Arch linux pacman gui

How to Install Pamac GUI Package Manager in Arch Linux

Missing a software center in Arch Linux? You can install and use Manjaro’s Pamac package manager in Arch without much trouble.

  • Installing from the AUR
  • Installing from the Chaotic-AUR (Recommended as the developers of Garuda Linux sign packages)

Both are command line methods, but you are an Arch user, and I believe you can handle the command line a bit, can you not?

Method 1: Installing Pamac from the AUR

If you have an AUR helper like Yay installed already, getting Pamac is really easy.

Otherwise, you’ll have to go the challenging route.

First, update your system as Arch is a rolling release distribution and do not support partial upgrades. Enter the following command in the terminal to update your Arch Linux system.

Then you need to install all the packages of the base-devel package group and git by entering the command below.

sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel git

Now you need to build and install archlinux-appstream-data-pamac, libpamac-aur and pamac-aur respectively.

Enter the following commands replacing the package name with packages you want to install for all the 3 packages.

git clone cd archlinux-appstream-data-pamac makepkg -si

In this case, the AUR package pamac-aur have other AUR packages as dependencies. So you have to build and install them before installing the main package. This hassle can be avoided by using an AUR helper.

Building and installing packages from AUR may fail due to outdated PKGBUILD and there are plenty of them in the AUR. Also, you need to manually update AUR packages if there is an update, as AUR packages don’t update when you update your system with Pacman.

In my opinion, you should use the next method. You don’t have to bother building and updating Pamac manually when there is an update.

Method 2: Installing Pamac from the Chaotic-AUR (Recommended)

Chaotic-AUR is a repository for Arch Linux maintained by the developers of Garuda Linux. Packages of this repo are signed and can be trusted. When you add this repo, you can install Pamac using Pacman directly.

Let’s add the repo by entering the following commands.

sudo pacman-key --recv-key FBA220DFC880C036 --keyserver sudo pacman-key --lsign-key FBA220DFC880C036 sudo pacman -U '' ''

The above command just installs the keyring and mirrorlist for the repo. You also have to add the repo to the end of /etc/pacman.conf. Here I will use nano to edit the file.

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The resulting file should look something like this.

. # An example of a custom package repository. See the pacman manpage for # tips on creating your own repositories. #[custom] #SigLevel = Optional TrustAll #Server = file:///home/custompkgs [chaotic-aur] Include = /etc/pacman.d/chaotic-mirrorlist

Now update your system using Pacman and install Pamac by the entering the following command.

Once installed, you can access the GUI from Application Menu and CLI using the pamac command.

Pamac GUIPamac CLI

In case you don’t like Pamac, you can remove it along with its dependencies and configuration files using pacman via the following command:


When I started using Arch Linux, I was also very skeptical about installing AUR packages as they took a long time to build and many times refused to build due to outdated PKGBUILD. I wish we had Chaotic-AUR earlier kudos to the Garuda Linux developers.

Note that there are other variants of Pamac available in the AUR which support Flatpak and Snaps. But in this tutorial, I have mentioned the variant with only Appstream and AUR support.

What’s your opinion on adding a 3rd party repos like Chaotic-AUR on Arch Linux? Which method would you use to install Pamac?


Arch Linux User Repository

So, according to the ↗ VCS package guidelines, you must rename your package to pacgui-git (i.e. with the -git ) suffix.

Please do so (upload new package and file a merge request for the old package), and provide appropriate conflicts and provides entries in the PKGBUILD of the renamed package.

Thanks for maintaining!,

sgar commented on 2021-06-11 21:07 (UTC)

@Andy_Vetrov, it was a design decision to not ask for credentials, have a look at:

Andy_Vetrov commented on 2021-06-06 18:01 (UTC) (edited on 2021-06-06 18:07 (UTC) by Andy_Vetrov)

Thank you for a great idea S Gar! But can you change, because password promt not work correctly at this time?

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Upgrade st#!/bin/bash pacman_error () < zenity --error --text="Error: $1" killall zenity exit >updates=$(checkupdates) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then zenity --info --width=400\ --text="Packages to update:\n$(echo "$updates" | awk ' >')" zenity --question \ --text="Do yout want to continue with the updates?" --width=400 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Upgrade started!" ( PASSWD="$(zenity --password --title=Authentication)\n" echo "10" ; sleep 1 echo "# Sync Databases" echo "30" ; echo -e $PASSWD | nice -15 sudo -S pacman -Syy --noconfirm || pacman_error "Sync" echo "# Downloading Packages" ; sleep 1 echo "60" ; nice -15 sudo -S pacman -Syw --noconfirm || pacman_error "Download" echo "# Installing updates" ; sleep 1 echo "80" ; nice -15 sudo -S pacman -Syu --noconfirm || pacman_error "Update" echo "# Finished with the updates" echo "100" ) | zenity --progress \ --title="System Update" \ --text="Databases will be updated …" \ --percentage=0 --width=400 || pacman_error elif [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo "Upgrades stopped!" else echo "An unexpected error was encountered." fi else zenity --info --text="No updates available." --width=400 exit fi 

This variant works flawless for me.

