Ansible добавить пользователя linux

How to Use Ansible Create User Functionality in Linux

If you’re looking for a way to create and manage users in a Linux system without compromising security, Ansible create user functionality is worth looking into. The Ansible create user functionality lets you effectively manage users and user attributes with a single playbook and a single command.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create and manage users in one go like a champ with the Ansible create user module.

Read on and start creating tons of users with different attributes!


This tutorial comprises step-by-step instructions. If you’d like to follow along, be sure you have the following in place:

  • A remote Linux computer – This tutorial uses Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS as the remote node to test the create user functionality.
  • An inventory file set up and one or more hosts already configured to run Ansible command and playbooks on. The remote Linux computer is called myserver, and this tutorial uses an inventory group called web.
  • Python v3.6 or later installed both on your Ansible controller host and the remote node machine. This tutorial uses Python v3.8.10 on a Ubuntu machine.

Creating Linux Users Using Ansible Ad Hoc Commands

Do you plan to create a user quickly? Running ad hoc commands will do the trick. Ad hoc commands are a quick way to run a single command on a remote host and deploy the specified changes.

Log onto your Ansible controller host, and open your terminal. Now, run the ansible command below to connect to the host called web using the ansible.builtin.user module ( -m ).

The command passes an argument ( -a ) that lets Ansible create a new user ( adambertram ) on the remote node with the uid ( uid=1041 ) you specified in the command.

ansible web -m ansible.builtin.user -a "name=adambertram uid=1041 group=admin"

Once the command completes, you’ll see a CHANGED message, as shown below, that confirms Ansible successfully created the new user on the remote host with the below parameters, as indicated by the changed: true result, along with additional information.

Creating a New User in the Linux System via Ad Hoc Command

Building Ansible Playbook to Create and Manage Users

Creating a single user or managing an attribute of a single user may be okay with an ad-hoc command, but creating or managing dozens of users can be challenging. So instead of using ad-hoc commands, integrate the Ansible create user functionality with a playbook using the ansible-playbook command.

1. First, log in to the Ansible controller host,

2. Run the following commands to create the ~/ansible_create_user directory and change to that directory. This directory will contain the playbook and all the required configuration files that you’ll use to invoke the Ansible create user module.

mkdir ~/ansible_create_user cd ~/ansible_create_user

3. Now, open your favorite text editor and create a file called main.yml in the ~/ansible_create_user directory. Copy and paste the following YAML playbook contents to the main.yml file.

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The playbook below creates the user and manages the user attributes, such as name, group, state, shell type, and home directory.

To list available valid login shells for use at the time, run the cat /etc/shells command on the Linux machine.

--- - name: Ansible Create user functionlity module demo hosts: web # Defining the remote server inventory host group # Defining the remote server where the ansible create user module # will manage the objects remote_user: ubuntu # Using Remote user as ubuntu tasks: # name - Defines the username that is present or to create # groups - Adds users in secondary groups or use groups # state: present - Creates a user or works with a user # state: absent - Deletes a user # shell - Specifies shell-type a user can work on # home - Sets a user’s home directory # createhome: yes - Create a home directory for a user # createhome: no - Do not create a home directory for a user # Creating the user Adam Listek - name: Add the user 'Adam Listek' with a specific uid and a primary group of 'sudo' ansible.builtin.user: name: adamlis comment: AdamListek uid: 1077 group: sudo createhome: yes # Defaults to yes home: /home/adamlis # Defaults to /home/ # Adding the user qa_editor in the editor group - name: Add group "editor" to remote node group: name: qa_editor gid: 2212 state: present # Adding the user Rochela in the qa_editor group and bash shell - name: Add the user 'Rochella' with a bash shell, appending the group 'editor' to the user's groups ansible.builtin.user: name: rochella shell: /bin/bash groups: qa_editor append: yes # Removing the user shanky from the system - name: Remove the user 'Shanky' if present in the linux system ansible.builtin.user: name: shanky3 state: absent remove: yes

4. Run the command below to invoke the playbook ( main.yml ) that executes the tasks to create users on the remote host. The -u flag specifies the user ubuntu , and the —become flag sets ubuntu as superuser.

ansible-playbook main.yml -u ubuntu --become

Below, you can see that some tasks show changed status, which indicates the remote host wasn’t in the proper state and was modified to run the command. At the same time, the other tasks that show an ok status don’t require any changes.

Running the Ansible playbook to create and manage users

5. Now, run the cat command below to verify if Ansible successfully created all the objects defined in the main.yml playbook.

As you can see below, Ansible created all the users with their respective user IDs as specified in the main.yml file.

Checking the users created using ansible-playbook

Generating Secure User Passwords in Ansible Playbook

You already know how to create the user without a password, which is fine if you need to use it for development purposes. But ideally, securing a user password is a must as it’s crucial to keep the user account safe.

You’ll generate a secure encrypted password and apply it in the playbook to secure a user password. But first, you’ll install the whois software on your machine, which contains the mkpasswd utility used to generate a password.

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1. Run the following command to install the whois software package with the apt package manager on your machine.

Installing the whois software which contains the mkpasswd utility.

2. Next, run the mkpasswd command below to generate an encrypted password ( —method=sha-512 ).

Specify a user password in the prompt, then you’ll see a generated encrypted password, as shown below.

Generating an encrypted password

Now, create the playbook named main_secure.yaml and copy/paste the code below.

The playbook below creates the user matt with uid: 1053 , group: sudo , and the generated encrypted password from step two.

