Ati mobility radeon hd 5470 driver linux

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Ati Mobility Radeon HD5470 driver problem

Post by 0nur » Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:38 pm

I’m really excited about upgrading to Linux (Mint or Ubuntu) but i have unsolved problem which make me think. First of all i should say i’m searching about this problem for 2 day on net.

I first install my Ubuntu near 2 years ago to my Acer Aspire one and quiet satiffied as a secondary os. But nowadays i want to upgrade my main laptop (Haier T5M1) to Linux distro. 3 days ago i tried to install Ubuntu because i had an experience on that (may be not deep but better than none ) I installed it without any problem and start to download several softs. like Gimp & Inkscape, btw i’m an graphic designer.

There wasn’t any problem until i wanted to try HTML5 game on it. My laptop was really hot, system shut itself automaticly and did not open for 2-3 minutes. Then i reboot it as win7 and made a search about overheating problem. Main reason -as my research, is GPU power management of pre-installed ati drivers are not good enough and cause those kinf of problems. So they suggest to get driver from ati’s web site and install it.

Thats what i did, take the latest stable 64bit driver of my ati mobility radeon HD5x catalyst package and installed. It says «system needs a full reboot (what is the difference between full reboot and reboot) on installing tutorials. Then i reboot it and. Voila, very charming purplish blank screen appeared. It said «Xos bla bla..» common error about the video card driver as i research on web again.

They recommend to re install the old drivers which i failed to do..

Then i uninstall Ubuntu and make another search about this problem on net. I found several similar topics on mint forum and there are lots off different suggestions which solved their problems. I liked that v.much so this time i download Mint 14 and install it instead of Ubuntu. It was much more easier to install that driver with mint (right click and permission to allow to run as program thing). I was impressed and excited, i though «my nightmares are over, i can use Linux without any problem from now on» i was very happy, atleast until i ‘reboot’ it. Same error message screened and Mint opened only as terminal mode like MsDos. I can’t use recover or else.

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I research about on this forum, found several ways & tips, tried to follow them. Some of them did not worked others i couldn’t manage to do with my little Linux knowledge. So i’m still writing these on Windows 7. Is there another solution? Any step by step guide or i don’t know, anything which will work?

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Topic automatically closed 6 months after creation. New replies are no longer allowed.


Thread: ATI mobility Radeon HD 5470

tornio is offlineFirst Cup of Ubuntu

CoolATI mobility Radeon HD 5470

I have a new asus laptop and I have installed ubuntu KArmic.
The problem is that there is no driver for the ATI mobility radeon HD5470
and the graphic is so bad!

On amd-ati website I have found the catalyst driver version 10.2 but
it seems not to be the correct solution.

Do you have any suggestion?
If there is not the driver for ubuntu, do you think we have to wait
for a long time?

Thanks in advance

birdmanuk is offline5 Cups of Ubuntu

Re: ATI mobility Radeon HD 5470

Hello, I too have the same GPU in my new Sony Vaio. Luckily the screen resolution is OK for the moment, but it would be nice to have the correct driver, so I can enable compiz etc.

Let’s hope there is a driver in Lucid

crypto2600 is offline5 Cups of Ubuntu

Re: ATI mobility Radeon HD 5470

Hey there guys. I had the exact same problem.
I got the ASUS K72JR-A1 (amazing laptop). I kept reading the forums until I realized the pattern that was fixing the issue.

There is something off about Catalyst 10.2 and I could never get it to work. Here are the steps that fixed it (going to get into detail for new users):

  • EDIT: First sudo update-pciids
  • Then go and download Catalyst 10.1 from This can be done here — eon_linux.aspx
  • chmod +x
  • sudo ./
  • If you don’t have jockey installed (the proprietary hardware manager) sudo apt-get install jockey-common.
  • then sudo jockey-text -l which should list your adapter. In my case the first column said «xorg:fglrx»
  • sudo jockey-text -e xorg:fglrx When you restart after this step, you will get an irritating «AMD unsupported hardware» (stupid AMD, can’t see a REAL reason they even did that aside from the fact that they got crap for brains).
  • The fix for the watermark is to create a file (e.g. «») and paste the quoted text below:

for x in $(objdump -d $DRIVER|awk ‘/call/&&/EnableLogo/ >’); do
echo found $x
sed -i «s/$x/\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90/g» $DRIVER

IMPORTANT: After you do this, and if you are using Gnome, your Ethernet (that worked perfectly before) might screw up and there is apparently a fix for it (I use KDE because it’s BETTER) and I don’t have the problem. If I boot into Gnome, it doesn’t work. And let’s hope that ATI releases proper mobility support in Catalyst 10.3 as promised. Though Sony and a few other snobby companies have opted out of having their hardware support (for what reason? no fscking clue).