Copyright © 2004-2023 aurweb Development Team.

AUR packages are user produced content. Any use of the provided files is at your own risk.


Best Graphical Package Managers for Arch Linux

A package manager is essential for the installation, removal, and upgrade of user and system-targeted packages on a Linux distribution. Also, package managers are viably applicable in resolving dependency issues in order for a targeted package to function as expected.

In Linux, a package manager can either be used in CLI (Command Line Interface) mode or GUI (Graphical User Interface) mode.

  • CLI mode users have much more experience with Linux distributions and can easily adapt to the usage of a package manager on the command line.
  • GUI mode users need a soft introduction to the Linux ecosystem hence a graphical package manager is ideal for them.

In Arch Linux, the pacman package manager is the default package manager for the management of software packages in arch-based Linux distributions.

1. Apper

Apper package manager uses PackageKit, which has an all-in-one interface making it easy for users to easily navigate and execute functions related to package management through the click of a menu button.

Apper makes it possible to either run an entire system update on out-of-date packages or target specific packages for updates. It is also possible to manage packages based on the Desktop environment being used with Arch Linux. For instance, it offers support for desktop environments like GNOME, KDE, and XFCE.

Apper Package Manager for Arch Linux

It can be installed via the pacman package manager from the official repository.

2. Deepin App Store

Deepin app store is designed for the Deepin Desktop Environment that is built with PackageKit and AppStream, which provides users a preview of searched packages prior to their installation.

It is relatively fast in its user-initiated search queries and comes with changeable notification settings for installed & uninstalled apps and available & finished updates.

Deepin App Store for Arch Linux

To install Deepin App Store, use the following command.

$ sudo pacman -S deepin-store

3. Discover

Discover is an all-in-one software package manager and app store that was designed for the KDE Plasma desktop but works in any desktop environment.

Discover helps you search and install software packages, games, and tools. You can search or explore software packages by category, and manage them from multiple sources, including your system’s default repository, flatpak repos, the Snap store, or even AppImages.

Discover Package Manager

To install Discover, use the following command.

4. GNOME PackageKit

For GNOME desktop users, the GNOME PackageKit package manager comes with a collection of PackageKit graphical tools. It lists packages compatible with the Desktop environment you are using e.g GNOME, KDE, XFCE.

GNOME PackageKit

To install GNOME PackageKit, use the following command.

$ sudo pacman -S gnome-packagekit

5. GNOME Software

GNOME Software is a package manager for installing applications and updates on the Gnome desktop but works on most of the other desktop environments as well.

It is equipped with three main functionalities where users can either explore existing apps, remove already installed apps, or run a general system update. It supports AppStream, Flatpak, and Firmware updates.

GNOME Software

To install GNOME Software, use the following command.

$ sudo pacman -S gnome-software

6. Bauh

Initially recognized as fpakman, the Bauh package manager comes with an interactive and easy-to-use graphical interface for seamless management of Linux packages and applications on Arch Linux distribution.

Supported Linux application/package formats include Web applications, Flatpak, AppImage, Snap, Debian packages, and Arch Linux packages like AUR.

Key features

Bauh Package Manager for Arch Linux

  • An all-in-one management panel for searching, installing, uninstalling, upgrading, downgrading, and launching apps.
  • TimeShift integrated system backup for a safe and simple backup process prior to the implementation of any system changes.
  • Tray mode (attached to system tray) for publishing available software update notifications.
  • Custom themes for users to configure a style/appearance preference of the Bauh app.

To install bauh, download the latest AppImage file and launch it as shown.

$ wget $ chmod a+x bauh-0.10.3-x86_64.AppImage $ ./bauh-0.10.3-x86_64.AppImage

7. Octopi

With a front end inspired by Qt libs, the Octopi package manager is an ideal and powerful UI app for Pacman/AUR functionalities. Its feature-rich interface makes it adaptable and ideal for many Arch Linux users.

Octopi is also equipped with tools like Repository Editor and Cache Cleaner to make system and app management easier.

Key features

Octopi Package Manager for Linux

  • Grouping of packages based on target platform e.g arduino.
  • Integrated with a command-line interface for flexible command(s) execution.
  • All-in-one interface for easier navigation.
  • Detailed info on the searched package like download size and installation size.

To install Octopi, use the following command.

8. Pamac

Pamac package manager is built for Manjaro Linux, which makes it easy to manage software packages and system updates on your Arch Linux distribution.

It offers a set of powerful package management features on top of its user-friendly interface like package installation via repository access, browsing of available packages, and direct system update.

Key features

Pamac Package Manager for Linux

  • App categorization based on target usage e.g Games, Utilities, Development.
  • Software and package grouping based on platform compatibility e.g arduino.
  • Package/software search and installation based on listed repository i.e core, extra, and community.

To install Pamac, use the following command.

The above-discussed graphical package manager options make life easier for Arch Linux users that prefer an interactive desktop environment for their Linux experience.


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