Arch linux at work

Arch linux at work

Company provided me a 2015 Macbook Air for work and the lag is driving me crazy. Since they’re stingy and won’t purchase a Macbook Pro and I prefer working in a UNIX-like environment over Windows, I’m looking for alternatives.

I have played with Arch a few years ago but never configured it to a place I liked. I’m curious at how things are now.

Is it simple to set these things up nowadays? What DEs and packages (or potentially other distros) should I be looking at for these things?

— Hot plugging monitors (usb-c to hdmi) — I want to be able to unplug my monitor to go to a meeting and replug it once it’s done and have all my windows automatically show up in the right positions, on the right monitor.

— Gestures and palm rejection. I remember configuring syntaptics before but was never ever able to get it to feel anything remotely as smooth as Mac. The palm rejection also felt like an annoying dumb static delay that prevented actual keystrokes. Have things improved? Any recommended packages? Touchegg ?

— Wifi GUI (Would be nice if it came with the DE). When I’m out and about and need to connect to my phone hotspot or the client’s wifi, I want to be able to do it without having memorized config file locations/syntax and commands. I think I used wifi-menu before but since I rarely used it, even remembering to type wifi-menu was difficult in those situations.

— Screenshots + Annotation directly to the clipboard would be nice. Any suggested packages for that?

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— Unfortunately, people still send me xlsx files. Looks like LibreOffice will do the job?


Arch Linux

I’m just curious how many archers use Arch at work? I use Arch on my laptop and then use VMWare server to run XP so I can have access to things like AD Users and Computers. Anyone else use Arch in some capacity at work?

«Oh, they have the internet on computers now.»

#2 2008-02-02 03:59:05

Re: Arch at the workplace??

I used to, at a previous job. I was the only linux user in a windows dominated workplace. Arch + XFCE = a whole bunch of confused coworkers.
I don’t think VMWare existed then. I’d just rdesktop to a Windows dev server, or reboot into Windows if absolutely necessary.

#3 2008-02-02 04:06:31

Re: Arch at the workplace??

Yea, I rdp into servers to do various tasks, and yes, its a ton of fun when coworkers look at my desktop and say «what is that.»

I forgot to mention, I have two monitors at work, so i got xp via vmware on one side, and Arch on the other.

«Oh, they have the internet on computers now.»

#4 2008-02-02 15:06:19

Re: Arch at the workplace??

I use Arch exclusively at work. I’m a software developer for a small startup. Everyone else is a Mac user.

«It is very difficult to educate the educated.»

#5 2008-02-02 19:00:47

freakcode Member From: São Paulo — Brazil Registered: 2007-11-03 Posts: 410 Website

Re: Arch at the workplace??

On my workstation, Archlinux since last months, and Linux since 2003 (Redhat 7 anyone?)

#6 2008-02-02 19:28:03

Re: Arch at the workplace??

#7 2008-02-02 19:40:14

zyghom Member From: Poland/currently Africa Registered: 2006-05-11 Posts: 432 Website

Re: Arch at the workplace??

Arch on my production laptop, before was other distro, linux-only user for last few years — no problems 😉
As I’m Solaris machines admin Linux gives me all I need to work
Some new equipment in my work now comes with linux-based applications (SGSN i.e.)

#8 2008-02-02 20:26:12

Re: Arch at the workplace??

we’re a windows shop, so all of my the machines at my desk are XP
i thought about installing arch on a box i had laying around but then i wasnt really sure what i’d do with arch on it

#9 2008-02-03 00:29:52

Re: Arch at the workplace??

I’m the only one at work uses Arch, I wouldn’t have it any otherwise. Other uses Solaris/OpenSolaris, FC, Ubuntu.

My home computers and laptops all runs Arch. Have two production servers running on Arch64/32.

#10 2008-02-03 01:04:02

Re: Arch at the workplace??

Being a grad student, all the boxes are mine and yes, they run arch.

Except our little 72 processor box, it runs gentoo. Wasn’t my decision, this is what it comes with!

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#11 2008-02-03 01:48:09

Re: Arch at the workplace??

On my workstation, Archlinux since last months, and Linux since 2003 (Redhat 7 anyone?)

I used (or tried I should say) Red Hat 7 a long long time ago while I was still taking a few classes on a C/C++ course, but I ended up using OpenBSD mainly because of my interest in networking code.

Most of the work I do is web admin and design work anyhow, so usually I have no problems using Arch or any other OS for that matter unless its some weird quirk with IE6/7 that has to be worked out :-/, but its smooth sailing for me otherwise.

The water never asked for a channel, and the channel never asked for water.

#12 2008-02-03 03:08:19

Re: Arch at the workplace??