Link for Ethernet fix for ubuntu was somewhere around the forum and i can’t seem to find it again.

If this works for you, or there are issue, post back here and I’ll get the email notification and try to help

UPDATE: You might have to run sudo update-pciids before you start these steps


Linux Mint Forums

ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 support in Linux Mint

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ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 support in Linux Mint

Post by brancalessio » Thu Dec 22, 2016 10:20 am

In my 6-years-old laptop the graphic card is a ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470.

I actually installed Linux Mint 18 Sarah, which works, but in «software rendering mode». As far as I understand from several pages in the web, the problem is that the shipped Xorg is no more compatible with the fglrx driver from ATI.

To which version should I downgrade to get the graphic card working with a proper driver? Linux Mint 18 Sarah is based on Ubuntu 16.04. Is it enough to downgrade to some versions based on Ubuntu 14.04? Or should I go even to version based on Ubuntu 12.04?

One more question. Assuming I do not use that laptop intensively and I do not need particular performances from my graphic card, could there be a problems, if I continue to use the software rendering mode?

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Topic automatically closed 6 months after creation. New replies are no longer allowed.

Re: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 support in Linux Mint

Post by richyrich » Thu Dec 22, 2016 11:01 am

Two suggestions . .
1) Mint 17x series will still allow you to use the fglrx drivers. Mint 17 is supported until 2019.
2) If you decide to stick with Mint 18, leave the 3D graphics intensive Cinnamon (or KDE), and try either the Xfce or MATE editions.

Re: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 support in Linux Mint

Post by brancalessio » Thu Dec 22, 2016 2:14 pm

richyrich wrote: 1) Mint 17x series will still allow you to use the fglrx drivers. Mint 17 is supported until 2019.

On another computer I happily use Linux Mint 17.2 «Rafaela», should I try 17.3 «Rosa» or some other 17.x? What do you suggest (in general, not related to this problem)?

Re: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 support in Linux Mint

Post by richyrich » Thu Dec 22, 2016 2:30 pm

I like and use Mint 17.3 Rosa Xfce edition. I have NO plans of upgrading to 18.
(17.3 has a few improvements and updates compared to 17.2, both are supported ’til 2019)

Re: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 support in Linux Mint

Post by Hoser Rob » Thu Dec 22, 2016 2:52 pm

I’d also suggest installing 17.3 so you can use the binary fglrx driver.

If I were still using Linux on an AMD machine I would not touch 18 until they get their rewrite of their Linux graphics stack finished. I hope their support of older cards improves.

AMD has a bad habit of moving cards that aren’t really THAT old to legacy status, and the 5xxx series of cards like yours is the oldest series still supported by their proprietary binary driver. So if you install 17.3 make sure that Update Manager is set to not install level 4 and 5 updates. This includes the kernel and Xorg related stuff, so if AMD does move your card into legacy and you up0date the kernel you’ll have to use the open source driver (radeon). Which is where you are with 18.

Re: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 support in Linux Mint

Post by brancalessio » Thu Dec 22, 2016 6:22 pm

I’m writing from Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa. It’s quite smoother! Thank you for your help and hints!


Как установить ATI Radeon HD5470 собственные драйверы на Ubuntu 14.04?

У меня, кажется, есть проблема с драйверами. Я попробовал все. Каждая фиксация, которую я нашел на этом форуме и я не могу установить собственные графические драйверы для своего Radeon HD 5470 ATI.

Когда я перехожу к дополнительным драйверам — у меня есть 3 опции:

Каждый раз, когда я пытаюсь установить некоторые 2 или 3, Когда я перезапускаю свой ноутбук, он дает мне ошибку:

и я не могу запустить свой ПК, если я не загружаюсь в восстановление и удаляю целые пакеты Fglrx.

Я пытался загрузить и установить с веб-сайта ATI, никакой удачи. Тем не менее та же ошибка. Кто-то может сказать мне, что я делаю неправильно?

2 ответа

У меня была точно та же проблема. Я использовал следующую технику

, Во-первых удаляют все ранее установленные драйверы:

sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx fglrx-amdcccle 

Теперь устанавливают их новый:

sudo apt-get install fglrx fglrx-amdcccle 

После того, как установка сделана, используют команду, данную ниже

, Теперь перезагружают Вашу систему. Ваш компьютер будет иметь Центр управления Катализатора и драйверы. Поскольку команда sudo amdconfig —initial очень важна, когда я нашел его на веб-сайте AMD некоторыми в то время как назад.

Примечание: если Вы не хотите тратить впустую много времени при загрузке, и установка во-первых пробуют эту команду sudo amdconfig —initial и перезапуск. Это может работать. Но я должен был удалить все, так используйте целое сообщение, которое я описал.

Это должно определенно работать. Всего наилучшего


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