App to open any wifi

Лучшие программы для взлома Wi-Fi сетей

В одном из наших предыдущих материалов мы уже рассказывали вам о лучших хакерских приложениях. Чтобы не пропускать такие материалы — подпишитесь на наш канал в Телеграм, если эта тема вам интересна. Сегодня же мы хотели бы продолжить разговор, посвятив его доступу к Wi-Fi сетям. Но сразу оговоримся. Мы никого не призываем вламываться в личное пространство других людей. Вся информация предоставлена для того, чтобы вы знали больше о безопасности и не дали себя подловить. В крайнем случае, ее можно использовать для доступа к своей сети, если вы вдруг забыли от нее пароль.

Лучшие программы для взлома Wi-Fi сетей. Android-смартфон способен на многое. В том числе и на то, чтобы взломать беспроводную сеть. Фото.

Android-смартфон способен на многое. В том числе и на то, чтобы взломать беспроводную сеть

Kali Linux Nethunter — Почувствуйте себя хакером

Лучшие программы для взлома Wi-Fi сетей. Kali Linux Nethunter — Почувствуйте себя хакером. Фото.

Kali Linux Nethunter является первой в своем роде платформой для работы с Wi-Fi под Android с открытым исходным кодом. Используя это приложение, интерфейс которого, к сожалению, сложно назвать простым и понятным, можно получить полный доступ к беспроводным сетям и даже узнать некоторую информацию об устройствах, которые подключены к Wi-Fi.

aircrack-ng — Взломщик для профессионалов

Лучшие программы для взлома Wi-Fi сетей. aircrack-ng — Взломщик для профессионалов. Фото.

Популярный инструмент для работы с сетями aircrack-ng является одним из тех, элементы которого очень часто заимствовали другие разработчики подобного софта. При этом основное предназначение программы — совсем не взлом, а защита беспроводных каналов связи. Но без специальных знаний за программу лучше не браться. Она разработана явно не для новичков. Работа aircrack-ng нацелена на поиск уязвимостей и «слабых мест» в беспроводных сетях, что позволит вам улучшить безопасность и предотвратить хакерские атаки в дальнейшем.

Shark For Root — Поиск уязвимостей в беспроводных сетях

Лучшие программы для взлома Wi-Fi сетей. Shark For Root — Поиск уязвимостей в беспроводных сетях. Фото.

Shark For Root — это Android-версия популярного пакета Wireshark с открытым исходным кодом, который обычно используется для анализа сетевого трафика и разработки протоколов безопасности. Обратите внимание, что вам понадобится Wireshark на вашем настольном компьютере, чтобы начать работу, так как приложение на смартфоне работает в паре со «старшим братом», дополняя его функциональность.

Zanti — Контроль доступа и не только

Лучшие программы для взлома Wi-Fi сетей. Zanti — Контроль доступа и не только. Фото.

Этот простой в использовании мобильный инструментарий может быть использован для оценки безопасности сети WiFi, поиска уязвимостей и, конечно же, для проникновения в сети. Встроенный сканер WiFi показывает точки доступа, отмечая те из них, доступ к которым можно получить довольно легко. Вы также можете использовать приложение, чтобы «отрезать» входящий или исходящий трафик и оставить тем самым сеть без доступа в интернет.

Reaver — Как узнать пароль от сети Wi-Fi

Лучшие программы для взлома Wi-Fi сетей. Reaver — Как узнать пароль от сети Wi-Fi. Фото.

Reaver — это приложение для взлома паролей сетей WiFi, которое при этом довольно несложно использовать. Reaver обнаруживает беспроводные маршрутизаторы с поддержкой протоколов WPS и WPA/WPA2. Всю информацию вы получаете на довольно информативном графическом интерфейсе. Если вдруг вы забыли пароль от своей домашней сети, а сбрасывать настройки роутера не хочется, то попробуйте Reaver

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WPA WPS Tester — Не только взлом, но и защита

Лучшие программы для взлома Wi-Fi сетей. WPA WPS Tester — Не только взлом, но и защита. Фото.

