Astra linux vmware образ

Install Astra Linux on VirtualBox / VMware / KVM / Laptop

Greeting and salutations. Our guide today explores yet another Linux distro called Astra Linux. Astra Linux is an open source Linux distribution that is Russian based. Its widely deployed in the Russian Federation with the view of replacing Microsoft windows. It was developed by Rusbitech-Astra and is available in Russian and English languages. It was initially developed to meet the needs of the Russian army, armed forces and intelligence agencies, but has since gained traction to now being used by Russian civilians as a universal operating system for personal computers.

Astra Linux provides top secret data protection due to its key feature of providing mandatory access control. Astra Linux is now widely deployed in educational, healthcare and other state institutions as well as leading industry giants such as RZD, Gazprom, Rosatom among many more. The server versions of Astra Linux are certified to work with Huawei equipment.

Key Highlights of Astra Linux

The key highlights of Astra Linux are as follows:-

  • Open source
  • Astra Linux is a Debian derivative
  • Hasdpkg as the package manager.
  • Uses APT as the update method.
  • Runs on x86-64, ARM, S390, Elbrus 2000 platforms.
  • The Kernel type is monolithic
  • The default user-interface isfly, and twm
  • Supports Linux kernel 2.6x up to 5.x.x as well as several Microsoft Operating systems.
  • Occurs in two Versions i.e. Astra Linux Special Edition aka (Smolensk) with latest version being 5.15 and Astra Linux Common Edition aka (Oryol) with the latest version being 5.15 as well. These are named after Hero Cities in Russia.

For more details, please visit the official Astra Linux website

Install Astra Linux on VirtualBox / VMware / KVM / Laptop

Once you have installed your virtualization method, we will begin the process of Astra Linux installation.

Step 1 : Download Astra Linux OS

The first step is to download the Astra Linux from the official Downloads page. Navigate to the page and click on LOAD. This will load all the available iso files ready for downloads.

Once the iso file is installed, create a bootable medium that will be used for installation on VirtualBox / VMware / KVM / Laptop. There are several tools you can use to create bootable media from the Astra LInux iso files. The most popular tools are :-

  • Ventoy: a Linux application used to create bootable disks.
  • Rufus: a popular tool used on Windows and macOS operating systems.
  • woeUSB for creating bootable windows USB on Linux.
  • Balena Etcher – used for writing image files such as .iso and .img files, as well as zipped folders onto storage media to create live SD cards and USB flash drives.
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To create a bootable media, insert your USB stick on your computer and run the following command from the command line terminal.

# Identify USB device# sudo lsblk # Flash Astra LInux to USB drive# sudo dd bs=4M if=./orel-stable.iso of=/dev/sdX status=progress oflag=sync

Replace /dev/sdX with the path of your USB disk and ./orel-stable.iso with the correct path of the ISO file. Once your Bootable media is ready, we will now begin the process of Astra Linux installation. I will install the current stable version.

For this guide, I will use Proxmox Virtualization environment. The steps are basically the same on VirtualBox, VMware, KVM or your desktop.

Step 2 : Prepare your Virtual Environment.

Login to Proxmox >> Datacenter >> Create VM

Click Create VM to start the process of creating a Virtual Machine. Begin by providing a suitable name for your Vm.

Next, define the location of your ISO image, and specify the Type of Guest OS. Then click Next to continue.

Set your system, Disks, CPU, Memory, Network and then finally confirm your configurations.

Once you are happy with your settings, click Finish. You will see the new VM created among your clusters on the left side.

Start the VM to power it on. Right click on the VM and click on Start

Once you have started the VM, navigate to the >_Console and select your installation language. Only two languages exist as seen in our introduction.

Press Enter to activate your Language selection.

Select Install to begin installation method. You will begin by selecting the Language.

Select your Locale.

Accept End-User License agreement by selecting

Configure the keyboard Layout.

Click Enter on your keyboard to begin the installation process. As the installation proceeds, you will be required to configure the network.

1 . Set the Hostname.

2. Set up users and passwords and confirm the password.

3. Set up partition disks

I will use the entire disk. Select Guided to set up Logical Volumes. Press Enter to continue. You will be prompted to select your partitioning Scheme. I will go with the default. You can choose Separate /home partition to setup your partitions. This is however for advanced users.

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The partition summary will look like this.

Confirm that you want to write the changes to the disk and press to proceed.

You will be prompted to choose the Kernel version to install. Choose your preferred one and press Enter

This will install the base system. The next prompt is to select a set of predefined software for installation. Make a choice and press Enter to begin the installation.

Towards the end of installation, you can make additional OS settings. Then you will be required to install the GRUB boot loader on your hard disk.

The installation then proceeds to completion.

The login page looks like this.

Supply the Username and Password to login to the fly desktop enviroment

You have now installed Astra Linux.

A walk around the desktop environment

Navigate to File Manager. This is the icon on the bottom left that looks like a folder as shown below.

Click on the icon to launch the file manager.

To see all menu items, Click on the star icon.

