Atheros wifi только bluetooth

Как включить Bluetooth с моим адаптером Qualcomm Atheros?

У меня есть беспроводная /BlueTooth PCIe карта (Qualcomm Atheros AR5BWB222) на моем компьютере, но включена только беспроводная часть. Я получил драйверы и установил их, но ничего не изменилось. Я искал его в Устройствах в настройках Windows 10, а BlueTooth не было в списке. Беспроводной адаптер, подключенный к двум антеннам, обратите внимание на индикатор включения и выключения Передняя часть карты Очень фронт карты Конец карты Обратная сторона карты

3 ответа 3

  • Перейти к началу правой кнопкой мыши «Компьютер»
  • нажмите управлять
  • откройте диспетчер устройств, вы увидите Bluetooth радио
  • щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на модуле USB Bluetooth
  • нажмите свойства
  • нажмите обновить драйвер
  • нажмите поиск вручную
  • нажмите плохо выберите файл
  • выберите Bluetooth-радио из списка
  • на левой панели щелкните MICROSOFT CORPORATION
  • установить драйвер в правой панели

Теперь ваш Bluetooth будет транслироваться, и вы сможете выполнить сопряжение.

Я предлагаю вам запустить средство устранения неполадок оборудования и устройства и проверить. Средство устранения неполадок оборудования — это автоматизированный инструмент, который проверяет оборудование на компьютере на наличие известных проблем и предоставляет подробные сведения о том, как их исправить. Выполните следующие действия, чтобы запустить средство устранения неполадок.

а) Нажмите клавиши «Логотип Windows» + «W» на клавиатуре.

б) Введите «Поиск и устранение неисправностей» в строке поиска и нажмите «Ввод».

в) В окне «Устранение неполадок» нажмите «Просмотреть все» на левой панели.

г) Нажмите «Оборудование и устройства».

д) Нажмите «Дополнительно», а затем «Запуск от имени администратора».

е) Нажмите «Далее» и следуйте инструкциям на экране для завершения процесса устранения неполадок.

Если проблема не устранена, я предлагаю вам проверить состояние службы Bluetooth на компьютере.

Я предлагаю вам запустить службу Bluetooth и установить для нее значение Автоматически:

а. Перейти на начальный экран.

б. Введите «Services.msc» без кавычек и нажмите Enter.

с. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши службу поддержки Bluetooth и выберите Свойства.

д. Установите тип запуска «Автоматический» и нажмите «Пуск» в разделе «Состояние службы».

Если проблема не устранена, попробуйте выполнить следующие действия и проверьте, устраняет ли она проблему.

Я предлагаю вам попробовать следующие шаги.

а. Откройте панель управления, нажав Windows + X,

б. В поле поиска на панели управления введите Bluetooth, а затем нажмите кнопку «Изменить настройки Bluetooth».

с. В диалоговом окне «Настройки Bluetooth» перейдите на вкладку «Параметры» и выполните любое из следующих действий:

Чтобы сделать ваш компьютер доступным для устройств с поддержкой Bluetooth, установите флажок Разрешить устройствам Bluetooth найти этот компьютер.

Чтобы разрешить вам добавлять устройства Bluetooth с поддержкой к вашему компьютеру, установите флажок Разрешить устройствам Bluetooth подключаться к этому компьютеру.

Чтобы получать уведомления, когда Bluetooth-совместимое устройство пытается подключиться к вашему компьютеру, установите флажок Уведомлять, когда новое Bluetooth-устройство хочет подключиться.

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Если проблема не устранена, я предлагаю вам удалить драйвер Bluetooth и установить последнюю версию драйвера на компьютер.


How do I enable Bluetooth with my Qualcomm Atheros adapter?

I have a wireless/BlueTooth PCIe card (Qualcomm Atheros AR5BWB222) in my computer but only the wireless part is enabled. I got the drivers and installed them, but nothing changed. I searched for it in Devices in the Windows 10 settings and BlueTooth wasn’t listed. Wireless Adapter connected with two antennas, notice the on LED vs the off LED Front of Card Very Front of Card End of Card Back of Card

Have you actually verified that your AR5BWB222 has a Bluetooth module installed? In the hundreds of parts I have seen like the AR5BWB222, the Bluetooth functionality, by design is seperate from the 802.11 functionality in that its an entirely seperate and most of the time optional module. This means if you don’t have a module that with markings clearly indicating Bluetooth functionality then your system does not have said hardware module. These cards are by designed expandable, so a single card can be sold, for multiple purposes.

@Ramhound It says BT_LED (it looks like ST on the photo, but I have verified it says BT) on the first port. I presume that stands for Bluetooth and that it is in the card. How would I find out if Bluetooth is actually in the card?

«How would I find out if Bluetooth is actually in the card?» — You look at the physical card? I figured my comment was obvious in this capacity.

Dumb question, but are you plugging in the USB that’s on the board? The BT is powered by the onboard USB and not powered through the PCI passthrough.

4 Answers 4

You need to download the Qualcomm Atheros driver suite.

Follow these steps to install this software:

  • goto start right click «Computer»
  • click manage
  • open Device manager, you will see Bluetooth Radios
  • right click on the USB Bluetooth module
  • click properties
  • click update driver
  • click search manually
  • click ill choose the file
  • select, Bluetooth radios from list
  • on left pane click MICROSOFT CORPORATION
  • install the driver in the right pane

Now your Bluetooth will broadcast and you will be able to pair.