WPA WPS Tester в противовес предыдущей программе представляет собой инструмент для поиска уязвимостей в протоколах WPS и WPA/WPA2. Оно может не только «подобрать пароль» к сети, но и позволяет узнать, насколько сеть защищена от взлома, сканируя как входящие и исходящие пакеты, так и сами беспроводные устройства на предмет наличия уязвимостей вроде бэкдоров.

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17 Best WiFi Hack Apps


Looking to Access Password Protected Wi-Fi? Here are Few Best WiFi Hacking Apps for your PC and Android to Access the Internet.

Best WiFi Hack Apps

For those in the field of ethical hacking and penetration testing, Wi-Fi hacking becomes an important chapter of the learning curve. As a hacker or pen-tester, you must be well familiar with a variety of apps and tools. Similarly, for hacking Wi-Fi, there are particular apps that let you access an unknown Wi-Fi network without the utter consent of the network holder.

There are quite good options when we talk about Wi-Fi hacking apps. However, due to the increase in the hacking field and various types of frauds, network providers have upgraded their security protocols for better protection of the network.

So, unlike earlier, hacking Wi-Fi isn’t as easy as it seemed. The normal apps and tools are not anymore alive and you need to move on to the best ones available. If you are not actually aware of which apps to choose, here are some of the best Wi-Fi hacking apps you might love to apply.

Best Wi-Fi Hacker Apps

Here are Best Free WiFi Hacking and Hacker Apps to Connect with the Protected Internet Connection

1. Aircrack-ng

This app is one of the best and reliable wifi hacking app trusted by Hackers. This app is also available for Ubuntu os, and a lot of ubuntu users also use it. To use this app, you need to fulfill some requirements, as mentioned below.

Running aircrack-ng on Android is not an issue, but you need to find a WiFi chipset that supports monitor mode.

Firstly, you need a rooted Android device—secondly, USB OTG Adapter (micro USB to USB female cable). Thirdly, a Wireless USB Adapter and lastly, some time and patience. Also, this is a free app, so you must give it a try.

2. Kali Linux Nethunter

Kali Linux is one of the most popular Linux Distro for ethical hacking purposes on desktops, and you must have heard about it. Nethunter is the first open-source Android penetration testing tool.

You need to launch Kali’s WiFi tool For using Nethunter. Nethunter has a simple configuration process, and because of this, it will help you in overcoming the problem with configuration Files.

For using It, you need a custom kernel. The kernel should support 802.11 wireless injections. You can find various tutorials on youtube if you want to install it on your device.

3. WiFi WPS WPA Tester

We can say that this is the oldest and famous wifi hacking app. This app is developed by Saniorgl SRL, and you can easily download it from Google Play Store.

The aim of making this app was to scan the vulnerabilities found in the WiFi Networks to make them secure, but sometimes you can use it another way around.

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4. dSploit

This app is just like WiFi WPS WPA Tester as both are made to test the vulnerability in WiFi networks. What makes it different from other apps is that you can control other devices connected over the same network as you, and you can also remove those devices.

You can do various things like Simple sniff, Password sniff, Session Hijacker, Kill Connections, Redirect to any particular URL to of the attacker’s choice Replace Images, Replace Videos, Script injector, etc. using dSploit.

5. Nmap

Nmap is a multiplatform network security scanner. The best thing about this app is that it can work on both rooted and non-rooted devices. Of course, rooted devices have to access some extra features of the app.

Nmap is a powerful and easy-to-use app. Most importantly, this app is an open-source app, so you get all the latest Updates fast free of cost.

6. Network Spoofer

This app can change websites on other people’s computers or phones or any other internet accessing device from your smartphone. This is not a password changing or cracking tool, but it is a spoofing tool.

To use this all firstly, connect to a wifi network. secondly, open the Network Spoofer app. thirdly, select the spoof of your choice, and lastly, press start. This app can help you to check how vulnerable your network is.

