Android tab 10 wifi

Help Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Wifi Connection Issues

HI there, I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 WiFi version which is having connectivity issues, I have read online that there are many with the same problem but havent been able to find a solution.

When you connect to the WiFi the connection works but for some reason after a few days it stops working.

The tab shows that you are connected and I get full bars but you just can’t connect.

I have tried Samsung online support and they dont want to know about it because I am in Australia, they ask me to call Australian support.

I call Samsung Australia and they don’t know how to fix the problem.

Note that I have done a hard reset in the past and it has fixed the problem but it just comes back after a few days.


Android Enthusiast

Try rebooting your modem.
Mine and my wife TABs play up with WiFi and do kind of reboot, and i noticed that it was
only happening at home while on our WiFi and not anywhere else, once we reboot the modem they come all good.
Worth a go!!


Well-Known Member

I have exactly the same issue, and only with my home WiFi. All connections away from home work first time.
Having to reboot the rooter and/or the Tab is, honestly, a pain in the @rse!
Let’s hope this is fixed when the ICS upgrade comes out.


Android Enthusiast

I have exactly the same issue, and only with my home WiFi. All connections away from home work first time.
Having to reboot the rooter and/or the Tab is, honestly, a pain in the @rse!
Let’s hope this is fixed when the ICS upgrade comes out.



as mentioned in the post — Factory Reset


Well-Known Member

as mentioned in the post — Factory Reset



My problem is usually anywhere BUT home! WHat is a problem for me is — finding an option for entering username and password info that is often required by wifi networks!
he tab shows it’s connected (NOT!), but won’t go anywhere — and I KNOW it’s because I need to enter that info — — but it usually does not give me an option to do so!! EVEN whn I tell it to «Forget» that wifi connection


Android Enthusiast

I have exactly the same issue, and only with my home WiFi. All connections away from home work first time.
Having to reboot the rooter and/or the Tab is, honestly, a pain in the @rse!
Let’s hope this is fixed when the ICS upgrade comes out.

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If it’s only with that one connection, the problem probably isn’t the Tab, and probably won’t be fixed with any upgrade to the Tab.



Deleted User




Belkin and D-Link routers are garbage. I recommend Netgear or ASUS. Linksys isn’t bad either all though they’ve gone downhill.



Hi All;
I have a high end Linksys Router and have the same issue. In my case, if I power cycle the Tab’s WiFi, it always reconnects. I am a fan of Android and for the most part this is a solid product but Samsung gets low marks for support. I would have bought a IPAD 2 except that I need Flash. If there are SAMSUNG folks watching these post, please do not ignore these messages.



You have to narrow it down and isolate the issue one by one. First things first is, make sure that you have this problem on all wifi connection. If it is only at your home, it’s probably and issue with your wireless router or your ISP.

I also have this issue but I find the router as the culprit. Every time I go to e wifi freezone, even if I have only 1 bar, the connection is stable but when I am at home, it turns on and off, I replaced my router and that’s it.



I have a Cradlepoint router with a Verizon broadband card. Been using the same combo for years. In all that time I’ve never had the router be the cause of losing connectivity. I can see in the router software when Verizon stops working, & it’s always the data card. I reconnect with the data card & off I go. Not complaining about Verizon because sometimes days go by that I don’t have to reset, but if I have a problem, it’s never the router.

Also, to the person who doesn’t get the dialog to enter a password — if you are connecting to a router that does MAC filtering but doesn’t have a password, I don’t think you will get an error message or option to enter a password. When I first got my Wifi Tab I forgot to add the MAC to the router, and that’s exactly what happened. Added the MAC & I’ve been good to go ever since.


Well-Known Member

My wife and I both have the 10.1 WIFI only tabs.
My router is a Linksys wired model that I bought in 2007.
I installed an Apple Airport Express for wireless access for the tablets (the only
wireless devices we have).
Our tablets always connect without issues (haven’t tried connecting via WIFI in locations
other than our home).
As others have posted, your router is the likely issue.



Well, we have a Cisco WAP 2000 and no need to say that is NOT a shitty wap. There is never an issue to connect our laptops to the wap.

Got a tab2 Wifi & mobile. In the initial setup, ‘network disabled, poor connection’. After the initial setup via the settings, same thing. AFter a factory rest, same thing.

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It finds the Wifi, connects, gets an IP adress, and then gives always the same message.

