Bluetooth геймпад moga xp5 x plus

PowerA MOGA XP5-X Plus Bluetooth Controller for Mobile & Cloud Gaming

MOGA wireless controller

MOGA XP5-X Plus Bluetooth Controller for Mobile & Cloud Gaming with a closeup of controller surface texture

MOGA XP5-X Plus Bluetooth Controller delivers the versatility to play games today and tomorrow on Android mobile, tablet, or PC wherever and however you like. Play Xbox games from the cloud with the familiarity of an Xbox style controller. Includes detachable phone clip, integrated Power Bank, and mappable Advanced Gaming Buttons, plus cables to charge or play in wired mode.

Controller Features

MOGA XP5-X Plus Bluetooth Controller with a phone attached playing a game

Play Xbox Games From the Cloud

Gaming on phones and tablets has evolved. Play over 100 Xbox games on your compatible mobile phone or tablet from the cloud with Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. Enjoy new Xbox Game Studio titles such as Halo Infinite the same day they release as well as recent hits like Ori and the Will of the Wisps.

MOGA Bluetooth controller plugged into a phone

Integrated Power Bank

Experience a power boost with an internal 3000mAh rechargeable battery that extends your gameplay or can be used as a Power Bank to charge your Android mobile device. Includes footlong (30cm) standard USB to USB-c/micro-USB cable to charge while you play or recharge between gaming sessions.

MOGA phone holder connected to the Bluetooth controller

Optimally Balanced Phone Clip

Attach our premium gaming clip and place your Android phone into the expandable clip to explore hundreds of controller-enabled games. Dual locking articulation points help you reduce fatigue during extended gaming sessions by ergonomically balancing your phone over the controller’s center of gravity.

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PowerA MOGA XP5-X Plus Bluetooth Controller for Mobile & Cloud Gaming

MOGA wireless controller

MOGA XP5-X Plus Bluetooth Controller for Mobile & Cloud Gaming with a closeup of controller surface texture

MOGA XP5-X Plus Bluetooth Controller delivers the versatility to play games today and tomorrow on Android mobile, tablet, or PC wherever and however you like. Play Xbox games from the cloud with the familiarity of an Xbox style controller. Includes detachable phone clip, integrated Power Bank, and mappable Advanced Gaming Buttons, plus cables to charge or play in wired mode.

Controller Features

MOGA XP5-X Plus Bluetooth Controller with a phone attached playing a game

Play Xbox Games From the Cloud

Gaming on phones and tablets has evolved. Play over 100 Xbox games on your compatible mobile phone or tablet from the cloud with Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. Enjoy new Xbox Game Studio titles such as Halo Infinite the same day they release as well as recent hits like Ori and the Will of the Wisps.

MOGA Bluetooth controller plugged into a phone

Integrated Power Bank

Experience a power boost with an internal 3000mAh rechargeable battery that extends your gameplay or can be used as a Power Bank to charge your Android mobile device. Includes footlong (30cm) standard USB to USB-c/micro-USB cable to charge while you play or recharge between gaming sessions.

MOGA phone holder connected to the Bluetooth controller

Optimally Balanced Phone Clip

Attach our premium gaming clip and place your Android phone into the expandable clip to explore hundreds of controller-enabled games. Dual locking articulation points help you reduce fatigue during extended gaming sessions by ergonomically balancing your phone over the controller’s center of gravity.


PowerA MOGA XP5-X Plus Bluetooth Controller for Mobile & Cloud Gaming

MOGA wireless controller

MOGA XP5-X Plus Bluetooth Controller for Mobile & Cloud Gaming with a close-up of controller surface texture

MOGA XP5-X Plus Bluetooth Controller delivers the versatility to play games today and tomorrow on Android mobile, tablet or PC wherever and however you like. Play Xbox games from the cloud with the familiarity of an Xbox style controller. Includes detachable phone clip, integrated Power Bank and mappable Advanced Gaming Buttons, plus cables to charge or play in wired mode.

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Controller Features

MOGA XP5-X Plus Bluetooth Controller with a phone attached playing a game

Play Xbox Games From the Cloud

Gaming on phones and tablets has evolved. Play over 100 Xbox games on your compatible mobile phone or tablet from the cloud with Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. Enjoy new Xbox Game Studio titles such as Halo Infinite the same day they release as well as recent hits like Ori and the Will of the Wisps.