To launch the fly terminal, navigate to Menu “Star” >> System >> Fly Terminal

Running basic commands on the Fly Terminal.

In the introductory notes, we saw that Astra LInux uses APT as the update method.Being Debian based, you run the commands the same way as you would run on the Debian based distribution.

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade 

To install a package e.g ssh

sudo vim /etc/hostname ## To edit hosts file sudo vim /etc/hosts

Display free space of mounted file system

[email protected]:~$ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on udev 1.9G 0 1.9G 0% /dev tmpfs 393M 9.4M 384M 3% /run /dev/sda1 36G 6.7G 27G 20% / tmpfs 2.0G 2.9M 2.0G 1% /dev/shm tmpfs 5.0M 4.0K 5.0M 1% /run/lock tmpfs 2.0G 0 2.0G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup tmpfs 393M 0 393M 0% /run/user/999 tmpfs 393M 12K 393M 1% /run/user/1000

To display information about the block devices.

[email protected]:~$ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 40G 0 disk ├─sda1 8:1 0 36G 0 part / ├─sda2 8:2 0 1K 0 part └─sda5 8:5 0 4G 0 part [SWAP] sr0 11:0 1 5G 0 rom 

Final Thoughts

Astra Linux is gaining traction by day. In the guide we have looked at how you can install Astra LInux on a VirtualBox. we also briefly looked at how the Fly environment looks like. Its a new installation that am so eager to interact with. I noted that its installation is easy and straight forward. i was also eager to see if debian based commands could actually execute on the Fly Terminal. I do hope the guide is clear and that you have learned something new. PLease let me know how your installation goes like.

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При создании виртуальной машины Astra Linux Common Edition 2.12 или Astra Linux Special Edition РУСБ.10015-01 (очередное обновление 1.6) и РУСБ.10015-16 исп. 1 в системе виртуализации QUEMU/libvirt использовать тип виртуальной системы «Debian 9».

Установка spice-vdagent

Пакет интеграции гостевых машин spice-vdagent доступен в репозитории Astra Linux Common Edition 2.12 на дисках оперативных обновлений Astra Linux Special Edition:

  • Astra Linux Special Edition РУСБ.10015-01 (очередное обновление 1.6) — БЮЛЛЕТЕНЬ № 20191029SE16 — оперативное обновление 4
  • Astra Linux Special Edition РУСБ.10015-16 исп. 1 — Бюллетень № 20201007SE16

При подключенных репозиториях пакетов установку spice-vdagent можно выполнить командой на виртуальной машине:

Oracle VirtualBox

При создании виртуальной машины ОС ОН Astra Linux в системе виртуализации Oracle VirtualBox использовать следующие характеристики:

Установка гостевых дополнений Oracle VirtualBox

  1. Запустить гостевую машину, войти с правами администратора (администратора с высоким уровнем целостности для Astra Linux Special Edition с включенным МКЦ).
    Для Astra Linux Special Edition РУСБ.10015-01 (очередное обновление 1.6) и Astra Linux Special Edition РУСБ.10015-16 исп. 1 требуется подключить в качестве источника пакетов диск со средствами разработки (см. Подключение репозиториев с пакетами в ОС Astra Linux и установка пакетов).
  2. В меню управления виртуальной машиной выбрать пункт ‘Устройства’ и ‘Подключить образ диска Дополнений гостевой ОС’ (возможно, предварительно придётся освободить привод дисков);
    При необходимости, образ диска Дополнений можно скачать здесь (для версии 5.2.12 файл VBoxGuestAdditions_5.2.12.iso).
  3. При использовании графического интерфейса можно просто открыть диск в менеджере MC, или примонтировать его с помощью графического менеджера файлов. При работе в командной строке примонтировать диск ‘Дополнений гостевой ОС’ из командной строки :

modinfo vboxguest
filename: /lib/modules/4.15.3-1-generic/misc/vboxguest.ko
version: 5.2.12 r122591
license: GPL
description: Oracle VM VirtualBox Guest Additions for Linux Module
author: Oracle Corporation
srcversion: 97DF7F909E8F8138956CB2D
alias: pci:v000080EEd0000CAFEsv00000000sd00000000bc*sc*i*
retpoline: Y
name: vboxguest
vermagic: 4.15.3-1-generic SMP mod_unload

Для того, чтобы после установки Гостевых дополнений заработали буферы обмена, не забудьте включить их в меню управления виртуальной машиной пункт меню «Устройства», подпункты «Общий буфер обмена» и «Функция Drag and Drop».

При этом, файлы, передаваемые на виртуальную способом Drag and Drop, копируются в каталог «/tmp/VirtualBox Droped Files»


Возможные проблемы

При установке Astra Linux на виртуальную машину VMware может возникнуть проблема с черным экраном в начале установки. Решить эту проблему возможно следующим образом:

В начале установки, после выбора языка, нажмите F6 (Параметры) и установите режим acpi=off

С виртуальной машиной VirtualBox проблем не выявлено.


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