Bindings file in linux

Bash bind builtin command

Computer Hope

On Unix-like operating systems, bind is a builtin command of the Bash shell. You can use it to change how bash responds to keys, and combinations of keys, being pressed on the keyboard.


When you’re typing at the bash command line, press Ctrl + A to move the cursor to the beginning of the line, or Ctrl + E to move it to the end. These are «key bindings» — your keyboard actions are bound to a function that moves the cursor.

In bash, the default key bindings correspond to the ones in the Emacs editor, but you can change them to what works best for you.

How bind represents keys

Bind represents keyboard keys using strings of special characters and literals. The special characters are:

\C- Represents holding down Ctrl , and pressing the keys which follow the dash.
\e The Escape key. This is used for other bindings, such as the Meta key. For example, Alt is a meta key on many keyboards.

It can be very confusing, and the way that bash encodes keys is not always clearly documented. To see how bind encodes default key combinations, you can run bind -P.

You can also look at the binding configurations listed in the file /etc/inputrc. For unusual combinations, you can use Ctrl + V to find any keycode, as described below.

Finding a keycode

If you’re unsure what the code is for a particular key combination, you can press Ctrl + V at a bash prompt, then press the key combo. This action is called quoted-insert, and it displays the code for the key you pressed. For instance, if you press Ctrl + V , then F7 , you will see:

Here, ^[ is an escape character, so to represent this keycode in a string we can use:

For examples of using this keycode in a command, see examples.


bind [-lpsvPSVX] [-m keymap] [-f filename] [-q name] [-u name] [-r keyseq] [-x keyseq:shell-command] [keyseq:readline-function | readline-command]


The bind builtin command has the following options:


Use vi keymapping in bash, allowing you manipulate text on the command line as you would in vi.

List all bindable editing functions.

Same as the above command, but also lists what the function’s current bindings are, if any.

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Bind a macro to F7 (keycode \e [ 1 8 ~) with the text Hi!. When you press F7 , Hi! will be inserted at the command line as if you had typed it. Note that both sides of the colon are individually enclosed in double quotes, and the entire argument is enclosed in single quotes. For more information about keycodes, see finding a keycode, above.

Bind Ctrl + K to the kill-line function, which in bash means to cut all text from the cursor to the end of the line.

Bind Ctrl + Y to the yank function, which in bash means to paste the last text that was cut.

Report what key combination is bound to yank function. Output looks like this:

yank can be invoked via "\C-y".

Remove all bindings for the key sequence \C-y. The yank function is no longer bound to anything.

bind -x '"\eOS":"fortune | cowsay"'

Bind F4 to run the command fortune | cowsay.

Output all key bindings to a file called mybinds, in a format that can be used as input to bind. For example, you can open mybinds in a text editor and make changes to bindings, and save the file. Then, you can apply your changes with the next command.

Configuration file

alias — Create an alternate name for a command.
set — Set shell attributes, or display environment variables.


How to fix error: could not locate the bindings file. tried: #56 in Linux?

The «Error: Could not locate the bindings file. Tried: #56?» is a common error encountered by Node.js developers when trying to install and use a Node.js module. The root cause of this error is usually because the module you are trying to install or use does not have the necessary dependencies or binary files for the platform you are using. The error message mentions the number of attempts made to locate the bindings file, which is a file that provides the interface between the Node.js code and the underlying C/C++ code of the module.

Method 1: Reinstall the module with —rebuild flag

To fix the «Error: Could not locate the bindings file. Tried: #56» issue in Linux, you can try reinstalling the module with the —rebuild flag. Here are the steps to do it:

npm uninstall module_name>
npm install module_name> --rebuild

This should rebuild the module and fix any issues with missing bindings files.

Here is an example of how to reinstall the node-sass module with the —rebuild flag:

npm uninstall node-sass npm install node-sass --rebuild

You can also use the shorthand -f flag instead of —rebuild :

npm install module_name> -f

This will force a rebuild of the module.

Note that some modules may require additional dependencies or build tools to be installed on your system before they can be rebuilt. Make sure to check the module’s documentation for any specific requirements.

That’s it! With these steps, you should be able to fix the «Error: Could not locate the bindings file. Tried: #56» issue in Linux by reinstalling the module with the —rebuild flag.

Method 2: Install the required dependencies manually

To fix the error «Could not locate the bindings file. Tried: #56» on Linux, you can install the required dependencies manually. Follow the steps below:

    Install the build-essential package by running the following command:

sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo npm install -g node-gyp
rm -rf node_modules npm install

By following the above steps, you should be able to fix the error «Could not locate the bindings file. Tried: #56» on Linux by installing the required dependencies manually.

Method 3: Try using a different version of the module

If you encounter the error «Could not locate the bindings file. Tried: #56» on Linux, one solution is to try using a different version of the module. Here are the steps to do so:

    First, uninstall the current module by running the following command:

npm uninstall module_name>
npm view module_name> versions
npm install module_name>@version_number>

Here is an example of how to do this with the node-sass module:

npm uninstall node-sass npm view node-sass versions npm install node-sass@4.14.1

In this example, we are uninstalling the current version of node-sass , checking the available versions, and then installing version 4.14.1 .

Note that different modules may have different versioning schemes, so be sure to check the documentation for the specific module you are working with.


binding .a file with the .so shared library file in linux

I have one .a file ( ar command ) which I want to bind it with my .so file during GCC compilation. How can I do this. If I run this command :

gcc /usr/local/apr/lib/libapr-1.a ../../ndagentlibc/obj/*.o tideways_xhprof.o tracing.o -shared -o nm | grep apr_term output: U apr_terminate 

2 Answers 2

If your .so file needs the .a file, link your .so with the .a file and all of the needed code from the .a archive will be available in the .so file.

please, look at the linker documentation. parameter order is essential for object modules in archive files to be selected. they are only selected if some unsolved reference is already detected that can be solved including the module from the archive. else the module will not be included in the final executable.

@LuisColorado of course, i was under the impression your SO is the component that needs the A. If that is not the case, you can’t bundle it in the SO file, it’s not like a macOS framework that can embed any type of resource.

Nope, you are doing a mixed linking, with .so files to be dynamically loaded at runtime, and .o static objects, bound at linking time. It is common to archive them in a .a archive, as the linker only uses the required ones. But for a file to be selected you need to have triggered the unresolved before. You can add the .o to the .so when linking the .so or later to the final executable, always, when linking the .so both strategies are possible.

btw, the .a is not a resource. it’s only an archive. It has nothing special but the linker goes into it, and gets from there only what is neccessary at that time. It simplifies the linking of a library with numerous static objects only.

Reorder your command and put the .a library at the end.

gcc ../../ndagentlibc/obj/*.o tideways_xhprof.o tracing.o -shared -o /usr/local/apr/lib/libapr-1.a 

as the ld(1) linker only selects the object modules ( *.o ) included in a library archive that it knows have unsolved references for at the moment of reading it (as you put it first in your command line, no unsolved references appear by that time, so no library .o component is selected and included at the time of library processing)

In the case of an archive of object modules, the linker tries to do its best, selecting only the ones that appear to be necessary, and putting an archive at first makes the linker to select no files from it to be linked.


BTW, the -shared option is used to create a shared object (a .so module) which probably is not what you want. If you want to create a final executable program, don’t use -shared . I point at this, because the first time I had to fight with this, I assumed the kind of linking (shared or static) was specified with some option (common mistake, I think) but the kind of linking is actually given, object by object, by the kind of file you feed to the linker, and not with a command line option. Apart of other things, it makes the linker not to comply when some references are missing in the program (it assumes those will be resolved in a later linking)


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