Astra linux dicom viewer

Download Weasis DICOM Viewer

If you want to get automatic updates of the Weasis DICOM viewer then check these package management systems:



The package management systems above can limit certain functionalities because they work in sandbox mode.

The Snap package installation uses a /snap/weasis/current/.weasis directory instead of the /.weasis directory for all other installations.

Number of downloads

List of all the installers

For more information on GLIBC versions regarding the life cycle of the different Linux distributions, see this page.

Download Weasis DICOM Viewer binaries
System Architecture Package Size Weasis installer Comments
v4.1.2 publised on Jun 16, 2023
Linux x86 64-bit DEB 48.7 MB weasis_4.1.2-1_amd64.deb Requires GLIBC_2.14
Linux arm 64-bit DEB 47.1 MB weasis_4.1.2-1_arm64.deb Requires GLIBC_2.27
Linux arm 32-bit DEB 48.6 MB weasis_4.1.2-1_armhf.deb Requires GLIBC_2.7. Only tested with Raspberry Pi 4
Linux x86 64-bit RPM 61.6 MB weasis-4.1.2-1.x86_64.rpm Requires GLIBC_2.14
macOS x86 64-bit PKG 58.8 MB Weasis-4.1.2-x86-64.pkg Requires macOS 10.11 or higher
Windows x86 64-bit MSI 46.4 MB Weasis-4.1.2-x86-64.msi May require Visual C++ redistributable 2015
v4.1.1 publised on May 22, 2023
Linux x86 64-bit DEB 48.7 MB weasis_4.1.1-1_amd64.deb
Linux x86 64-bit RPM 61.6 MB weasis-4.1.1-1.x86_64.rpm
macOS x86 64-bit PKG 58.8 MB Weasis-4.1.1-x86-64.pkg
Windows x86 64-bit MSI 46.4 MB Weasis-4.1.1-x86-64.msi
v4.1.0 publised on May 8, 2023
Linux x86 64-bit DEB 48.7 MB weasis_4.1.0-1_amd64.deb
Linux arm 64-bit DEB 48.3 MB weasis_4.1.0-1_arm64.deb
Linux arm 32-bit DEB 48.6 MB weasis_4.1.0-1_armhf.deb
Linux x86 64-bit RPM 61.7 MB weasis-4.1.0-1.x86_64.rpm
macOS x86 64-bit PKG 58.8 MB Weasis-4.1.0-x86-64.pkg
Windows x86 64-bit MSI 46.1 MB Weasis-4.1.0-x86-64.msi
v4.0.3 publised on Nov 13, 2022
Linux x86 64-bit DEB 41.0 MB weasis_4.0.3-1_amd64.deb
Linux arm 64-bit DEB 39.1 MB weasis_4.0.3-1_arm64.deb
Linux arm 32-bit DEB 38.9 MB weasis_4.0.3-1_armhf.deb
Linux x86 64-bit RPM 56.4 MB weasis-4.0.3-1.x86_64.rpm
macOS x86 64-bit PKG 53.4 MB Weasis-4.0.3-x86-64.pkg
Windows x86 64-bit MSI 41.0 MB Weasis-4.0.3-x86-64.msi
v4.0.2 publised on Aug 1, 2022
Linux x86 64-bit DEB 39.4 MB weasis_4.0.2-1_amd64.deb
Linux arm 64-bit DEB 38.7 MB weasis_4.0.2-1_arm64.deb
Linux arm 32-bit DEB 38.4 MB weasis_4.0.2-1_armhf.deb
Linux x86 64-bit RPM 53.9 MB weasis-4.0.2-1.x86_64.rpm
macOS x86 64-bit PKG 51.0 MB Weasis-4.0.2-x86-64.pkg
Windows x86 64-bit MSI 39.4 MB Weasis-4.0.2-x86-64.msi
v4.0.1 publised on Jun 17, 2022
Linux x86 64-bit DEB 39.3 MB weasis_4.0.1-1_amd64.deb
Linux arm 64-bit DEB 38.7 MB weasis_4.0.1-1_arm64.deb
Linux arm 32-bit DEB 38.4 MB weasis_4.0.1-1_armhf.deb
Linux x86 64-bit RPM 53.8 MB weasis-4.0.1-1.x86_64.rpm
macOS x86 64-bit PKG 51.0 MB Weasis-4.0.1-x86-64.pkg
Windows x86 64-bit MSI 39.4 MB Weasis-4.0.1-x86-64.msi
v4.0.0-rc publised on Apr 30, 2022
Linux x86 64-bit DEB 38.9 MB weasis_4.0.0-1_amd64.deb
Linux arm 64-bit DEB 38.1 MB weasis_4.0.0-1_arm64.deb
