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Bluetooth File Transfer (PC) is a handy file transfer management application that can establish a quick and reliable connection between your PC and any OBEX ready device that supports File Transfer Profile (FTP). Thankfully, since OBEX FTP standard has been adopted into Bluetooth stack since its early 2.1 version, this ensures seamless compatibility with a wide array of modern devices that are certified for Bluetooth use – any modern Android and iOS smartphone, PC laptops and more.
Built from the ground up to be streamlined and easy for use, Medieval Bluetooth OBEX File Transfer can help anyone to quickly upload and download fields between devices, browse, create and delete files, and manage folders with incredible ease. And all of that is achieved wirelessly via Bluetooth communication with a portable device, saving you from the need to constantly bring you USB cables for establishing the physical connection with a target device.
To take full advantage of this app, all you need to have is Bluetooth-certified dongle or built-in emitter that can connect to modern Bluetooth devices around you. However, be aware that developers of this app have noted that the Bluetooth File Transfer app has issues working with Bluetooth emitters who are powered with drivers made by Broadcomm, Widcomm, Toshiba, and BlueSoleil.
One of the surprising features of the Bluetooth File Transfer app for PC is its incredible size. It comes at under 1 MB in size, meaning that you can effortlessly install it even on more storage-limited PCs and laptops. To install it, you follow the on-screen instructions until the procedure is finished.
Be aware that you will not be able to use this app without the presence of Microsoft .NET Framework v2.0 (or newer), but the app will message this to you and offer you a streamlined way to download this package.
Once installed, you can fire up the app and start exploring its simple user interface that consists of a simple file browser and just a few added tools for managing the connection to nearby devices. Bluetooth Network button will show you the list of not only nearby discoverable devices but also a log of your previously accessed devices. File management can be done from within the app itself, but you can also drag and drop files between the app and your desktop surface or Windows Explorer windows. During active file transfer, the app showcases a real-time progress bar with the total number of bytes that need to be transmitted, current transmitted amount, and job percentage counter. Downloads and uploads can be done when the app is in focus, or when the transfer is hidden in the background.
Simple and fast FTP manager for transmitting files to nearby Bluetooth devices.
A streamlined interface that emulates the design choices of Windows Explorer. Integrated support for drag&drop file and folder management.
Support for high-speed Bluetooth data connection.
Device History area for easy reconnection to nearby devices.
Bluetooth File Transfer — продвинутый инструмент для передачи данных по Bluetooth
Наверное никому из вас не стоит рассказывать о том, что передача контактов, документов или медиа-файлов по Bluetooth штатными средствами Windows дело не самое удобное. Тем, кто часто этим занимается и давно подыскивал более удобный инструмент, можно предложить приложение Bluetooth File Transfer.
Bluetooth File Transfer (BlueFTP) — это продвинутый инструмент для передачи данных по Bluetooth с возможностью организации доступа к файловой системе устройства. Приложение поддерживает работу с профилями File Transfer (FTP), Object Push (OPP) и Phone Book Access (PBAP), наделено функциями полноценного файлового менеджера.
Приложение позволяет легко копировать, перемещать, удалять и переименовывать файлы, в том числе физически размещённые на другом устройстве, поддерживает просмотр файлов и папок в нескольких режимах, простое перетаскивание файлов из одной панели в другую. Наверняка кому-то из пользователей Bluetooth File Transfer пригодится функция очистки буфера обмена, полезная при перемещении конфиденциальных данных.
В параметрах приложения можно изменить некоторые настройки интерфейса, выбрать одну из двух поддерживаемых версий vCard (2.1 или 3.0). В комплекте поставляется простейшее руководство, облегчающее первичную его настройку.
Распространяется Bluetooth File Transfer на бесплатной основе, в списке поддерживаемых языков русского нет. Воспользоваться Bluetooth File Transfer могут обладатели персональных компьютеров, планшетов и смартфонов с Windows 10, имеются в арсенале разработчика версии и для предыдущих версий Windows, а также Android и Java.
Manage data of your OBEX ready device that supports File Transfer Profile (FTP), using a PC with Bluetooth. Download, upload, browse, delete, create files and folders on a target device with this easy, fast and straightforward .NET app!
