Asus t100ta linux mint

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Asus T100TA — Linux Mint 20 — Almost flawless OOTB.

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Asus T100TA — Linux Mint 20 — Almost flawless OOTB.

Post by Magoso » Sun Dec 06, 2020 11:24 pm

I was trying to get my T100ta to install Linux, since I prefer it over Windows 10 and its less demanding on the system. After a couple of days I was finally able to figure out how to install it with ease.

Almost everything works out of the box. Bluetooth, touch screen, no screen tearing, sound (though you still have to fix the popping due to power-save features), even the function keys to control screen brightness and volume work. Everything just works.

The only thing I can’t seem to get working is the volume rocker on the left had side of the display, but that’s not really an issue for me as I usually use the software controls.

Also you have to configure the WiFi with a simple command to get it working, but that is no trouble fix and you only have to do it twice and it will work forever after that. I am noticing that the WiFi drops off once and a while, but it connects again right away.

I followed the guide at ( . ) to help get it working. Though these specific instructions are for Ubuntu version 18.04.1 and I ran into errors using Mint 20. But it did contain some good information which helped me eventually get things working.

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Anyways, here is how to do it.

Make a USB installer with the Linux Mint 20 ISO from the mint website:

I used the Cinnamon desktop version, but I’m sure the others will work with this method.

Add the bootia32.efi too the EFI/BOOT folder on your install disk on the ISO after burning it:

This will allow you to boot into the the system with the Live ISO to test out and install Mint. Also make sure Secureboot is disabled in the BIOS so it can boot the ISO.

Once you have gotten into the live environment you MUST get the WiFi working before you do the install. If you don’t you will have a grub error and wont be able to boot. The instructions I was following had you install Mint first by running Ubiquity in -b mode to get around the boot issue, then to manually set up the grub boot yourself. The instructions only had you fix the WiFi AFTER you installed the system.

So fix the WiFi before you install from the Live ISO. To fix it:

Then copy this command into the terminal:

cp /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/nvram-* /lib/firmware/brcm/brcmfmac43241b4-sdio.txt

modprobe -r brcmfmac
modprobe brcmfmac

This will get the WiFi working for the install. You will have to run those 3 lines again once you boot into the system for the first time without the Live ISO stick. After that it works fine and logs onto your network automatically. As I said above, I have experienced a few drops, but it automatically signs back on right away.

Now that your WiFi is enabled go ahead and run the installer normally by running the install icon on the desktop. Once that is finished go ahead and reboot, it will ask you to remove the install media then press enter.

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After that everything should boot fine, again you need to run the WiFi fix once more on the freshly installed system and that’s it.

To fix the audio popping issue I followed one of the instructions at:

Specifically this instruction:
Go to /usr/lib/pm-utils/power.d/ and edit the intel-audio-powersave file.
Find the line that says:
Hash this out so it reads:
Add this directly underneath it:

You must reboot for the fix to take effect.

This fixed the sound popping when I would play or pause a video or audio file. It still pops just once before the login screen, but is fine after that. If anyone knows a fix for that let me know please.

Anyways, this should get it installed and working on the T100TA and I assume others in the Transformer series. I also have a T101HA but haven’t tried it on it yet. Though the T101HA has that stupid portrait default that can be set to landscape in both Windows and Linux Mint in the display settings. But some older games display weird and I get a black bar on the right hand side of the screen.

If anyone knows how to delete the portrait mode from the T101HA permanently please let me know as I would rather it just function like a little laptop. Would love to have Linux on it as well for the old games I play off Steam, but the screen issue is a deal breaker. Since I can usually find work around for Windows on it, I’ll leave Windows on there for now.

Well, that’s about all there is to get it working really well. I’ve been using it for a few days now and it works awesome. Let me know how it works for you if you give it a go.

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Last edited by SMG on Sun Oct 09, 2022 1:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Locking old topic to prevent new issues from being added.


Asus t100ta linux mint

Всем привет. Продолжаю попытки установить Mint 21.1 Xfce на планшет-трансформер Asus T100TA (Intel Atom Z3740, 2 Гб DDR3, 64 Гб eMMC) с UEFI 32 бит.
Запуск с флешки после добавления загрузчика bootia32.efi прошёл успешно. Систему установил, но она не загружается, что не удивительно.
Далее мне удалось найти, как ни странно, инструкцию по установке 64-битной системы прямо точно для моего планшета: . us-t100ta/

Но вот на деле всё проходит не совсем так, как описано. Далее привожу список выполняемых мной действий, при том нужно учитывать, что я с Линуксом имею дело 3 дня, потому не до конца понимаю их сакральный смысл

1. Вставляю загрузочную флешку, в меню загрузки нажимаю «С» и перехожу в командную строку GRUB.
2. В строке прописываю путь к файлу vmlinuz, в моём случае это выглядит так:

linux (hd1,gpt3)/boot/vmlinuz-5.15.0-56-generic root=(hd1,gpt3)

Хотя согласно инструкции правая часть строки должна выглядеть как root=/dev/mmcblk0p3, но в таком случае вылазит ошибка, что рут не найден. Пробовал менять 0 на 1,2,3 — всё равно ошибка. А вот на root=(hd1,gpt3) при загрузке не ругается, поэтому такой вариант считаю правильным.

3. В следующей строке прописываю:

4. Ввожу boot, нажимаю Enter.

5. Далее идёт долгая загрузка, после которой остаётся BusyBox и сообщение «No init found. Try passing init=bootarg».

Что делать с этим дальше, я пока не придумал. Может ли кто-то что-нибудь посоветовать в этой ситуации?


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