Linux arm 32-bit DEB 37.9 MB weasis_4.0.0-1_armhf.deb
Linux x86 64-bit RPM 53.4 MB weasis-4.0.0-1.x86_64.rpm
macOS x86 64-bit PKG 50.5 MB Weasis-4.0.0-x86-64.pkg
Windows x86 64-bit MSI 38.9 MB Weasis-4.0.0-x86-64.msi
v3.8.1 publised on Feb 4, 2022
Linux x86 64-bit DEB 39.3 MB weasis_3.8.1-1_amd64.deb
Linux arm 64-bit DEB 38.2 MB weasis_3.8.1-1_arm64.deb
Linux arm 32-bit DEB 38.7 MB weasis_3.8.1-1_armhf.deb
Linux x86 64-bit RPM 55.1 MB weasis-3.8.1-1.x86_64.rpm
macOS x86 64-bit PKG 51.4 MB Weasis-3.8.1-x86-64.pkg
Windows x86 64-bit MSI 39.0 MB Weasis-3.8.1-x86-64.msi
v3.8.0 publised on Dec 11, 2021
Linux x86 64-bit DEB 39.3 MB weasis_3.8.0-1_amd64.deb
Linux arm 64-bit DEB 38.2 MB weasis_3.8.0-1_arm64.deb
Linux arm 32-bit DEB 38.7 MB weasis_3.8.0-1_armhf.deb
Linux x86 64-bit RPM 55.1 MB weasis-3.8.0-1.x86_64.rpm
macOS x86 64-bit PKG 51.4 MB Weasis-3.8.0-x86-64.pkg
Windows x86 64-bit MSI 39.0 MB Weasis-3.8.0-x86-64.msi
v3.7.1 publised on Jun 6, 2021
Linux x86 64-bit DEB 38.0 MB weasis_3.7.1-1_amd64.deb
Linux arm 32-bit DEB 44.5 MB weasis_3.7.1-1_armhf.deb
Linux x86 64-bit RPM 52.1 MB weasis-3.7.1-1.x86_64.rpm
macOS x86 64-bit PKG 50.3 MB Weasis-3.7.1-x86-64.pkg
Windows x86 64-bit MSI 38.4 MB Weasis-3.7.1-x86-64.msi
v3.7.0 publised on Feb 6, 2021
Linux x86 64-bit DEB 36.9 MB weasis_3.7.0-1_amd64.deb
Linux x86 64-bit RPM 51.1 MB weasis-3.7.0-1.x86_64.rpm
macOS x86 64-bit PKG 49.5 MB Weasis-3.7.0.pkg
Windows x86 64-bit MSI 37.3 MB Weasis-3.7.0-x86-64.msi
v3.6.2 publised on Aug 27, 2020
Linux x86 64-bit DEB 34.9 MB weasis_3.6.2-1_amd64.deb
Linux x86 64-bit RPM 48.6 MB weasis-3.6.2-1.x86_64.rpm
macOS x86 64-bit PKG 47.4 MB Weasis-3.6.2.pkg
Windows x86 64-bit MSI 35.2 MB Weasis-3.6.2-x86-64.msi
Windows x86 32-bit MSI 43.4 MB Weasis-3.6.2-x86.msi
v3.6.1 publised on Jul 5, 2020
Linux x86 64-bit DEB 39.0 MB weasis_3.6.1-1_amd64.deb
Linux x86 64-bit RPM 55.2 MB weasis-3.6.1-1.x86_64.rpm
macOS x86 64-bit PKG 47.9 MB Weasis-3.6.1.pkg
Windows x86 64-bit MSI 35.1 MB Weasis-3.6.1-x86-64.msi
Windows x86 32-bit MSI 36.7 MB Weasis-3.6.1-x86.msi
v3.6.0 publised on Mar 6, 2020
Linux x86 64-bit DEB 40.3 MB weasis_3.6.0-1_amd64.deb
Linux x86 64-bit RPM 57.3 MB weasis-3.6.0-1.x86_64.rpm
macOS x86 64-bit PKG 51.5 MB Weasis-3.6.0.pkg
Windows x86 64-bit MSI 40.1 MB Weasis-3.6.0-x86-64.msi
Windows x86 32-bit MSI 41.2 MB Weasis-3.6.0-x86.msi
v3.5.4 publised on Nov 1, 2019
Linux x86 64-bit DEB 38.7 MB weasis_3.5.4-1_amd64.deb
Linux x86 64-bit RPM 55.8 MB weasis-3.5.4-1.x86_64.rpm
macOS x86 64-bit PKG 49.4 MB Weasis-3.5.4.pkg
Windows x86 64-bit MSI 37.8 MB Weasis-3.5.4-x86-64.msi
Windows x86 32-bit MSI 39.7 MB Weasis-3.5.4-x86.msi
v3.5.3 publised on Aug 10, 2019
Linux x86 64-bit DEB 38.3 MB weasis_3.5.3_amd64.deb
Linux x86 64-bit RPM 55.3 MB weasis-3.5.3-1.x86_64.rpm
macOS x86 64-bit PKG 47.5 MB Weasis-3.5.3.pkg
Windows x86 64-bit MSI 37.2 MB Weasis-3.5.3-x86-64.msi
Windows x86 32-bit MSI 39.0 MB Weasis-3.5.3-x86.msi
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Astra linux dicom viewer

