Bluetooth hacking what is bluetooth

Bluetooth Hacking Tools

Bluetooth hacking tools are techniques that are used for taking or gathering information from another device without the owner’s permission. It is an act of stealing information, or we can call it hacking. When a device gets hacked, the hacker can steal any type of information he wants; he can even easily get bank details as well as contact details and also can have easy access to various files and documents.

When we talk about hacking, it not just includes hacking of computers, but of Bluetooth too. Not only computers but Bluetooth are also hacked on a large scale. Through this whole process of hacking, one can easily hack phone privacy as there is less security provided in Bluetooth technology. Bluetooth covers a small range of 10 metres, but it is very fast when compared to speed.

As everyone knows that Bluetooth is a wireless connection that was founded in 1998. Bluetooth hacking is a very common practice these days; research has found that over a year, more than lakhs, the new type of Bluetooth hacking techniques have been found. Various devices are easily hacked these days, which leads to the spread of wrong information and also because it leads to evil practices. But, with the ever-growing techniques and their advancement, various tools are made in order to prevent such types of hacking.

Real-Incident on Cyber Attack India

A real incident took place in India Pune 2018. In 2018, an attack was made on Cosmos Bank in Pune where the hacker withdrew Rs 94.2 crores from the bank, leaving the employees as well as all the business sector in shock. The hacker hacked the bank’s ATM and gathered all the information about visas, cash availability, and rupee debit cardholders. And later, he withdrew all the amount from the cooperative bank. It was soon found that the hacker had a huge gang, and they had practised such evil means in more than 28 countries in the world.

Bluetooth attack

The Bluetooth attack is similar to Bluetooth hacking. Bluetooth attacks are of different types, such that it is based on malware, password, phishing, and many more. Bluetooth attacks corrupt files and steal information for illegal purposes. In order to prevent such cases, various antivirus has been created.

Types of Bluetooth Attacks


This Bluetooth attack is the most popular one, where messages are being sent from one Bluetooth device to the other device wirelessly, and the messages which are being sent are those which are unauthorized by the victim. This method of hacking is usually practised to send anonymous messages to a person for threats, and the devices here are linked wirelessly.

Bluejacking has access to various fields such as railways, cinemas, cafes, restaurants, and many more.

Bluejacking mainly occurs when the Bluetooth device of a person is being scanned by the hacker. So when the hacker starts sending messages to the victim, only the hacker’s phone name and model will appear on the victim’s screen and after which the message will appear. After that, the hacker will create the contact in his contact list, where he does not save any name and number; instead of it, he saves messages, and then he scans a nearby Bluetooth device and later on share the contact with the device which is being connected and then the recipient will receive the message, but he will not be able to find out who has delivered the message.

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Blueprinting is a type of Bluetooth attack in which the hacker finds all the details about the nearby Bluetooth device and gathers all the information for false practices.

Blueprinting happens when the hacker gets access to BD_ADDR of the victim’s Bluetooth device, which is close or near to it. Through this, the hacker gets all the information about the Bluetooth device, whether it belongs to which model, its manufacture, and many more.

Blue Bugging

It is a type of attack where the user can have control over the victim’s phone, and through that, he can easily make phone calls and messages using the victim’s account. Through this attack, the hacker can hear all the phone calls and also read messages which are sent on the user’s phone. This type of attack is mainly practised in laptops, mobile phones and so on.

In this attack, what basically happens is that the hacker pairs his device with the victim, and when the connection is being made, the hacker installs malware where he gets access to steal information in an unauthorized way. And after this process, the victim’s phone gets hacked, and whatever phone calls or messages he makes are being listened to or read by the hacker. However, it should be kept in mind that the hacker can hack the phone only at a given range and it is of 10 meters, but with the advancement in technology, the hacker can use antennas for the range to get wider.


It is another type of hacking tool where information can be collected by a personal device such that it is assumed to be wirelessly, so through this, the victim cannot make it out whether his phone is being hacked or not. This hacking takes place through Bluetooth connections. Also, through this type of attack, the hacker can easily access contact lists, emails, and messengers and can even steal private files, images, and videos.

Bluesnarfing attacks take place at a range of 30 feet with the victim. The hacker scans the device of the victim, and if the victim does not have any pin codes, then the hacker will get all access to the data. Bluesnarfing occurs in smartphones. Through this hacking tool, the hacker can get access to various important data and even divert the phone calls of the victim.

