Bluetooth in ios swift

IOS How to enable bluetooth in swift code

Appreciate if you can point out where I am doing wrong and how I can achieve connecting to specific device with specific service and characteristics information and sending data. So i want to write to the device and tell the motor connected to whatever pin to move to whatever degree based on what the app sends and if possible, a little more insight on how BLE devices work (UUID, BLE chips, Pins and how to manipulate things attached to them) PLEASE help and thanks for trying!!

IOS How to enable bluetooth in swift code

On Android. The code that turns Bluetooth on and off. I am trying to develop an iPhone, is there any function in swift code?

In short, no public API can control Bluetooth on/off. The post provided by Skywalker said the same thing too, that post provides a private API to control the on/off status.

My project needs this function before, and I remember no public API to control Bluetooth on/off. But there are APIs to detect the status of bluetooth about on/off.

Swift Heroes Digital 2020 — An Introduction to Bluetooth, Swift Heroes Digital 20201-2 October, #directtoyourdeviceAn Introduction to Bluetooth Low Energy for Swift Developers Martin …

IOS Bluetooth LE Application Development

Sample chapter from The Complete Bluetooth IOT Design Course for iOS on how to implement an iOS Bluetooth service layer in Swift using a data-driven state ma

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Learn how to code with Swift in this full tutorial course for beginners. Swift is a powerful and intuitive programming language for macOS, iOS , watchOS and t

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Join the community waitlist at https:// ios .academy/waitlist💻 Source Code:🎥 Subscribe for more: https:// www .youtube. com /iOSAc

Writing data to Bluetooth Device via ios app in swift

ANYONE WITH TROUBLE ON BLE & swift STUFF, this tutorial helped me a lot —

I have successfully created a simple scanner view on my iphone6 that will scan the room for all bluetooth devices and put their name in a table. When you click on that device you connect to the device and on the monitor i can see all of the services and even the characteristics of the device along with their UUID and all. I understand the basics of Bluetooth communication but i don’t really understand UUID in terms of writing and weather or not it is the same for every device in the company, or brand or whatever. I was hoping someone could help explain this better to me and also hopefully help walk me through my bigger issue which is to write data to the bluetooth device.

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I have a BLE shield for an arduino and i want to control the servo motor with my app. I have seen a few tutorials and some code on github that’s got me this far but i can’t seem to get the last part. Also I don’t want to just copy what they have because I ultimately want to do this without an arduino and just a programmable chip and motor. below is the last part of my code that I am on, looking through the characteristics and printing them out for me to see

 func peripheral(peripheral: CBPeripheral, didDiscoverServices error: NSError?) < print("Service count = \(!.count)") for service in!< print("Services = \(!)") let DemServices = service as CBService peripheral.discoverCharacteristics(nil, forService: DemServices) print("All that shit got coded") >> func peripheral(peripheral: CBPeripheral, didDiscoverCharacteristicsForService service: CBService, error: NSError?) < for characteristicz in service.characteristics!< print(characteristicz) >> 

So i want to write to the device and tell the motor connected to whatever pin to move to whatever degree based on what the app sends and if possible, a little more insight on how BLE devices work (UUID, BLE chips, Pins and how to manipulate things attached to them)

PLEASE help and thanks for trying!!

There is an explanation about reading from, and writing to a BLE characteristic (emulating a serial port over Bluetooth with Tx and Rx) on this another question: SWIFT — BLE communications This may help you about the BLE stuff, but not with the particular hardware configuration you are dealing with (like I/O pins, etc.) That will be up to your particular hardware/firmware system.

Basic BLE communication app for iOS with swift, I am quite new to iOS programming and also to bluetooth protocol. I have found a sample code written in swift and trying to modify it to work with my own bluetooth module. The module I have is DBM01 from dorji. The service I need to use is FFF0 and the characteristics is FFF1 for sending a ASCII value. …

Basic BLE communication app for iOS with swift

I am quite new to iOS programming and also to bluetooth protocol. I have found a sample code written in swift and trying to modify it to work with my own bluetooth module. The module I have is DBM01 from dorji.

The service I need to use is FFF0 and the characteristics is FFF1 for sending a ASCII value.

When I use the LightBlue app on my macbook and connect to the board I have designed, which has the DBM01 module on it, I can send the char value of «1» and I get the expected response (Turning on a LED) and when I send value of «0» it turns the LED off.

Now with the code I have, I can connect to the DBM01 module. I can print its name. However, I cannot disconnect from it with the following function. I am also not sure if this is for disconnecting from the device or it is called automatically when the device is disconnected. Regardless, it does not work either way.

func centralManager(central: CBCentralManager, didDisconnectPeripheral peripheral: CBPeripheral, error: NSError?) 

My main problem is I really didn’t understand how I specify the service and the characteristics that I am interested in and connect to specific device that has them.

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I am also Unable to send a message. When I try I got the predefined error, since the following condition did’t hold

if writeCharacteristic != nil 

Appreciate if you can point out where I am doing wrong and how I can achieve connecting to specific device with specific service and characteristics information and sending data.

