Bluetooth in puppy linux

Puppy Linux Discussion Forum

The F96-CE Puppy is almost ready for release and includes the Blueman Bluetooth GUI. While it is working, it does have some idiosyncrasies. This «howto» should help users set it up.

This procedure has been tested on two of my computers, but would like for others with Bluetooth devices to confirm the instructions.

Blueman Bluetooth Manager has an immovable «Pairing request for device» popup window that will appear in the center of the desktop and BEHIND any other application window that is running in that area. Therefore, it is required you minimize all programs from the desktop.

By default, your computer will be identified as «BlueZ» on other devices (can be changed)
Be sure your bluetooth devices are in discover mode

Pairing and Connecting
Menu>Network>Bluetooth Manager
-click: Enable
Shall bluetooth get enabled automatically?
-click your choice
Move the Bluetooth Devices window to the lower right corner of the desktop (so you can see that popup window)
-click: Adapter>Preferences>Always visible
-click: Search
-right click your device (its name my not be exactly correct yet)

-click: pair
If you get a «Pairing request for device» popup window and a code is not supplied by the remote device.
-enter: 0000 (4 zeros)
-click: OK

You may also get a pairing message on your bluetooth device requiring the same action.
A bluetooth notification bar may appear at the top of the desktop, it should close automatically, if not, you can click it to close the bar.
-right click again
-click: connect
-right click again (If «Disconnect» is listed, you are connected)
-click: Trust

For file transfer between devices (smartphones)
-click: View
-click: Local Services
-click: Transfer
-select an Incoming Folder
-check: Accept files from trusted devices
-click: Apply
There may be some other actions required that are device specific, but this should be the settngs required by Blueman.


Bluetooth connectivity in Puppy Linux

Hello, after doing many efforts now i can finally connect my mobile device to the computer with bluetooth thanks to the puppy linux forum members for all the help, so here’s how it goes ..
Note that i am using lucid puppy version 5.2.8

If you are using XFCE window manager or following article is not working for you than you should first read this article [Link] which explains bluetooth connectivity with ‘blueman’ ..

Step 1 :
Download bluetooth.tar file from here [Link] extract it, install all .pets and Reboot

Step 2 :
Right click Select Network -> Bluetooth Wizard , now follow on-screen steps to pair your devices.if it does not scan a bluetooth device make sure you have selected always visible or discoverable in your mobile device. if it still is not scanning make sure the bluetooth device of your computer is on and attached properly. You can check if puppy linux has detected your computer’s bluetooth device in Menu->System->HardwareInfo in that select USB to check.

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Step 3 :
Now navigate to the /etc/ppp from your file manager.
in ppp goto chatscripts directory, now right click and select create new file named gprs and paste following code ..

«» «ATZ»
OK ‘AT+cgdcont=1,»IP»,»enter your ISP APN here«‘
OK ATD*99***1#

you’ll need to provide APN address in my case it looks like this ..
OK ‘AT+cgdcont=1,»IP»,»tata.docomo.internet»‘
or may be even change the dial number though *99***1# should work, if not try *99#

did that ? ok, now go to ppp again and goto peers directory and right click to create new file and name it gprs and paste following code ..

connect «/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/chatscripts/gprs»

Step 4 :
Now click console icon from desktop and type hcitool scan it would be like ..

sh-4.1# hcitool scan
Scanning .
18:14:56:CA:9E:42 Yo

18:14:56:CA:9E:42 is mac address of my mobile bluetooth device and Yo is my mobile bluetooth’s name copy the mac address and browse your mobile also save mac address somewhere you’ll need it in next steps e.g.

sh-4.1# sdptool browse 18:14:56:CA:9E:42
Browsing 18:14:56:CA:9E:42 .

