Attached scsi removable disk при установке линукс

Проблема с Ubuntu (Attached SCSI removable disk)

На днях задумал установить Ubuntu. Скачал с официального сайта ISO-образ, закинул на DVD. В меню выбрал «Установить Ubuntu», а затем на чёрном экране вылезла вот такая строка: «[sdc] Attached SCSI removable disk». На каком-то американском форуме наткнулся на человека с такой же проблемой, и он её решил обычной установкой с флешки. Однако с флешкой у меня вылезает та же ошибка. Я уже в отчаянии!
P.S Диск неоднократно проверил на ошибки.

Ubuntu 11.10. AMD Athlon II X4 645, 3.10 GHz, 4Gb RAM. Это второй раз, когда я ставлю Убунту, в первый раз никаких ошибок не вылезало.

Скачать стоило бы CD,на нём есть всё необходимое. Проблем с установкой ни разу не было, ни с диска, ни с флешки. На флешку кидать образ с программой Unetbootin,она со всеми дистрами работает хорошо. Можете попробовать убунту 10.04.3 LTS, да и 11.10 тоже нормальная.
Критику не слушайте, ругать убунту принято среди линуксоидов. Едва ли не обязаловка. При том, что на убунте пользователей на порядок больше, чем на остальных дистрах вместе взятых. А глюки есть везде, на любых системах. На убунте, как минимум, форумы приличные.

Мало информации. Версия Убунту? Конф компа? Что воткнуто из периферии?
Как вариант поставить на виртуалку и посмотреть что будет. Попробовать более старую версию.

Как это на молодёжном арго говорится, «респект и уважуха» кажется? Это я про вопрос заданный не сходу, а после посещения форумов. Ошибка эта, повторенная дважды, может быть вызвана двумя причинами:
1) Повреждён сам установочный образ. Особенности связи, вирусы, малварь. Можно попробовать скачать с заведомо здоровой машины и там же записать.
2) У Вашего компьютера чистая и светлая душа, не приемлющая мерзости и кощунства. Поскольку нет ничего мерзее в *nix, чем недолинуксы, нет ничего гаже в недолинуксах, чем У*бунта и нет ничего ужаснее в У*бунте, чем 11.10

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Почему бы Вам не попробовать поставить любой настоящий Линукс, коих вагон, вместо этого угробища?


Thread: Install hangs at usbhid or Attached SCSI removable disk

vt.dave is offline5 Cups of Ubuntu

Install hangs at usbhid or Attached SCSI removable disk

and am having a terrible time installing Ubuntu on this system.

I have already installed Windows 7 on 200 of the 240 GB and was going to put ubuntu on the other 40, but when I boot off the CD the install hangs at:

usbhid: USB HID core driver
sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk.

I have tried both SATA 3 and SATA 2 ports on the motherboard, and I have changed the IDE type to AHCI in the bios for both the SATA 2 and SATA 3 ports, no difference. The install will always hang at either of those 2 points depending on the boot medium I choose.

Please help, as I’m itching to get Ubuntu up on this machine asap

vt.dave is offline5 Cups of Ubuntu

Re: Install hangs at usbhid or Attached SCSI removable disk

I also wanted to point out that my SSD has the 2.11 firmware and OCZ has 2.15 firmware out for the drive, however I’m not sure if it’s the drive that’s causing problems or the chipset / sata controller itself :-/

Any guru’s out there know what might be happening?

vt.dave is offline5 Cups of Ubuntu

Re: Install hangs at usbhid or Attached SCSI removable disk

Well if no one has any ideas, is there some way to do a more interactive boot / install process where I can try to determine what is causing the install to hang? Or perhaps some sort of «safe-mode» type of boot process?

I’d really like to get this all installed and configured.

dai_trying is offlineFirst Cup of Ubuntu

Re: Install hangs at usbhid or Attached SCSI removable disk

I don’t know if this will help you, but I have been having problems installing 11.10 from cd, each time it crashed and left me an unstable system that wouldn’t shut down. I tried five times with different options but in the end I removed all usb connections (printer scanner, webcam etc) and everything worked as it should have. It may just be dodgy hardware that i have but thought it worth mentioning.

vt.dave is offline5 Cups of Ubuntu

Re: Install hangs at usbhid or Attached SCSI removable disk

I would love to remove all excess hardware, but the only usb peripherals plugged in are the keyboard and mouse (and the USB stick if I’m installing off of that).

There is the front USB port board that is plugged in, perhaps I can unplug that and give it another go.

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Anyone else ever run into this kind of situation?

t_echtenkamp is offlineFirst Cup of Ubuntu

Re: Install hangs at usbhid or Attached SCSI removable disk

I’m having this problem too, except I can’t get Windows 7 to install either.