МИС Видар-ИнфоРад и ее компоненты способны работать на широко распространенной Windows-инфраструктуре, на российском программном обеспечении и в смешанном окружении — используя все возможности имеющейся и перспективной инфраструктуры Заказчика.

Работа на российской операционной системе

Медицинская информационная система Видар-ИнфоРад и ее компоненты зарегистрированы в Едином реестре российских программ для ЭВМ и БД.

Клиентская и серверная части МИС могут работать как на операционной системах семейства Microsoft Windows, так и отечественных операционных системах

Работа на российской Системе Управления Базами Данных

В качестве базы данных по требованию Заказчика могут использоваться

  • Свободно распространяемая СУБД Firebird
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Российская СУБД Ред База Данных
  • Российская СУБД Postgres Pro

Работа клиента Vidar Dicom Viewer

Программное обеспечение просмотра изображений Vidar Dicom Viewer работает на операционных системах

Виртуализация и удаленный доступ

Серверная и клиентская части МИС Видар-ИнфоРад поддерживает виртуализацию средствами VMWare, Microsoft Hyper-V и Microsoft Remote Desktop Services.

Для защищенной связи удаленных рабочих мест с сервером Видар-ИнфоРад может использоваться VPN-канал, предоставляемый Заказчиком. Или настраиваться доступ по https-протоколу с аутентификацией пользователя по паролю и/или сертификату, не требующий установки дополнительного программного обеспечения на рабочее место.


Top 11 Free Linux DICOM Viewers for Doctors

DICOM stands for Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine and it is the international open image format for handling, storing, printing, and transmitting information in medical images.

Medical images are used in the identification and examination of physical injuries and diseases via procedures like Xrays, CT scans, etc.

This article lists the best free Linux applications used for processing images generated by DICOM devices.

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1. Amide

Amide is a cross-platform GTK+ tool for viewing, registering, and analyzing volumetric medical imaging data sets. It uses a GUI with a long feature list including loading multiple data sets at once, generating fly through movies as MPEG1 files, an anisotropic filtering wizard, thresholding datasets independently and in bulk, etc.

