Apt get on puppy linux

What is the command line in Puppy Linux that is equivalent to apt-get commands?

So I did some research and apparently when used pip to install, it installed in the modules in previous version of Python. I’m assuming that if I can install pip for Python 3.7, I can run the pip install command and get the modules I need.

What is the command line in Puppy Linux that is equivalent to apt-get commands?

I realise that apt-get , yum don’t work in puppy linux,

what is the correct command in puppy linux that is equivalent to apt-get or yum ?

To install packages in Puppy Linux, use the Puppy Package Manager ( ppm on the command line) or the quickpet tool.

According to the official web site’s wiki, it uses puppy package manager, the verb on the command-line for which is ppm .

apt-get will not work you have to use pkg -i update and then pkg -get PACKAGENAME and then pkg -i PACKAGENAME

Hey to update puppy linux you have to click on Menu > Setup > Puppy Updates which is equivalent to apt-get update . And yes you can install different packages using Puppy Package Manager

Puppy Linux — APT beüzemelése (MC FAIL 🙁 ), Discord: https://discord.gg/74tBqJkA «W: Nincs „_apt” felhasználó a rendszeren, a jogosultságok nem dobhatók el» problémára a megoldás: — a /etc/passwd fájlh

Puppy Linux — APT beüzemelése (MC FAIL 🙁 )

Discord: https://discord.gg/74tBqJkA «W: Nincs „_apt” felhasználó a rendszeren, a jogosultságok nem dobhatók el» problémára a megoldás: — a /etc/passwd fájlh

Installing apt-get

The apt-get command and the sudo command does not work for me. which apt-get returns nothing. I checked by bin folder to make sure, and there is no aptget . I however have wget . Can I install apt-get with wget ? If not, how can I install it?

of course you can do that, although it is strange that you missed that package/command . Anyway, a manual way to do it is to download the package and to install it with dpkg, as follows:

    grab the package from the web

 wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/apt/apt_1.0.1ubuntu2.17_amd64.deb -O apt.deb 

Edit: Check for the latest source at http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/apt/?C=M;O=D

2 (other). Alternative use of dkpg without sudo — I didn’t know about these, included after comments-

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if everything goes right, that should be enough.

Probably you may find that some dependencies are not satisfied, to deal with that you may need to create a folder (something like «apt-installer») and drop all the dependencies of the apt package there. The list of dependencies required will be shown by the dpkg output and the download process is similar to the one explained above. Last, if you don’t feel confident of what you are doing, my suggestion is that you may want to do a fresh install of your system.

wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/apt/apt_2.1.10ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb -O apt.deb 

In the future this will likely 404 error as well, so remove the file name apt_2.1.10ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb -O apt.deb

and enter just the http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/apt/ part into a browser. Look for the most current version of the file, and change the path to it.

How to Multi-Boot Your Raspberry Pi with BerryBoot, To convert the the .IMG, plug an SD card or USB device containing the file into your Linux machine. We’re going to refer to the image file as NewBerryBoot.img in the commands. Open up the terminal and run the following command on the .IMG: sudo kpartx -av NewBerryBoot.img

How to install pip for Python 2

pip 1.5 from /usr/local/lib/python3.2/dist-packages/pip-1.5-py3.2.egg (python 3.2) 

I installed pip using apt-get . How to I get the Python 2 version of pip ?

I’ve reinstalled python and python-pip several times with apt-get . I’m also curious why these would install different Python versions.

To install pip for Python2 on Ubuntu, this worked for me

sudo apt update curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/pip/2.7/get-pip.py --output get-pip.py sudo python2 get-pip.py 

It’s based on DareDevil7’s answer but notice the url is different.

If you really want to install pip globally for your system use the get-pip.py script with the wanted python binary http://www.pip-installer.org/en/latest/installing.html#install-or-upgrade-pip

But you should consider using virtualenv / buildout to get an isolated environment

I would suggest that you use pyenv to manage multiple versions of Python, because it can often get problematic. Right now the solution to the problem would depend on the configuration you have for pip and python in your bash.

One thing you can do is download the easy_install script, and use python 3 to run it and install pip for python 3 alone.

