Asus pce ac68 linux

Сложность с сетевым адаптером pce ac68 от asus.

Я предпринял много попыток, чтобы подключить wifi и не получилось, сетевой адаптер pce ac68 от asus, как подключить wifi с адаптером pce ac68 от asus сразу, после того, как загрузился live cd c arch linux ?

А у меня еще столько идей было (с)

Похоже, что там Broadcom BCM4360, а для него есть пара драйверов разной паршивости, и нужны еще прошивки одной из версий. Что из этого в livecd — без понятия. Я бы по проводу сначала подключил.

У меня вообще не работает wifi-menu.

Да, Broadcom BCM4360, можете помочь точно что нужно ?

я могу скачать broadcom-wl, broadcom-wl-dkms, b43-firmware, b43-firmware-classic, пакетов, brcmfmac и brcmsmac в arch linux нету, хотя об этом написали, broacom-wl в live cd arch linux есть, пытался заменить пакет, broadcom-wl на broadcom-wl-dkms и в общем не получилось, скорее всего нужно обновить базу данных пакетов, проводной могу подключить, но поможет ли замена пакета, я протестирую и напишу, а что по поводу других пакетов, b43-firmware, b43-firmware-classic, я не тестил

и может ещё linux-firmware, установить ?

и ещё я linux-headers, устанавливал, когда тестил.

Я от этой части далеко, вижу так: Модули ядра и прошивки сами не подгрузяться, надо вручную, или перезагрузить компьютер, так что лучше сначала установить на диск систему. Если модули конфликтуют, то выгрузить сначала, или удалить, или прописать в черный список

Совсем без прошивки Broadcom не работает, вроде.

Тебе надо начать все сначала. Вот статья:Русский)/Wireless.
Ознакомься, попробуй, и внятно изложи что есть и что не работает.

Я загружаю live cd с arch linux, сетевой адаптер pce ac68 от asus, я хочу подключить wifi,но не получается, в live cd с arch linux, есть пакет broadcom-wl, я тестил разные варианты, чтобы wifi-menu работал, ip link set сетевой интерфейс up, dhcpcd, rmmod b44 b43 b43legacy ssb brcmsmac bcma и выше ещё писал, в общем, не работает wifi-menu.

загружены два модуля, bcma,wl, bcma удаляю через rmmod, modprobe wl и всё равно не работает wifi-menu

беспроводной интерфейс есть среди доступных?

ip addr писал, интерфейс был

да-а-а, а проблема-то в другом (и ЛОР тут не поможет)

напиши конкретно или смысл твоего сообщения ?

В общем, я был не чуть не прав, в live cd, не отображается сетевой интерфейс с сетевым адаптером pce ac68 от asus, то был другой сетевой интерфейс. Сетевой адаптер pce ac 68 от asus, не работает в live cd, если установить arch linux с проводным интернетом и в установленном arch linux установить пакеты wpa_supplicant, broadcom-wl, посмотреть имя сетевого интерфейса, например ip link и написать sudo wifi-menu имя сетевого интерфейса, можно подключится к вай фай сети, возможно нужна перезагрузка после установки пакетов, тема закрыта, спасибо тем, кто пытался помочь 🙂

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ASUS PCE-AC68 Driver Ubuntu 21.10 Installation

GNU/Linux Ubuntu 21.10 ASUS PCE-AC68 Wifi Driver Setup Guide

Hi! The linked Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install ASUS PCE-AC68 AC1900 Wireless 802.11ac Driver for Ubuntu 21.10 Impish GNU/Linux.

And the Ubuntu Impish ASUS PCE-AC68 Setup is based on the Broadcom BCM4360 Chipset Driver Installation.

So the linked guide explain How to Install BCM4360 Linux Driver.

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GNU/Linux Ubuntu 21.10 ASUS PCE-AC68 Wireless Driver Installation Guide

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What can Save the World from a Blind and Quick Self-destruction.
The Immediate and Humble Mass Conversion to the Spiritual Way!
Because Earth & Nature has been Ravaged without Pity by the Wild and Selfish mass Competition to Win and Shown that U’re someone Better because you got a Lot of fla$hY Power$$$.

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ASUS PCE-AC68 Driver MX Linux Installation

Hi! The linked Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install ASUS PCE-AC68 AC1900 Wireless 802.11ac Driver in MX GNU/Linux Desktop.

And the MX Linux ASUS PCE-AC68 Setup is based on the Broadcom BCM4360 Chipset Driver Installation.

So the linked guide explain How to Install BCM4360 Linux Driver.

Finally, in case to check your Adapter Chipset see: How to Check Wireless Device ID on GNU/Linux.

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ASUS PCE-AC68 Driver MX Linux Installation

GNU/Linux MX ASUS PCE-AC68 Wireless Driver Installation Guide

Showing Ads here is the best solution I found for not embarassing somebody about participating in a #%$Foundation^.

«When the Last Tree has been cut down, the Last Fish caught, the Last River poisoned, only then will we realize that One Cannot Eat Money.»

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Steve Jobs Last Words in the Darkness

«Being a Winner in a Free Computing OS Mission means to adopt a Commercial like Strategy. Transcending Duality in Oneness and so dispensing both Free and Non Free Software. Cause evangelizing Freedom in a Non Free World is like keeping a Trojan Horse. Hallelujah!»

«Using the Money just for buying Stuff and Not Supporting the Free Gift Philosophy is a sign of a Selfish and Narrow Mind.»

What can Save the World from a Blind and Quick Self-destruction.
The Immediate and Humble Mass Conversion to the Spiritual Way!
Because Earth & Nature has been Ravaged without Pity by the Wild and Selfish mass Competition to Win and Shown that U’re someone Better because you got a Lot of fla$hY Power$$$.

