Arch linux double commander

Arch linux double commander

Не подскажете, есть ли возможность в названии файлов, при групповом переименовании, поменять местами слова целиком, по определенному шаблону, к примеру, ФИ на привычное ИФ и второй вопрос, как «сказать» программе, что-бы действия выполняла только на определенном участке названия, к примеру внутри круглых () или квадратных [] скобках, игнорируя остальное.

Видимо никто из форумян не ставил перед собой такие задачи в doublecmd.
По моему такие вещи в линукс чаще делают из командной строки с помощью команды rename. Либо в сложных случаях (как у Вас со скобками) пишется простой скрипт.

Если бы речь шла о простом переименовании, я не стал бы даже выходить из Thunar(a), с его Инструменты=>Массовое переименование, даже не прибегая к терминалу и само-собой, не прося помощи на форуме. Но здесь, более сложная задача. Попробую объяснить на примере. Итак исходный файл:
10. Котлов Алексей и группа «DJ Дождик» — Подожди Немножко.mp3
Мне нужно сделать следующее: Начиная с 4(ой) позиции (это пробел), затем целиком слово №1 (в данном примере это Котлов), затем снова пробел, снова целое слово №2 (Алексей) и снова пробел. Мне нужно поменять местами целое слово №2 (Алексей) с целым словом №1 (Котлов) не нарушая оставшиеся названия файла. А с скобками () попроще, но я то-же не знаю как это сделать. Пример:
05. Мираж ( Болдышева Екатерина & Алексей Горбашов ) — Звёзды.mp3
Нужно убрать пробелы после открывающей скобки и перед закрывающей. Буду рад, если сможете помочь «Автаматизировать процес», а то вручную буду до пенсии переименовывать.

#!/bin/bash input_string="Это строка для тестирования разбиения на слова" read -ra words words[1]=$ words[2]=$temp echo "Измененный массив: $" 

Ошибки в тексте-неповторимый стиль автора©



doublecmd — Twin-panel (commander-style) file manager.


doublecmd [-C] [-T] [-P L|R] [ path1 ] [ path2 ]
doublecmd [-C] [-T] [-P L|R] [-L path1 ] [-R path2 ]


Double Commander is a free cross platform open source file manager with two panels side by side. It is inspired by Total Commander and features some new ideas.


The switches are NOT case sensitive.

[] If one path passed then load it into the active panel. If two paths are passed then load first path into left panel and second in the right panel.
Directory names containing spaces must be put in double quotes.
Always specify the full path name. -C, —client If Double Commander is already running, activate it and pass the path(s) in the command line to that instance. -L Set directory to show in the left panel. -R Set directory to show in the right panel. -P L|R Sets the active panel when program starts: -P L for left and -P R for right. -T Opens the passed directory(ies) in new tab(s) —config-dir= Set custom directory path with Double Commander configurations files.
Default is $HOME/.config/doublecmd. —servername=x Sets the name of the instance (server) Double Commander, which can then be used to pass parameters.
If there is no already existing instance, then create it.
If there is already existing instance, and the current one is a client, then send params to the server (i.e. to the existing instance).
If there is already existing instance, and the current one is not a client, (i.e. «Allow only one copy of DC at a time» is false and no —client / -c options were given), then user-provided servername is altered: firstly, just add a trailing number «2».
If there is already some trailing number, then increase it by 1, until we found a servername that isn’t busy yet, and then create instance with this servername. —no-splash Disables the splash screen at startup DC.

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Powered by archmanweb, using mandoc for the conversion of manual pages.

The website is available under the terms of the GPL-3.0 license, except for the contents of the manual pages, which have their own license specified in the corresponding Arch Linux package.



doublecmd — Twin-panel (commander-style) file manager.


doublecmd [-C] [-T] [-P L|R] [ path1 ] [ path2 ]
doublecmd [-C] [-T] [-P L|R] [-L path1 ] [-R path2 ]


Double Commander is a free cross platform open source file manager with two panels side by side. It is inspired by Total Commander and features some new ideas.


The switches are NOT case sensitive.

[] If one path passed then load it into the active panel. If two paths are passed then load first path into left panel and second in the right panel.
Directory names containing spaces must be put in double quotes.
Always specify the full path name. -C, —client If Double Commander is already running, activate it and pass the path(s) in the command line to that instance. -L Set directory to show in the left panel. -R Set directory to show in the right panel. -P L|R Sets the active panel when program starts: -P L for left and -P R for right. -T Opens the passed directory(ies) in new tab(s) —config-dir= Set custom directory path with Double Commander configurations files.
Default is $HOME/.config/doublecmd. —servername=x Sets the name of the instance (server) Double Commander, which can then be used to pass parameters.
If there is no already existing instance, then create it.
If there is already existing instance, and the current one is a client, then send params to the server (i.e. to the existing instance).
If there is already existing instance, and the current one is not a client, (i.e. «Allow only one copy of DC at a time» is false and no —client / -c options were given), then user-provided servername is altered: firstly, just add a trailing number «2».
If there is already some trailing number, then increase it by 1, until we found a servername that isn’t busy yet, and then create instance with this servername. —no-splash Disables the splash screen at startup DC.

