Android wifi transfer plugin total commander

WiFi/WLAN Plugin for Totalcmd

WiFi transfer plugin and standalone app (does not require Total Commander)

Latest Version

App APKs

TotalCmd-Wifi Transfer APK TotalCmd-Transferência Wifi APK TotalCmd-WiFi-обмен APK การถ่ายโอนข้อมูล TotalCmd-Wifi APK TotalCmd-Wifi Aktarımı APK TotalCmd-Trasferimento WiFi APK Transfert TotalCmd-Wi-Fi APK TotalCmd-WLAN-Transfer APK TotalCmd — Wifi 전송 APK TotalCmd-Wifi 転送 APK TotalCmd-Wifi-overdracht APK TotalCmd-Transfer Wifi APK TotalCmd-Wifi 傳輸 APK TotalCmd-Wifi传输 APK TotalCmd — WiFi Transfer APK TotalCmd-Wifisiirto APK TotalCmd – Прехвърляне чрез Wi-Fi APK TotalCmd-Wifi Perdavimas APK TotalCmd-WiFi prijenos APK TotalCmd-Wifi fájlküldés APK TotalCmd-Wifi передача APK TotalCmd — Prenos súborov cez Wi-Fi APK TotalCmd-Wifi prenos APK TotalCmd-Wifi пренос APK TotalCmd Wifi-överföring APK TotalCmd-Ασύρματη Μεταφορά APK TotalCmd-העברת קבצים אלחוטית APK TotalCmd-WiFi-overførsel APK TotalCmd-Transfer WiFi APK

WiFi/WLAN Plugin for Totalcmd APP

WiFi transfer plugin and standalone app (does not require Total Commander)

Important note: This app does NOT contain any ads. However, it contains a link to Total Commander in the upper right corner if you use a Web Browser to access the files, and this plugin as the server. This is treated as an ad by the Play Store.

This plugin/tool supports direct connections via HTTP over WiFi/WLAN between two Android devices, or between Android (Server) and any device or computer with a Web browser or WebDAV client.

It creates a local Web+WebDAV server. The server URL can either be scanned as a QR-Code, or entered manually.

Although this is mainly a plugin for Total Commander, it can also be used standalone: Simply select some files in any file manager, or text, or an URL, and then use the «share» function to send it to the WiFi plugin. This will start a server and show the URL and QR-Code for the server.

Great to transfer data locally between two Android devices without going through the cloud! Your data will never leave your own wireless LAN network.

Note: Both devices need to be in the same WiFi network. If the sender isn’t part of a WiFi network, this tool will offer to create its own access point, or start a WiFi direct connection. Other devices can then connect to this network to transfer data. If you scan the QR-Code from a copy of the WiFi plugin, the connection will be established automatically, and closed automatically when disconnecting.

Unfortunately Android 10 and newer require the «Location» permission to create a WiFi direct server. The app will request this permission only when you try to start a WiFi direct server. It is not needed for normal operation when client and server are on the same network.

Starting with version 3.4, it’s now possible to use a fixed path with user name/password login instead of a random path. It uses DIGEST authentication, so your password is never sent in clear text over the connection. This login method is recommended when connecting regularly to the same device, e.g. when mounting the device as a drive in Windows or MacOS.

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Total Commander

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ghisler(Author) Site Admin
Posts: 45930 Joined: 2003-02-04, 09:46 UTC Location: Switzerland Contact:

New Android plugin — Wifi transfer

Post by *ghisler(Author) » 2014-08-04, 13:32 UTC

A new Android plugin is available now: Wifi Transfer!

The plugin allows to send files, folders, plain text, and URLs via a combination of QR-Codes and Wifi (wireless LAN) from Android devices to other Android devices, or to any device with a Web browser.

To use, select a few files, open the context menu and choose «Send to». Here you can choose «Send via Wifi (Total Commander)». It will also be integrated into the «copy» dialog in the next version of TC.

There are two modes of operation:
1. If the sender is connected to a Wifi network, it will just run a Web+WebDAV server, and publish the server URL as text and QR-Code.

2. If the sender isn’t connected to Wifi, it will first try to create an access point, and if this fails, a Wifi Direct server. Then it will publish the QR Code.

1. If you use the plugin together with Total Commander for Android also on the receiving side, you can browse the shared files and folders. If you shared folders, you can allow uploads and transfer files in both directions.

2. If you use a different QR-Card reader, or enter the URL manually, you will be directed to a Web interface which allows to download files, and upload to subfolders if allowed.

3. On Windows, you can use the WebDAV plugin in Total Commander to access the device. Just create a new connection with the URL shown on the server side.

Unfortunately, many translators seem to be on vacation, so a lot of languages are still unfinished. If you want to help translating the plugin to your language, please go to:

Thanks to everyone who has helped so far!

