Bled112 bluetooth smart dongle драйвер

BLED112 Bluetooth Low Energy Dongle

At WWDC last year I went to a pretty interesting Core Bluetooth 101 session (link requires an Apple Developer account) that covered the Bluetooth Low Energy capabilities of iOS. Prior to the session, I had no idea that newer iOS devices can communicate with other devices and systems via Bluetooth LE without requiring an MFI license from Apple. The iPhone 4S, iPad 3 and all newer devices ship with a Bluetooth 4.0 radio that supports BLE.

Since then, I’ve been mulling over some ideas for projects with Arduino or Raspberry Pi communicating with iOS so I bought a Bluegiga BLED112 Bluetooth “integrated stack” dongle for $35 from The BLED112 is pretty small and feels a little fragile — its also a tight fit in most USB slots that I tried so I use mine by connecting it to an old Apple Keyboard USB extension cord. You can get similar small USB extension cords on Monoprice for less than a dollar and I’d recommend it as you will have to reboot the dongle during development (lots of plugging and unplugging).

My dongle shipped with a “thermometer” profile built in and was running v1.0.3 of the Bluegiga API (BGAPI). A quick dig around the Bluegiga forum (free registration required) and I upgraded to the latest “beta 2” build v1.1.0 which offers improved speed and stability.

Installing the BLED112 drivers in Windows

Although the BLED112 acts as a serial port when connected to Mac / Linux etc. it will require you to install drivers to interact with the dongle on Windows if you want to upgrade the firmware or install your own BLE GATT profile. I followed the following process on a Windows XP VMWare instance on my Mac to get the tools up and running:

  1. Download the Bluetooth Smart v.1.1.0 beta 2 Software Development Kit from Bluegiga and unzip the SDK to your C: drive — it will create a directory structure starting at C:\ble\
  2. Connect the BLED112 dongle to your USB port
  3. Windows will detect the new hardware and will prompt to install drivers — the regular dongle drivers are here: C:\ble\windrv\
  4. Once installed, the dongle will appear as a COM port called “Bluegiga Bluetooth Low Energy (COM X)” under Windows Device Manager.

BLED112 COM Port

Upgrading the BLED112

The docs on Bluegiga are pretty extensive but I found them a little tricky to navigate, so I’ve outlined the steps I followed here to upgrade my v1.0.3 dongle to the latest v1.1.0 (beta):

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Note: these instructions require Windows and this kind of firmware update can brick the dongle — follow at your own risk!


  1. Install the dongle under Windows as above
  2. Launch the Bluegiga BLEGUI application from: C:\ble\bin\blegui2.exe
  3. In the BLEGUI main window, select “Bluegiga Bluetooth Low Energy (COM)” from the drop down at the top of the screen
  4. Click the “Attach” button to attach BLEGUI to the dongle
  5. Now we need to put the dongle into Firmware Update mode — in the BLEGUI menubar select “Commands -> DFU” which will reboot the dongle in DFU mode
  6. Windows will now detect the dongle as a new kind of USB device (it’ll show as a libusb (WinUSB) device in Device Manager) and will prompt you again for drivers — the DFU drivers are in the same location as the Windows drivers above: C:\ble\windrv\
  7. Once the drivers are installed, we now need the USB Vendor ID (VID) and Product ID (PID) of the dongle in DFU mode — this should be the same for you as it was for me, but to be sure navigate to the “libusb (WinUSB)” section of Device Manager and double-click the dongle. Under the description tab you should see a string that looks like “USB\VID_2458&PID_FFFE\1234” — this would give you a VID of 2458 and a PID of FFFE:
  8. We’re now ready to flash the new firmware from the Windows command line so launch a cmd window (Start -> Run… -> cmd)
  9. The v1.1.0 firmware file will be in the following location: C:\ble\example\usbcdc\out.hex
  10. From the command line type the following to navigate to the firmware and flash to the dongle:
cd \ble\example\usbcdc\ ..\..\..\bin\dfutool 2458:fffe out.hex

The new firmware will be written to BLED112 and if all goes well once the write hits 100%, the dongle will reboot in regular COM mode and Device Manager will refresh to show the dongle under the COM / LPT Ports section.

Posted by Dougie Henderson Feb 16 th , 2013 Bluetooth Low Energy


Bled112 bluetooth smart dongle драйвер

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Работа с WeDo 2.0 (арт. 45300) под управлением Windows 7.

Важно знать, что для работы WeDo 2.0 необходима поддержка технологии связи Bluetooth с низким энергопотреблением (Bluetooth Low Energy (сокращённо — BLE)). Устройства под управлением Windows 7 обычно выпускаются без поддержки технологии BLE. BLE следует рассматривать как отдельную технологию, отличную от более широко известной технологии связи Bluetooth. Единственное устройство с технологией BLE, поддерживаемое Windows 7, — рекомендуемый к использованию внешний адаптер Bluegiga Bluetooth Low Energy модели BLED112. Никакое другое оборудование BLE для WeDo 2.0 в среде Windows 7 не поддерживается.
Как настроить работу WeDo 2.0 в системе под управлением Windows 7:
Шаг1. Подключите донгл USB BLE () в любой USB порт вашего ПК. Рекомендуется сделать это перед тем, как запускать установщик ПО WeDo 2.0.
Шаг2. Донгл определится системой, как Generic BLE Device. Это абсолютно нормально. В отдельных случаях может определиться полное название устройства.
Шаг3. Запустите установку ПО WeDo 2.0. Следуйте инструкциям программы установки, пока на экране не появиться просьба перезагрузить компьютер. Если система попросит вас подтвердить установку драйверов от стороннего производителя, вам требуется подтвердить это.
Шаг4. Установка драйвера может осуществляться несколькими способами:

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— PnPutil
Утилита Microsoft PnP, интегрированная в Windows.- DPinst
Мастер установки драйверов, входит в состав утилиты по работе с драйверами Windows.
Во время установки ПО WeDo 2.0.Мы рекомендуем перезагрузить компьютер после установки ПО и драйвера донгла BLE.