«Taking care if somebody is liking, following, or buying is just a serious hidrance on the priceless Way of Creative Freedom.»



Everlasting Glory to God, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Ganesha, Shiva, Vishnu, Krisna, Laozi, Buddha, Bodhidharma, Ma Gcig, Hakuin, Ikkyu, Nagarjuna, Tilopa, Naropa, Milarepa, Suhrawardi, St Dismas, St Francesco, St Teresa, St John, St Filippo, Eckehart. All The Holy Divinities, Avatars, Saints, Mystics, and True Spiritual Masters. Because they are in the Eternal Light of Truth & Delight Enlightening a World of Darkness, Nescience, Blindness, Uneasiness and Falsehood!


ASUS PCE-AC68 Driver Linux Installation

Hi! The linked Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install ASUS PCE-AC68 AC1900 Wireless 802.11ac Driver in GNU/Linux Computers.

And the GNU+Linux ASUS PCE-AC68 Setup is based on the Broadcom BCM4360 Chipset Driver Installation.

ASUS PCE-AC68 Driver Linux Installation

GNU/Linux ASUS PCE-AC68 Wireless Driver Installation Guide

Showing Ads here is the best solution I found for not embarassing somebody about participating in a #%$Foundation^.

«When the Last Tree has been cut down, the Last Fish caught, the Last River poisoned, only then will we realize that One Cannot Eat Money.»

«No usable Computer exists today with completely Open Software and Hardware (as much as some companies want to Market themselves as such).»

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Steve Jobs’ Last Words

Steve Jobs Last Words in the Darkness

«Being a Winner in a Free Computing OS Mission means to adopt a Commercial like Strategy. Transcending Duality in Oneness and so dispensing both Free and Non Free Software. Cause evangelizing Freedom in a Non Free World is like keeping a Trojan Horse. Hallelujah!»

«Using the Money just for buying Stuff and Not Supporting the Free Gift Philosophy is a sign of a Selfish and Narrow Mind.»

What can Save the World from a Blind and Quick Self-destruction.
The Immediate and Humble Mass Conversion to the Spiritual Way!
Because Earth & Nature has been Ravaged without Pity by the Wild and Selfish mass Competition to Win and Shown that U’re someone Better because you got a Lot of fla$hY Power$$$.

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«Taking care if somebody is liking, following, or buying is just a serious hidrance on the priceless Way of Creative Freedom.»



Everlasting Glory to God, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Ganesha, Shiva, Vishnu, Krisna, Laozi, Buddha, Bodhidharma, Ma Gcig, Hakuin, Ikkyu, Nagarjuna, Tilopa, Naropa, Milarepa, Suhrawardi, St Dismas, St Francesco, St Teresa, St John, St Filippo, Eckehart. All The Holy Divinities, Avatars, Saints, Mystics, and True Spiritual Masters. Because they are in the Eternal Light of Truth & Delight Enlightening a World of Darkness, Nescience, Blindness, Uneasiness and Falsehood!


ASUS PCE-AC68 Driver Lubuntu Installation

GNU/Linux Lubuntu ASUS PCE-AC68 Wifi Driver Setup Guide

Hi! The linked Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install ASUS PCE-AC68 AC1900 Wireless 802.11ac Driver in Lubuntu GNU/Linux Desktop.

And the Lubuntu ASUS PCE-AC68 Setup is based on the Broadcom BCM4360 Chipset Driver Installation.

So the linked guide explain How to Install BCM4360 Linux Driver.

Finally, in case to check your Adapter Chipset see: How to Check Wireless Device ID on GNU/Linux.

ASUS PCE-AC68 Driver Lubuntu Installation

GNU/Linux Lubuntu ASUS PCE-AC68 Wireless Driver Installation Guide

Showing Ads here is the best solution I found for not embarassing somebody about participating in a #%$Foundation^.

«When the Last Tree has been cut down, the Last Fish caught, the Last River poisoned, only then will we realize that One Cannot Eat Money.»

«No usable Computer exists today with completely Open Software and Hardware (as much as some companies want to Market themselves as such).»

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The GNU/Linux Free Software Phylosophy

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Steve Jobs’ Last Words

Steve Jobs Last Words in the Darkness

«Being a Winner in a Free Computing OS Mission means to adopt a Commercial like Strategy. Transcending Duality in Oneness and so dispensing both Free and Non Free Software. Cause evangelizing Freedom in a Non Free World is like keeping a Trojan Horse. Hallelujah!»

«Using the Money just for buying Stuff and Not Supporting the Free Gift Philosophy is a sign of a Selfish and Narrow Mind.»

What can Save the World from a Blind and Quick Self-destruction.
The Immediate and Humble Mass Conversion to the Spiritual Way!
Because Earth & Nature has been Ravaged without Pity by the Wild and Selfish mass Competition to Win and Shown that U’re someone Better because you got a Lot of fla$hY Power$$$.

«Taking care if somebody is liking, following, or buying is just a serious hidrance on the priceless Way of Creative Freedom.»



Everlasting Glory to God, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Ganesha, Shiva, Vishnu, Krisna, Laozi, Buddha, Bodhidharma, Ma Gcig, Hakuin, Ikkyu, Nagarjuna, Tilopa, Naropa, Milarepa, Suhrawardi, St Dismas, St Francesco, St Teresa, St John, St Filippo, Eckehart. All The Holy Divinities, Avatars, Saints, Mystics, and True Spiritual Masters. Because they are in the Eternal Light of Truth & Delight Enlightening a World of Darkness, Nescience, Blindness, Uneasiness and Falsehood!


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