Bluetooth name windows 10

How to Change Bluetooth Device Name in Windows 10 PC

Don’t like the default Bluetooth device name? Here are the steps to change the Bluetooth device name on a Windows 10 computer.

If your computer or laptop supports Bluetooth, you can connect almost any Bluetooth device to it. Some of the most common Bluetooth devices being keyboards, mice, headsets, game controllers, etc. One of the best things about using Bluetooth devices is that they will make your workspace clutter-free.

To connect a Bluetooth device to Windows 10, all you have to do is set the device in pairing mode and find it on Windows 10’s “Devices -> Bluetooth” page. Once found, you can pair the Bluetooth device and connect to it. As soon as the Bluetooth device is connected, Windows 10 will automatically set its name. Generally, the device manufacturer sets the default Bluetooth device name.

For a vast majority of users, the default Bluetooth name will do the job. However, there might be situations where you need to change the Bluetooth device name. For example, if the default Bluetooth name is just a nonsensical word or multiple devices with the same name, you have to change the Bluetooth name to make it easy to recognize the device.

For whatever reason, the Windows 10 Settings app has no way to rename a Bluetooth device. However, we can still use the good old control panel to rename any Bluetooth device in Windows 10.

This quick and straightforward Windows 10 guide lets me show you how to change the Bluetooth name in Windows 10.

Change Bluetooth Device Name in Windows

You can rename a Bluetooth device from the Control Panel’s Devices and Printers tool. Follow these steps to change the Bluetooth name.

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Search and open “Control Panel.”
  3. Set “View by” to “Large icons.”
  4. Click on “Devices and printers.”
  5. Find the Bluetooth device to rename.
  6. Right-click on the Bluetooth device.
  7. Select the “Properties” option.
  8. Go to the “Bluetooth” tab.
  9. Type a name in the first field.
  10. Click “Ok.”
  11. Disconnect and reconnect the Bluetooth device.
  12. With that, you’ve changed the Bluetooth device name.

open Devices and Printers

First, search and open “Control Panel” from the Start menu. After opening it, click on the “Devices and Printers” option. If you cannot see it, Set “View by” on the top-right corner to “Large icons.”

open Bluetooth device properties

In the Devices and Printers screen, right-click on the Bluetooth device you want to rename and select the “Properties” option.

change Bluetooth name in Windows 10

Go to the “Bluetooth” tab. Type a name of your choice in the top field and push the “Ok” button to save changes.

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Bluetooth device name changed

After that, disconnect and reconnect the Bluetooth device to see the new name in the Devices and Printers screen, Settings app, and any other place where Windows displays the Bluetooth device name.

Keep in mind that if you unpair the Bluetooth device or update its device driver, the name might revert to its default. However, this kind of behavior entirely depends on how the device manufacturer implemented the naming scheme. If the title reverts, follow the same steps to set a new name.


If you cannot see your Bluetooth device in the Devices and Printers screen, it might not be connected to the system. Make sure the Bluetooth device is paired and connected correctly.

If you cannot rename a wireless device, either it is not a Bluetooth device or the device manufacturer locked the name. For instance, some wireless devices come with their own 2.4Ghz USB receiver dongle. Those devices are not Bluetooth and may not allow you to change the device name.

That is all. It is that simple to change the Bluetooth name in Windows 10.

If you are stuck or need some help, comment below, and I will try to help as much as possible.

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How To Change The Bluetooth Name Of Windows 10 PC

A couple of days ago, someone asked me how to change the Bluetooth adapter’s name on a Windows 10 PC? In this guide, we will see how to change Bluetooth adapter’s name in Windows 10.

Your Windows 10 Bluetooth adapter’s name is usually required when you want to receive a file from another Bluetooth device, or when you want to pair your phone with your Windows 10 PC.

change bluetooth name in Windows 10 pic01

In Windows 10, you can see your Bluetooth adapter’s name by navigating to Settings app > Devices > Bluetooth & other devices.

If you are looking to change the default name of the Bluetooth adapter on your Windows 10, remember that the Bluetooth’s name is nothing but your Windows 10 computer’s name. In other words, Windows 10 automatically sets your Windows 10 computer’s name as Bluetooth’s name.

Because of this, you cannot change the Bluetooth name alone in Windows 10. If you want to change the Bluetooth’s name, you need to change the computer name. In short, it’s impossible to set different names for your Windows 10 PC and Bluetooth adapter on your PC.

Following are the two ways to change your Windows 10 PC Bluetooth name.

Method 1 of 2

Change Bluetooth name in Settings

Step 1: Navigate to Settings app > System > About.

Step 2: Under Device specifications, click Rename this PC button. This will open Rename your PC dialog.

change bluetooth name in Windows 10 pic5

Step 3: Type in a new name for your PC/Bluetooth. Click Next button.

change bluetooth name in Windows 10 pic6

Step 4: You will now be asked to restart your PC. Save all work and click Restart now button. If you wish to restart later, click Restart later button.

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change bluetooth name in Windows 10 pic7

The new PC/Bluetooth name will appear once you restart your PC.

