Application uses wi fi

How to call Wi-Fi settings screen from my application using Android

Normally I am getting Wi-Fi setting screen on the emulator by clicking on the Settings > Wireless controls > wifi settings . I need to go directly to the Wi-Fi settings screen from my program when pressing on the Wi-Fi button which I have created. Contacts, Call Logs we can handle by using Intent.setData(android.provider.contacts. ). Is there any way to open settings sub-menus/menu from an android program?
Please give me advise or sample code on this.

9 Answers 9

Look at android.provider.Settings for a series of Intent actions you can use to launch various settings screens (e.g., ACTION_WIFI_SETTINGS ).

EDIT: Add the coding line.

to be more specific, android.content.Intent.Intent(android.provider.settings.Settings.ACTION_WIFI_SETTINGS)); or with proper using, startActivity(new Intent(Settings.ACTION_WIFI_SETTINGS));

@Mr_and_Mrs_D: Possibly. I can see where the Settings app might not handle these Intents properly when the Settings app is already in memory, but I haven’t tried this specific scenario.

to open general wireless settings use this: startActivity(new Intent(Settings.ACTION_WIRELESS_SETTINGS));

@patrickjason91: «if it will be possible that the app’s Intent call can control some configuration to how the WiFi settings, or to any other settings screen in general, will display?» — not in general, and not using any documented extras.


Restrict an iOS app from using Wi-Fi internet

iOS allows you to restrict specific apps from accessing the internet when using cellular data. Is it possible to do the same when Wi-Fi is turned on?

Is there any way to restrict an iOS app from using Wi-Fi?

I want to restrict messenger apps like WhatsApp and Line from accessing the internet when my phone is using aWi-Fi connection.

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You can use the LetMeBe app (you can find it in App Store) to block the internet for certain apps on both Wi-Fi and cellular data.

5 Answers 5

On stock (unjailbroken) iOS it is not quite possible.

However, if your device is jailbroken, then you can use some tweaks to make it possible. Firewall iP7 allows you to monitor all applications & decide whether to allow or deny any outgoing connection.

Just for the sake of completeness, the «Protect my Privacy» app from Cydia can also do this. As can a new tweak, «ConditionalWiFi».

Now (6 years later) there are apps that use the VPN support to be able to selectively block apps IIRC.

It is possible to restrict WiFi or Cellular data for all the apps on your iPhone, but only for iPhones sold in China.

Chinese iPhones have an extra option called «Apps using WLAN & Cellular» in Settings > Wi-Fi.

In that section you can control apps from accessing data on Wi-FI or Cellular. If you don’t want that app to access data, there is «Off» option and the app can’t access data on cellular or Wi-Fi.

According to a reply in this reddit thread (which is itself about this SE Q&A), phones sold in China do not have an option to disable WiFi on a per app basis. Can anyone please provide a definitive answer, video, screenshot, etc.?

Thank you @JIEWANG. It does indeed appear that iPhones sold in China include the ability to disable both cellular and WiFi for specific apps. This post includes a few more screenshots and a link to this page with more details.

I’m sorry for it’s not possible but you can disabled the app from running. These are the steps to follow:

Go to General,

Click on Restrictions,

Enter your device password,

Switch off the App you want to disconnect.

I use it to stop Facebook from consuming Data at the background.

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Go to Screen Time,

Click Content & Privacy Restrictions,

Turn on Content & Privacy Restrictions,

Then select what you want to restrict e.g Background App Activities.

What version of ios are you on? Newer versions don’t have Restrictions in Settings > General.

For iOS 13 (2020), it appears that what you want is called Background App Refresh. This is located in Setup > General > Background App Refresh.

You can set each app individually, and you can make the controls active with Wifi+Cellular, Wifi only, or off.

Background App Refresh has nothing to do with Wi-Fi usage. OP wants to disable an app access to internet, whether it is Wi-Fi or cellular.

@RamazanPolat — That’s not correct — if background app refresh is turned OFF for an app, that app cannot use the internet when you are not using it. So the answer is partially useful and correct.

@Mei OP is asking to block an app to access internet completely, whether it is in foreground or background. If you disable Background App Refresh, the app cannot access internet while in background, that is correct. But what about if the app is in foreground?

  • Go to Settings.
  • Now scroll down until you find the app for whom you want to stop wifi (eg. Facebook)
  • Click on it.
  • Toggle off the option which says local network.


Now app(eg. Facebook) would not be able to use wifi network. You can also Toggle off the mobile data there.

This setting is confusing to many. It should say, allow this app to sniff all network traffic and be promiscuous. The apps asking for this want peer to peer control or worse, they want to snoop on your setup — possibly to do ad-hoc peer to peer traffic or to fingerprint you for analytics, advertising, tracking. Turning off network still lets Facebook app connect to the internet. Turning off Bluetooth still lets you use Bluetooth accessories. Disabling these lets the OS manage Bluetooth and and network privacy and not grant unlimited access to the app code.

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Мусор! Открываеш, пустой экран ниодну сеть не видит. Я дал приложению все разрешения. И оно неработало. Но. Потом я зашёл в настройки Телефона — Геопозиция и добавил это приложение в разряд разрешённых. И вуаля! Заработало. Только вот оно неправильно показывает каналы. Я меняю каналы в роутере, в приложении они меняются невсегда или сдвинуты на 1-3 канала. Вы издеваетесь? Нормально сделать приложение нельзя?

Очень хорошее приложение, БЫЛО ! После обновления последнего, перестало работать ! Исправьте пожалуйста, геолокация, gps wi fi и все модуле включены, видимо какой то баг, все включено, что уже только не пробовал, до этого обновления пользовался программой на разных устройствах несколько лет, все прекрасно работало !

Было отличное приложение, после очередного обновления, перестало определять сети, если нет определения геопозиции! Список сетей просто пустой, зато реклама на весь экран, молодцы. Зачем Вы собираете геопозиции всех сетей которые сканируются программой. Все валят на то, что позицию требует библиотека Google, никогда не поверю, что это если эти функции Вам не нужны, библиотека заставляет их обязательно использовать.


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