Arch linux how to install grub

arch linux install grub

(Boot your install medium in EFI mode, select the Ubuntu entry with UEFI in front.) To identify the partitions use GParted, the tool is included in the installation medium. After having run the commands GRUB will be installed in the separate EFI partition.

How do I manually install grub?

  1. Boot the machine using a Live CD.
  2. Open a terminal.
  3. Find out the name of the internal disk by using fdisk to look up the device’s size. .
  4. Install GRUB boot loader onto the proper disk (the example below assumes it is /dev/sda ): sudo grub-install —recheck —no-floppy —root-directory=/ /dev/sda.

Where is Grub in Linux?

The primary configuration file for changing menu display settings is called grub and by default is located in the /etc/default folder. There are multiple files for configuring the menu — /etc/default/grub mentioned above, and all the files in the /etc/grub. d/ directory.

Why does grub install fail?

Make sure you install Windows first, then Ubuntu. It seems that your computer supports UEFI mode, which may cause problem for Ubuntu installation with the error in your question. . See this post: [Fix] ‘grub-efi-amd64-signed’ package failed to install into /target/ — Never Too Old To Learn. Do not do dual-boot.

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Do you need grub to boot Linux?

GRUB has two functions: it serves as a boot manager, i.e. it shows a menu of entries that you can boot, and it acts as a Linux bootloader. . The firmware also contains a boot manager, but you can install an alternative simple boot manager like systemd-boot. In short: there is simply no need for GRUB on a modern system.

Should I install GRUB bootloader?

No, you don’t need GRUB. You do need a bootloader. GRUB is a bootloader. The reason many installers will ask you if you want to install grub is because you might already have grub installed (usually because you have another linux distro installed and you’re going to dual-boot).

Is Arch Linux worth it?

Absolutely not. Arch is not, and has never been about choice, it’s about minimalism and simplicity. Arch is minimal, as in by default it doesn’t have a lot of stuff, but it’s not designed for choice, you can just uninstall stuff on a non minimal distro and get the same effect.

Is Arch Linux good for beginners?

Arch Linux is perfect for «Beginners»

Rolling upgrades, Pacman, AUR are really valuable reasons. After just one day using it, I’ve come to realize that Arch is good for advanced users, but also for beginners.

Is Arch Linux difficult?

If you want to be a skilled Linux operator, start out with something difficult. Arch isn’t as hard as Gentoo or Linux from Scratch, but you’ll get the reward of having a running system much faster than either of these two. Invest the time to learn Linux well.

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How to Install GRUB on Arch Linux (UEFI)

grub arch linux

A few weeks ago, I had to reinstall Arch Linux from scratch on my laptop and I discovered installing Grub was not as straightforward as I remembered.

For this reason, I’m going to write this tutorial since installing Grub on a UEFI bios during a new Arch Linux installation it’s not too easy.

Locating the EFI partition

The first important thing to do for installing Grub on Arch Linux is to locate the EFI partition.
Let’s run the following command in order to locate this partition:

We need to check the partition marked as EFI System
In my case is /dev/sda2

After that, we need to mount this partition, for example, on /boot/efi:

# mkdir /boot/efi # mount /dev/sdb2 /boot/efi

Another important thing to do is adding this partition into the /etc/fstab file.

Installing Grub

Now we can install Grub in our system:

# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg # grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=GRUB

Adding Windows Automatically into the Grub Menu

In order to automatically add the Windows entry into the Grub menu, we need to install the os-prober program:

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In order to add the entry item let’s run the following commands:

# os-prober # grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg # grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=GRUB

You can find more about Grub on Arch Linux here.


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