// // ViewController.swift // bleSwift // import UIKit import CoreBluetooth class ViewController: UIViewController, CBCentralManagerDelegate, CBPeripheralDelegate < var centralManager: CBCentralManager! var peripheral: CBPeripheral! var writeCharacteristic: CBCharacteristic! var service: CBService! var characteristic: CBCharacteristic! var bluetoothAvailable = false let message = "1" @IBOutlet weak var deviceName: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var ServiceName: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var CharacteristicsName: UILabel! func centralManagerDidUpdateState(central: CBCentralManager) < print("Checking state") switch (central.state) < case .PoweredOff: print("CoreBluetooth BLE hardware is powered off") case .PoweredOn: print("CoreBluetooth BLE hardware is powered on and ready") bluetoothAvailable = true; case .Resetting: print("CoreBluetooth BLE hardware is resetting") case .Unauthorized: print("CoreBluetooth BLE state is unauthorized") case .Unknown: print("CoreBluetooth BLE state is unknown"); case .Unsupported: print("CoreBluetooth BLE hardware is unsupported on this platform"); >if bluetoothAvailable == true < discoverDevices() >> func centralManager(central: CBCentralManager, didDiscoverPeripheral peripheral: CBPeripheral, advertisementData: [String : AnyObject], RSSI: NSNumber) < // Stop scanning self.centralManager.stopScan() print("Stopped Scanning") // Set as the peripheral to use and establish connection //self.peripheral = peripheral //self.peripheral.delegate = self //self.centralManager.connectPeripheral(peripheral, options: nil) peripheral.discoverServices([CBUUID(string: "FFF0")]) print("CONNECTED!!") print( deviceName.text = >func discoverDevices() < print("Discovering devices") centralManager.scanForPeripheralsWithServices(nil, options: nil) >@IBAction func disconnectDevice(sender: AnyObject) < func centralManager(central: CBCentralManager, didDisconnectPeripheral peripheral: CBPeripheral, error: NSError?) < print("CONNECTION WAS DISCONNECTED") deviceName.text = "Disconnected" >> @IBAction func Scan(sender: AnyObject) < print("Scan") centralManager = CBCentralManager(delegate: self, queue: nil) >@IBAction func Send(sender: AnyObject) < let data = message.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding) if writeCharacteristic != nil < print("Sent") peripheral!.writeValue(data!, forCharacteristic: writeCharacteristic, type: CBCharacteristicWriteType.WithoutResponse) >else < print("Couldn't Send") >> override func viewDidLoad() < super.viewDidLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. >override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() < super.didReceiveMemoryWarning() // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated. >> 

In order to send data to your ble peripheral, you should:

  1. Start scanning.
  2. In your ble central manager delegate you’ll recieve didDiscoverPeripheral callback with discovered peripheral. Set yourself as its delegate and connect to it: centralManager.connectPeripheral(. )
  3. Receive didConnectPeripheral in delegate. Now call discoverServices for this peripheral.
  4. Recieve didDiscoverServices in your delegate. Finaly, call discoverCharacteristics for your service.
  5. You’ll recieve characteristic in didDiscoverCharacteristic delegate method. After that, you’ll be able to send data to exact characteristic of your peripheral.
  6. To disconnect peripheral, call method centralManager.cancelPeripheralConnection(. )


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Swift framework for easy connection with Bluetooth peripherals.



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Easy to use Bluetooth open source library brought to you by Netguru.
🤟 Probably the easiest way to interact with bluetooth peripherals 🤟

  • Handles connection with remote peripherals.
  • Handles advertising an iPhone as Bluetooth LE peripheral.
  • Closure based read/write/notify requests.
  • Built in data conversion method with Command wrapper.

Below you can find an easy code sample to connect to the peripheral.
Really thats all that is needed 🍾 🍾

let connection = BluetoothConnection.shared let characteristic = try! Characteristic(uuid: "your_characteristic_uuid", shouldObserveNotification: true) let service = try! Service(uuid: "your_service_uuid", characteristics: [characteristic]) let configuration = try! Configuration(services: [service], advertisement: "your_advertising_uuid") let peripheral = Peripheral(configuration: configuration) connection.connect(peripheral) < error in // do awesome stuff >

Below you can find a code sample the setup the iPhone to advertise Bluetooth.
That’s all it takes to advertise one service containing one characteristic.

let characteristic = try! Characteristic(uuid: "your_characteristic_uuid") let service = try! Service(uuid: "your_service_uuid", characteristics: [characteristic]) let configuration = try! Configuration(services: [service], advertisement: "your_service_uuid") let peripheral = Peripheral(configuration: configuration, advertisementData: [.localName("Test"), .servicesUUIDs("your_service_uuid")]) advertisement.advertise(peripheral: peripheral) < error in // oh no, something failed in that case >

Of course data transfer is also possible, both for advertising and connection mode! Below there are some basic examples, for more please see More usage section 👇🏻

let command = Command.utf8String("Hello world") peripheral.write(command: command, characteristic: someCharacteristic, handler: < error in // written! >), handler: < data, error in // read! >)
let command = Command.int8(3) advertisement.update(command, characteristic: characteristic) < error in // data updated! > advertisement.writeRequestCallback = < characteristic, data in // written! >

For more advanced usage check out documentation page at:
Also feel free to check example project bundled with this repository! 👩🏼‍🏫 👨🏼‍🏫 It’s a complete app that allows connection and sending text messages between two iPhones.

BlueSwift can be drag’n dropped to the project directory,
but what’s more important it’s supported by most common dependency management!

Just drop the line below to your Podfile:

(but probably you’d like to pin it to the nearest major release, so pod ‘BlueSwift’ , ‘~> 1.1.5’ )

The same as with Cocoapods, insert the line below to your Cartfile:

, or including version — github ‘netguru/BlueSwift’ ~> 1.1.5

(As all cool open source software, it’s. )
Licensed under MIT license.

Also it would be really nice if you could drop us a line about your usage!! 🚀 🚀


Swift framework for easy connection with Bluetooth peripherals.


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