Шаг5. Запустите ПО WeDo 2.0 после перезагрузки ПК, теперь вы можете подключить СмартХаб WeDo 2.0.
Скачать драйвер

Полезные ссылки



Device/Module image

The BLED112 Bluetooth Low Energy Dongle integrates all Bluetooth LE features. The USB dongle has a virtual COM port that enables seamless host application development using a simple application programming interface. The BLED112 can be used for Bluetooth Low Energy development. With two BLED112 dongles you can quickly prototype new Bluetooth LE application profiles by utilizing the Profile Toolkit™ and also automate in module software functions with BGScript™.


Key Specs

Bluegiga Legacy Modules Block Diagram

Bluegiga Legacy Modules Block Diagram

Bluegiga DKBLE Bluetooth Development Kit

The DKBLE Bluetooth Development Kit provides the proper environment for developing and prototyping Bluetooth LE applications.

Bluegiga DKBLE Bluetooth Development Kit

The DKBLE Bluetooth Development Kit provides the proper environment for developing and prototyping Bluetooth LE applications.

Bluegiga DKBT Bluetooth Development Kit

The DKBT Bluetooth Smart Ready Development Kit provides the proper environment for developing and prototyping Bluetooth Smart Ready applications.

Bluegiga DKBT Bluetooth Development Kit

The DKBT Bluetooth Smart Ready Development Kit provides the proper environment for developing and prototyping Bluetooth Smart Ready applications.


Bluegiga DKBLE Bluetooth Development Kit

The DKBLE Bluetooth Development Kit provides the proper environment for developing and prototyping Bluetooth LE applications.

Bluegiga DKBLE Bluetooth Development Kit

The DKBLE Bluetooth Development Kit provides the proper environment for developing and prototyping Bluetooth LE applications.

Bluegiga DKBT Bluetooth Development Kit

The DKBT Bluetooth Smart Ready Development Kit provides the proper environment for developing and prototyping Bluetooth Smart Ready applications.

Bluegiga DKBT Bluetooth Development Kit

The DKBT Bluetooth Smart Ready Development Kit provides the proper environment for developing and prototyping Bluetooth Smart Ready applications.


Quality Assurance, Environmental and Packaging Information

Silicon Labs targets a minimum of a 10-year lifecycle for all of its standard products and expects to produce the BLED112 until at least September 2024 .

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The longevity date shown above is for the preferred revision of this part number, for a complete list of part number revisions, use the search button below.

As part of its ongoing commitment to supply continuity, Silicon Labs may provide pin-compatible and functionally equivalent replacement products if Silicon Labs determines, at its discretion, that supply chain adjustments, product improvements, market conditions, or similar business or technical issues make this necessary or advisable.

If for business, technical or other reasons beyond Silicon Labs’ reasonable control, Silicon Labs finds that it is necessary to discontinue a product, our policy is to issue an EOL notice that provides 6 months from notice to place final orders and 12 months from notice for final shipments. This policy complies with the JEDEC standard EIA/JESD48 that is commonly used in the semiconductor industry. We provide the required support for a product for its full life cycle.


Bluegiga Bluetooth Smart Software Stack

Bluegiga Bluetooth Smart Software is a complete Bluetooth Smart software stack for Bluegiga Legacy Bluetooth Smart products, such as BLE112, BLE113, BLE121LR and BLED112. The software implements the Bluetooth Smart complete protocol layers, such as Attribute Protocol (ATT), Generic Attribute Profile (GATT), Generic Access Profile (GAP), Security Manager, and connection management. The Bluetooth Smart Software also contains a complete SDK for developing Bluetooth Smart applications using either a host (a low power MCU) or fully standalone applications through a simple scripting language called BGScript™. Several profiles and examples are also offered as part of the Bluetooth Smart Software, in order to easily develop the Bluetooth Smart compatible end products.

Bluegiga iWRAP Software Benefits and Specifications

A fully embedded Bluetooth Smart stack implementing client and master modes

Built-in L2CAP, ATT, GATT and Security Manager

Up to eight simultaneous connections in master mode

Over-the-Air firmware upgrade

Simple and low overhead BGAPI™ protocol over UART or USB

Standalone applications can be created with Bluegiga BGScript™ and free-of-charge SDK

Standalone applications can be created with ANSI C and IAR Embedded Workbench SDK

Bluegiga Profile Toolkit™ for simple development of GATT-based profiles

Bluetooth Smart (low energy) support

L2CAP, ATT, GATT, GAP and Security Manager

Up to eight connections in master mode

Binary-based BGAPI host protocol over UART or USB

BGLibTM host library which implements BGAPI protocol

Bluegiga BGScript programming language for standalone application

sANSI C programming APIs for standalone applications

Bluegiga Profile Toolkit for developing Bluetooth Smart profiles

XML-based Profile Toolkit for building GATT-based profiles

BGScript programming tools

BGScript compiler BGLib source code and examples

iOS example applications and source code

3rd party commercial SDK for C Development

Enables standalone app development with C


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