--- - name: Ansible Create user functionlity module demo hosts: web # Defining the remote server where the ansible create user module will manage the objects remote_user: ubuntu # Using Remote user as ubuntu tasks: - name: Add the user 'Matt' with a specific uid and a primary group of 'sudo' ansible.builtin.user: name: matt comment: matt_ata uid: 1053 group: sudo password: '$6$kjPn3KClxO.Lujw$BjDr2y4vvJK3Q.C/nLET.A/FD9OxN6DNASmLetapq9LiXVVlTrYnvlEGuITZiVkV3JhX.vbsZ68/hnbdRsYnx1' createhome: yes # Defaults to yes home: /home/matt # Defaults to /home/

4. Finally, run the ansible-playbook command below to execute the playbook ( main_secure.yaml ), creating a secure password user. The command, -u ubuntu , tells the remote system to use the ubuntu user while also elevating permissions via sudo with the —become command.

ansible-playbook main_secure.yaml -u ubuntu --become

Running the Ansible playbook to create the user with a secure password

Generating SSH Keys for Remote Node Authentication

If users need to log in to remote nodes securely, two potential ways to authenticate are either by using a username and password or with SSH keys. SSH keys are sets of matching cryptographic keys used for authentication and are highly secure. In this example, you’ll generate SSH keys for a user using an Ansible playbook.

Create a playbook named ssh.yaml, then copy/paste the following code. The below playbook creates the SSH keys for the user matt inside the home directory, which you can further use to authenticate.

--- - name: Ansible SSH functionlity module demo hosts: web # Defining the remote server where the ansible create user module will manage the objects remote_user: ubuntu # Using Remote user as ubuntu tasks: # Creating the SSH key for the user matt in .ssh directory - name: Create a 2048-bit SSH key for user matt in ~matt/.ssh/id_rsa ansible.builtin.user: name: matt generate_ssh_key: yes ssh_key_bits: 2048 ssh_key_file: ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Now run the below command to execute the playbook ( ssh.yaml ), which generates SSH keys for a user (matt).

ansible-playbook ssh.yaml -u ubuntu --become

Generating the SSH keys of the user using Ansible playbook

Setting and Removing Password Expiry Date of Linux Users

Managing user accounts doesn’t stop at creating them. Setting and removing password expiry dates is also crucial in user account management. If users’ passwords expire, users cannot perform any function on the system.

1. Assuming you are still on Ansible controller host node, create another playbook named expiry.yaml, then copy/paste the code below and save it. The below playbook sets and removes different users’ password expiry dates.

--- - name: Ansible user expiry functionality module demo hosts: web # Defining the remote server where the ansible create user module # will manage the objects remote_user: ubuntu # Using Remote user as ubuntu tasks: - name: To set the limit to expire the QA Tester's account ansible.builtin.user: name: rochella shell: /bin/zsh groups: qa_editor expires: 1422403388 - name: Removing the expiry time of the user shanky ansible.builtin.user: name: shanky expires: -1 - name: Set maximum expiration date for password for user AdamListek user: name: adamlis password_expire_max: 16 - name: Set minimum expiration date for password for user AdamListek user: name: adamlis password_expire_min: 6 

2. Now run the below command to execute the playbook ( expiry.yaml ), which automatically sets and removes users’ password expiry dates.

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Running the Ansible playbook to manage users password expiry

3. Finally, run the command below to verify if Ansible successfully updated the user’s ( adamlis ) attributes, such as password expiry.

As you see below, for user adamlis , the maximum number of days between password change is set to 16 and minimum to 6 .

Checking a User’s Password Expiry Information


Throughout this tutorial, you’ve learned how to declare multiple Ansible create user functionalities in a playbook to create and manage Linux users. With the Ansible create module, you get a quick way to effectively work with Linux users and user attributes on remote hosts.

Now, would you prefer Ansible as the automation tool to help you create and manage users in a Linux system?

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Добавление учетных записей с помощью Ansible

Oct 6, 2016 22:38 · 260 words · 2 minute read ansible

Ранее мы уже рассматривали несколько вариантов использования системы управления конфигурациями Ansible , теперь давайте разберемся как добавить пользователя на удаленный хост!

Считаем, что Ansible установлен и настроен. Для создания пользователя на удаленном хосте мы будем использовать простой набор инструкций (плейбук), хотя можно подойти к вопросу более основательно и создать роль для управления пользователями (подробнее о ролях можно почитать здесь).

Создаем набор инструкций с именем useradd.yml :

Содержимое файла useradd.yml следующее:

--- - hosts: all  become: yes  tasks:   - name: Add user to remote hosts  user: name=admin groups=sudo shell=/bin/bash password=$6$KjyfytoJ$hoQdVIGcRZgje2HpHFf8ldvooLfY774SrEpHkADUf3d7uGBSwVLeMXsPIfb4l2TaXWvprMz868ZbH8HLaiDeh.   - name: Add SSH keys to remote hosts  authorized_key: user=admin key=">" 

В данном примере поле hosts: содержит группу, на которой будет запущена задача (task). Дополнительно указано, что для выполнения задач требуется эскалация привилегий ( become: yes ).

Примечание. become используется начиная с версии Ansible 1.9, до этого для эскалации привилегий использовали sudo .

Поле tasks: содержит имена задач (Add user to remote hosts и Add SSH keys to remote hosts), имена модулей, которые должны выполняться ( user и authorized_key ) и аргументы, необходимые для выполнения модуля (для первого это name , groups , shell , password , для второго — user , key ).

Запустить только что созданный набор инструкций можно следующей командой:

ansible-playbook playbooks/useradd.yml  PLAY [all] *********************************************************************  TASK [setup] ******************************************************************* ok: [test1] ok: [test2]  TASK [Add user to remote hosts] ************************************************ changed: [test2] changed: [test1]  TASK [Add SSH keys to remote hosts] ******************************************** changed: [test2] changed: [test1]  PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* test2 : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 test1 : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 

После выполнения данного набора инструкций можно логиниться на удаленные хосты под только что созданной учетной записью.

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