Best fonts for linux

5 good fonts for our desktop in GNU / Linux

Say those who know that it is wrong to call source to a Font, and about typographies I cannot speak much, because although many do not believe it, it is a subject that is studied and it is not easy at all. However, I am one of those users who needs harmony in the appearance of the fonts in their Desktop Environment.

I remember one of the main things that caught me when I went from Windows XP to Debian with GNOME was that font smoothing was different. In GNOME it was much more enjoyable and it wasn’t until then that I really cared about those details.

Over the years I have used various fonts for my desktop, some free, others not so much, seeking a balance between beauty, accessibility and usability, although generally what is good appearance or not is something that is part of everyone’s taste .

That is why I share with you which fonts I have used (and even use) in my Desktop Environment (KDE).



Tahoma It is the one I currently use in my Desktop Environment. It is a font that belongs to the package Core fonts for the Web from Microsoft, and you could download it for free from their website, now you have to go through here. Tahoma has great readability and looks great because it was designed precisely for use on monitor screens.

Unfortunately I did not find a link for you to download and use it, however, if you have a Windows computer nearby you can take it from there (this is how I got it).

Ubuntu Font.

Ubuntu Font.

Ubuntu Font., it was created by Dalton maag especially for the Canonical distribution, the very creator of the font family Go. In fact, in some respects they are so similar, that Ubuntu Font could be said to be Aller’s daughter.

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The problem with Ubuntu Font in my case is that it doesn’t look as good on KDE as it does on Unity, and that’s why I always substitute Aller for it. However, it is one of the few mentioned here that is 100% open source. Is available in Google Fonts for your use and download, or from your own website.



Go as I told you it is very similar to Ubuntu Font. (It is really the opposite), and it has a license that allows us to use it as long as it does not exceed 25 users, otherwise, a commercial license must be paid. Therefore it can be used without any problem on our computer. We can download it from google Font or the following link:



From the hand of Google comes to us Robot, an excellent and beautiful typeface used in Android and that recently became Open Source. It is the second font that I use the most and can be downloaded from Google Fonts.

Without Open


Without Open It is used in many distributions (for example LinuxMint) by default and honestly it is not bad at all. We can also buy it at Google Fonts, although it should generally already be available in most distributions.

There are other fonts that make our desktop really beautiful, for example in KDE it comes by default Oxygen, which is not bad, but I like them a little more Dejavu sans o Liberation sans. In GNOME we have CantarellAlthough it is not entirely to my liking, it is not a bad choice either.

If they don’t know how to install new fonts in your distribution, you can read this article o this other. In any case, it doesn’t matter which font family you use in your Desktop Environment if you don’t have the font smoothing correctly configured. Here in FromLinux there is various items that show us how to do it.

And that’s all, what typeface family do you use?

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10 Beautiful Fonts for Your Linux Terminal

Get the best font for your terminal to improve the look, and readability, and have a fun experience with the terminal.

  • An aesthetically pleasing look of your terminal
  • Enhances readability
  • Reduces eye strain

Sounds good. But how can you choose the perfect font? There are hundreds and thousands of options out there.

For starters, you can select a font optimized for technical documents or coding because those have good readability. Next, you can filter foss projects (if that matters to you) and check if those fonts scale well with high-resolution monitors (per your requirements).

Fret not; to give you a head start, we have picked some of the best fonts fit for coding, offering good readability while also looking good at the same time.

1. Cascadia

cascadia font

Cascadia is a font by Microsoft, used by default for Visual Studio Code, one of the best open-source code editors.

It includes coding ligature support and offers three variants: standard, mono, and a version supporting embedded powerline symbols.

2. Fira Code

fira code font

Fira Code is a monospaced font with programming ligature and ASCII support.

It is regularly fine-tuned to support letter pairs and better punctuation output.

3. Hack

hack font in terminal

Hack is another monospaced font tailored for source codes.

You get ASCII, powerline support, and the usual styles for bold, italic, and bold italic.

If you notice its GitHub page, they provide instructions to improve the font rendering for certain Linux distributions.

4. Inconsolata

insconsolata font

Inconsolata is a clear monospace font tailored for great readability. You can find it as one of the options in the Google Font family.

The font offers several styles useful for terminal emulators and coding purposes.

5. Iosevka

iosevka font

Iosevka is a clean-looking versatile open-source font built to write code and use in terminals and technical documents.

You can get installation instructions from its GitHub page for other platforms, including Linux.

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6. JetBrains mono

The free and open-source typeface is tailored for developers, i.e., JetBrains Mono.

As the name suggests, it is the default font used by the popular developer tools under JetBrains.

7. Meslo NF

meslo nf font

Meslo NF is a font that supports ASCII and icons well in the terminal.

A part of «Nerd Fonts» collection on GitHub, which features good-looking fonts for coding and terminal. You can find the font among the assets in its GitHub releases section.

It looks excellent in shells like Zsh, fish, and others. You can check out our article on lesser-known Linux shells to explore others.

Suggested Read 📖

8. Monoid


Monoid is another open-source font that aims to be useful for coding. With the usual ligature support and light-dark variants, it should be a nice choice for terminals.

9. Ubuntu Monospace

ubuntu monospace

We all love Ubuntu’s default font, i.e., Ubuntu Monospace. It is optimized for many languages, high-resolution screens, and good readability.

You do not need to install it if you already use Ubuntu.

10. SourceCode Pro

Source Code Pro is a good mix of everything. While it is optimized for coding environments and developed by Adobe, it offers good readability and look-for terminals.

Recommended Read 📖

How to Install These Fonts?

You can easily install a font by downloading the TTF or OTF file and then double-clicking on them to open it using Font Viewer to install.

Double click on the ttf file to install it

To install multiple fonts simultaneously, you can make a new .fonts folder in the home directory and put the font files there. You can check out our guide on installing new fonts for more detailed information.

More ways to customize terminal

Here are a few more ways to customize the look and feel of your terminal.

Another interesting tool that automatically changes the color scheme of the terminal based on your desktop wallpaper. How cool is that!

💬What is your favorite on the list? Do you have better suggestions? Do share your thoughts in the comments below.


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