Arch linux starting version

  1. Arch Linux
  2. #2 2014-12-28 14:06:44
  3. Re: [SOLVED] How to get rid of systemd «starting version 217» message?
  4. #3 2014-12-28 18:46:54
  5. Re: [SOLVED] How to get rid of systemd «starting version 217» message?
  6. #4 2014-12-28 22:08:41
  7. Re: [SOLVED] How to get rid of systemd «starting version 217» message?
  8. #5 2014-12-29 18:35:36
  9. Re: [SOLVED] How to get rid of systemd «starting version 217» message?
  10. #6 2015-05-02 13:51:45
  11. Re: [SOLVED] How to get rid of systemd «starting version 217» message?
  12. Arch Linux
  13. #2 2020-05-14 05:21:44
  14. Re: [Solved] Arch stuck at «starting version» when boot
  15. #3 2020-05-14 05:49:15
  16. Re: [Solved] Arch stuck at «starting version» when boot
  17. #4 2020-05-14 05:57:01
  18. Re: [Solved] Arch stuck at «starting version» when boot
  19. #5 2020-05-14 06:04:53
  20. Re: [Solved] Arch stuck at «starting version» when boot
  21. #6 2020-05-14 06:06:08
  22. Re: [Solved] Arch stuck at «starting version» when boot
  23. #7 2020-05-14 06:14:29
  24. Re: [Solved] Arch stuck at «starting version» when boot
  25. #8 2020-05-14 10:10:00
  26. Re: [Solved] Arch stuck at «starting version» when boot
  27. Arch Linux
  28. #2 2019-01-14 08:22:44
  29. Re: [SOLVED] Arch Boot stuck at starting version 240
  30. Arch Linux
  31. #2 2015-01-14 23:44:29
  32. Re: [SOLVED] Boot stuck at «Starting Version 218»
  33. #3 2015-01-14 23:49:45
  34. Re: [SOLVED] Boot stuck at «Starting Version 218»
  35. #4 2015-01-15 00:54:04
  36. Re: [SOLVED] Boot stuck at «Starting Version 218»
  37. #5 2015-01-15 01:50:17
  38. Re: [SOLVED] Boot stuck at «Starting Version 218»
  39. #6 2015-01-15 02:28:37
  40. Re: [SOLVED] Boot stuck at «Starting Version 218»

Arch Linux

I’m trying to achieve quiet login and messages like «starting version 217» or 218 appeared recently.
I was able to track it down to systemd but I cannot find how to disable it.

Last edited by satori (2014-12-29 18:36:11)

#2 2014-12-28 14:06:44

Re: [SOLVED] How to get rid of systemd «starting version 217» message?

Sorry, you mean get rid of the message entirely don’t you?

I’m typing without thinking again.

I don’t know how to get rid of it, sorry.

Last edited by Head_on_a_Stick (2014-12-28 14:09:24)

#3 2014-12-28 18:46:54

Re: [SOLVED] How to get rid of systemd «starting version 217» message?

Are you using ‘quiet’ and ‘show_status=0’ in your kernel commandline?

#4 2014-12-28 22:08:41

Re: [SOLVED] How to get rid of systemd «starting version 217» message?

add rd.udev.log-priority=3 to your kernel command line.
See: systemd-udevd.service.html

"Boot with standard options" "rw root=UUID=49784a9c-9029-4f3d-936a-5dce55d5d7fe vga=current quiet loglevel=3 rd.udev.log-priority=3 splash initrd=\initramfs-linux.img"

#5 2014-12-29 18:35:36

Re: [SOLVED] How to get rid of systemd «starting version 217» message?

Thank you for your answers!

Yes, I wanted to completely remove the message.

I was using ‘quiet’ and ‘loglevel=0’. Adding ‘show_status=0’ (or replacing ‘loglevel=0’ with it) did not help.

Adding ‘rd.udev.log-priority=3’ solved the problem, the message is not visible anymore during boot. Many thanks!

#6 2015-05-02 13:51:45

Re: [SOLVED] How to get rid of systemd «starting version 217» message?

