Audio bluetooth streaming android

How to stream music from one android device to another?

I have an android tablet in my car which is connected to my car’s Audio System. My Phone has my most recent music collection on it. How can I directly stream music from my phone to my tablet, without having to copy the files or the devices being on the same wifi network? Can this be done with bluetooth? Both devices are running Jelly Bean.

3 Answers 3

This app could do the trick:

You need to install it on both Android devices and pair them. Then put the tablet in ListenMUSIC over Blueetooth mode and the the phone in shareMUSIC over Bluetooth mode.

@kokbira Yes, from Ilumnis as a developer/publisher on the Google Play store. The free version is enough.

This does not answer the original question. Bluetooth Music Player Free apparently only receives song names, and tries to locate and play the file on the «receiving» devices. So it requires to copy files beforehand, which the original question ruled out.

Apart from «Bluetooth music player» (mentioned in above answer), you may also try SoundSeeder speaker or SoundSeeder Music player. As i remember, at first you should pair the devices. From the description of SoundSeeder Music player:

Soundseeder turns all your devices into into wireless speakers. Play your music louder and share it with your friends. All connected devices (Android, Windows, Linux, Raspberry Pi, . ) play the music in sync as one large sound system.

a speaker-only version of the SoundSeeder Music Player and was designed for devices running Android 2.2 — 4.0 only.

It’s really hard to do that. But I did a lot of research and got a way. Has several delay, connection and root problems, but apparently works. For this you will need to have the «AirAudio» application installed on the server and the «AllConnect» receiver. Then you open AirAudio on the home screen and then open AllConnect, press on your device, then on sources and choose the server, then choose the streaming mp3. The problem is that the delay is very large and another defect is that to transmit only the sound of the system of the android server you should have root on the phone . I also tried the receiver of the streaming being the VLC, was less delayed but still So it’s uncomfortable.

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Bluetooth audio streaming between android devices

I made a research on the same topic and found that android devices are a2dp sources and the audio can be streamed only from an a2dp source to an a2dp sink. A2dp sink can be a bluetooth headset or a bluetooth speaker. But my question is then how the android app named «Bluetooth Music Player» works? It allows streaming from one mobile to another. So in this case the listening mobile device must act as a sink. How this is possible? Are they using some other profile instead of a2dp? Ok, that may be a different profile what they are using. Because the application needs to be installed in the client side also. But how it becomes possible to stream voice from a bluetooth microphone to an android device? Please help.

I did not understand what you need to know: sending audio from one Android to another, or sending audio from a standalone Bluetooth microphone to an Android?

Hello Sir, I need your help to steaming audio from one device to another device. Can you please give me any example code for this ? I have asked question :…

1 Answer 1

Without knowing details about the mentioned Bluetooth Music Player, it seems to use simple Bluetooth data connection, otherwise you would not need to install a client on playing/sending device.

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To stream audio from microphone to another device, you can record it on your sending device and send it to the receiving device. You will need to implement a protocol for that purpose.
You can implement an alternative A2DP sink service. This is, what the sink is: a device with a Bluetooth Protocol Stack with an implementation of A2DP Sink.

For the case you detailed by your comments, the sending device should be left as-is, without installing any app. That implicitly means that your solution must make use of out-of-the-box Bluetooth functionality of that Android device.
What you can use here is therefor limited to those profiles that Android typically support, which is HSP, HFP and A2DP. Since you obviously want to stream music, A2DP would be your choice.
On the device supposed to receive the audio stream and do the playback, you have to implement a service providing the A2DP sink as an self implemented BluetoothService opening a BluetoothServerSocket on RFCOMM as described in Android documentation.

You will have to spend much effort implementing this, and I am not sure if you will need a license for this.


How to stream audio from one Android device to another Android device Via Bluetooth?

1. Almost every device supports A2DP, A2DP and HFP(Handsfree) profile are the basic profiles which phone needs. 2. Android 4.2.1 had audio streaming issues over bluetooth, it was a choppy audio which got fixed as per google in latest release. 3. Most of the people earlier had tried on bluez (open source bluetooth)stack but from JB onwards ,bluez is replaced by broadcomm stack. You need to implement audio sink profile in the phone. Audio streaming between 2 devices can be possible using Alljoyn, check link

Thank you for that link @ashish. I am go through that. And will let you know what happens. Thanks again.

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Does the audio need to be streamed via Bluetooth? What about using WiFi-Direct? This would actually give you more flexibility and features.

5 Answers 5

Is it possible to stream audio over Bluetooth?

Below sort of thread says its possibility that streaming audio over Bluetooth is possible between devices but there was question mark on its success rates till Google official announced that We have fixed the a2dp streaming stutter problem on N7. The next release should have the fix. Sorry about the problem.

And does every android device support A2DP?

Support compatibility is mention on Android developers site that its added from API Level-11 with appropriate features. But I came across XDA tread where OP mention problem in Android 2.1 ,means its also support in previous api levels but OP facing issues.

Hope it make sense to understand and I would like to recommend to refer XDA forum to get more information about A2DP compatibility and its sucess.

I my opinion, if A2DP doesn’t work properly, we’d better move to lower layer, and we can create a basic stream which can be used for sending any form of date. I succeed in sending byte stream via Bluetooth between J2ME devices.

If install an app in both devices is acceptable, I’ve sample codes to create a Bluetooth server and a client to communicate with each other via socket, once the socket is established, you can send you audio stream 🙂

// you can generate your own UUID and use it as an port to eatablish a socket private static final UUID MY_UUID = UUID.fromString("20687DAD-B023-F19E-2F60-A135554CC3FD") BluetoothServerSocket serverSocket = mBluetoothAdapter.listenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord(NAME_INSECURE, MY_UUID); 

now you have the serverSocket, just use it as an ordinary ServerSocket:

BluetoothSocket socket = serverSocket.accept(); 

and then you can get InputStream and OutputStream from this BluetoothSocket and send audio stream just like HttpConnection

assume you already got the BluetoothDevice

// you should implement the method getBlutoothDevice BluetoothDevice device = getBluetoothDevice(); BluetoothSocket socket = device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(MY_UUID_SECURE); 


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