Arch linux no icons

Arch Linux

I’ve installed arch very recently to learn more about how Linux functions and how to use it. As such I’m not entirely sure where to even start going about troubleshooting this.

The tray icons for things like Discord, Spotify, Variety, etc don’t show up at all.
I’ve tried using aur to install Gnome shell tray icon extension at … ray-icons/ as a friend told me it might fix the issue, but it has indeed not done that. And I have not the slightest clue as to what else I can try.
Lemme know if there’s any information I’m leaving out that could be helpful..

Last edited by PointBlank776 (2020-12-09 01:02:49)

#2 2020-09-23 20:39:05

Re: [Solved] Tray Icons not appearing

Hi and welcome to the forums, your request for support gives us no info whatsover, while many archers are clever, there is only one who is clairvoyant and he has broken his crystal ball (again), so i suggest you have a read of How To Ask Questions The Smart Way and maybe retry by giving us something to go on, as in what DE/WM you use, if it has ever worked ? etc. etc.
good luck

#3 2020-09-24 15:35:29

Re: [Solved] Tray Icons not appearing

I tried installing that version of gnome-shell-tray-icon from the AUR and it didn’t immediately work for me either.

When installing gnome extensions, I typically install them directly from the Gnome extensions website. If you have chrome-gnome-shell installed you can literally flip a switch on the website to install the extension. For the gnome tray icons, try this extension: I installed it and immediately several tray icons appeared.

Читайте также:  Linux загружается до initramfs

You can read more about installing Gnome extensions from the browser by visiting:

«Oh, they have the internet on computers now.»

#4 2020-09-25 09:48:57

Re: [Solved] Tray Icons not appearing

Hi and welcome to the forums, your request for support gives us no info whatsover, while many archers are clever, there is only one who is clairvoyant and he has broken his crystal ball (again), so i suggest you have a read of How To Ask Questions The Smart Way and maybe retry by giving us something to go on, as in what DE/WM you use, if it has ever worked ? etc. etc.
good luck

Yea, I apologize for not being able to give any more information. I’m still learning the ropes. Thanks for not being excessively uncivil about it. I’ve noticed a lot of archers enjoy hating on noobs

#5 2020-09-25 09:51:08

Re: [Solved] Tray Icons not appearing

I tried installing that version of gnome-shell-tray-icon from the AUR and it didn’t immediately work for me either.

When installing gnome extensions, I typically install them directly from the Gnome extensions website. If you have chrome-gnome-shell installed you can literally flip a switch on the website to install the extension. For the gnome tray icons, try this extension: I installed it and immediately several tray icons appeared.

You can read more about installing Gnome extensions from the browser by visiting:

Thanks! I figured out that I had installed the correct extensions, I just hadn’t enabled them. Which I did simply by going into the extensions shortcut in the app drawer. So This is pretty much solved

#6 2020-09-26 18:52:55

Re: [Solved] Tray Icons not appearing

Thanks! I figured out that I had installed the correct extensions, I just hadn’t enabled them. Which I did simply by going into the extensions shortcut in the app drawer. So This is pretty much solved

Very cool, glad you got it working. If you don’t mind, mark the topic as solved by adding [SOLVED] to the beginning of the subject.

«Oh, they have the internet on computers now.»


Arch Linux

I recently installed Arch on another laptop. And I noticed a lot of the icons in the applications menu are missing. Both the default XFCE apps and newly-installed programs. From AUR or otherwise.
The XFCE desktop entries in /usr/share/applications simply don’t have icons.

  1. Task Manager (came included with XFCE, I believe)
  2. Document Viewer (Evince)
  3. ghostwriter
  4. MComix
  5. Xarchiver
  6. Redshift (also no icon in the panel’s «Notification Area»)
  7. Minetime (from AUR)
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It’s not all newly-installed programs don’t have icons, only some of them.
For what it’s worth, the task manager doesn’t have a working icon on my other Arch laptop too.

Any idea how to diagnose the problem?

Last edited by E3LDDfrK (2020-08-21 19:47:03)

#2 2020-08-21 13:31:47

Re: [SOLVED] Missing icons in XFCE

Perhaps you need to install a couple of icon theme packages?

#3 2020-08-21 14:32:34

Re: [SOLVED] Missing icons in XFCE

XFCE comes with the default Adwaita and HighContrast icons. Plus don’t these software bring their own icons?

#4 2020-08-21 15:21:40

Re: [SOLVED] Missing icons in XFCE

About your idea that programs come with their own icon, I tried to check that and you are right. I checked like this:

pacman -Ql redshift | grep icon

I looked into redshift, mcomix, evince, and those all had icons in their package. I couldn’t find out where the XFCE Task Manager tool’s icon comes from, there is an image in the xfce4-taskmanager package but it’s not the application icon.

Thinking about what to do, I would first reboot and see what happens. Then next I’d try wiping the ~/.cache folder in my home, and I’d do that while not at the desktop, instead logged in through the text console without Xorg running.