Since this topic appeared on top in my google search, I’m posting here another way that doesn’t require to edit your kernel boot parameters (which imho should only be done in exceptional situations).

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Just edit your /etc/udev/udev.conf file

# see udev.conf(5) for details udev_log=3

Then, rebuild your initramfs


Arch Linux

Hi guys. I just did a system upgraded after about 2 months since the last one. Today when I turned it on it got stuck at «starting version 245.5-2-arch» Here are my attempts to find and fix:
— I used live cd to boot in
— Checked journal, it looked just like what I would see when I run it on my normally working PC (and nothing about nvidia at fault)
— Uninstalled some packages
— I found out Nvidia was the culprit. My laptop worked normally again after I uninstall everything related to nvidia (nvidia, nvidia-utils, bumblebee, optimus-manger)
— I couldn’t remember what version of nvidia was before the upgrade so I tried manually install the oldest version in pacman cache which is 440.59-8 (after upgrade it was 440.82-12)
— My laptop got stuck again
— Now that I’m writing this topic
Anyone have an idea how to make nvidia works with my laptop again? My data is backed-up already so reinstalling arch shouldn’t be a problem but it is the last thing I would want to do if no solution came to work.
Update: Well, I don’t really know anymore, now that even after removing nvidia I still got stuck. The journal was still the same as the journal mentioned above. Any help is appreciated.

Last edited by Ichirou (2020-05-14 05:49:26)

#2 2020-05-14 05:21:44

Re: [Solved] Arch stuck at «starting version» when boot

Please adjust the subject to better reflect the condition at hand.
Try to boot the, … _boot_into and eventually passing «nomodeset» to the kernel.
You most certainly did not get the same journal w/ and w/o the nvidia driver intalled… please post it. Hint: if it says «archiso», you’re looking at the wrong journal.

#3 2020-05-14 05:49:15

Re: [Solved] Arch stuck at «starting version» when boot

Oh wow it really worked! I booted using with nomodeset and it booted normally. May I ask why is that? Cuz I have been using default target up until now without any problems.

#4 2020-05-14 05:57:01

Re: [Solved] Arch stuck at «starting version» when boot

Whatever your graphical target is is broken in some way shape or form or KMS is.
Try w/o nomodeset and also remove the «quiet» from the kernel commandline.

#5 2020-05-14 06:04:53

Re: [Solved] Arch stuck at «starting version» when boot

I did, and it booted normally, removing quiet showed some lines when boot, but all started with [OK]

#6 2020-05-14 06:06:08

Re: [Solved] Arch stuck at «starting version» when boot

a) how is this solved?
b) so, what’s your

#7 2020-05-14 06:14:29

Re: [Solved] Arch stuck at «starting version» when boot

a) I put it as solved cuz my laptop just booted normally and I haven’t met any other problem. I just changed to
b) I don’t quite understand the question, you mean my current target? systemctl get-default resulted in which I set as you instructed

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#8 2020-05-14 10:10:00

Re: [Solved] Arch stuck at «starting version» when boot

The default target would otherwise be typically the — eg. some DM or startx etc.
And apparently that is what has failed so far.


Arch Linux

hi i did update my system few minute ago . but after reboot it dont boot anymore and it stuck at starting version 240.
i did some try like booting from live media enter arch-chroot and installing lts-kernel // regenerate initramfs // make new grub .cfg file had no success. any solution ? is there any way to find out why this problem occurr . note i cant access to tty.

Last edited by ultra2mh (2019-01-14 16:41:36)

#2 2019-01-14 08:22:44

Re: [SOLVED] Arch Boot stuck at starting version 240

hello, I just recovered from a similar thing.

My issue:
In my case I was running arch inside a virtual machine. I could use my keyboard inside the grub menu but after the error the keyboard doesnt work. The error stated that it couldnt mount the hard disk drive. (I checked fstab and the UUID that was given in the error message is the correct one)

My attempts:
I tried:
mkinitcpio: it didn’t resolve my issue
reinstalled the previous linux package with pacman (from the pacman cache). This didn’t resolve it either

What worked: (downgrade systemd package)
I was pretty sure that systemd is the problem since that is what changed since my machine was previously working. I couldnt see anything incorrect in the pacman log, so I tried to downgrade to the 239 version of systemd and it worked then.

