Black arch linux kde

Arch Linux

I am new to Arch Linux and have recently installed it onto my PC. I have a GTX 750 Ti and have tried to launch KDE with proprietary drivers and with the nouveau drivers. Nothing has worked so far. Every time I boot into KDE plasma, plasmashell seems to crash from what I saw in journalctl. I tried starting KDE with LightDM and directly with xorg. Nothing has worked. I also tried creating a new user and boot into plasma with it, yet that still doesn’t work. It always boots into the loading screen, and when KDE finally loads, it shows a black screen where I am able to only move the mouse.

Did anyone else experience this issue, and is anyone able to tell me how to fix it?

Here’s the journalctl log for the crash of plasmashell.

May 25 18:34:26 komp systemd-coredump[5406]: Process 5248 (plasmashell) of user 1000 dumped core. Stack trace of thread 5248: #0 0x00007f7f92da782f raise ( #1 0x00007f7f946dc6a2 _ZN6KCrash19defaultCrashHandlerEi ( #2 0x00007f7f92da78b0 __restore_rt ( #3 0x00007f7f93227ba6 n/a ( #4 0x00007f7f93229246 n/a ( #5 0x00007f7f93229776 n/a ( #6 0x00007f7f931cdb91 _ZN9QDateTime18setMSecsSinceEpochEx ( #7 0x00007f7f931cf9fb _ZN9QDateTime19fromMSecsSinceEpochExRK9QTimeZone ( #8 0x00007f7f931cfa6f _ZNK9QDateTime10toTimeZoneERK9QTimeZone ( #9 0x00007f7f6ba1ea10 n/a ( #10 0x00007f7f6ba21ba2 n/a ( #11 0x00007f7f6ba2205d n/a ( #12 0x00007f7f6ba1cd27 n/a ( #13 0x00007f7f952add0b n/a ( #14 0x00007f7f952ae597 _ZNK6Plasma10DataEngine13connectSourceERK7QStringP7QObjectjNS_5Types17IntervalAlignme> #15 0x00007f7f82936b2c n/a ( #16 0x00007f7f8291bebb n/a ( #17 0x00007f7f94b4c572 n/a ( #18 0x00007f7f94b491eb _ZN19QQmlPropertyPrivate5writeEP7QObjectRK16QQmlPropertyDataRK8QVariantP15QQmlContext> #19 0x00007f7f94bbbc95 _ZN11QQmlBinding9slowWriteERK16QQmlPropertyDataS2_RKN3QV45ValueEb6QFlagsINS0_9WriteFl> #20 0x00007f7f94bbcda1 n/a ( #21 0x00007f7f94bbe1b8 n/a ( #22 0x00007f7f94bbaa03 _ZN11QQmlBinding6updateE6QFlagsIN16QQmlPropertyData9WriteFlagEE ( #23 0x00007f7f94b96173 _ZN12QQmlNotifier10emitNotifyEP20QQmlNotifierEndpointPPv ( #24 0x00007f7f94b397f4 _ZN8QQmlData13signalEmittedEP24QAbstractDeclarativeDataP7QObjectiPPv ( #25 0x00007f7f9336baff _ZN11QMetaObject8activateEP7QObjectiiPPv ( #26 0x00007f7f94b35e06 _ZN17QQmlVMEMetaObject16writeVarPropertyEiRKN3QV45ValueE ( #27 0x00007f7f94a8fc68 _ZN3QV414QObjectWrapper11setPropertyEPNS_15ExecutionEngineEP7QObjectP16QQmlPropertyDa> #28 0x00007f7f94a90737 _ZN3QV414QObjectWrapper14setQmlPropertyEPNS_15ExecutionEngineEP15QQmlContextDataP7QOb> #29 0x00007f7f94a90855 _ZN3QV414QObjectWrapper10virtualPutEPNS_7ManagedENS_11PropertyKeyERKNS_5ValueEPS4_ (l> #30 0x00007f7f94a54b6c _ZN3QV46Object26virtualResolveLookupSetterEPS0_PNS_15ExecutionEngineEPNS_6LookupERKNS> #31 0x00007f7f94aa8b54 n/a ( #32 0x00007f7f94aad60f n/a ( #33 0x00007f7f94a3bac1 n/a ( #34 0x00007f7f94aaa53a n/a ( #35 0x00007f7f94aad60f n/a ( #36 0x00007f7f94a3af74 _ZN3QV48Function4callEPKNS_5ValueES3_iPKNS_16ExecutionContextE ( #37 0x00007f7f94bb3978 _ZN24QQmlJavaScriptExpression8evaluateEPN3QV48CallDataEPb ( #38 0x00007f7f94b574f8 _ZN25QQmlBoundSignalExpression8evaluateEPPv ( #39 0x00007f7f94b586ac n/a ( #40 0x00007f7f94b96173 _ZN12QQmlNotifier10emitNotifyEP20QQmlNotifierEndpointPPv ( #41 0x00007f7f94b397f4 _ZN8QQmlData13signalEmittedEP24QAbstractDeclarativeDataP7QObjectiPPv ( #42 0x00007f7f9336baff _ZN11QMetaObject8activateEP7QObjectiiPPv ( #43 0x00007f7f94bc9549 