Bluetooth Hacking Tools

There are various types of tools, and some of them are mentioned below;

  • Redfang — This tool is used to find the various hidden devices which are wireless, or we can say that through this, we can find the non-discoverable devices.
  • Bluelog — It is a tool through which devices are scanned in such a way that it finds all the non-discoverable devices in an area and later logs it to a file.
  • Btscanner – It is a tool where the hacker can extract as much information as it requires from a victim’s phone, laptop, or, be it, any device that is connected wirelessly and that too without pairing. So pairing is not required in this tool for extracting information.
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Ways to prevent Bluetooth hacking

There are many ways through which we can prevent Bluetooth hacking, and some of them are listed below:

  1. Bluetooth should not be kept open uselessly because this leads to an easy connection with hackers.
  2. Bluetooth can be more secure if we are in the mode of ‘not visible to other devices’ or ‘not discoverable’. Though some hackers can even hack it, this type of attack is rare, so there are few or limited hackers.
  3. Whenever we pair devices, we should make sure that we get a request first and accept it only if known and stop unnecessary pairing.
  4. Bluetooth should not be paired in public devices, be it in the case of a hotspot or Bluetooth. And if the pairing is made due to some reason, we should make sure that we unpair it again.
  5. We should always keep on updating the software frequently.
  6. Various antivirus programs should be installed on laptops and other devices.


Bluetooth hacking or simply hacking has been very common these days. Though Bluetooth applications are being used for good purposes, there are cases that also lead to its disadvantages. As we have already read that various hacking tools have been created using this technology, but it is still widely being used by people. A hacker can easily get all the information of a particular person by just doing nothing. There are many cases reported of hacking where a hacker threatens the victim in various ways for their own personal reasons. With the advancement of technologies and knowledge, people have become more alert about their needs and security, and therefore various software applications are being designed to stop or prevent such unwanted and evil means. Hackers can easily spy on people. So, it is very important to practice prevention acts. Because we all know that Bluetooth usage will not decrease, but yes, its security might be improved or taken care of in the long term or in the upcoming years. Overall, the best method to prevent Bluetooth from getting exploited is that we can turn off the Bluetooth device when they are not in use.


Bluetooth Hacks – How Your Devices are Targeted

Bluetooth is a widely used, convenient technology included on every smartphone, tablet, and laptop computer these days. You can share files, play media, and more with a wireless connection.

But like with unsecured Wi-Fi networks, hackers can target your Bluetooth-enabled devices to commit identity theft, install malware, or spam you with messages.

This blog will discuss how hackers can target your smart devices through Bluetooth connections and how to protect yourself.

What is Bluetooth?

Bluetooth allows devices like phones, laptops, and tablets to connect without needing cords or wires. Bluetooth technology can be found in most smart devices. To turn on your Bluetooth, you may go into the settings menu on your device. However, this can differ with smart devices.

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How Can Hackers Hack through Your Bluetooth?

Bluejacking is a spam messaging technique where the hacker sends text messages to Bluetooth-enabled devices in their vicinity. The hacker needs to be close to the target to pair their device with the victim’s and send text messages or images to them. These messages can be simple spam or phishing messages attempting to trick the target into providing personal data or downloading malware on their device.

Then there’s bluebugging, a technique that connects to a Bluetooth-enabled device to install backdoor access or malware to the device. The hacker can then make calls or listen in on calls, read and send messages and access contacts.

One of the most dangerous types of Bluetooth attacks is called Bluesnarfing. It can be used to copy content stored on your device, from messages and photos to call logs and passwords. The data obtained can be used to access your accounts or commit identity theft.

Where Can This Occur?

Bluetooth hacking usually occurs in busy public places, where hackers can connect at close range.

How Can I Tell If My Phone is Hacked by Someone Through Bluetooth

To better help protect yourself, here are five signs that your phone has been hacked through Bluetooth.

  • Your phone’s battery quickly goes down. It can signify that malware is slowly draining your phone’s battery life.
  • Your phone runs exceptionally slowly. If you notice your phone is operating slowly, it could be a sign that it has been breached and is processing whatever the hacker is uploading.
  • Your phone receives text messages from unknown numbers. This could be a hacker trying to access your phone using an SMS trojan.
  • Your phone has strange popups. If you notice popups on your phone, they could be linked to malware. Therefore, be cautious with these popups and avoid clicking on them.

How to Help Protect Yourself from Bluetooth Hacking

Luckily there are some commonsense ways to beef up Bluetooth security and help protect your devices:

  • Turn off Bluetooth connection when you’re not using it. Keeping it active means your device can be discoverable by hackers when you’re out in public.
  • Unpair your Bluetooth devices from wireless devices you don’t use frequently, including speakers, cars, and other technology.
  • Keep Bluetooth in “hidden” mode instead of “discoverable” mode, preventing other devices from identifying your device.
  • Don’t click links in unsolicited text messages from unknown sources.
  • Don’t accept Bluetooth pairing requests from devices you don’t recognize.
  • Regularly update your devices to help protect yourself from the latest vulnerabilities.
  • Enable security features like two-factor authentication and password protection.

No matter how vigilant you are about cybersecurity, there’s no way to be 100% safe from data breaches, hacks and identity theft.

For this reason, monitoring your identity and credit is essential to ensure that the activity is legitimate, accurate, and not a type of identity theft scam. A monitoring service, such as IdentityIQ, is dedicated to keeping your information safe from hackers, with real-time alerts and experts ready to assist you.


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