Arch linux удалить plasma

Как удалить kde plasma в arch linux

Tried it for a few days and, while I liked it a lot, it’s just not playing well with my current Ubuntu 20.04 installation.

  1. No screenshot app, hitting print screen does nothing
  2. Snap acting funny and can’t be found through app launcher, have to run apps through terminal and pin them.
  3. $HOME/bin scripts aren’t in PATH anymore for some reason
  4. And more..

Went back to Gnome and removed it with sudo apt remove —purge kde-plasma-desktop . But now I still have issues with 2 and 3.

How do I remove KDE plasma completely and restore my Gnome desktop to what it was?

Arch Linux

I have not been using Plasma for about 1.5 years (currently I’m using i3) and so I decided to remove it from my system.

that seems a logical thing to do.
However, my computer disagrees , and after reboot I was staring at a broken system.

After re-installing plasma things got back to normal. but I’m wondering: What did I do wrong?

I should be able to remove KDE Plasma without a problem.
Any ideas would be appreciated.

#2 2022-11-05 15:09:42

Re: Removal of Plasma

you are using both c and s switches, so you must check what it remove, maybe it is something important.
(also, do it one group at a time? you will have less noise)

#3 2022-11-05 15:13:31

Re: Removal of Plasma

«broken system» isn’t enough. We need to know what you actually saw.

#4 2022-11-05 15:50:50

Re: Removal of Plasma

Yes I thought later on that I should remove one group at a time instead of everything. Good point!

Fair enough . I meant that the boot process stops after GRUB mounts all the file system and I get a blank screen with a blinking prompt but it does not go load the GUI.
Pressing Crtl + Alt +F2 (or any of F key) does not take me to another prompt screen.

ArcoLinuXL -XS -D -B Forum

Hi Eric , how r u doing?
i hope everything is going good with you and all other arco linux staff.
i installed plasma and deepin and mate desktop just to have fun as you said , but because i have slow internet connection , i am having too much update, i want to keep my basic lxqt desktop only i tried to do

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pacman -R plasma
but i got the following result:
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
: removing libkscreen breaks dependency ‘libkscreen’ required by lxqt-config
:: removing bluedevil breaks dependency ‘bluedevil’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing drkonqi breaks dependency ‘drkonqi’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing kde-gtk-config breaks dependency ‘kde-gtk-config’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing kdeplasma-addons breaks dependency ‘kdeplasma-addons’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing khotkeys breaks dependency ‘khotkeys’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing kinfocenter breaks dependency ‘kinfocenter’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing ksysguard breaks dependency ‘ksysguard’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing kscreen breaks dependency ‘kscreen’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing ksshaskpass breaks dependency ‘ksshaskpass’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing kwrited breaks dependency ‘kwrited’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing oxygen breaks dependency ‘oxygen’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing plasma-browser-integration breaks dependency ‘plasma-browser-integration’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing plasma-desktop breaks dependency ‘plasma-desktop’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing plasma-nm breaks dependency ‘plasma-nm’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing plasma-workspace-wallpapers breaks dependency ‘plasma-workspace-wallpapers’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing plasma-pa breaks dependency ‘plasma-pa’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing plasma-sdk breaks dependency ‘plasma-sdk’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing plasma-thunderbolt breaks dependency ‘plasma-thunderbolt’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing plasma-vault breaks dependency ‘plasma-vault’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing kwayland-integration breaks dependency ‘kwayland-integration’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing kwallet-pam breaks dependency ‘kwallet-pam’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing kgamma5 breaks dependency ‘kgamma5’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing user-manager breaks dependency ‘user-manager’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing sddm-kcm breaks dependency ‘sddm-kcm’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing breeze-gtk breaks dependency ‘breeze-gtk’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing powerdevil breaks dependency ‘powerdevil’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing discover breaks dependency ‘discover’ required by plasma-meta
:: removing xdg-desktop-portal-kde breaks dependency ‘xdg-desktop-portal-kde’ required by plasma-meta

also i tried
pacman -R deepin
and got
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: removing deepin-qt5integration breaks dependency ‘deepin-qt5integration’ required by deepin-boot-maker
:: removing deepin-qt5integration breaks dependency ‘deepin-qt5integration’ required by deepin-calculator
:: removing deepin-qt5integration breaks dependency ‘deepin-qt5integration’ required by deepin-clone
:: removing deepin-session-ui breaks dependency ‘deepin-notifications’ required by deepin-draw
:: removing deepin-qt5integration breaks dependency ‘deepin-qt5integration’ required by deepin-draw
:: removing deepin-qt5integration breaks dependency ‘deepin-qt5integration’ required by deepin-editor
:: removing deepin-desktop-schemas breaks dependency ‘deepin-desktop-schemas’ required by deepin-metacity
:: removing deepin-qt5integration breaks dependency ‘deepin-qt5integration’ required by deepin-movie
:: removing deepin-qt5integration breaks dependency ‘deepin-qt5integration’ required by deepin-music
:: removing deepin-desktop-schemas breaks dependency ‘deepin-desktop-schemas’ required by deepin-mutter
:: removing deepin-qt5integration breaks dependency ‘deepin-qt5integration’ required by deepin-picker
:: removing deepin-qt5integration breaks dependency ‘deepin-qt5integration’ required by deepin-polkit-agent
:: removing deepin-qt5integration breaks dependency ‘deepin-qt5integration’ required by deepin-screen-recorder
:: removing deepin-screensaver breaks dependency ‘deepin-screensaver’ required by deepin-screensaver-pp
:: removing deepin-qt5integration breaks dependency ‘deepin-qt5integration’ required by deepin-screenshot
:: removing deepin-turbo breaks dependency ‘deepin-turbo’ required by deepin-screenshot
:: removing deepin-menu breaks dependency ‘deepin-menu’ required by deepin-terminal
:: removing deepin-qt5integration breaks dependency ‘deepin-qt5integration’ required by deepin-voice-recorder
:: removing deepin-desktop-schemas breaks dependency ‘deepin-desktop-schemas’ required by deepin-wm
:: removing deepin-menu breaks dependency ‘deepin-menu’ required by deepin-wm

