Arch linux unity hub


The leading platform for creating interactive, real-time content Build 2D, 3D and VR games and apps at speed. From artist tools to LiveOps – everything you need to bring your vision to life today.

Not to be confused with Canonical’s Unity (which is now maintained by the UBPorts Foundation and renamed to Lomiri).


Unity has made available a program called Unity Hub that is designed to streamline your workflow by providing a centralized location where you can manage your Unity Projects and simplifies how you find, download, and manage your Unity Editor installs. The application comes available as a Deb or RPM package. To install the Unity Hub, simply install the unityhub AUR package.

To install the beta version, simply install the unityhub-beta AUR package.

Android Remote

Unity Remote is an Android app to help test input for Android devices. It achieves this by sending a compressed screenshot to the device each frame.

Prepare computer

Install packages

Install the android-udev package, which will ensure you have correct udev rules for your device.

Configure the Editor

Open the editor, navigate to Edit > Preferences and set the correct paths to the Android SDK and the JDK.

  • The Android SDK is usually in /opt/android-sdk .
  • The JDK varies by the version you are using, if you want to use the default set it to /usr/lib/jvm/default .

The navigate to Edit > Project Settings > Editor and set Unity Remote Device to Any Android Device .

Prepare Android

Install Unity Remote 5 from the Play Store. Alternatively you can download and build it yourself from the Asset Store.

It is also recommended to set your Android device to PTP mode.

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Note: Don’t forget to turn on “USB Debugging” on your device. Go to Settings > Developer options, then enable USB debugging. As of Android Jelly Bean 4.2 the Developer options are hidden by default. To enable them tap on Settings > About Phone > Build Version multiple times. Then you will be able to access the Settings > Developer options.

Tip: For some devices the remote does not work if «Stay awake» is disabled. If you have any problems, make sure to enable it by going to Settings > Developer options, then enable «Stay awake»


If you have Unity opened, close it.

Connect the phone to the computer and launch Unity Remote.

Open the Editor and press play. You should now see your game transmitted to your Android device.

If it does not work or you have questions, see the Unity Documentation.

Visual Studio Code

For those using the Visual Studio Code as their script editor, there are a few additional steps you need to do to get it running without displaying errors similar to:

[fail]: The reference assemblies for framework ".NETFramework,Version=v3.5" were not found
[warn]: OmniSharp.MSBuild.ProjectFile.ProjectFileInfo Unable to create directory "/Debug/". Access to the path "/Debug/" is denied. [fail]: OmniSharp.MSBuild.ProjectFile.ProjectFileInfo Could not write lines to file "/Debug/Assembly-CSharp.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache". Could not find a part of the path "/Debug/Assembly-CSharp.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache".

To eliminate these errors you need to install the following packages: dotnet-runtime , dotnet-sdk , mono-msbuild , mono-msbuild-sdkresolver , and mono . Finally remember to install the C# extension from the VS Code Marketplace by pressing Ctrl-P and entering:

ext install ms-dotnettools.csharp

To use the system-provided .NET SDK, you will also have to disable the following option:

"omnisharp.useModernNet": false

After this configuration change, you may need to restart Visual Studio Code.


Crash logs are available at $HOME/.config/unity3d/Editor.log

Unity crashes on first launch before/while signing in

This is a rare bug where Unity’s configuration gets created wrongly. You can try resetting it by:

Unity crashes when trying to load project

Users have reported that unsetting GTK_IM_MODULE prevents the crash.

Unity crashes if ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs is missing

See how to generate the xdg files here: XDG user directories

Unity crashes with DllNotFoundException

In unity 2019 and newer, if you see a message along the lines of: DllNotFoundException: Unable to load the unmanaged library (x) Reason: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory , try installing ncurses5-compat-libs AUR .

Unity fails to build project to webGL platform

IL2CPP needs library for the building process and ncurses5 provides it. So make sure to install ncurses5-compat-libs AUR if you want to build to webGL.

Minor stuttering while playtesting (NVIDIA)

Vsync does not seem to work correctly with NVIDIA graphics cards / drivers. Solution: In nvidia-settings go to «OpenGL Settings» and turn off «Sync to VBlank».

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The behaviour occured/noticed when used «transform.Rotate» in combination with «Input.GetKey».

Error: Multiple Unity instances cannot open the same project

Unity probably did not shutdown properly, in this case you should navigate to your project folder and delete Temp folder.

Android Remote not working / Running Android build fails with «Unable to forward network traffic to device»

  1. Close Unity.
  2. Shutdown adb daemon with adb kill-server
  3. Plug in the android device.
  4. Find your device ID with adb devices
  5. Use adb -s «deviceID» forward «tcp:34999″ » » replacing «deviceID» with the correct one.

That’s it now you can open unity and test it, an error «socket bind failed» will appear that you can safely ignore.

No window opens: Desktop is 0 x 0 @ 0 Hz

If using Wayland, try using the Xorg backend of SDL by setting the environment variable SDL_VIDEODRIVER=x11 .

Brotli invalid ELF header

If you see an error similar to:

Failed running python2 "$EDITOR_PATH/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/WebGLSupport/BuildTools/Brotli/python/"

Either replace the Brotli Mac OS X egg with a Linux egg at ~/.cache/Python-Eggs/Brotli-0.4.0-py2.7-macosx-10.10-x86_64.egg-tmp , or switch from Brotli to gzip in File > Buld Settings > Player Settings > Player > Publishing Settings > Compression Format.