Also use Arch at work, but I have to periodically rdesktop to a win2003 machine to run a single program that mixes windows binaries with java. Aside from my workstation, a quad-socket xeon running Arch, and an IBM POWER5 machine running AIX, the rest of the building (a university library) is a windows world.

#13 2008-02-03 09:20:06

Re: Arch at the workplace??

Nope, federal government is owned by MS. I hope to change that one day though

#14 2008-02-03 13:53:48

Re: Arch at the workplace??

Running Arch! Only have to boot into windows when they through a MS Access change or task at me. Only one running linux. Small School setting.

#15 2008-02-03 14:52:10

Dusty Schwag Merchant From: Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada Registered: 2004-01-18 Posts: 5,986 Website

Re: Arch at the workplace??

I work from home, so I use Arch exclusively.

I have VirtualBox set up to run XP — one of my clients likes to use «GoToMeeting» which only works on Windows.

#16 2008-02-03 22:37:25

crouse Arch Linux f@h Team Member From: Iowa — USA Registered: 2006-08-19 Posts: 907 Website

Re: Arch at the workplace??

In our office, we have 7 computers. All 7 run Arch Linux. I use TN5250J to connect to our AS400.

#17 2008-02-04 03:50:49

Re: Arch at the workplace??

In our office, we have 7 computers. All 7 run Arch Linux. I use TN5250J to connect to our AS400.

Ah yes, AS400, my former employer (A tuxedo shop that got bought out) used several AS400’s. I never thought about using a linux client to connect to them. Surprising considereing I was never fond of iSeries Client Access.

«Oh, they have the internet on computers now.»

#18 2008-02-04 17:11:31

Re: Arch at the workplace??

have Arch on my laptop so I am using at work but I need windows workstation for some windows specific programs.

Last edited by broch (2008-02-04 17:11:56)

#19 2008-02-04 20:16:31

Re: Arch at the workplace??

I use Arch at my work computer. I think the GIMP and OOo are my two most-used programs on it. When I need to use our labeler via Windows, I use the binary version of VirtualBox.

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Speaking of, the GIMP is a very good piece of software! I used to use PSP X and PS but since I started getting more comfortable with the GIMP, I’ve learned to really like it. At work, I use it with a Sonly Alpha SLR camera to create overdramatic shots for our online store like this: … ts_id=7174

Last edited by synthead (2008-02-04 20:17:04)

#20 2008-02-04 21:51:59

Re: Arch at the workplace??

I use Asterisk under Arch.

This is a nice opportunity to thank the Asterisk package maintainer who ever that might be, please dont forget 1.6 when it comes out!

#21 2008-02-04 22:12:15

Wilson Phillips Member From: Vicksburg, MS, USA Registered: 2007-09-24 Posts: 70

Re: Arch at the workplace??

Our corp admins won’t let a Linux PC authenticate on the domain. I get stuck using XP and 2000. At least I can use Arch at home.

Guarantee does not cover shark bite, bear attack, or children under 5.

#22 2008-02-05 00:12:48

chilebiker Member From: Zurich, Switzerland Registered: 2006-07-18 Posts: 161

Re: Arch at the workplace??

We have two boxes here at our hostel, both running Arch!

#23 2008-02-05 06:39:15

dr_te_z Member From: Zoetermeer, the Netherlands Registered: 2006-12-06 Posts: 154

Re: Arch at the workplace??

I get stuck using XP and 2000.

As long as they pay you. When you’re not paid, they do not catch you behind a windows-screen, right? That’s the spirit!

I’ve been in the oppertunity once. I was maintaining applications on various aix and hp/ux and mainframe machines and they supplied me with putty and exceed (on a terminal server, can you imagine?). But I mangaged to obtain an old spare computer, I found 1 extra network cable under my desk and I installed (I was still in my slackware years back then) slackware linux.

Much nicer native interface to the unix boxes. Much nice desktop (gnome wiht 3ddesktop) and I even installed x3270 and I manages to access the mainframe as well. So I ended up using 99% of my time using my own linux box and once in a while check my email (lotus Notes) on my official workstation. But those days are gone now.

So now I convert my lease-laptop to a dual-boot with arch alongside vista. Try to ignore vista as much as possible

Somewhere between «too small» and «too large» lies the size that is just right.
— Scott Hayes

#24 2008-02-10 17:49:18

Re: Arch at the workplace??

I am a PhD student using Arch for my research. In fact, I installed it on our testbed with 30+ machines. all running Arch now!

#25 2008-02-10 18:22:11

Re: Arch at the workplace??

My main work (study) while on computer is reading pdf files. AND I use ArchLinux and Evince.


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