Here’s my situation:
I built my computer with a ASRock P67 Extreme 6, two OCZ Vertex 3 SSDs (RAID 0) and tried to boot up Windows 7. During the Windows installation, it gave me an error message

That’s expected because it needs drivers for the SATA controller, so I pop that cd in and it finds the drivers. But then it gives me another error:

«No new devices could be found. Make sure the driver files are correct and located on the driver installation media.»

I think that’s its way of saying «I don’t see any hard drives to install this on.

So thinking it’s my RAID that’s tripping up windows, I take that off and subsequently try all sorts of combinations — IDE mode, AHCI mode, and all the way down to disconnecting everything except a DVD and normal HDD.

Thinking my burn of Windows 7 is bad, I figure I’ll try a tried and true Ubuntu CD and that’s when I get the above problems. It either hangs on

usbhid: USB HID core driver
[sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk.


Thread: Ubuntu 11.10 Installation: «Attached SCSI removable disk» HANG

FrankQC is offline5 Cups of Ubuntu

ExclamationUbuntu 11.10 Installation: «Attached SCSI removable disk» HANG

I’ve tried installing Ubuntu 11.10 as well as Fedora 16. I have uploaded a picture of the error, which happens prior to the installation process (regardless of selecting to install ‘nor trying Ubuntu without installing).

Has anyone ever had this problem before?

Any help is much appreciated.

Attached Images

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  • IMG_20120324_171628.jpg (119.7 KB, 31 views)

dcstar is offlineUbuntu addict and loving it

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Re: Ubuntu 11.10 Installation: «Attached SCSI removable disk» HANG

QuoteOriginally Posted by FrankQC View Post

I’ve tried installing Ubuntu 11.10 as well as Fedora 16. I have uploaded a picture of the error, which happens prior to the installation process (regardless of selecting to install ‘nor trying Ubuntu without installing).

Has anyone ever had this problem before?

Any help is much appreciated.

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FrankQC is offline5 Cups of Ubuntu

Re: Ubuntu 11.10 Installation: «Attached SCSI removable disk» HANG

QuoteOriginally Posted by dcstar View Post

I would, but unfortunately I have no CD/DVD ROM. I am stuck using USB to install Linux. Worked perfectly fine with Windows 7 install via USB.

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Subidubi32 is offlineJust Give Me the Beans!

Re: Ubuntu 11.10 Installation: «Attached SCSI removable disk» HANG

Subidubi32 is offlineJust Give Me the Beans!

Re: Ubuntu 11.10 Installation: «Attached SCSI removable disk» HANG

FrankQC is offline5 Cups of Ubuntu

Re: Ubuntu 11.10 Installation: «Attached SCSI removable disk» HANG

QuoteOriginally Posted by Subidubi32 View Post

Thank you for the response. However, this did not work as I continued getting the same error in the original post

bonfire89 is offlineWay Too Much Ubuntu

Re: Ubuntu 11.10 Installation: «Attached SCSI removable disk» HANG

that is the last error message you got? You have an SSD, it shouldn’t matter, but it would be interesting to see what would happen if you booted without the SSD attached.

If it is because of the fact that you are booting off USB, and don’t have a CD rom drive, there are a bunch of other methods of installing as seen here they aren’t quite as easy, but they could be a fun experiment.

you could also try the alternative installer iso found here ative-download particularly if you think the issue might be related to your graphics card.

Also, what filesystem is the thumb drive? I assume it wouldn’t like ntfs

There is also an interesting comment here

Apparently the problem had something to do with the hardware of my motherboard, it uses a marvell adapter for an addition 3 sata ports. The devices that were plugged into these ports weren’t found by ubuntu, once i plugged them into the normal sata ports provided on my motherboard the devices were found.

FrankQC is offline5 Cups of Ubuntu

Re: Ubuntu 11.10 Installation: «Attached SCSI removable disk» HANG

QuoteOriginally Posted by bonfire89 View Post

that is the last error message you got? You have an SSD, it shouldn’t matter, but it would be interesting to see what would happen if you booted without the SSD attached.

If it is because of the fact that you are booting off USB, and don’t have a CD rom drive, there are a bunch of other methods of installing as seen here they aren’t quite as easy, but they could be a fun experiment.

you could also try the alternative installer iso found here ative-download particularly if you think the issue might be related to your graphics card.

Also, what filesystem is the thumb drive? I assume it wouldn’t like ntfs

There is also an interesting comment here

I decided to go ahead and unplug my SSD and boot. The error persists. The thumbdrive is FAT32 and not NTFS.

My graphics card is an EVGA GTX 570.

This problem is really weird.


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