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator8finalizeER26QQmlInstantiationInterrupt ( #44 0x00007f7f94b52bcb n/a ( #45 0x00007f7f94b532cb n/a ( #46 0x00007f7f94b5332c _ZN13QQmlIncubator15forceCompletionEv ( #47 0x00007f7f9524141e _ZNK12KDeclarative9QmlObject10rootObjectEv ( #48 0x00007f7f9571844e n/a ( #49 0x00007f7f9571901f n/a ( #50 0x00007f7f94bbcc64 n/a ( #51 0x00007f7f94bbe1b8 n/a ( #52 0x00007f7f94bbaa03 _ZN11QQmlBinding6updateE6QFlagsIN16QQmlPropertyData9WriteFlagEE ( #53 0x00007f7f94bc9034 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator8finalizeER26QQmlInstantiationInterrupt ( #54 0x00007f7f94b52bcb n/a ( #55 0x00007f7f94b531b7 _ZN17QQmlEnginePrivate8incubateER13QQmlIncubatorP15QQmlContextData ( #56 0x00007f7f94b4fad7 _ZN13QQmlComponent6createER13QQmlIncubatorP11QQmlContextS3_ ( #57 0x00007f7f95241ad5 _ZN12KDeclarative9QmlObject22completeInitializationERK5QHashI7QString8QVariantE (libK> #58 0x00007f7f957196f3 _ZN11PlasmaQuick15AppletQuickItem4initEv ( #59 0x00007f7f881447c1 n/a ( #60 0x00007f7f9571ac68 _ZN11PlasmaQuick15AppletQuickItem10itemChangeEN10QQuickItem10ItemChangeERKNS1_14ItemC> #61 0x00007f7f94f7cea4 _ZN17QQuickItemPrivate10itemChangeEN10QQuickItem10ItemChangeERKNS0_14ItemChangeDataE > #62 0x00007f7f94f809fe _ZN17QQuickItemPrivate9refWindowEP12QQuickWindow ( #63 0x00007f7f94f809bb _ZN17QQuickItemPrivate9refWindowEP12QQuickWindow ( Stack trace of thread 5392: #0 0x00007f7f92e600d1 __poll ( #1 0x00007f7f912257c0 n/a ( #2 0x00007f7f912258ae g_main_context_iteration ( #3 0x00007f7f93396969 _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE (> #4 0x00007f7f933404dc _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( #5 0x00007f7f93185239 _ZN7QThread4execEv ( #6 0x00007f7f94eb6feb n/a ( #7 0x00007f7f9318663c n/a ( #8 0x00007f7f9248fa92 start_thread ( #9 0x00007f7f92e6acd3 __clone ( Stack trace of thread 5395: #0 0x00007f7f92495bac pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( #1 0x00007f7f9318c91c _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( #2 0x00007f7f9318ca0a _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutexm ( #3 0x00007f7f94f3e6ed n/a ( #4 0x00007f7f94f3e95c n/a ( #5 0x00007f7f9318663c n/a ( #6 0x00007f7f9248fa92 start_thread ( #7 0x00007f7f92e6acd3 __clone ( Stack trace of thread 5300: #0 0x00007f7f92e600d1 __poll ( #1 0x00007f7f95344630 n/a ( #2 0x00007f7f953462db xcb_wait_for_event ( #3 0x00007f7f8aebcb69 n/a ( #4 0x00007f7f9318663c n/a ( #5 0x00007f7f9248fa92 start_thread ( #6 0x00007f7f92e6acd3 __clone ( Stack trace of thread 5329: #0 0x00007f7f92e600d1 __poll ( #1 0x00007f7f912257c0 n/a ( #2 0x00007f7f912258ae g_main_context_iteration ( #3 0x00007f7f93396969 _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE (> #4 0x00007f7f933404dc _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( #5 0x00007f7f93185239 _ZN7QThread4execEv ( #6 0x00007f7f93c34ba6 n/a ( #7 0x00007f7f9318663c n/a ( #8 0x00007f7f9248fa92 start_thread ( #9 0x00007f7f92e6acd3 __clone ( Stack trace of thread 5364: #0 0x00007f7f92e600d1 __poll ( #1 0x00007f7f912257c0 n/a ( #2 0x00007f7f912258ae g_main_context_iteration ( #3 0x00007f7f93396969 _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE (> #4 0x00007f7f933404dc _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( #5 0x00007f7f93185239 _ZN7QThread4execEv ( #6 0x00007f7f94be8059 n/a ( #7 0x00007f7f9318663c n/a ( #8 0x00007f7f9248fa92 start_thread ( #9 0x00007f7f92e6acd3 __clone (