7. AndroDumpper

AndroDumpper is a great wifi hacking app with a simple, user-friendly UI. The reason behind calling it a great app is that this app shows all the available networks in one list and also tells you if you can hack it or not.

In simple words, if a network on the AndroDumpper list is green, then you can hack it easily, and if it is red, then you can save your time as red marked networks are not hackable. This is completely free to use the app.

8. Zanti

Zanti is not just another wifi hacking tool because there are a lot of other tools for users as well. With the help of Zanti, a user can perform MITM attacks, vulnerability scan, password auditing, scanning, Mac address spoofing, and much more. It is a free app, but you need a rooted device to use this app.

9. WPS Connect

This is a simple yet powerful wifi hacking app that can connect to any wifi with WPS security. You can easily use the app on non-rooted devices as well, and also, it is a completely free app.

However, there are a few minus points like it has no other features like Zanti or dSploit, and it can only hack WPS enabled wifi networks.

10. WIBR+

WIBR+ app was created for testing the integrity and security of different WiFi networks. This App uses the Brute force and Dictionary Based method to hack WiFi networks.

You can use different options such as numbers, lowercase, uppercase, and special characters if you use a dictionary-based attack. This is a completely free app.

11. Reaver

Reaver is a WiFi password hacking app. It is shortly formed as RfA, which means Reaver for Android. This app is a simple and easy-to-use GUI or Graphical User Interface for Android devices. This app uses brute force to crack wifi passwords.

The app automatically recognizes vulnerable wifi networks, and you can get their password in 2 to 5 hours, depending on the security level.

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12. WiFi You

This is not exactly a WiFi hacking app, but still, it is on the list because there are high chances to get passwords of other wifi networks using this app. This app works differently.

Firstly, It has a huge database of Common wifi passwords shared by a lot of users around the world. Secondly, it shortlists some passwords according to the router, and lastly, it can be helpful to you in connecting a wifi network if it is protected by a common password.

13. Penetrate Pro

This is a popular app available for Android devices. This app can calculate and find WEP/WPA keys. This app is known for searching and displaying network keys.

However, this app is not available in the Google Play Store due, but you can use any third-party site to download and install the app manually.

14. Router Keygen

Router Keygen is another great wifi hacking tool with a cool interface. This app shortlists all the available networks with different colors according to the vulnerability.

Because of this, you can know if wifi is secure or not and attack a less secure network for a password without wasting your time on other networks. This saves a lot of time. It is also a free app.

15. Wifi Kill

Wifi kill is one of the cool apps that will allow killing all the other devices that are connected to the same wifi network. With the Use of this app, you can easily block internet access to all other devices on your network.

When someone else is using your network, and you need to kick them out without a long processor, you just want to block their access temporary, and then wifi kill is your solution. This is a must-try app.

16. Shark for Root

Shark for Root is an Android portal of the popular Wireshark open-source packet analyzer generally used to analyze network traffic. Its name suggests that it is a tcpdump-based app that works on rooted Android devices.
Keep a note that you will need Wireshark to open dump on your PC. You can use Shark for Root if you wish to preview the same on the go.

17. Netcut Pro for Android

Netcut Pro for Android comes with an inbuilt netcut defender, and the app requires root permission. You can learn how to hack Wi-Fi on Android using Netcut Pro for Android, as it allows you to detect all network users on Wi-Fi. It keeps you connected with any Wi-Fi and can cut off the network between two uses.


Wi-Fi hacking apps play a great role while learning new tricks related to ethical hacking and similar stuff. Besides, it requires proper knowledge to utilize them in the right way. All the options listed above names some of the best Wi-Fi hacking apps.

They are easy to use and quickly detect nearby Wi-Fi networks. While some of them are free to use some even come for a cost. So, which one do you think is the perfect one for Wi-Fi hacking, and why?

If you’ve any thoughts on 17 Best WiFi Hack Apps, then feel free to drop in below comment box. Also, please subscribe to our DigitBin YouTube channel for videos tutorials. Cheers!


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