Balena etcher linux portable

Flash. Flawless.

Here at balena we have thousands of users working through our getting started process, we found there was no easy way for our users to flash an SD card that we could recommend to everyone.

So we built Etcher, an SD card flasher app that is simple for end users, extensible for developers, and works on any platform.

  • Create USB installation media from bootable ISOs
  • Install almost any OS to almost any flash drive
  • Offer an easy way for your users to flash your OS using our ‘Flash with Etcher’ feature


A better way to burn

Validated Flashing

Etcher confirms that your flash has completed, enjoy peace of mind that your card will boot and isn’t corrupted.

Hard Drive Friendly

Etcher gives you warnings and hides your system drives by default to avoid accidentally wiping your entire hard-drive.

Beautiful Interface

Who said flashing SD cards has to be an eyesore. Etcher has an intuitive 3-step process with no command lines!

Open Source

Made with JS, HTML, node.js and Electron. Etcher is built on open source tools and is and always will be free and open source to use!

Cross Platform

Works for everyone whether you are on Windows, Linux or Mac with no complicated install instructions.

Simultaneous Writing

Download Etcher

Get involved with the Etcher community


If you have a question about Etcher, or are a fan of Etcher and want to help other users troubleshoot their issues, join us in our forum!


BalenaEtcher is and always will be free and open sourced, it is maintained by balena staff but we welcome contributions from the community.

Flash with Etcher

Your users can now easily install your OS straight from your website, add the flash with Etcher button to your site or blog to get started.

Find your next IoT Project

Take readings from a BME680 or similar sensors on a Raspberry Pi, store with InfluxDB and view with Grafana.

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balenaDash Logo

Raspberry Pi-powered digital signage or website viewer, remotely accessible from anywhere.

Python Hello World project logo

This is a simple skeleton python server that works on any of the devices supported by balena.

The Etcher you love,
the perfect hardware

EtcherPro is a stand-alone hardware device that allows you to write to multiple cards or usb disks at once, at extreme speeds.

Frequently Asked Questions

It depends how it fails. Most of the time, a failed flash is due to either a faulty drive or adapter. Retry. Then try with another adaptor, drive or card and usb port.

If you’re flashing from an url and it fails, try downloading the file first and flash it again from file.

Sometimes, things might go wrong, and you end up with a half-flashed drive that is unusable by your operating systems, and common graphical tools might even refuse to get it back to a normal state. To solve these kinds of problems, we’ve collected a list of fail-proof methods to completely erase your drive in major operating systems.

Etcher works on Microsoft Windows 10 and later, Linux (most distros) and macOS 10.10 (Yosemite) and later. Make sure you download the correct version from our downloads section.

For Windows 7, 8 or 32 bits, the latest compatible version of Etcher is v7.9.0.

No. But keep in mind that Etcher will erase the whole drive and replace the data.

Yes, as long as the file your flashing is bootable.

Windows images are not bootable without extra treatment that etcher is not designed to do. If you need to make a bootable disk for windows you can find more information in our documentation.

Still having issues? Check out the Etcher docs to troubleshoot your problem, search the forums for already opened tickets with the same issue as you which or open your own ticket or issue on the etcher repo, and our support team will be able to help you.


Balena etcher linux portable

balenaEtcher (Etcher) – бесплатная утилита для Windows, MacOS и Linux, которая помогает быстро и просто создавать загрузочные USB флешки и SD карты из установочных образов операционных систем

Главная особенность программы состоит в том, что она поддерживает три самых распространенных операционных системы: Windows, Linux и MacOS. Так, например, в среде Windows можно создать загрузочную флешку для MacOS. В то же время у программы крайне ограниченный функционал, впрочем, обилие ненужных функций тоже нравится не всем пользователям. Сам интерфейс прост и не перегружен лишними элементами. Несмотря на отсутствие русскоязычной версии, программа понятна на интуитивном уровне.


Проверенное Мигание

Больше не нужно писать изображения на поврежденные карты и гадать, почему ваше устройство не загружается.

Совместимость с жестким диском

Делает выбор диска очевидным, чтобы избежать очистки всего жесткого диска

Красивый интерфейс

Кто сказал, что прошивка SD-карт должна быть бельмом на глазу.

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Открытый источник

Сделано с использованием JS, HTML, node.js и Electron. Погрузитесь и внесите свой вклад!


Работает для всех,
никаких более сложных инструкций по установке.

Преимущества Etcher

На 50% быстрее мигает, одновременная запись на несколько дисков.

Скачать BalenaEtcher

Шаг 1, выберите изображение, которое вы хотите записать. Поддерживаются IMG, ISO, ZIP, DSK, GZ, RAW и некоторые другие форматы.

Шаг 2, выберите USB-накопитель или SD-карту, на которую вы хотите записать образ.