MOGA Bluetooth controller plugged into a phone

Integrated Power Bank

Experience a power boost with an internal 3000mAh rechargeable battery that extends your gameplay or can be used as a Power Bank to charge your Android mobile device. Includes footlong (30cm) standard USB to USB-C/micro-USB cable to charge while you play or recharge between gaming sessions.

MOGA phone holder connected to the Bluetooth controller

Optimally Balanced Phone Clip

Attach our premium gaming clip and place your Android phone into the expandable clip to explore hundreds of controller-enabled games. Dual locking articulation points help you reduce fatigue during extended gaming sessions by ergonomically balancing your phone over the controller’s centre of gravity.


PowerA MOGA XP5-X Plus Bluetooth Controller for Mobile & Cloud Gaming

MOGA wireless controller

MOGA XP5-X Plus Bluetooth Controller for Mobile & Cloud Gaming with a close-up of controller surface texture

MOGA XP5-X Plus Bluetooth Controller delivers the versatility to play games today and tomorrow on Android mobile, tablet or PC wherever and however you like. Play Xbox games from the cloud with the familiarity of an Xbox style controller. Includes detachable phone clip, integrated Power Bank and mappable Advanced Gaming Buttons, plus cables to charge or play in wired mode.

Controller Features

MOGA XP5-X Plus Bluetooth Controller with a phone attached playing a game

Play Xbox Games From the Cloud

Gaming on phones and tablets has evolved. Play over 100 Xbox games on your compatible mobile phone or tablet from the cloud with Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. Enjoy new Xbox Game Studio titles such as Halo Infinite the same day they release as well as recent hits like Ori and the Will of the Wisps.

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MOGA Bluetooth controller plugged into a phone

Integrated Power Bank

Experience a power boost with an internal 3000mAh rechargeable battery that extends your gameplay or can be used as a Power Bank to charge your Android mobile device. Includes footlong (30cm) standard USB to USB-C/micro-USB cable to charge while you play or recharge between gaming sessions.

MOGA phone holder connected to the Bluetooth controller

Optimally Balanced Phone Clip

Attach our premium gaming clip and place your Android phone into the expandable clip to explore hundreds of controller-enabled games. Dual locking articulation points help you reduce fatigue during extended gaming sessions by ergonomically balancing your phone over the controller’s centre of gravity.


Bluetooth-геймпад PowerA MOGA XP5-X Plus для мобильных игр и облачных игровых сервисов

Беспроводной геймпад MOGA

Bluetooth-геймпад MOGA XP5-X Plus для мобильных игр и облачных игровых сервисов и крупный план текстурированной поверхности геймпада

Bluetooth-геймпад MOGA XP5-X Plus станет вашим универсальным устройством для сегодняшних и будущих игр на мобильных устройствах Android, планшетах и ПК, где бы вы ни находились. Транслируйте игры прямо из облака и играйте на знакомом геймпаде Xbox. Включает съемный зажим для телефона, встроенный аккумулятор, настраиваемые клавиши и кабели для зарядки или игры в проводном режиме.

Возможности геймпада

Bluetooth-геймпад MOGA XP5-X Plus с игрой на подключенном телефоне

Играйте в игры Xbox из облака

Игры на телефонах и планшетах изменились. Играйте более чем в 100 игр для Xbox на совместимых телефонах или планшетах через игровую облачную службу с абонементом Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. Насладитесь новыми играми от Xbox Game Studio, например Halo Infinite, в день их выхода, и такими признанными хитами, как Ori and the Will of the Wisps.

Подключенный к телефону Bluetooth-геймпад MOGA

Встроенный аккумулятор

Увеличенное время работы за счет встроенного аккумулятора емкостью 3000 мАч позволит дольше наслаждаться играми или заряжать устройство Android. В комплект входит стандартный USB – USB-c/micro-USB кабель длиной 30 см для зарядки во время игрового процесса или подзарядки в перерывах.

Крепление MOGA для телефона, подключенное к Bluetooth-геймпаду

Оптимально сбалансированное крепление для телефона

Подключите зажим для телефона и установите в него свой телефон Android, чтобы насладиться сотнями игр для геймпада. Точки соединения с двойной фиксацией позволяют снизить утомляемость при длительной игре за счет правильной балансировки телефона над центром тяжести геймпада.


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