Background transfers: you can minimize the app in the tray bar!
Drag & Drop: fully supported like Windows Explorer and WinZIP®!
Supports: Hardware driven by native Microsoft Bluetooth drivers
Requires: Microsoft .NET Framework v2.0 (or above)
It currently doesn’t work with Broadcomm/Widcomm, Toshiba and/or BlueSoleil drivers!
FREE license key
You have to copy downloaded license.mlk file inside your installation folder of Bluetooth File Transfer (PC)
IMPORTANT — Bluetooth address format is ##:##:##:##:##:##
By installing, downloading, copying, distributing, or using this program, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Medieval Freeware License. If you do not agree to the terms of the Medieval Freeware License, do not download, or uninstall if already installed, this program!
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Bluetooth File Transfer (PC) Bluetooth file share app for Windows
Wireless solution for transferring files between devices, eliminating the need for cables and additional hardware.
Bluetooth File Transfer — Transfer files between PC and Phones/iPads/Mobile Devices. Bluetooth File Transfer for the PC is a file transfer utility and client which makes it extremely easy to share files between devices with a better laid out user interface than Windows’ built-in file transfer program. The included file and folder manager gives you the ability to browse your computer or remote device. It comes with full support for Android and Apple devices and basically any type of device with bluetooth capabilities. From within the Bluetooth File Transfer explorer itself, you’re able to upload and download files, perform file management operations such as deleting, renaming, copy paste files and more. Bluetooth File Transfer can also playback multimedia files, open text files and browse images. Although the program might be a little bit slow finding devices, that isn’t really a fault of the program but more of bluetooth protocols. This software certainly makes it a less daunting task of dealing with Bluetooth devices and file management.
Features of Bluetooth File Transfer (PC)
Connection encryption: Secure data transfers with encryption options.
Customizable settings: Adjust preferences for optimal performance.
Device discovery: Automatically detect nearby Bluetooth devices.
Device information: View detailed information about connected devices.
Drag-and-drop: Simplify file transfers using a drag-and-drop interface.
File browser: Explore local and remote file systems with ease.
File compression: Automatically compress files for faster transfer.
File search: Locate specific files on connected devices.
File transfer: Send and receive files between devices via Bluetooth.
Folder sharing: Share entire folders with connected devices.
Multiple transfers: Send or receive multiple files simultaneously.
Pairing management: Easily add, remove, or edit paired devices.
Transfer history: Keep track of previous file transfers.
Transfer progress: Monitor ongoing transfers with status indicators.
User-friendly interface: Navigate effortlessly with a clean design.
Compatibility and License
Bluetooth File Transfer (PC) is provided under a freeware license on Windows from Bluetooth software with no restrictions on usage. Download and installation of this PC software is free and is the latest version last time we checked.
What version of Windows can Bluetooth File Transfer (PC) run on?
We have tested Bluetooth File Transfer (PC) against malware with several different programs. We certify that this program is clean of viruses, malware and trojans.
Filename: blueftp_setup.exe Type: Setup & Installation EXE File Description: Transfer files between PC and iOS or other mobile devices SHA256 filehash: f198ff4eaa7a929e242351a3085eeaae85d8c54af700abea847ffee70a2196c5 MD5 filehash: 234fbb5bf04f7113dcdf118495d44f4d Status:
Manage data of your mobile phone using Bluetooth on Windows PC!
Bluetooth File Transfer (PC)
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About Bluetooth File Transfer (PC)
Bluetooth File Transfer (PC) is a handy file transfer management application that can establish a quick and reliable connection between your PC and any OBEX ready device that supports File Transfer Profile (FTP). Thankfully, since OBEX FTP standard has been adopted into Bluetooth stack since its early 2.1 version, this ensures seamless compatibility with a wide array of modern devices that are certified for Bluetooth use – any modern Android and iOS smartphone, PC laptops and more.Built from the ground up to be streamlined and easy for use, Medieval Bluetooth OBEX File Transfer can help anyone to quickly upload and download fields between devices, browse, create and delete files, and manage folders with incredible ease. And all o. Read More »
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