Download the tar.gz of pip from https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip#downloads.

Unzip or Untar, Then from its untar directory install for any specific version of python using

How can I upgrade pip to the latest version?, I usually just run the following commands to upgrade both pip2 (= pip by default) and pip3: sudo -H pip3 install —upgrade pip sudo -H pip2 install —upgrade pip You must make sure that you upgrade the version (for Python 2 or 3), which you want to react on the command pip without number, last.

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How to Install pip for python 3.7 on Ubuntu 18?

I’ve installed Python 3.7 on my Ubuntu 18.04 machine. Following this instructions in case it’s relevant:

Download : Python 3.7 from Python Website [1] ,on Desktop and manually unzip it, on Desktop Installation : Open Terminal (ctrl +shift+T)

Go to the Extracted folder $ cd ~/Desktop/Python-3.7.0 $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install 
$ sudo vim ~/.bashrc press i on the last and new line - Type alias python= python3.7 press Esc type - to save and exit vim :wq now type $ source ~/.bashrc 

I’ve downloaded several modules through pip install module but when I try to import them, I get a ModuleNotFoundError: No module names ‘xx’

So I did some research and apparently when used pip to install, it installed in the modules in previous version of Python. Somewhere (probably a question in SO) I found a suggestion to install the module using python3.7 -m pip install module but then I get /usr/local/bin/python3.7: no module named pip .

Now I’m stuck, pip is installed, but apparently not for Python 3.7. I’m assuming that if I can install pip for Python 3.7, I can run the pip install command and get the modules I need. If that is the case, how can I install pip for python 3.7, since it’s already installed?

This is the best I have come up with:

I have installed Python 3.7 successfully and I can install modules using pip (or pip3) but those modules are installed in Python 3.6 (Comes with ubuntu). Therefore I can’t import those modules in python 3.7 (get a module not found)

Python 3.7 doesn’t recognize pip/pip3, so I can’t install through pip/pip3 I need python 3.7

In general, don’t do this :

because, as you have correctly noticed, it’s not clear what Python version you’re installing package for.

Instead, if you want to install package for Python 3.7, do this :

python3.7 -m pip install package 

Replace package with the name of whatever you’re trying to install.

Took me a surprisingly long time to figure it out, too. The docs about it are here.

Your other option is to set up a virtual environment. Once your virtual environment is active, executable names like python and pip will point to the correct ones.

A quick add-on to mpenkov’s answer above (didn’t want this to get lost in the comments)

For me, I had to install pip for 3.6 first

sudo apt install python3-pip 

now you can install python 3.7

sudo apt install python3.7 

and then I could install pip for 3.7

python3.7 -m pip install pip 

and as a bonus, to install other modules just preface with

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EDIT 1 (12/2019):

I know this is obvious for most. but if you want python 3.8, just substitute python3.8 in place of python3.7

EDIT 2 (5/2020):

For those that are able to upgrade, Python 3.8 is available out-of-the-box for Ubuntu 20.04 which was released a few weeks ago.

curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py

Then this command with sudo:

Based on this instruction.

I used apt-get to install python3.7 in ubuntu18.04. The installations are as follows.

sudo apt-get install python3.7 
sudo apt-get install python3-pip 
  1. change the default of python3 for python3.7. This is where the magic is, which will make the pip3 refer to python3.7.
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.7 1 

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What is the command line in Puppy Linux that is equivalent to apt-get commands?

I have difficulties of installing apps in puppy linux, I realise that apt-get , yum don’t work in puppy linux, what is the correct command in puppy linux that is equivalent to apt-get or yum ?

4 Answers 4

To install packages in Puppy Linux, use the Puppy Package Manager ( ppm on the command line) or the quickpet tool.

Thank you. I find the puppy package manager & quickpet are rather limited in the likes of slacko puppy.

According to the official web site’s wiki, it uses Puppy Package Manager, the verb on the command-line for which is ppm .

apt-get will not work you have to use pkg -i update and then pkg -get PACKAGENAME and then pkg -i PACKAGENAME

Hey to update puppy linux you have to click on Menu > Setup > Puppy Updates which is equivalent to apt-get update . And yes you can install different packages using Puppy Package Manager

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