You must have the usb header cable to power the Bluetooth. Which should have come with hardware. You see that plug in socket on the card. The cable plugs into it and your motherboard. Just google wireless adapters with Bluetooth function to see what it looks like. The pci express slot can only power 1 device. you have to have the bluetooth cable to power the Bluetooth. I found that out doing research online when i had the same problem. just getting the cable was impossible for me. Just buy another card and make sure the Bluetooth cable is included.

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This was the exact problem I had. Spend so long trying to install drivers manually, plugging it in different PCI on the motherboard etc. Feel like a total dumbass — next time will look at the instruction manual XD

I suggest you to run the Hardware and device troubleshooter and check. The Hardware Troubleshooter is an automated tool which checks the hardware on the computer for any known issues and provides the details on how to fix them. Follow these steps to run the troubleshooter.

a) Press “Windows Logo” + “W” keys from the keyboard.

b) Type “Troubleshooting” in the search bar and press “Enter”.

c) In the “Troubleshooting” window, click on “View All” on the left pane.

d) Click on “Hardware and Devices”.

e) Click on “Advanced” and then click on “Run as Administrator”.

f) Click “Next” and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the troubleshooting process.

If the issue persists, I suggest you to check the status of Bluetooth service on the computer.

I suggest you to start the Bluetooth service and set it to Automatic:

b. Type “Services.msc” without quotes and press Enter.

c. Right click on Bluetooth support service and click on Properties.

d. Set the Startup type as Automatic and then click Start under Service status.

If the issue persists you can try the following steps and check if it resolves the issue.

I suggest you to try the following steps.

a. Open Control Panel by clicking the Windows + X,

b. In the Control Panel search box, type Bluetooth, and then click Change Bluetooth settings.

c. In theBluetooth Settings dialog box, click the Options tab and do any of the following:

To make your computer discoverable to Bluetooth enabled devices, select the check box for Allow Bluetooth devices to find this computer.

To allow you to add Bluetooth enabled devices to your computer, select the check box for Allow Bluetooth devices to connect to this computer.

To be notified when a Bluetooth enabled device is trying to connect to your computer, select the check box for Alert me when a new Bluetooth device wants to connect.

If the issue still persists, I suggest you to uninstall the Bluetooth driver and install the latest driver on the computer.


WLan + Bluetooth Modules Atheros AR5B22 driver

Unfortunately the driver did not work
I think my problem is hardware!




Firstly, are you sure that you have a ‘Qualcom Atheros AR5B22’ in your Acer Aspire V3-371 and its a Bluetooth/WiFi combined device? As the Acer Aspire V3-371 comes with an ‘Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7265 (a/b/g/h/n/ac), Bluetooth 4.0’ because that should not be happening! The Bluetooth/WiFi device that I have changed into my ‘Acer Aspire 5750/2414’ is the ‘Qualcom Atheros AR9462-AR5B22 WLAN 2.4G & 5G + Bluetooth 4.0 Mini PCIe Card’ (see attached pic) as my laptop came standard with a ‘Qualcom Atheros WiFi 2.4G’ only and no Bluetooth.

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Ok, to check all this and make sure, do the following steppes:

1. To check and make certain that your Bluetooth works or you have got a ‘Bluetooth’ go to ‘Device Manager’ and see Bluetooth (if its not shown, then do step 3 & 4, if it still does not show ‘Bluetooth’ in your ‘Device Manager’ then you don’t have a WiFi/Bluetooth combined card or its not working.
2. Uninstall the Bluetooth driver first (from Device Manager) by right clicking on the Bluetooth>Bluetooth USB Module then ‘Uninstall device’.
3. Use this workaround method, which is much easier and should work: download the Bluetooth Win-8.1 v8.0.1.314 from this link, make sure that you use the ‘Download driver AR9462/’ the lime green download link from that site:

4. Then unzip it, and click the install.ini file, within this folder (the Win-8.1 v8.0.1.314) which installs the driver automatically, its much easier to install, as it will also install and execute a folder in your ‘Task Bar’ called ‘Bluetooth Devices’. See if that is done by going to the ‘Task Bar’ left bottom corner of your screen.
5. After this, update the old (Win-8.1 v8.0.1.314) driver with the new Win-10 Bluetooth driver v10.0.3.14 — 12/03/2018 (that you have already downloaded) through ‘Device Manager>Update driver.
6. If the above does not work then also see this link for older drivers (Win 7 & 8) for your Acer Aspire V3-471 as the drivers I have listed are the latest and they are specifically designed for Win-10:

This should work for you, its very simple and easy lol if it does not then, you either have a faulty Bluetooth card section or your card is not a ‘Qualcom Atheros AR9462-AR5B22’. Or you should uninstall all WiFi and Bluetooth drivers and reboot your computer then, reinstall them as a fresh install and see what happens as my instructions should work perfectly with all the scenarios that I have suggested, as I can’t help you any further if it does not work and there must be some other factors involved that i can’t diagnose without seeing your laptop.

i tried uninstall all WiFi and Bluetooth drivers and reboot my PC
i tried to install every driver here

Do I have to change the card?
With the same version you have


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