Arch linux no bootloader

Arch Linux

It comes with «endless OS» preinstalled, which did actually boot. I replaced it and whatever I do now, when rebooting after installation, it will say «no bootable device found».

The full story: After installing arch for about a dozen times, I decided to try antergos this time, as I heard it basically is arch with an installer. I disabled secure boot, and installed antergos. I did not manually partition the drive, but had the installer do it.
First, I chose systemd-boot as bootloader. Everything seemed to work -> reboot -> no bootable device found
I checked a reasonable boot order in the firmware interface of course. What seemed a little odd, is that the hard drive showed ub as «unknown intel (256GB). But on the live system it showed up as /dev/nvme0n1 with partitions /dev/nvme0n1p1, /dev/nvme0n1p2.
Everything seemed to be where it should. /etc/fstab looked fine (to what I can say), kernel was there, vmlinux-linux. I concluded it would be the bootloader.

I reinstalled, this time using GRUB2 as bootloader in the installer. Same result.
I now tried to configure efibootmgr (as I use it on my main notebook), redo the mkinitcpio. No improvements.

Then I switched to legacy boot and reinstalled. Still «no bootable device found»

I switched back to UEFI and now returned to a «classical» arch iso and did the whole installation manually. 512MB vfat partition mounted as /efi.
A root partition, an extra /home partition and a swap partition. Tried efibootmgr and GRUB2. Every time I do the installation, everything seems to work fine, until reboot.

So I cannot even post any error messages.

Any idea how I could overcome this nuisance would be highly appreciated.
I will gladly provide any extra information you deem helpful.

Thank you very much in advance

EDIT: due to upcoming desperation I tried Manjaro. Same result at first, but then I noticed, the installer allows me to choose existing EFI bootloaders. The current entries are:
(hd1,gpt1) /efi/grub/grubx64.efi

The first one will end in the grub rescue shell, but the other two options do actually start the installed manjaro. Interestingly, with the third option the touchpad will not work.

Still do not understand what the problem is.

Last edited by Ada (2019-01-25 11:01:43)


How to Restore/Reinstall GRUB Bootloader in Arch Linux

Sometimes disaster may happen and your GRUB bootloader may stop working. In this situation you may need to reinstall/restore GRUB bootloader. For this you need a bootable drive with Arch Linux.

So if you don’t have Arch Linux download iso file and create one.

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Recover GRUB Bootloader in Arch Linux

  • Insert and boot your Arch Linux installation media.
  • Select Arch Linux archiso x86_64 UEFI CD.
  • If you want to connect to WiFi then you can connect using # wifi-menu , but it is optional.
  • After that you need to mount the root partition of Arch Installation to /mnt .
  • To check your boot / EFI and root partitions use, # fdisk -l
  • Then mount your root partition to /mnt , # mount /dev/sda4 /mnt
  • chroot using, # arch-chroot /mnt /bin/bash
  • Then you need to mount boot partition, mount it to /boot/efi , # mount /dev/sda2/ /boot/efi
  • You can check if all are mounted using, # lsblk -l
  • Now install GRUB, # grub-install —target=x86_64-efi —efi-directory=/boot/efi —bootloader-id=GRUB
  • Then, generate grub.cfg, # grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
  • Now you are done, # exit , # reboot .

If you have problems then feel free to comment.

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Arch Linux

Long story short: I don’t understand what I forgot to do, but I cannot manage to have a working boot loader. Any help would be extremely appreciated.

My last few installs of archlinux have not been successful, and all of them for the same reason. After successfully loaded the live usb of archlinux, partionned, chrooted and installed base + the software I need, I had one last thing to do: installing a bootloader. It could be grub, it could be systemd-boot, I don’t really care. But in my last few attempt it was always a failure. Fortunately for me, I still have a few SSDs with working archlinux inside, so it has never been an issue that I wasn’t able any more to install arch. All of those unsuccessful installs had the following common points: one disk with gpt partitioning, one partition for /, one for /home, and one for the boot (more on that later). I had some systems with a Windows partition, some not. My / and /home are usually using ext4, but I also tried btrfs. The boot partition is always using FAT32. All those machines had an intel processor (i3 or i5), and were using UEFI.

Unfortunately for me in a recent update my working installation of arch on my laptop broke (ie, I wasn’t able anymore to boot to even a fullscreen console). I used a live usb to try to fix it made think probably worse. I would like to fix it, but more importantly, I would like to understand why I didn’t do it the last years on all those unsuccessful installation.

This install has 3 partitions: / and /home in btrfs and a boot partition in FAT32. Only archlinux is installed on this system. I’m not using anything fancy like encryption or LVM)

As far as understand, what I need to do is:
— First, I need to boot using a live usb of arch.
— I know that the current content of my boot partition is a mess, so I will format it.
— Then I will mount all my partition in /mnt. And by the way, should I mount the boot partition on /mnt/boot, /mnt/boot/efi, or /mnt/efi?
— I will re-install base and intel-ucode using pacstrap just in case, as well a re-generating my fstab with genfstab (the UUID of the / and /home partitions didn’t changed, but I need to double check the one of my boot partition)
— Then I will use arch-chroot
— At that point I need to install a bootloader, and this is where I’m stuck

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Is this plan good? Which bootloader should I choose. What are the gotchas? I saw that if you are using intel processor, you need to install intel-ucode. I also saw that you may need to add hooks for custom module but I don’t think it’s needed in my case (is it needed for btrfs?). It’s been ages since I formatted my / and /home partitions in btrfs, so I forgot if I used RAID, but I assume that since there is a single disk it shouldn’t be using RAID. During the installation of the bootloader, is the archlinux entry automatically created (I assume it can be different from one bootloader to another, but let’s assume it’s systemd-boot or grub)? Is there specific things to do related to UEFI (like using modprobe efivars or something like this)?

