Begin test проверка скорости интернета

Begin test проверка скорости интернета

Myspeed Speedtest API allows you to put your Internet connection speed test on your own server. It is based on modern technologies HTML5 and does not use Flash or Java technology. This allows it to work fine on any mobile devices and desktop computers. Also, due to this it can be reversed under the corporate identity of your company / site. To start it is enough to have any Web server, even without PHP support and other interpreter.

Additional functionality

In addition to Myspeed Speedtest API service we provide functional «GeoIP API» and «ProviderIP API» without any restrictions in use. This will allow your users to get the most complete information about your IP address and Internet connection speed.

Restrictions in use

The test / evaluation period is 7 days after the first initialization of Myspeed Speedtest API.

Example of installation on the server

  1. Download archive from our server.
  2. Create a directory on your server and copy this archive in any convenient way.
  3. Unpack on your server.
  4. If necessary, make additional settings of your server.
  5. Open browser and check the functionality of speedtest.

Example of use

To view the full functional of Myspeed Speedtest API in work, please visit sample page .


The cost of use is 50$ per month, without any additional payments or restrictions of number of calls to Myspeed Speedtest API. For more information, please contact [email protected] .

Speedtest Popup

A simplified version of Myspeed Speedtest API for your website

Speedtest Popup

Example of speedometer 1

Copy and paste this code to your site

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Example of speedometer 2

Copy and paste this code to your site

Example of speedometer 3

Copy and paste this code to your site

Example of speedometer 4

Copy and paste this code to your site

Example of speedometer 5

Copy and paste this code to your site

Example of speedometer 6

Copy and paste this code to your site

Example of speedometer 7

Copy and paste this code to your site

Email API

Verification of existence of email addresses

Email API

General information

Our API is created as a public resource for receiving the most complete information about the IP-address of the user. The data formats are XML or JSON with HTTP connection. Information in the databases updates every day and every webmaster can integrate this service with his own projects.

Restrictions in use

The inquiries number limit to «Email API» amounts to no more than 100 inquiries from one IP address during 24 hours.

Data format

Examples of API requests

Examples of response



Getting information about IP addresses location


General information

Our API is created as a public resource for receiving the most complete information about the IP-address of the user. The data formats are XML or JSON with HTTP connection. Information in the databases updates every day and every webmaster can integrate this service with his own projects.

Restrictions in use

The inquiries number limit to «GeoIP API» amounts to no more than 100 inquiries from one IP address during 24 hours.

Data format

Examples of API requests

API call with an empty parameter «ip» returns information about the IP address from which handling comes.

Examples of response


Provider API

Getting information about IP addresses belonging

Provider API

General information

Our API is created as a public resource for receiving the most complete information about the IP-address of the user. The data formats are XML or JSON with HTTP connection. Information in the databases updates every day and every webmaster can integrate this service with his own projects.

Restrictions in use

The inquiries number limit to «ProviderIP API» amounts to no more than 100 inquiries from one IP address during 24 hours.

Data format

Examples of API requests

API call with an empty parameter «ip» returns information about the IP address from which handling comes.

Examples of response


Hosting API

Getting information about site hosting provider

Hosting API

General information

Our API is created as a public resource for receiving the most complete information about the IP-address of the user. The data formats are XML or JSON with HTTP connection. Information in the databases updates every day and every webmaster can integrate this service with his own projects.

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Restrictions in use

The inquiries number limit to «Hosting API» amounts to no more than 100 inquiries from one IP address during 24 hours.

Data format

Examples of API requests

Examples of response


Frequently asked questions

What is Internet connection speed?

Internet connection speed is a test for measuring speed of data rate. This is an amount of bits of information passed per second (measured in kilobits per second Kbps, megabits per second Mbps or gigabits per second Gbps). High speed of connection — an important factor which provides a comfortable work in the Worldwide Network. That’s why the Internet speed is interesting not only for professionals but for every user.

How to measure the speed of your Internet connection?

