Arch linux with speech


Installing qt5-speech (Complete Guide) on Arch Linux/Manjaro/BlackArch

3 packages from Extra, Testing and extra-testing are named qt5-speech . We would recommend going with either the packages from the official repositories or an AUR package that is actively maintained.

Table of Contents

According to extra/qt5-speech ‘s own profile, it is «Qt module to make text to speech and speech recognition easy». To install and update extra/qt5-speech from Arch official repository (Extra) on Arch Linux, Manjaro, EndeavourOS, Parabola and Garuda is relatively uncomplicated. This guide will cover how to install, update and uninstall the package with either the built-in package manager pacman or an AUR helper (e.g. yay ).

Two typical methods are used to install extra/qt5-speech from Arch official repository (Extra). pacman is the choice for you if you’re an experienced Linux user and understand the concept of how packages are built. If not, yay is an acceptable alternative to install packages without the hassle of reviewing PKGBUILD and build packages with makepkg by yourself.

Using pacman link
sudo pacman -S extra/qt5-speech
Using yay link
yay -S --repo extra/qt5-speech

Since Arch is a rolling-release Linux distro, it is required to do a whole system upgrade before updating an official package due to dependency issues.

Using pacman link
sudo pacman -Syu
Using yay link

Uninstalling packages is the simplest of these three,just choose whether to purge the dependencies that no longer required by other packages and the configuration files used by the package.

Using pacman link
sudo pacman -R qt5-speech
sudo pacman -Rs qt5-speech
sudo pacman -Rns qt5-speech
Using yay link
yay -R qt5-speech
yay -Rs qt5-speech
yay -Rns qt5-speech

Unless you know what you’re doing, installing an unstable package ( testing/qt5-speech ) might not be a good practice.

«Qt module to make text to speech and speech recognition easy» is the maintainer’s description of testing/qt5-speech . To install this package ( testing/qt5-speech ) from Arch official testing repository (Testing) on Arch Linux and Arch-based distros (e.g. Manjaro, EndeavourOS, Garuda, BlackArch, Parabola, Anarchy) is quite simple. This tutorial will be covering how to install/update/uninstall the package with either the default package manager pacman or an AUR helper like yay .

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There is a precondition to install Testing packages, first you’ll need to uncomment [testing] section of /etc/pacman.conf , then use sudo pacman -Syu to refresh the packages list and upgrade your system.

There are generally two fashions to install the developing version of testing/qt5-speech from Arch official repository (Testing). pacman is the choice for you if you are an experienced Linux user and have the idea of how packages are built. If not, yay is an acceptable alternative to install packages without the hassle of reviewing PKGBUILD and build packages with makepkg yourself.

Using pacman link
sudo pacman -S testing/qt5-speech
Using yay link
yay -S --repo testing/qt5-speech

Since Arch is a rolling-release Linux distribution, it is required to do a whole system upgrade before updating an official package due to dependency issues.

Using pacman link
sudo pacman -Syu
Using yay link

Uninstalling packages is the easiest of these three,all you have to do is choose whether to keep the unused dependencies and the configuration files used by the package.

Using pacman link
sudo pacman -R qt5-speech
sudo pacman -Rs qt5-speech
sudo pacman -Rns qt5-speech
Using yay link
yay -R qt5-speech
yay -Rs qt5-speech
yay -Rns qt5-speech

According to extra-testing/qt5-speech ‘s description, it is «Qt module to make text to speech and speech recognition easy». To install and update this package ( extra-testing/qt5-speech ) from Arch official repository (extra-testing) on Arch Linux, Manjaro, EndeavourOS and BlackArch is relatively uncomplicated. This tutorial will show you step-by-step how to install, update and remove the package with either the built-in package manager pacman or an AUR helper (e.g. yay ).

Two well known fashions are used to install extra-testing/qt5-speech from Arch official repository (extra-testing). pacman is the choice for you if you are an experienced Linux user and have the knowledge of how packages are built. If not, yay is an acceptable alternative to install packages without the prerequisite to review PKGBUILD and build packages with makepkg by yourself.

Using pacman link
sudo pacman -S extra-testing/qt5-speech
Using yay link
yay -S --repo extra-testing/qt5-speech

Since Arch is a rolling-release Linux distro, there will be no way to update an official package without doing a whole system upgrade due to safety reason.

Using pacman link
sudo pacman -Syu
Using yay link

To avoid ambiguity, only update extra-testing/qt5-speech from the selected repository (extra-testing).

Removing packages is the simplest of these three,all you have to do is choose whether to remove the dependencies that no longer required by other packages and the configuration files generated by the package.

Using pacman link
sudo pacman -R qt5-speech
sudo pacman -Rs qt5-speech
sudo pacman -Rns qt5-speech
Using yay link
yay -R qt5-speech
yay -Rs qt5-speech
yay -Rns qt5-speech

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More guides… copyright 2023 ArchPKGs. All Rights Reserved.


Install Arch Linux with accessibility options

The official Arch Linux installation medium supports various Accessibility features:

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This document describes how to install Arch Linux using these features.


Boot the live environment

Note: The bootloaders on the installation medium have a timeout of 15 seconds before they start the default menu item.

When the installation medium starts booting, press Down followed by Enter to boot with speech enabled.

USB braille displays should be detected automatically via udev.

Multiple sound cards

If your computer has several sound cards, you will hear the following message: Please select your sound card for speech output.

When you hear a beep on the output that you would like to use, press Enter to select the card.

Change speech language

To change the espeak-ng language/voice used by espeakup.service , edit the unit so that the language code is appended to default_voice= in the Environment= directive.

You can also change the espeak-ng voice variant by appending +variant to the language code. See espeakup(8) and espeak-ng(1) for more information.


Install essential packages

For speech support in the installed system, you need espeakup and alsa-utils . If you use a braille display, install the brltty package.

Append the required packages to the pacstrap(8) call when installing:

# pacstrap -K /mnt base linux linux-firmware espeakup alsa-utils

Configure the system

Sound card

If #Multiple sound cards were detected, copy the /etc/asound.conf file, which has been generated in the installation medium:

Enable the services

To have speech support after booting into the installed system you need to enable espeakup.service . See also #Change speech language.


After booting into the newly installed system it should start speaking automatically.


This article or section is a candidate for merging with Accessibility.

Notes: The listed issues are out of scope of the Arch installation process. (Discuss in Talk:Install Arch Linux with accessibility options)

Most graphical applications should work out of the box, such as Gtk-, Qt- or Gecko-based ones. You can verify the functionality by running accerciser . The application of choice should appear and have a deeply nested tree structure of children. Issues may arise if:

  • You haven’t enabled the assistive technologies setting for your distribution. There’s usually a single checkbox somewhere to be found to enable it. After enabling, you need to reboot.
  • The application is Chromium- or Electron-based. These programs typically need both the Environment variable ACCESSIBILITY_ENABLED=1 , and an additional argument —force-renderer-accessibility when launching. For Chrome you can replace the latter step with enabling the accessibility options inside chrome://accessibility , however this seems to not persist after restart.
  • The application is Java-based. In this case, you need to install the ATK bridge java-atk-wrapper-openjdk8 (depending on your Java version)
  • In the rare case that the application is an exotic, old application built with Qt4, such as some programs that haven’t been maintained since 2015, you need to install qt-at-spi
  • As a last resort, any of these other environment variables may help: GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge , OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP=gnome , GNOME_ACCESSIBILITY=1 , QT_ACCESSIBILITY=1 , QT_LINUX_ACCESSIBILITY_ALWAYS_ON=1


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