I’m sorry to have to ask those questions, I’m sure that it’s clearly written in the wiki, but I can’t manage to find it alone.

Last edited by robin_m (2020-10-24 18:22:20)


Arch Linux

I followed the installation guide ( for my DELL 9350 and everything went smooth. However after reboot, I can only see the icons to the old systems (Ubuntu and Windows) which don’t exist any more. But cannot see Arch.

I installed one root and one swap partitions. And also installed the grub.

Last edited by valk (2017-07-02 07:09:12)

#2 2017-07-01 21:06:35

Re: [SOLVED] Arch doesn’t appear in the boot loader after fresh install

Post your exact steps, including details of your partition table and grub config.

Registered Linux User #482438

#3 2017-07-01 21:51:56

Re: [SOLVED] Arch doesn’t appear in the boot loader after fresh install

I downloaded the latest iso: … 1/torrent/, wrote it with dd to USB and booted from it.

DELL 9350 has the UEFI so I checked that this dir is present: /sys/firmware/efi/efivars

The following commands were executed:

Then I created two partitions with cparted: the / and the swap and formatted them:

# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2 # mount /dev/sda2 /mnt
# pacstrap /mnt base # genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab

And checked, and fstab was fine here.

# ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Israel /etc/localtime # hwclock --systohc # locale-gen
vi /etc/locale.conf LANG=en_US.UTF-8 # uncommented
/etc/hosts myhostname.localdomain varch
pacman -S iw wpa_supplicant # for the wireless # passwd pacman -S intel-ucode

Now. I saw that menu I guess it’s DELL’s UEFI menu like grub but it shows those icons visually — the logos of Ubuntu and Windows. Anyway, I now changed a bit the BIOS and powering on the computer I see just the

Now, I cannot type all the output of lsblk, but, there’s:

sda with sda1 (efi), sda2 (root) and sda3 (swap)

Regarding the grub — I thought it’s all automatic and didn’t install/configure anything related to it as it wasn’t mentioned in

#4 2017-07-01 21:57:20

Re: [SOLVED] Arch doesn’t appear in the boot loader after fresh install

Nothing is automatic in Arch: you still have to install and configure a bootloader or boot manager.

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Registered Linux User #482438

#5 2017-07-02 06:51:06

Re: [SOLVED] Arch doesn’t appear in the boot loader after fresh install

After trying different options for installing GRUB, I decided to try systemd-boot, which didn’t solve the problem.

After digging deeper a few hours in the WIKIs and noticing that my UEFI has rEFInd, I followed this guide

So I booted again to the installation media, mounted the EFI and ran

And after rebooting eventually saw the beautiful Arch logo.

#6 2017-07-04 14:01:11

Re: [SOLVED] Arch doesn’t appear in the boot loader after fresh install

You’re using a UEFI system so you need to mount the ESP as well as the root partition when you do the installation. That is where the boot loader or boot manager lives. You are seeing the UEFI built in boot manager as you thought. It is showing you the boot entries in the UEFI variables. You don’t have an entry in that for Arch since you didn’t get the boot partition implemented and didn’t correctly install a boot manager or loader. Go back and follow the instructions from the beginning for a UEFI system including an EFI System Partition, ESP, with a /boot mount point.


Arch Linux

Something like 2 years ago, I installed an arch on a laptop for a friend. At that time, I already had some difficulties to install the bootloader. Recently, an update broke the boot process. No big deal in theory, but I can’t manage to fix it. I read multiple time the arch wiki, but I obviously did something wrong, and I cannot manage to fix it, no matter witch bootloader I try, neither grub, nor systemd-boot works. In both cases, arch cannot start. When `arch-chrooting` from an usb key, everything seems to works fine. I even tried to un-install grub, format the uefi partition, and then install `bootctl`.

Could a kind stranger give me some advices on how to install a boot manager, on the most simple way possible.

Her config is a thinkpad laptop with an intel cpu. There is no lvm, no encryption, no btrfs, no nothing special. Except for UEFI (bios just worked, uefi was always a pain to set-up in my experience, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong).

I created 2 partitions, the first for `/` (no separate partition for `/` and `/home`) in `ext4`, and the second for the efi in fat32. Is it the simplest choice? What is the most basic setup for single boot, single user? Having a separate partition for `efi`, or a single partition for everything? If `efi` need to be in another place, where should I mount it? In `/boot/EFI` or just `/boot`?

What bootmanager is the closest to 0 config? What is the minimal steps to have that kind of computer. Is there anything to do about microcode (and if yes, why? She don’t have an exotic cpu architecture).

Basically what I tried (excluding non-bootloader stuff) was

mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2 # the / partition mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sda1 # the efi partition mount /dev/sda2 /mnt mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot pacstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware intel-ucode arch-chroot /mnt bootctl install exit reboot

I will probably install manjaro instead, but I would have liked to understand the right procedure.


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