Very strange because all the other devices connect without problems, also my HTC sense, my wife’s Xperia, my HP laptop, her Samsung laptop. So I find it hard to believe that is would be the wap who causes the problem!

Will Royale


Hello Android Fans,
I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1.
I can’t get it to recognize my Modem. It doesn’t even pick up my neighbors signal.
I have a Cisco Modem/Router from Xfinity.
I don’t know how to get the Tab Recognize any WiFi signals. It basically scans and nothing.
Please Help.



Let’s start with the basics. I don’t want to sound condescending or anything, but we should cover the basics before resorting to more drastic measures. If you don’t know the answer to one or more of these questions, ask and maybe we can help. Also, what version of Android are you running; most people run 4.0.4 these days, but 3.2 is still rather popular and seems to be more prone to these issues.

Is the WiFi is turned on?
Is the tablet out of airplane mode?
Can you see a message appear every 10 seconds or so that it is actively scanning?
Are any public WiFi signals appearing, for instance if you take it to a Starbucks or other public WiFi hot spot?
Has it ever worked in the past?
If so, have you made any changes since it last worked?
Have you tried taking it back to the store you bought it from and asking them to try and connect it?
Have you tried a factory reset?


Well-Known Member

I have wifi issues with all my Samsung devices at home. I have a Netgear CG3100 in my bedroom, where I mainly use my devices. Full wifi signal from this router and it will drop off a lot.

I have a Netgear WGT634U in my garage also broadcasting a WLAN. I get 2 bars (half as much) coverage from my bedroom — works perfectly.

Both routers are Netgear. Previous to the CG3100 I had a Billion BiPAC 4707 VGO I think it is. Would act the same as the CG3100.

The WGT634U has an Atheros WLAN chip in it. From a quick look, I think the CG3100 has Broadcom. I am not 100% sure, but I think it comes down to which WiFi chipset is in your router. Some chis just don’t play well together.

Any other wireless devices I have (Toshiba L650 laptop) has no issue with the CG3100 wifi.

I always go back to what I’ve always said. If you can possibly plug a cable in that’s the best option. Wifi still bites the big wang in my opinion.

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The convenience and versatility of new tablet and phone devices make it worth putting up with dodgfy wifi though. You just have to search out hardware that will work with your brands.


Galaxy Tab 10.1 doesn’t keep wifi connected despite settings

My Galaxy Tab 10.1, 16GB Wifi only version, disconnects the WiFi whenever the tablet goes into sleep mode. I have ensured that I have selected to never sleep in advanced WiFi settings. I downloaded and experimented with the Wifi Keep Alive and REGPON wifi KeepAlive apps, but they have had no effect. I even tried rooting the device, and put on this ROM, in hopes that maybe some change would take effect, but it hasn’t. Is this a known issue with the Galaxy Tab 10.1? I’ve done some Google searching and I’ve seen other people report it, but most fixes seem to just describe how to go into the advanced settings and enable «never» as an option. Is there any kind of fix I can apply? This is a somewhat critical feature for me, as I intend to be able to receive Skype calls, which can’t be done if the WiFi disconnects.

Does this happen when it’s been asleep for a specific period of time (i.e just a few seconds or several hours)? Also, does this happen on every WiFi AP you connect to?

8 Answers 8

In a nutshell: using a static IP is like owning a house. Having a DHCP lease is like renting, but you may have to move when the lease is up. Unfortunately, the Tab’s implementation is like a renter who leaves, then tries to get back into his old apartment (which in this analogy is a dynamically assigned IP address on your WiFi network) and finds it locked. Instead of asking for a new lease, it just keeps knocking on the door, never to enter. In this case, it means that your Tab won’t connect to your WiFi network on wake.

The detailed explanation: It looks like Samsung’s implementation of DHCP lease renewal is at fault here. When a device wakes up and then tries to connect to WiFi, it will ask for a DHCP lease (if expired), which also gives it a dynamically assigned IP address. This works fine when the Tab first connects. However it looks like it never asks for a new lease and thus new IP address. Instead it caches the IP address and keeps trying to reuse it. DHCP is dynamic so it means that any particular device on the network cannot rely on a specific IP. So eventually the lease will expire and/or the IP address that the Tab is using gets reassigned to another device. When this happens, your Tab cannot connect to WiFi.

So the solution is to assign static IP until the Tab’s implementation of DHCP lease renewal is fixed.


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