The speed of the Internet connection is measured by passing a certain amount of information on the service site from your computer and also in the opposite direction. Meanwhile is calculated the average data rate per unit time. For the most accurate result, we recommend to turn off the programs for downloading files (emule, flashget, bittorrent, etc.), internet radio, email-clients, IRC, ICQ, Google Talk, and the other programs which use the Internet traffic. Ideally, it’s better to repeat the test several times and compare the data.

What API do we offer?

  • service «Speedtest API»;
  • service «Speedtest Popup»;
  • service «Email API»;
  • service «GeoIP API»;
  • service «Provider API»;
  • service «Hosting API».

The limit of the enquiries number to each of service amouts to no more than 100 enquiries from one IP address during 24 hours.

What does the Internet connection speed depend on?

The speed of Internet connection depends on many factors. This kind of communication lines (fiber-optic communication lines, cable lines, etc.), Internet service providers, network traffic (number of visitors at the moment). The same provider at a different time of day, can show different results. If the resulting test speed is different from that one stated by provider to a value more than 10%, there might be network problems, for example, an accident on the backbones and main routers. If this happened, just repeat the test in a while.

What should I do if the result is lower than the provider promises?

If the Internet speedtest showed the result, which is lower than the provider promises, do not get into a passion. The Internet speed may be lower because of the bad settings of your computer, whether you have programs that use the Internet traffic all the time, or even a virus. You also need to take into account that different sites are on different server platforms and if your provider provides a good connection speed with the specific site, it does not mean that you should expect the same speed when linking with another site that may be placed on the obsolete hosting service.

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What is Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)?

The technology CORS is quite simple, it allows you to provide a Web page an access to another domain resources. For example, there is a domain A (, which wants to download resources from the server Z (server ISP). In order to make this possible, the Web server Z, which gives content, it’s enough to indicate in the response header Access-Control-Allow-Origin trusted domain A. After that Server A pages will be able to download content from the server Z.

About us based on modern technologies HTML5 and does not use Flash or Java technology. This allows it to work fine on any mobile devices and desktop computers.


Измерить скорость интернета

Внимание! Обязательно ознакомьтесь с этой информацией:

✔Если Вы первый раз на сайте , тогда разрешите определить Ваше местоположение. Это даст возможность автоматически выбрать наиболее подходящий сервер для проверки скорости Вашего интернет подключения. В противном случае выберите сервер вручную.

✔Для Вашего удобства нами были созданы приложения для всех популярных видов устройств. Но, чтобы не потреблять лишние ресурсы Ваших гаджетов и получить наиболее точное измерение, мы все же рекомендуем осуществлять проверку только на сайте.

✔Также рекомендуем новый Агрегатор проверки скорости интернета, который позволяет произвести проверку одновременно с двух разных серверов и получить более точный средний результат.

Наш Сервис — это Ваш помощник в тестировании скорости интернет соединения.

Вы можете проверить скорость интернета абсолютно бесплатно и неограниченное количество раз.

Если проверка скорости интернета дала результат намного меньше ожидаемого, тогда ознакомьтесь с рекомендациями👉 Почему скорость интернета меньше заявленной провайдером
💡Чтобы более корректно проверить скорость соединения, процедуру необходимо провести минимум три раза, а затем вычислить среднее значение измерений.

Мы даем возможность проверить как входящий трафик, так и исходящий, а также ping.

Проверить скорость интернета

🔔Перед запуском теста скорости интернета необходимо закрыть все приложения, которые потребляют большое количество интернет трафика (торренты, загрузка в браузере, интернет-радио и т.п.)

👉Затем необходимо нажать на кнопку «Начать тестирование» и дождаться окончания измерения скорости интернета.

При желании Вы можете нажать на настройки и выбрать удобные для Вас единицы измерения:

📌кб/с (кбит/с, kbit/s или kb/s) — килобит в секунду

📌мб/с (Мбит/с, Mbit/s или Mb/s) — мегабит в секунду

Если у Вас возникли вопросы или имеются предложения, тогда можете связаться с администрацией проекта при помощи этой страницы.

Добавьте сервис в закладки, чтобы в следующий раз оперативно проверить скорость интернета.

Надеемся, наш проект Вам помог. Желаем Вам отличного времени суток и мирного неба над головой👌


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