Bluetooth heart monitor for android

Как выбрать Bluetooth-монитор сердечного ритма для Android

Bluetooth-пульсометр на Android

Предлагаем поговорить о новинках последнего десятилетия и в этой статье расскажем про лучший Bluetooth-монитор сердечного ритма на Android.

Какой датчик был использован?

Smartband Bluetooth для Android

Мы для исследования наших Bluetooth-мониторов сердечного ритма Android использовали беспроводной Bluetooth-датчик сердечного ритма Zеphyr hxm для Android. Он крепится на грудь спортсмена для обеспечения как можно более точных данных, держится на груди на удобном эластичном ремне. Кроме этого, пульсометр может отслеживать RR-интервал, пройденное расстояние и скорость, с которой движется человек на тренировках.

Подключение к смартфону происходит через Bluetooth 2.0 или 4.0, такой стандарт поддерживает почти любой смартфон, так что это большой плюс. Срока службы батареи хватает до 150 полных часов.

Приложения для спорта

Теперь, когда про Bluetooth-датчик сердечного ритма на Android мы рассказали, перейдем к приложениям, в которых можно задействовать показатели пульсометра.

Endomоndo Spоrts Trаcker

Первая программа для Bluetooth-монитора сердечного ритма для Android называется Endomondо. Изначально была создана для тех, кто занимается бегом, но после разработчики начали добавлять разные новые функции, что превратило приложение в программу для отслеживания любой физической активности.


Второе приложение для Android-смартфонов называется RunKeeper. Это, пожалуй, единственный достойный конкурент для Endomоndo, потому как обладает аналогичными функциями. С помощью RunKeeper можно не только просматривать историю пульса, но и всех тренировок, следить за рекордами, как своими,так и других, составлять планы занятий. К тому же программа имеет интеграцию с Facebоok и Twittеr.


Best Bluetooth heart rate monitor for Android

We offer to talk about novelties of the last decade. We will tell you about the best Bluetooth heart rate monitor on Android.

Which sensor has been used?

For our Bluetooth heart rate monitors on Android, we used Bluetooth wireless heart rate sensor “zephyr hxm for Android”.It is fastened to the athlete’s chest to provide more accurate data about the human pulse counting. It fixes on the chest with a convenient elastic strap. In addition, the pulsometer can track the RR interval, the distance traveled and the speed with which a person moves during training.

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Connection to your phone happens through Bluetooth 2.0 or 4.0, this standard is supported by almost any smartphone, so it’s a big plus. Battery life is up to 150 total hours.

Applications for sport

We told about Android Bluetooth heart rate sensor, and now we will talk about applications in which you can use the indicators of your heart rate monitor.

  1. EndomоndoSportsTracker
    The first Bluetooth heart rate monitor program for Androidis called Endomondо .It was originally designed for those who are engaged in running. But later, developers have started to add various new features that turned Endomondo into a comfortable app to keep track of any physical activity.
  2. RunKееper
    The second Bluetooth heart rate monitor for Android smartphones is called RunKeeper . This is perhaps the only worthy competitor for Endomondo, because it has similar functions. With it, you can not only view the history of the pulse and all workouts, but also track your and other peoples’ records, make plans for your trainings. In addition, the program has the integration with Facebook and Twitter.
  3. Runtаstic
    The last application that should not be missed is the Runtastic that supports Bluetooth indicators. It is the clever combo heart rate monitor for Android. Its quality is at the level of the previous two applications, but it is designed only for running. It can keep track of running, jogging, walking or cycling using GPS. It can measure the time of running, distance, pace, speed and calories burned. The program can build activity diagrams, split tables etc.

We should not say that one of these Bluetooth monitors for Android is better than another because they all deserve attention. We recommend trying each of them and choosing the most convenient Bluetooth heart rate monitor application.

Best Bluetooth heart rate monitor for Android: Video

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Heart rate monitor project with BLE for Android



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Bluetooth LE heart rate monitor

Android application that tracks data coming from a heart rate monitor following the Bluetooth LE Generic Attribute Profile (GATT).

This project scan surrounding LE devices, asking the user to choose which one to connect to. It shows the name of the device and use the battery service and heart rate profile to display and update the battery level and the heart rate. The heart rate data is then plotted to show the history. At the moment, up to 120 values are shown in the heart rate history chart but this can be increased if needed 👍

  • Android SDK 27
  • Android Build Tools v27.0.3
  • Grade 3.1.1
  • Java version 1.8
  • MPAndroidChart 3.0.3
  • JUnit 4.12

You can clone this GitHub repository and open it into Android Studio. Be sure to have the prerequisites. This project uses the Gradle build system. To build this project, use gradlew build or import a project in Android Studio. Android emulator does not have bluetooth capabilities so you have to use this app on a real device.

You can use an application on another device to enable a heart rate monitor like LightBlue explorer which is available on iOS and Android. Before using the heart rate monitor application, pairing your health device through the settings screen of your phone might be necessary. If you use a virtual heart rate monitor, be careful to pair the virtual device and not your actual phone.

The application was tested with local and instrumented tests launched from Android Studio with Ctrl+Shift+F10. UI/Application Exerciser Monkey was also used to test the UI with

adb shell monkey -p lauriemarceau.heart_rate_monitor_ble -v 500

This command sent pseudo-random events to the application. Firebase Test Lab for Android Robo Test was also used to test the application on different devices and assure intercompatibility.


How to choose Bluetooth – heart rate monitor for Android

Smartband Bluetooth for Android

We propose to talk about the new products of the last decade and in this article we will tell you about the best Bluetooth – heart rate monitor on Android.

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Which sensor was used

For the study of our Bluetooth – heart rate monitors Android we used a wireless Bluetooth – Zephyr hxm heart rate sensor for Android. It attaches to the athlete’s chest to provide the most accurate data possible, and is carried over the chest by a comfortable elastic strap. In addition, the heart rate monitor can track the RR interval, distance traveled and the speed at which a person moves in training.

The connection to a smartphone is via Bluetooth 2.0 or 4.0, this standard is supported by almost any smartphone, so this is a big plus. Battery life is up to 150 full hours.

Monitor HxM

Applications for sports

Now that we’ve talked about the Bluetooth – heart rate sensor at Android, let’s move on to the applications in which you can use the heart rate monitor readings.

Endomоndo Spоrts Tracker

The first program for Bluetooth – heart rate monitor for Android is called Endomondо. It was originally created for those who are involved in jogging, but then the developers began to add various new features, which turned the application into a program for tracking any physical activity.

Endomondo program


The second app for Android – smartphones is called RunKeeper. This is, perhaps, the only worthy competitor for Endomondo, because it has similar functions.

With the help of RunKeeper, you can not only view the history of your heart rate, but also all your workouts, keep track of your own and others’ records, and make training plans.

In addition, the program has integration with Facebox and Twitter.



And one last app that shouldn’t be missed. This is Runtastic with support for Bluetooth – sensors – a smart combo heart rate monitor for Android. Its quality is on par with the previous two apps, but it is designed only for running activity: it can track running, jogging, walking or cycling using GPS, measure run time, run distance, pace, speed and calories burned. The program can build activity diagrams, split tables.


Comparing the described Bluetooth – monitors for Android, one should not draw conclusions in absentia that one is better than the other, since they are all worthy of attention. We recommend that you try each of them and choose the one that is most convenient for you.

Bluetooth – heart rate monitor on Android: Video


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