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petermad Power Member
Posts: 13422 Joined: 2003-02-05, 20:24 UTC Location: Valsted, Denmark Contact:


Android wifi transfer plugin total commander

FTP Plugin 2.45 (2023-07-04):
File transfer protocol: Also supports SSL-encrypted connections (Needs Android 2.3 or newer)
Download+Install (449 kBytes)

Drive Plugin 2.20 and 1.08 (2019-12-24):
Note: This plugin needs the Google Play Store and Google Play services to work. You also need to have one or more GMail accounts activated on the device, because authentication is performed by Google Play services, not by the plugin.
New+Old login (2.20): Download+Install (617 kBytes)

Old login only (1.08): Download+Install (242 kBytes)

LAN (Windows network) Plugin 3.40 (2023-05-25):
SMB connection to Windows hosts — in case of connection problems, try using the numeric IP address instead of the computer name!
New in 3.40: Updated libraries (bugfixes)
Download+Install (715 kBytes)

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SFTP (Secure FTP over SSH) Plugin 2.70 (2023-04-25):
Secure FTP connection to SFTP servers. Note: FTPS (FTP over SSL) is supported by the FTP plugin above!
Download+Install (2.08 MBytes)

TotalDrip Plugin 1.11 (2023-03-14):
Allows to access one or more Dropbox accounts. Needs Android 4.0 or newer due to the used Dropbox libraries.
Download+Install (372 kBytes)

WebDAV (Network Folders) Plugin 3.50 (2022-11-10):
HTTP/HTTPS connection to WebDAV servers like
Note: This version requires Android 2.3 or newer.
It now uses the OkHttp client, but can be switched to the old ApacheClient in case of problems
Download+Install (771 kBytes)

Android Wifi transfer plugin v3.5 (2021-10-21):
This plugin allows to send files from one Android device to another, as well as to any other system with a Web browser! Uses the ZXing QR-Code library.
Download+Install (539 kBytes)

Windows Live OneDrive Plugin 2.50 (2022-11-28):
Note: Needs Android 4.0 or newer due to the used Microsoft libraries. You also need a Windows Live account to access your OneDrive. Multiple accounts are supported.
Download+Install (428 kBytes)

Or go to the Google Play page to download from the Play store.


Total Commander

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bg Junior Member
Posts: 3 Joined: 2015-10-08, 08:41 UTC

Android WiFi/WLAN Plugin for Totalcmd

Post by *bg » 2015-10-08, 10:25 UTC

Is there a way to easy transfer files from PC to Android via wifi using TCMD like from Android to PC?

Power Member

matixx Power Member
Posts: 1114 Joined: 2003-03-21, 02:37 UTC Location: .

Post by *matixx » 2015-10-09, 13:45 UTC


whytea Member
Posts: 135 Joined: 2006-02-18, 11:58 UTC

Post by *whytea » 2015-10-12, 03:00 UTC

I think it’s much easier to do it the other way around, i.e. transfer files from PC to Android. That way, all you need is an FTP server on Android and you will have the comfort of running Totalcmd on your desktop.

2) Cheetah Mobile File Manager:
— Go to PC Sync to start up the FTP server

Site Admin

ghisler(Author) Site Admin
Posts: 45930 Joined: 2003-02-04, 09:46 UTC Location: Switzerland Contact:

Post by *ghisler(Author) » 2015-10-12, 09:34 UTC

No, just share a FOLDER with the Wifi plugin, then check the option to allow uploads.

The plugin will show an URL which you can use with the TC WebDAV plugin for Windows. The newer versions of that plugin also allow to scan the QR-Code if your PC has a webcam, but this is optional.

Junior Member

bg Junior Member
Posts: 3 Joined: 2015-10-08, 08:41 UTC

Post by *bg » 2015-10-12, 11:51 UTC

Thanks for the hints! However «WiFi/WLAN Plugin for Totalcmd supports direct connections via HTTP over WiFi/WLAN between two Android devices, or between Android (Server) and any device or computer with a Web browser or WebDAV client.» but not PC to Android! I also do not want setup FTP server at work. Simply share the folder in tcmd which will generate link or QR-code, and I’ll download it on my Android via browser or by reading QR. Like the app’s with transfer via wifi/ web sharing.

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matixx Power Member
Posts: 1114 Joined: 2003-03-21, 02:37 UTC Location: .

Post by *matixx » 2015-10-12, 17:01 UTC

PC to Android —>simply share your folders on your pc in your network and use lan plugin in tc for android.

Junior Member

bg Junior Member
Posts: 3 Joined: 2015-10-08, 08:41 UTC

Post by *bg » 2015-10-13, 08:46 UTC

Site Admin

ghisler(Author) Site Admin
Posts: 45930 Joined: 2003-02-04, 09:46 UTC Location: Switzerland Contact:

Post by *ghisler(Author) » 2015-10-15, 14:02 UTC

Why would you want to work on the phone while you are at the PC? That doesn’t really make any sense. Just do as I suggest, use the WiFi plugin as the server and upload files from the PC.

Junior Member

mrle Junior Member
Posts: 58 Joined: 2005-04-25, 21:44 UTC

Post by *mrle » 2015-10-18, 12:42 UTC

ghisler(Author) wrote: No, just share a FOLDER with the Wifi plugin, then check the option to allow uploads.

If this has already been done for the first time, and Android is restarted (so WiFi server is not active any more) or plugin is turned off thru that menu in upper left corner, it would be good if there is a possibility to only call this window and simply click «Start Server» button, if someone is allways sharing same folder or external SD card.

ES File Explorer can start FTP server with only one click on shortcut, totaly silently . without questions, confirmations etc.

Site Admin

ghisler(Author) Site Admin
Posts: 45930 Joined: 2003-02-04, 09:46 UTC Location: Switzerland Contact:

Post by *ghisler(Author) » 2015-10-19, 10:16 UTC

I agree, it would be a nice addition to launch the server with a single click. I will check whether I could add a «Create link in Android launcher» or similar.

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