#5 2020-08-21 15:32:40

Re: [SOLVED] Missing icons in XFCE

I did it. Wiping the ~/.cache and also reboot. It didn’t help unfortunately.

#6 2020-08-21 17:53:34

Re: [SOLVED] Missing icons in XFCE

If i look at /usr/share/applications/xfce4-taskmanager.desktop i see: Icon=utilities-system-monitor

Now search /usr/share/icons for utilities-system-monitor

./HighContrast/22x22/apps/utilities-system-monitor.png ./HighContrast/32x32/apps/utilities-system-monitor.png ./HighContrast/scalable/apps/utilities-system-monitor.svg ./HighContrast/16x16/apps/utilities-system-monitor.png ./HighContrast/48x48/apps/utilities-system-monitor.png ./HighContrast/24x24/apps/utilities-system-monitor.png ./HighContrast/256x256/apps/utilities-system-monitor.png ./gnome/22x22/apps/utilities-system-monitor.png ./gnome/32x32/apps/utilities-system-monitor.png ./gnome/scalable/apps/utilities-system-monitor-symbolic.svg ./gnome/16x16/apps/utilities-system-monitor.png ./gnome/48x48/apps/utilities-system-monitor.png ./gnome/24x24/apps/utilities-system-monitor.png ./gnome/256x256/apps/utilities-system-monitor.png

Do you have some installed?

Also, if you look at xfce4 — settings — appearance — icons
what theme is selected? I have gnome.

#7 2020-08-21 19:46:48

Re: [SOLVED] Missing icons in XFCE

I just checked it. Same result, but just the high contrast ones. It’s a fresh install. So it only has the default themes and icons, Adwaita and High Contrast.
So that solves it for Task Manager. Well, to be fair, the task manager comes from xfce4-goodies. I guess it makes sense that the default icons Adwaita doesn’t include it.
edit: Turns out it was removed. I don’t understand the reasoning. Seems silly. … de69432dd9 It seems they added it back along with other missing icons. … #note_4695 So, just wait I guess.

I checked for the other ones and they actually have their icons in /usr/share/icons/hicolor, for various sizes.
I googled and found this on reddit:

# gtk-update-icon-cache --force /usr/share/icons/hicolor

I ran the command and solved my problem. Just gtk-update-icon-cache probably suffices. The command creates an icon-theme.cache inside the icon directory.
The relevant stuffs are just not in ~/.cache, so deleting that didn’t help.

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Thanks for the help, Anchorman and Ropid.

Last edited by E3LDDfrK (2020-08-21 22:06:57)


Arch Linux

I have Openbox and lxpanel (no LXDE).
librsvg and libxpm are installed. All necessary icons are present in /usr/share/pixmaps. I don’t see any errors in terminal when running lxpanel —log 5.

Does anyone have lxpanel with icons in menu when running without LXDE? Share your solutions pls.

Last edited by nesk (2013-12-22 22:31:32)

#2 2013-12-22 17:13:39

Re: [SOLVED] No icons in lxpanel menu

And your config files are looking like? Can’t help with what we canne see

ALL icons are missing or just tray/applet? taskbar? Recent happening or previously working and broke on update.

#3 2013-12-22 19:18:41

Re: [SOLVED] No icons in lxpanel menu

I did not touch lxpanel config, so — default. What other config fileS do you mean?
Icons are missing only in the menu (completely — not a single menu item has an icon). App launcher, taskbar, tray and applets are displaying icons normally.
Fresh Arch installation — installed lxde-icon-theme and lxpanel, no icons in the menu.

Last edited by nesk (2013-12-22 19:25:21)

#4 2013-12-22 22:27:23

Re: [SOLVED] No icons in lxpanel menu

could be your gtk theme is causing this, or some gtk setting.
do you have lxappearance installed? on the «other» tab, click «show icons in menus».
or try adding «gtk-menu-images=1» to your ~/.gtkrc-2.0

However studied and stilted your rant, it can never hide the base and primitve emotion that inspired it.
There’s no objectivity.

#5 2013-12-22 22:31:20

Re: [SOLVED] No icons in lxpanel menu

could be your gtk theme is causing this, or some gtk setting.
do you have lxappearance installed? on the «other» tab, click «show icons in menus».
or try adding «gtk-menu-images=1» to your ~/.gtkrc-2.0

Thanks, that did the trick. It seems that lxappearance does nothing more than setting gtk-menu-images=1
Strange that it’s not on by default.

#6 2013-12-23 15:04:22

Re: [SOLVED] No icons in lxpanel menu

It seems that lxappearance does nothing more than setting gtk-menu-images=1

why «nothing more»?
or maybe you just learned your first important linux lesson: most things done by a gui can also be achieved by command line or editing text files.

However studied and stilted your rant, it can never hide the base and primitve emotion that inspired it.
There’s no objectivity.


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