :

abootimg --create (boot|recovery).img -f bootimg.cfg -k zImage -r initrd.img 

This project is not maintained and did not work with my boot.img file, however the answer from @cfig worked.

boot.img is not a compressed filesystem image like system.img . It is read by the bootloader, and contains little more than a kernel image and a ramdisk image.

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Some binary distribution ship the kernel and ramdisk images separately. In that case you don’t need to do anything with boot.img , just regenerate a new one with mkbootimg .

If you need to extract information from a boot.img , try split_bootimg (by William Enck, via the Android wiki).

You can use the following tool to extract and re-pack Android boot image

$ git clone 

copy your boot.img to the cloned git repository. Run:

First time run will need to download necessary libs from internet, be patient. You can get the contents at «build/unzip_boot/», like this:

build/unzip_boot/ ├── bootimg.json (boot image info) ├── kernel ├── second (2nd bootloader, if exists) ├── boot.img.avb.json (AVB only) └── root 


How to mount AOSP .img files?

I generate *.img by building AOSP. Like ramdisk.img,boot.img etc. I want to mount this file. I’m using Ubuntu.

2 Answers 2

You cannot mount boot.img file. However you can unpack it’s ramdisk.

The boot.img file contains:

There is an excellent open source project: mkbootimg_tools at GitHub. You can use it to split the boot.img file and unpack the ramdisk.

mkbootimg_tools/mkboot boot.img boot_unpacked 

To unpack system.img you first need to understand what kind of partition is it: run: file system.img

If you get ‘Android sparse image’, then you have a sparse image, meaning you need to un-sparse it before mounting: simg2img system.img system_raw.img

Then you can mount system_raw.img simply by running: sudo mount system_raw.img /mnt/android_sys

Some Android images are compressed by default for some builds. This is the case for example of the HiKey960 build with lunch hikey960-eng , but not for emulator builds e.g. with lunch aosp_x86_64-eng .

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You must first use simg2img to decompress them:

simg2img system.img out.img sudo losetup --show -f -P out.img sudo mount /dev/loop0 /mnt/loop0 

simg2img lives under ./out/host/linux-x86/bin/simg2img , and gets added automatically to PATH by lunch .

Note however that this is not the case for all the images, e.g. boot.img .

If you skip simg2img , you get the error:

NTFS signature is missing. Failed to mount '/dev/loop3': Invalid argument The device '/dev/loop3' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS. Maybe the wrong device is used? Or the whole disk instead of a partition (e.g. /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1)? Or the other way around? 

It appears that the compressed format is something that fastboot can understand.

Tested in Ubuntu 16.04 host, at branch repo init -b android-8.1.0_r1 .


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