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Powered by archmanweb, using mandoc for the conversion of manual pages.

The website is available under the terms of the GPL-3.0 license, except for the contents of the manual pages, which have their own license specified in the corresponding Arch Linux package.


Double Commander

Double Commander

Double Commander — двухпанельный файловый менеджер для Linux. Имеет множество возможностей по управлению файлами и обладает большим числом настроек.

Double Commander поддерживает вкладки, может сравнивать файлы и каталоги, поддерживает множественное переименование. Программа имеет расширенные возможности поиска файлов по шаблону, поиска текста в файлах и замены текста. Имеет встроенный редактор текста с подсветкой синтаксиса. Поддерживается работа с архивами, программа может работать с ними как с каталогами.

Double Commander обладает большим числом настроек и позволяет настраивать внешний вид. Программа поддерживает плагины.

По своей функциональности и оформлению Double Commander напоминает Total Commander и является ему хорошей бесплатной альтернативой в Linux. Обратите также внимание на файловый менеджер Gnome Commander для Linux.

Программа доступна в двух версиях: с GTK и Qt интерфейсом.


Установка в Ubuntu (LinuxMint)

sudo apt install doublecmd-gtk

Установка в ArchLinux (Manjaro)

sudo pacman -S doublecmd-qt5

Установка в Fedora

sudo dnf install doublecmd

Установка в openSuse

sudo zypper install doublecmd-qt


Open Source (открыт)


Программа кроссплатформенная
Работает в:

Windows аналоги


Getting started with Double Commander on Linux

Feature image for the article about getting started with Double Commander

Double Commander is a free and open source dual pane file manager. It is an excellent file manager, especially for those who prefer a consistent file manager experience, while trying out different Linux desktop environments. This article assists you with getting Double Commander installed and configured on your Linux system.

Each desktop environment ships with its own file manager: Nautilus on Gnome, Dolphin on KDE, Thunar on XFCE, etc. Working in the file manager forms and integral part of my daily PC work flow. Therefore I do not enjoy being forced to switch to a different file manager, each time I try out a different desktop environment on Linux. Additionally, I really enjoy dual pane file managers. If you recognize yourself in these file manager preferences, then I can highly recommend giving Double Commander a try.

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Alexander Koblov develops and maintains Double Commander and he selected the Lazarus IDE for programming Double Commander. Here is an appetizer of what Double Commander on Linux looks like, while I am writing this article:

Screenshot of what the Double Commander dual pane file manager looks like

Note that Double Commander on supports both a horizontal and vertical layout of the panes. Additionally, each pane can have multiple tabs.

Installing Double Commander on Linux

I should mention that there are two different editions of the Double Commander program, before diving into the installation instructions. A GTK edition called doublecmd-gtk and a QT edition called doublecmd-qt . Both editions work exactly the same, they just have a slightly different feel to them, as they are built with a different graphical toolkit under the hood.

Which editions should you use? The desktop environment you installed on your Linux system determines the best Double Commander edition. For those that are working in the KDE or LXQt desktop environment, doublecmd-qt works best. In case you installed any other desktop environment (Gnome, Mate, XFCE, Cinnamon, etc.) then doublecmd-gtk works best. I write this article on my trusty Thinkpad T450s, which runs Debian 10 with the Gnome desktop environment. For this reason, the remainder of this article features the double-gtk edition.

In the event that you run the Debian or Ubuntu Linux distribution on your PC, you can install Double Commander with ease, because these distributions include the program in their package repositories. To install Double Commander, simply run the following command from the terminal:

sudo apt install doublecmd-gtk

In case you run Fedora, CentOS or openSUSE, the developer maintains a repository on OBS. openSUSE maintains the Open Build Services (OBS) platform and it enables anyone to build and host installation packages for multiple Linux distributions. This means that you can download the installation package for your Linux distribution, directly from the Double Commander repository on OBS. The download page provides detailed installation instructions.

For those that run an Arch based distributions, the Arch User Repository (AUR) is your friend. Simply search for doublecmd .

Configuring Double Commander on Linux

Because Double Commander is a generic file manager, it requires a little configuring to make it work with your desktop environment. Additionally, I prefer to change a few other settings to make Double Commander more to my personal liking. The following slide show presents these configuration steps:


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