Last edited by Functionable (2019-05-26 10:12:14)


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Here you will find official BlackArch Linux downloads and installation instructions.

  • The following list contains official BlackArch full, slim and netinstall ISO images. You can burn these images to DVDs and flashdrives.

The full ISO contains a complete, functional BlackArch Linux system with all the available tools in the repo at build time. The slim ISO contains a functional BlackArch Linux system with a selected set of common/well-known tools and system utilities for pentesting. The netinstall ISO is a lightweight image for bootstrapping machines with a minimal set of packages.

If possible, please try to use a mirror near you to download the ISOs. You can find a list of mirrors below.

WARNING Installing the full ISO is highly discouraged, you will probably encounter many errors and conflicts while trying to update or even installing it. This ISO primarily targets offline installation, proceed with it only if you have a good reason, know what you are doing and are willing to spend time troubleshooting. For most people, we recommend installing either the netinstall ISO to install only what you need or the slim ISO to start with a minimal set of common tools.

Image Version Torrent Size SHA1sum
BlackArch Linux 64 bit Full ISO Torrent 22 GB ae64930aeddc491a4644bb3fa92a715145713c65
BlackArch Linux 64 bit Slim ISO Torrent 5.5 GB 00949f2908e66314906dce6afc6eaad562349250
BlackArch Linux 64 bit Netinstall ISO Torrent 815 MB df2dfcfafa1a8f9bab8afd9aa6b788de00e03e09

Do not use UNetBootIn to write ISO files to flashdrives. UNetBootIn modifies the bootloader configuration, which is bad. You can use this instead (where /dev/sdX is your flashdrive and file.iso is a BlackArch ISO):

  • The following list contains the official BlackArch OVA image. You can run this image in Virtualbox, VMware and QEMU.
  • BlackArch Linux is compatible with existing/normal Arch installations. It acts as an unofficial user repository. Below you will find instructions on how to install BlackArch in this manner.
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# Run as root and follow the instructions. $ curl -O # Verify the SHA1 sum $ echo 5ea40d49ecd14c2e024deecf90605426db97ea0c | sha1sum -c # Set execute bit $ chmod +x # Run $ sudo ./ # Enable multilib following and run: $ sudo pacman -Syu

# To list all of the available tools, run $ sudo pacman -Sgg | grep blackarch | cut -d’ ‘ -f2 | sort -u # To install a category of tools, run $ sudo pacman -S blackarch- # To see the blackarch categories, run $ sudo pacman -Sg | grep blackarch # To search for a specific package, run $ pacman -Ss # Note — it maybe be necessary to overwrite certain packages when installing blackarch tools. If
# you experience «failed to commit transaction» errors, use the —needed and —overwrite switches
# For example: $ sudo pacman -Syyu —needed —overwrite=’*’

  • You can install BlackArch Linux using the Slim medium which features GUI installer. Just double click on the Install BlackArch icon on the desktop. Follow the instructions on the GUI installer.
  • BlackArch is compatible with Arch Linux ARM. It effectively supports all of the Aarch64 platforms listed here. In order to install BlackArch on an ARM platform, follow the install instructions for your device on and install BlackArch as an unofficial user repository. Soon we will release adaptations of the Arch Linux ARM images with BlackArch packages pre-installed.


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