Bluetooth connected to phone but no sound

Bluetooth connected but no sound

Hi, I have a problem my phone is connected to Bluetooth device but when I play music the sound comes from phone speakers instead coming from Bluetooth speaker. I tried restarting the phone and trying different devices but same thing happens. Can anyone help me with this problem??


Android Expert

Two possible solutions:
1) Make sure that volume is turned up on your phone after you’ve connected via BT.
2) In the Bluetooth settings on you phone, for each connected device, go into the settings for each Bluetooth device (i.e. click on the gear icon) and make sure that «Media audio» is turned «on».



I tried everything, even reseting the network settings its still same and i tried transferring the file to other phone and it worked. I don’t know why is tgis happening.

Sheila Wade


Two possible solutions:
1) Make sure that volume is turned up on your phone after you’ve connected via BT.
2) In the Bluetooth settings on you phone, for each connected device, go into the settings for each Bluetooth device (i.e. click on the gear icon) and make sure that «Media audio» is turned «on».





Disable both ‘phone audio’ and ‘media audio’ of the Bluetooth device not making a sound, press ‘back’ botton to leave that settings page temporarily. click on the Bluetooth device settings again and enable the ‘media audio’ without enabling the ‘phone audio’. you should hear a connection sound once you enable ‘media audio’. that should work.

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my android bluetooth setting does not show «phone audio». only has «media audio». (disabled and enabled that and not fixed).

Laurie Pelow


another thing to try is to check the actual volume settings for your phone; I was having the same problem and had done at least half a dozen things suggested to try fixing it (all to no avail) when I decided to go mess with the volume (just to see if it would do anything), and lo and behold, it was just what was needed, because the freaking setting for playing media sound was muted!

I don’t even know how that happened or how it was true because whenever I was troubleshooting with the speaker, the sound would go from the playing through the phone to playing through the speaker (but producing no sound) to playing through the phone again — if my media was set to mute, how/why was it playing.

that’s all I got lol. I hope you got it worked out/that this helped you (or whomever else comes across this in search of a solution)!



on galaxy s10e
My Bluetooth headphones would say they were connected but audio would come from phone speakers i could pause and play audio with buttons on Bluetooth headphones
Skullcandy inked+ active but no audio coming from headphones.
I tried the Bluetooth settings but nothing.
I was able to resolve by putting phone in maximum power save mode and then the audio would play on headphones and then went back to normal power mode actually medium powers ave and now headphones work. I turned off nearby device scanning as I think this might be causing a problem. Headphones stopped working when I turned on my car and they tried to pair to my car audio but were still playing from phone speakers.
You can find that setting by going to
>more connection settings
>nearby device scanning and turn it off
I think this might have also been causing my music to pause when on the road and passing other cars with Bluetooth audio.
Not sure but will see will try to see if I can get the audio to pause while driving after changing that setting.

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Lau Alsbjerg




I had this problem as well. Couldn’t get my Bluetooth sound to play in my car (2011 Ford Fiesta with SYNC).
Today, I realized that my phone (Galaxy S9+) actually was transmitting sound to Bluetooth devices (found out with a very powerful soundbar turned all the way up.) It was extremely quiet, even at full volume. The sound was distorted as well, in the same way if you were to plug an aux cord only halfway into a speaker.

Turning it to power saving mode worked for me too! Thank you.



Man, I hate registering just to post a one time reply on a zombie post, to a forum I’ll never visit again, but its high up there in the Google search, so whatever.

I recently came across a stange issue where my headphones were working but then they all of a sudden quit. The headphones were connected, the output was set to the headphones and the media was enabled, but there’s no sound at all.

None of the fixes as shown above or anywhere else for that matter worked, (making sure media was set to a proper level, resetting the headphones, etc..) and the headphones worked fine on my wife’s Ipod so the headphones were not at fault; I could prove it.

The issue turned out to be that the headphones were using AAC for the codec, which Android kinda supports, but I guess my luck ran out.

The solution was to first make sure the Bluetooth headphones were connected and set as the output device, then enable developer mode in the settings (in my case Settings > About Phone and tap the version number seven times to enable it), and then under Settings > Developer Options there is an option to disable HD Audio. Sliding HD audio to disabled allowed me to change the codec settings from AAC to SBC on the option below the HD Audio Slider (also in Settings). Failing to first disable HD audio first may leave the SBC option greyed out. After that, all was good. That’s it. No other changes like bitrate and such were necessary.

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So frustrating to not have anyone else seem to have this problem, and I figured I couldn’t be the only one, so I hope this helps someone who feels this stuck as I did and has tried all the regular options.


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