Шаг 3, нажмите на кнопку «Flash!» кнопка, чтобы начать процесс. Как только вы нажмете эту кнопку, Etcher возьмет выбранное вами изображение и запишет его на выбранный вами диск. Когда это будет сделано, он проверит, все ли прошло нормально, и безопасно извлечет USB-накопитель. Затем он спросит вас, хотите ли вы прошить то же изображение или другую.


Balena Etcher 1.7.8 – Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives

Download Balena Etcher 1.7.8 Latest Version for Windows, macOS, and Linux. For Linux and Windows users, the software is available in 32-bit and 64-bit. Explore downloads for Balena etcher by clicking on the button given below.

What is Balena Etcher?

Balena Etcher is a free and open-source utility that allows you to create bootable USB drives, and SD cards with the click of a button. The app was developed to improve upon the existing software available for users, including the ability to write images to USB drives with a very large capacity.

This cross-platform software is very easy to use, handy and doesn’t require complicated installation. Even flashing USB Drives and SD Cards is itself a 3 step process that includes selecting the image file > then the drive and finally just hitting the ‘Flash’ button.


BalenaEtcher is a better way to flash USB Drives and SD Cards. Now, let’s see what features make it stand out from the crowd.


Unlike other flashing tools like Rufus, etc, Balena Etcher is quite handy to use and comes with a very intuitive interface that even allows a newbie to flash a file.

Free & Open-Source

This software falls under FOSS (Free and Open Source Software), which means it’s a freeware utility software and has strong community support worldwide.

Cross-Platform Support

You may find many flashing tools exclusively available for a selected platform only. However, that’s not the case with Balena Etcher. This tool is available for Windows OS as well as Linux and macOS too.

Flash From URL

Major bootable USB flash drive software allows you to flash by choosing the file, but Balena Etcher also lets you Flash from a URL. Just paste the file URL and hit the ‘Flash’ button. That’s easy.

Clone Drive

Already have a bootable drive and wanna clone it to another drive? No worries! Etcher by Balena lets you clone drive as well. Just select the source drive and the destination drive and proceed.

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Downloads for balenaEtecher v1.7.8

Balena Etcher for Windows (x86 | x64) [Installer] Download
Balena Etcher for Windows (x86 | x64) [Portable] Download
Balena Etcher for macOS (x64) Download
Balena Etcher for Linux x64 (64-bit) [AppImage] Download
Balena Etcher for Linux x86 (32-bit) [AppImage] Download

This is an unofficial website for resource and download purposes. Balena, Its logo, Etcher, and other trademarks belong to Balena. We neither claim nor hold any copyrights regarding the software and Balena itself. The website is solely made for resource and educational purposes. All the links are malicious-free and don’t contain any virus or spyware. In case, if you have any doubt then you can scan it through ViruslTotal or just download Etcher through Github Page here.

Change Log

Below are the change logs for balenaEtcher v1.7.8:

  1. [PATCH] – complete suse uninstall readme [Peter Makra].
  2. [PATCH] – completed suse instructions [Peter Makra].
  3. [PATCH] – order rpm instrictions [Peter Makra].
  4. [PATCH] – enabled update notification for version 1.7.8 [Peter Makra].
  5. [PATCH] – updated title to balenaEtcher [Peter Makra].
  6. [PATCH] – cleanup and organize readme [Peter Makra].
  7. [PATCH] – extend cloudsmith attribution in readme [Peter Makra].
  8. [UPDATE] – macOS Icon to Big Sur Style [Logicer].

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? Check out the list below.

Is balenaEtcher Free?

Yeah, it’s completely freeware utility software as it falls under the FOSS category.

What does Balena etcher do?

It allows you to flash or make your USB Drive or SD Card bootable with just a few clicks.

Does Balena etcher work with Linux?

Yeah, it’s a cross-platform software and does support Linux along with other operating systems like Windows, and macOS.

May I run Etcher in older macOS versions?

You can run balenaEtcher on macOS 10.10+ only as its GUI is based on the Electron Framework.

Are there any Balen Etcher Alternatives?

There are a couple of best Balena Etcher alternatives that you can try. Some of them are Rufus and UNetbootin.

Balena Etcher — This is an unofficial website. All logos and trademarks belong to their respective owners. The site is meant for resource purposes only.


Download Balena Etcher 1.7.8 for Linux

Balena Etcher

Through this page, you can download Balena Etcher for Linux (x64 and x86 arch). The software is available for 64-bit as well as 32-bit operating systems.

Also, you can explore a step-by-step tutorial for the installation of balenaEtcher on Linux.

Download Balena Etcher for Linux

File Name
Version 1.7.8 1.7.8
Size Not Available Not Available
Arch x64 x86
Type Installer Installer
Download Download
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