AMIDE - Medical Imaging Data Examiner

2. DicomBrowser

DicomBrowser is an open source Java-based DICOM metadata inspector and modifier app. It was developed by the Neuroinformatics Research Group of Washington University to be excellent at batch anonymizations.

It is cross-platform, can simultaneously load thousands of images, and also features a command line interface to the anonymization script engine.

DicomBrowser - Viewing and Modifying DICOM Metadata

3. 3DimViewer

3DimViewer is a cross-platform lightweight 3D viewer for DICOM datasets written in C++. It is open source with a feature set that includes orthogonal and multiplanar XY, XZ, and YZ views, an adjustable density window, importing multiple DICOM datasets, 3D visualization of CT and MRI scans, surface modelling of any segmented tissue, 3D surface rendering, etc.

3DimViewer- 3D Viewer of Medical DICOM

4. dcm4che

Unlike the other titles on this list, dcm4che is a Java-based suite of high-performance applications collected for the healthcare enterprise and it is used worldwide by researchers and in both open source and commercial applications.

dcm4che enables you to store any DICOM object type in standard file systems with full support for Client/Server PACS model, DICOM IOD’s, multiple platforms, and several IHE integration profiles.

Its features also include a web-based GUI for administrators, an integrated HL7 server which can act on ADT, ORU, and ORM message types among others.

DCM4Che - A Collection of Apps for Healthcare IT

5. XMedcon

XMedcon is an open source medical image conversion toolkit and library developed mainly for converting reconstructed nuclear medical images.

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You can use it to read unsupported files without compression, retrieve the raw binary/ASCII image arrays, to print pixel values, to write PNG for desktop applications, and to extract/reorder specified images among other functions.

XMedcon - Medical Image Conversion Toolkit

6. Aeskulap

Aeskulap is a medical image viewer that was created to be an open source alternative to commercial DICOM viewers and is based on glademm, gtkmm, and gconfmm.

It can load a series of DICOM images for review and can also fetch them from archive nodes (aka PACS) over the network.

Aeskulap - DICOM Image Viewer

7. Mango

Mango stands for Multi-image Analysis GUI and it provides tools for image analysis coupled with a convenient GUI for navigation.

It can be used for ROI editing, image stacking, statistical analysis, surface rendering, etc. You can also customize filters, colour tables, file formats, work with plugins, and analyse other image formats such as MINC, NEMA-DES, NIFTI and NIFTI2.

Mango – Multi-image Analysis GUI

8. 3D Slicer

3D Slicer is a feature-rich multi-platform integrated application for processing images, medical image informatics, and 3D visualization intended for clinical researchers, physicians, and computer scientists.

You can use 3D slicer for sophisticated manual editing, automatic segmentation, analysing and visualizing diffusion tensor imaging data, reading and writing DICOM images and other formats, batch processing using EMSegment BatchMake e.t.c filtration, among many other functions.

3D Slicer - Image Analysis and Scientific Visualization


SMILI (pronounced ‘smilie’) is an open source lightweight and cross-platform library containing a set of classes for building medical image processing and scientific visualization applications.

It features both a simple GUI and a CLI with standard processing algorithms for smoothing, thresholding, masking etc. images and models.

SMILI - Simple Medical Imaging Library Interface

10. openDICOM.NET

openDICOM.NEt is a project that implements a completely new approach to DICOM libraries. It is written in C# and includes opendicom-utils for working with data dictionaries in different formats.

Its features include a tree view of ACR-NEMA and DICOM content, support of ACR-NEMA and DICOM images export to different image formats, image view with single and multiple frame support, image slide cycling known as movie mode, full DICOM 2007 data and UID dictionaries, etc.


11. Kradview

Kradview is an NMR, DICOM, and X-ray-compatible imaging device built for Unix-like platforms. Its purpose is to make rendering DICOM images easier irrespective of their size and zoom level.

It was initially developed by David Santo Orcero as part of his PhD project and has been updated by David del Rio Medina to have a better rendering performance.

Kradview - X-ray Image Viewer

Do you have any experience with the listed software above? Or perhaps you know other reliable titles that we can add to our list. Feel free to add your suggestions and questions in the section below.

And remember to share this article to wherever it will be useful.


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