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do you have any suggestion , how can i uninstall kde and deepin , i don’t like having too much update!!
thank you.

Удаление рабочего стола Plasma

Я использую Ubuntu 16.04 LTS и установил плазменный рабочий стол, используя следующую команду:

Но позже я удалил его с помощью этих команд:


Arch Linux

By the way I would like to keep the system clean, and now fully uninstall kde and gnome3 and all packages installed by them.

Is there a clean way to do this with pacman? Otherwise I think I have to uninstall main packages in reverse order of the installation. maybe starting from the related archwiki page

#2 2019-02-23 21:09:39

Re: fully uninstall kde

There is no global way, and thats because there also packages and stuff used by multiple Desktops, and also you may use applications from other DE… But you have the package groups:

sudo pacman -Rns plasma-meta kde-applications-meta
will do the job mostly >> it is better to do this in the terminal not inside pamac-gui!

what means the -Rns ??
R = remove
n = pacman saves important configuration files when removing certain applications and names them with the extension: .pacsave. To prevent the creation of these backup files use the -n option
s = To remove a package and its dependencies which are not required by any other installed package.

#3 2019-02-23 21:10:08

Re: fully uninstall kde

Just uninstall whatever it is you installed — and as you should always do when uninstalling, include the -s flag and -n flag.

«UNIX is simple and coherent. » — Dennis Ritchie, «GNU’s Not UNIX» — Richard Stallman

#4 2019-02-23 21:18:03

Re: fully uninstall kde

There is no global way, and thats because there also packages and stuff used by multiple Desktops, and also you may use applications from other DE… But you have the package groups:

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sudo pacman -Rns plasma-meta kde-applications-meta
will do the job mostly >> it is better to do this in the terminal not inside pamac-gui!

what means the -Rns ??
R = remove
n = pacman saves important configuration files when removing certain applications and names them with the extension: .pacsave. To prevent the creation of these backup files use the -n option
s = To remove a package and its dependencies which are not required by any other installed package.

thanks Ailen, for the link and I agree with you: Google has always been my friend
Just for you to know, I would not have started a new thread without checking first with my «friend».
I had already tried that solution. unsuccessfully

# pacman -Rns plasma-meta kde-applications-meta error: target not found: plasma-meta error: target not found: kde-applications-meta

I was looking for some instruction like that you linked


удалить kde

qt это часть kde или часть gnome?
gnome может жить без qt?

Пока вот как написал, но не понял зависимостей:

pacman -R kde
:: group kde:
arts kde-common kdebase kdelibs
Remove whole content? y
loading package data… done.
checking dependencies…
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: gtk-qt-engine: requires kdelibs>=3.5.7
:: qtcurve-kde3: requires kdelibs

cucullus avatar

nafanja avatar

sudo pacman -Rds $(pacman -Qsq kde) sudo pacman -Rds $(pacman -Qsq plasma) 

redix avatar

[email protected] ~ % sudo pacman -Rds $(pacman -Qsq kde) проверка зависимостей. ошибка: не удалось подготовить транзакцию (не удалось удовлетворить зависимости) :: removing libappindicator-gtk3 breaks dependency 'libappindicator-gtk3' required by diodon-git :: removing libappindicator-gtk3 breaks dependency 'libappindicator-gtk3' required by polychromatic :: removing lib32-libappindicator-gtk2 breaks dependency 'lib32-libappindicator-gtk2' required by steam-native-runtime :: removing libblockdev breaks dependency 'libblockdev' required by udisks2


Как польностю удалить xorg и kde?

Mirk avatar

правда останутся конфиги в домашней папке и логи в /var/log/, тут чистить ручками.

ForumLiker avatar

scorpid avatar

ForumLiker avatar

RusWolf avatar

Как вариант в /var/lib/pacman/local/ выбираешь нужный пакет и в папке нужного пакета смотри файл files, в нём список всех файлов пакета и пути куда записаны файлы.

vall avatar

Либо установить из AUR pkgbrowser. И работать через GUI.

Однако конфиги найти это не помогает. Вопрос был в том числе и об этом (насколько понял).

redix avatar

nafanja avatar

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