Service Name: Dial-up networking
Service RecHandle: 0x10003
Service Class ID List:
«Dialup Networking» (0x1103)
«Generic Networking» (0x1201)
Protocol Descriptor List:
«L2CAP» (0x0100)
«RFCOMM» (0x0003)
Channel: 1
Language Base Attr List:
code_ISO639: 0x656e
encoding: 0x6a
base_offset: 0x100
Profile Descriptor List:
«Dialup Networking» (0x1103)
Version: 0x0100

It’ll list all services your mobile provides. scroll down and find Service Name: Dial-up networking and channel number in my case it is Channel: 1, save or remember channel number you’ll need it in next step.

Step 5 :
Now click file icon on desktop and right click , select create new script with name Connect and paste following code ..

modprobe bluetooth
modprobe l2cap
modprobe rfcomm
modprobe hci_usb
mknod -m 666 /dev/rfcomm0 c 216 0
hcid # in the following line change mac address and channel number for your phone
rfcomm bind /dev/rfcomm0 18:14:56:CA:9E:42 1

rxvt -bg «light yellow» -geometry 134×20 -title GPRS_connection_tail -e tail -n 20 -f /var/log/messages &
pppd call gprs
gxmessage -center -bg «light green» -title «PPPD calling. » -buttons «EXIT» «PPPD calling. press EXIT for exiting GPRS connection»
killall pppd
rfcomm release /dev/rfcomm0
killall rfcomm
killall hcid
kill $(ps|grep GPRS_co) exit

in above script, in red line, you’ll need to change the mac address and channel number as you saved it, Ok so now we all set up , you just need to click Connect and it’ll connect to your mobile and will create internet connection.

if it is not connecting to your mobile first try following in console
rfcomm connect 0 your-mac-address chennal-number
e.g. rfcomm connect 0 18:14:56:CA:9E:42 1
and then click Connect script file it should work fine ..

To transfer files with bluetooth, right click bluetooth icon in tray and select Send Files 🙂

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P.S : I’m the same guy who posted this same article on puppy-linux forum Link
You can now Enjoy Internet on Puppy Linux 🙂


Puppy Linux Discussion Forum

How to get Bluetooth earbuds to work in BionicPup64?

Jafadmin Posts: 364 Joined: Tue Aug 04, 2020 4:51 pm Has thanked: 68 times Been thanked: 82 times

How to get Bluetooth earbuds to work in BionicPup64?

Post by Jafadmin » Thu Dec 17, 2020 10:13 pm

I’m trying to get my usb earbuds to work on BionicPup 64-8.0. I’ve gotten them to work really well on the full Debian variants, but for the life of me I’m not getting to the goal line with Janky_BT.

I added the mac to the file. I even get it to pair. But I can’t get it to connect and play any sound. Is this a PA problem?

mistfire Posts: 565 Joined: Thu Jul 16, 2020 2:16 am Location: CALABARZON, PH Has thanked: 3 times Been thanked: 102 times

Re: How to get Bluetooth earbuds to work in BionicPup64?

Post by mistfire » Fri Dec 18, 2020 4:22 pm

Jafadmin wrote: ↑ Thu Dec 17, 2020 10:13 pm

I’m trying to get my usb earbuds to work on BionicPup 64-8.0. I’ve gotten them to work really well on the full Debian variants, but for the life of me I’m not getting to the goal line with Janky_BT.

I added the mac to the file. I even get it to pair. But I can’t get it to connect and play any sound. Is this a PA problem?

Thx, etc ..

Puppy does not use PulseAudio, instead it uses ALSA. Install Bluez first then Install pBluetooth 4.0 and pair your headset. If your headset is connected then goto Multiple Sound Card Wizard and select your Bluetooth device

Jafadmin Posts: 364 Joined: Tue Aug 04, 2020 4:51 pm Has thanked: 68 times Been thanked: 82 times

Re: How to get Bluetooth earbuds to work in BionicPup64?

Post by Jafadmin » Fri Dec 18, 2020 5:45 pm

@mistfire Thanks for the reply. What is «pBluetooth 4.0» and where would one possibly download it?

So far, I have been unsuccessful in locating anything with that (or similar) names using PPM, or on ibiblio.