Cannot load assets in package manager

If you have proxy/VPN configured, reset it. Resetting your firewall may also work (e.g., iptables#Resetting rules for iptables).


Arch Linux User Repository

Without switching away from Manjaro to a distro which uses Arch repositories, the more viable alternative to Manjaro stable is Manjaro unstable. Like I said though, even Manjaro unstable could have any number of unexpected differences, since it is not Arch stable.

Joelius300 commented on 2022-11-08 13:49 (UTC)

@BujuArena I know about this discrepancy but so far I have only encountered a few issues which were usually fixed by simply downgrading the AUR package. If you say don’t try to use it, are there any alternatives? I mean anything more safe or stable than just manually retaining updates from the AUR if necessary? The AUR is amazing and one of the big reasons I chose Manjaro to begin with so I’ll want to keep using it.

BujuArena commented on 2022-11-08 04:35 (UTC)

Please don’t try to use Manjaro stable with the AUR. The AUR is for Arch stable, which is ahead of Manjaro unstable (without even mentioning that it’s a completely different repository, so it could have any number of unexpected differences). Manjaro stable is so far behind that it’s guaranteed to break on changing dependencies often.

Joelius300 commented on 2022-11-07 19:17 (UTC) (edited on 2022-11-07 19:20 (UTC) by Joelius300)

@sinasio Thanks! I’m sure it will solve it for Manjaro eventually but currently the package is only available on the unstable branch of Manjaros updates meaning it will probably take a week or two until it hits stable. Fortunately the issue that prompted the addition of the dependency in the first place seemingly has not yet hit stable either so in the end it’ll probably all work out and until then I can just stay on unityhub 3.3.0-1.
Ps. Thanks for the addition of the dependency, I’m sure it’s a good change. It should not be your responsibility to deal with issue coming from Manjaros update retention.

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sinasio commented on 2022-11-07 08:11 (UTC)

@Joelius300 I can see the openssl-1.1 packages here:

Looks like it was added recently 😀 Does it resolve your issue?

Joelius300 commented on 2022-11-06 20:26 (UTC) (edited on 2022-11-06 20:30 (UTC) by Joelius300)

FWIW the addition of openssl-1.1 as a dependency makes it impossible to install on my Manjaro system (impossible is a hard word; pacman, pamac and yay cannot handle the situation at least not without some flag I don’t know about).

It seems that none of the packages openssl, openssl-1.0, lib32-openssl and lib32-openssl-1.0 provide openssl-1.1 (and openssl and lib32-openssl are both on version 1.1.1.q-1). I had to manually install unityhub 3.3.0-1 and didn’t face any issues or crashes whatsoever.

sinasio commented on 2022-11-06 07:01 (UTC)

@attishno1 @Lexito thanks for the update. I’ll add openssl-1.1 to the dependencies, as the package fixes the problem.

Lexito commented on 2022-11-05 23:59 (UTC)

Installing the openssl-1.1 package seems to fix the libssl issue which makes Unity Hub crash at launch.

attishno1 commented on 2022-11-05 16:39 (UTC)

Hello! An update, possibly an OpenSSL update is causing this error when unityhub is launched in the terminal

This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). The promise rejected with the reason: ConnectionLost: Timeout! Cannot connect to Licensing Client within 60000ms at Function.fromType (/opt/unityhub/resources/app.asar/node_modules/@licensing/licensing-sdk/lib/core/ipc/licensingIpc.js:51:16) at LicensingIpc.waitForConnection (/opt/unityhub/resources/app.asar/node_modules/@licensing/licensing-sdk/lib/core/ipc/licensingIpc.js:118:152) at LicensingSdk.getMachineId (/opt/unityhub/resources/app.asar/node_modules/@licensing/licensing-sdk/lib/core/licensingSdk.js:68:37) at Object. (/opt/unityhub/resources/app.asar/build/main/services/licenseService/licensingSdk.js:118:86) at () at /opt/unityhub/resources/app.asar/build/main/services/licenseService/licensingSdk.js:31:71 at new Promise () at __awaiter (/opt/unityhub/resources/app.asar/build/main/services/licenseService/licensingSdk.js:27:12) at Object.getMachineId (/opt/unityhub/resources/app.asar/build/main/services/licenseService/licensingSdk.js:117:16) at Object. (/opt/unityhub/resources/app.asar/build/main/services/cloudAnalytics/cloudAnalytics.js:96:56) This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). The promise rejected with the reason: ConnectionLost: Timeout! Cannot connect to Licensing Client within 60000ms at Function.FromIpcError (/opt/unityhub/resources/app.asar/node_modules/@licensing/licensing-sdk/lib/core/licensingSdkError.js:14:16) at LicensingSdk.handleError (/opt/unityhub/resources/app.asar/node_modules/@licensing/licensing-sdk/lib/core/licensingSdk.js:580:62) at LicensingSdk.activateAllEntitlementBasedLicenses (/opt/unityhub/resources/app.asar/node_modules/@licensing/licensing-sdk/lib/core/licensingSdk.js:202:24)

Unity Hub is not working after today’s update

kdembrace commented on 2022-10-09 11:03 (UTC)

At least with KDE it needs the following line. Wasn’t able to get it working with microsoft edge or firefox.

xdg-mime default unityhub.desktop x-scheme-handler/unityhub


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