Rough steps:
— Boot with some other image (arch iso for me)
— Mount your filesystem (standard mount command)
— arch-chroot into the mounted location
— pacman the previous version (pacman -U) of systemd (/var/cache/pacman/pkg and then find the name of the 239 version of systemd)

Sorry for very inaccurate statements (I’m not at my normal machine), but it may help you in the right direction.

I’m quite new to this as well and would like to know what I missed with this update. There was no note (that I’m aware of) that warned me that my system is not ready for 240.

Last edited by ceauke (2019-01-14 08:34:07)


Arch Linux

Hello everyone,
I am new to Arch and this is my first time installing Linux, unless you count Noobuntu. I’ve spent a large amount of my last 2 days trying to install Arch, mainly because I screwed up the partitioning. Then I followed this tutorial, and everything went perfect and errorless up until the part where you have to exit and reboot. Then my boot gets stuck at

starting version 218
/dev/sda2: clean, (number)/(number) files, (number)/(number) blocks»

What do I do? I’ve done a bit of googling but the only other person I found did some odd partitioning that isnt compatible with grub.

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Mobo for reference:
Gigabyte G41MT-S2PT

Thanks and sorry for shitty mobile formatting

Last edited by way2smrt (2015-01-16 02:26:46)

#2 2015-01-14 23:44:29

Re: [SOLVED] Boot stuck at «Starting Version 218»

Why not follow the guide from the wiki?

Edit: The info you see is printed after the bootloader, so I don’t think it’s grub-related.

How long did you wait to see if it progresses further?

Last edited by karol (2015-01-14 23:46:03)

#3 2015-01-14 23:49:45

Re: [SOLVED] Boot stuck at «Starting Version 218»

OK. There’s a general thing against using third party tutorials for installation due to the rolling nature of Arch. The Beginner’s Guide is up-to-date and is considered the go-to place for ArchLinux installation instructions.

So you’re telling us that it doesn’t get as far as loading getty?

You should probably look at Boot Debugging and telling us if there are any error messages.

It’s probably also worth loading up the LiveCD, mounting everything again, chroot-ing in and seeing if the system journal said anything from the boots.

#4 2015-01-15 00:54:04

Re: [SOLVED] Boot stuck at «Starting Version 218»

Why not follow the guide from the wiki?

Edit: The info you see is printed after the bootloader, so I don’t think it’s grub-related.

How long did you wait to see if it progresses further?

I did follow the guide at first, however it was a bit confusing and I messed the partitiong. I found the other guide to be very straightfoward, and I basically followed the same thing as the wiki except for the part about partitioning.

Also in terms of wait time, I left my computer for several hours and when I came back it was still on the same screen, nothing had changed.

#5 2015-01-15 01:50:17

Re: [SOLVED] Boot stuck at «Starting Version 218»

Can you switch to another tty?

#6 2015-01-15 02:28:37

Re: [SOLVED] Boot stuck at «Starting Version 218»

OK. There’s a general thing against using third party tutorials for installation due to the rolling nature of Arch. The Beginner’s Guide is up-to-date and is considered the go-to place for ArchLinux installation instructions.

So you’re telling us that it doesn’t get as far as loading getty?

You should probably look at Boot Debugging and telling us if there are any error messages.

It’s probably also worth loading up the LiveCD, mounting everything again, chroot-ing in and seeing if the system journal said anything from the boots.

OK besides these few lines at the end everything seems fine:

Arch systems[1]: Cannot add dependency job for unit display-manager.service, ignoring: Unit display-manager.service failed to load: No such file or directory.
Arch kernal: EXT4-fs (sda2): re-mounted. Opts: data=ordered
Arch systemd-journal[150]: Journal started
Arch systemd-udevd[159]: starting version 218

The log ends there, I’m assuming I need to look at display-manager.service, maybe I was supposed to install it or something but didn’t? I’ll google it a bit.


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