A download link pointing to a .pet or .deb would be helpful ..

[edit] I found the .sfs files posted on github, but the 64 bit one (which I need) doesn’t start. I don’t think that sfs was intended for BionicPup 64.

Re: How to get Bluetooth earbuds to work in BionicPup64?

Post by Trapster » Fri Dec 18, 2020 8:37 pm

I’ve never had much luck with bluetooth.

Jafadmin Posts: 364 Joined: Tue Aug 04, 2020 4:51 pm Has thanked: 68 times Been thanked: 82 times

Re: How to get Bluetooth earbuds to work in BionicPup64?

Post by Jafadmin » Sat Dec 19, 2020 1:26 am

Thanks for the link. I installed that pet on the machine where I need it. I can get all the way to my headphones telling me they are paired and connected. Now if I could just figure out how to tell puppy to use them for sound.

As far as puppy is concerned, the headphones don’t even exist. I can find no way to sent sound to the bluetooth connected device. It just keeps sending sound to the internal speaker.

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There is something missing that pipes the sound from apps to the bluetooth device.

mistfire Posts: 565 Joined: Thu Jul 16, 2020 2:16 am Location: CALABARZON, PH Has thanked: 3 times Been thanked: 102 times

Re: How to get Bluetooth earbuds to work in BionicPup64?

Post by mistfire » Sat Dec 19, 2020 4:03 am

Jafadmin wrote: ↑ Sat Dec 19, 2020 1:26 am

Thanks for the link. I installed that pet on the machine where I need it. I can get all the way to my headphones telling me they are paired and connected. Now if I could just figure out how to tell puppy to use them for sound.

As far as puppy is concerned, the headphones don’t even exist. I can find no way to sent sound to the bluetooth connected device. It just keeps sending sound to the internal speaker.

There is something missing that pipes the sound from apps to the bluetooth device.

Did you use ALSA or PulseAudio?

If ALSA then install the bluez-alsa

Goto to Mutiple Sound Card Wizard on Puppy Menu

Select your paired bluetooth device if present

mistfire Posts: 565 Joined: Thu Jul 16, 2020 2:16 am Location: CALABARZON, PH Has thanked: 3 times Been thanked: 102 times

Re: How to get Bluetooth earbuds to work in BionicPup64?

Post by mistfire » Sat Dec 19, 2020 4:06 am

Trapster wrote: ↑ Fri Dec 18, 2020 8:37 pm

There is a .pet in this thread

I’ve never had much luck with bluetooth.

Make sure that your Puppy supports Bluez5

Jafadmin Posts: 364 Joined: Tue Aug 04, 2020 4:51 pm Has thanked: 68 times Been thanked: 82 times

Re: How to get Bluetooth earbuds to work in BionicPup64?

Post by Jafadmin » Sat Dec 19, 2020 4:59 am

Jafadmin wrote: ↑ Sat Dec 19, 2020 1:26 am

Thanks for the link. I installed that pet on the machine where I need it. I can get all the way to my headphones telling me they are paired and connected. Now if I could just figure out how to tell puppy to use them for sound.

As far as puppy is concerned, the headphones don’t even exist. I can find no way to sent sound to the bluetooth connected device. It just keeps sending sound to the internal speaker.

There is something missing that pipes the sound from apps to the bluetooth device.

Did you use ALSA or PulseAudio?

If ALSA then install the bluez-alsa

Goto to Mutiple Sound Card Wizard on Puppy Menu

Select your paired bluetooth device if present

I’m using bluez-alsa. I had it installed already. I can pair just fine. My headset says it is paired. When I click the «connect» button in the app, my headset tells me «phone 1 connected».

It’s just that there is no transport device to sent the sound output to the headphones. Nothing shows up for it in the sound card wizard or amixer.

Is there supposed to be a transport pipe running that I can check for? ps shows bluetoothd and bluealsa running . I have to kickstart bluealsa with a link in Startup. Maybe it needs some switches or something?

Oh, and thanks for the help.


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