Method 2 of 2

Change Bluetooth name in Control Panel

Step 1: In the Start/taskbar search box, type Sysdm.cpl and then press Enter key to open System properties dialog.

change bluetooth name in Windows 10 pic1

Step 2: Here, under Computer Name tab, you can see your full computer name as well as workgroup name. To change the computer name or Bluetooth name, click the Change button.

change bluetooth name in Windows 10 pic2

Step 3: In the Computer name field, type in the name which you want to assign to your PC as well as Bluetooth.

change bluetooth name in Windows 10 pic3

Click OK button. You will see a dialog with “You must restart your computer to apply these changes” message.

Click OK button. If you see a dialog with Restart now and Restart later options, click Restart later button.

Step 4: Finally, save all your work and then reboot your PC to set the new name as your computer name as well as Bluetooth receiver’s name on your Windows 10.


DO NOT FOLLOW THIS GUIDE. Follow the suggestion by @lopital below: Right click on This PC
Device Manager
*Select your bluetooth device* (in my case Intel Wireless Bluetooth)
Bluetooth Radio information > Name

Thank You, I personally prefer the non-retarded way which is Method 2.
As you may find out, after you Rename using the Method 1, you actually have to restart before you the rename function even allows you to input a new name, so if you rename, then change your mind, but don’t want to restart just to change a string of text, you’re screwed, luckily, there is Method 2:
In Method 2, you can rename as many times as you wish, before you need to restart to apply the rename operation. – Thanks for the article BTW!

The easiest solution is Hit Win+R, run devmgmt.msc and change the name in the Device Manager -> Bluetooth -> your adapter -> Properties -> Advanced -> and choose your name Solution by waters-of-nazareth Other solutions didn’t work for me on Windows 10 1809

So I’m trying to follow all the comments that talk about device manager and when I select my Bluetooth device, there is definitely no “Advanced” option. Any ideas?

This is a terrible guide full of incorrect information. You can easily change the Bluetooth name on Windows 10: On Windows 10:
Hit Win+R, run devmgmt.mscand in the Device Manager
Find your Bluetooth device (on my laptop, it’s “Broadcom 43142Bluetooth 4.0”)
Double-click it and set the desired name in the Advanced section.

I agree – this incorrect information – you can change in Device Manager Right click on This PC
Device Manager
*Select your bluetooth device* (in my case Intel Wireless Bluetooth)
Bluetooth Radio information > Name

Listen to what @lopital says, do that and you can keep your PC Name as whatever you want. The issue I had was that by BlueTooth Speakers would spell out my PC Name as it was all in CAPS, so used @lopital’s suggestion saw that it was all in CAPS there and changed to Normal. I did this as my PC name was already in the proper case, just bluetooth decided to make it all CAPS…Thanks @lopital for your comment 🙂

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This is bullshit, you don’t have to change the computer name to change how devices detected your bluetooth, and the computer name has restrictions like for example, you can’t put blanks or use lowercase, so… any Bose Soundlink will spell out the name of your bluetooth, and no read in the right way, don’t use this shitty guide, do the following: Right click on This PC
Device Manager
*Select your bluetooth device* (in my case Intel Wireless Bluetooth)
Bluetooth Radio information > Name Fill with whatever you want in the name… done.


Как поменять его имя Bluetooth в Windows 10

Порой пользователь хотел бы передать файл со смартфона на компьютер по блютусу. Для этого необходимо знать имя Bluetooth-модуля ПК, которое по умолчанию такое же, как и имя самого компьютера. Таким образом, «переименование» блютус-модуля является по сути определением нового имени самому компьютеру.

Зачем это надо?

Смысл назначения нового имени блютус-модуля состоит в том, чтобы название было легко запоминаемым вами, если прежнее не представляется вам удобным.

Блютус давно используется в мобильных девайсах — ещё с той поры, когда смартфоны были не слишком распространены. Технология удобна тем, что необходимость использования кабелей отсутствует.

В отличие от вай-фая, таким образом могут быть соединены между собою девайсы располагающиеся в нескольких метрах друг от друга. Хотя теоретически технология может использоваться в пределах ста метров, но лишь на открытой местности и при условии, что помех радиосигналу нет. Столь идеальные условия — большая редкость.

Поскольку эта беспроводная технология уже не первое десятилетие находит себе применение в различных девайсах, сложности с подключением друг к другу устройств разных поколений практически нереальны. Это значит, что проверенная временем методика обеспечения взаимодействия девайсов между собой может оказаться весьма полезной, к примеру, при передаче файлов с довольно старого телефона на современный компьютер под управлением «десятки».

В параметрах

Возможность посмотреть имя доступна вам в настройках Bluetooth и других устройств раздела устройств параметров системы.

Перейдите в пункт «О программе» настроек системы в параметрах Виндоуз. В характеристиках устройства выберите опцию переименования компьютера. После этого напечатайте новое название вашего компьютера и щёлкните по «Далее».

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Как поменять его имя Bluetooth в Windows 10

Перезагрузите компьютер и для него, а соответственно и для блютус-модуля, будет установлено новое имя.

В главном меню

В поле выполнения команд главного меню Виндоуз 10 напечатайте Sysdm.cpl. Ввод подтвердите. Это даст возможность перейти к настройке свойств системы. Щёлкните по кнопке, предлагающей изменить имя компьютера в соответствующей вкладке.

В отображённом на мониторе текстовом поле вам предстоит напечатать то название компьютера, которое вы желали бы далее использовать. Подтвердите ввод нажатием кнопки «ОК» и вам будет предложено перезапустить ваш девайс.

Как поменять его имя Bluetooth в Windows 10

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