Bluetooth speaker usb charge

How To Charge A Bluetooth Speaker With An Aux Cable (Solved)

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Do you have a Bluetooth speaker, but don’t have a way to charge it? Don’t worry, we can help! In this blog post, we will show you how to charge your Bluetooth speaker. This is a really easy process and only takes a few minutes. Keep reading for instructions on how to do it.

Unfortunately, you cannot charge your speaker through the aux port. The aux port is only for audio output and will not charge your speaker. You’ll need to use the charging port for that. Most Bluetooth speakers have a micro USB charging port. If yours doesn’t, then it probably has a proprietary charging cable.

However, there are many other ways to charge your Bluetooth speaker if you don’t have a charger. Read on as I explain below.

Can I charge a Bluetooth Speaker with an Aux Cable?

No, it is not possible to charge a Bluetooth Speaker with an Aux Cable. The aux port is only for audio output and will not charge your speaker.

The AUX cable doesn’t transmit charge from one device to another, so it can’t charge your speaker. You’ll need to use the charging port for that. Most Bluetooth speakers have a micro USB charging port.

6 Ways to Charge a Bluetooth Speaker Without a Charger

There are various ways to charge your Bluetooth speaker if you do not have its charger. They include the following, among others:

1. Use a wireless charger

Wireless chargers are becoming increasingly popular, and many smartphones now come with this feature. If you have a wireless charger, all you need to do is place your Bluetooth speaker on the charging pad. The battery will start charging automatically.

2. Charge it off your computer

You can use your laptop or desktop computer to charge your Bluetooth speaker. Just plug in the charging cable and connect it to the USB port on your computer. The speaker should start charging automatically.

3. Use your phone

You can charge the speaker with your smartphone. However, you will need to use a USB OTG cable. This is a special type of cable that allows you to connect your phone to other devices, such as keyboards and mice. You can find these cables on Amazon or at most electronics stores.

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Once you have the USB OTG cable, all you need to do is plug it into your phone’s charging port. Then, connect the other end of the cable to the Bluetooth speaker. The speaker should start charging from your phone’s battery.

4. Use a power bank

A power bank is a portable charger that you can use to charge your devices when you’re on the go. This is a great option if you don’t have access to a socket or a USB port. Just connect the power bank to your Bluetooth speaker and it will start charging.

5. Charge it with your car charger

Your car charger can also be used to charge your Bluetooth speaker. This is a great option if you’re on the road and need to charge your speaker. Just plug in the car charger and connect it to the USB port on your speaker.

6. Use a solar charger

Solar chargers are a great eco-friendly option for charging your devices. They work by converting sunlight into electrical energy. Just set up the solar charger in a sunny spot and connect your Bluetooth speaker to it. The speaker will start charging from the solar panel.

As you can see, there are many ways to charge your Bluetooth speaker if you don’t have its charger. So, if you find yourself in this situation, don’t worry. Just use one of the methods above and you’ll be able to charge your speaker in no time.

Can I Charge a Bluetooth Speaker with an AC Adapter?

Yes, you can, but only if the AC adapter is specifically designed for charging the speaker. Most Bluetooth speakers come with a micro USB charging port, so you will need to use a micro USB AC adapter.

If you’re not sure whether your AC adapter is compatible with your speaker, check the product manual or contact the manufacturer. They will be able to advise you on the best way to charge your speaker.

Do I Need a Battery if I am Using my Bluetooth Speaker with an AUX Cable?

Yes, you will need a battery if you want to use your Bluetooth speaker with an AUX cable. The reason for this is that the AUX port is only for audio output. It does not transmit charge from one device to another, so it can’t charge your speaker.

A Bluetooth speaker has a built-in amplifier that needs to be powered in order to work. This is why you need a battery in order for the speaker to function. If you’re using the speaker with an AUX cable, the battery will be used to power the amplifier.

How Long Does it Take to Charge a Bluetooth Speaker?

It usually takes around two to three hours to charge a Bluetooth speaker. However, this may vary depending on the speaker’s battery capacity and the type of charger you are using.

It’s a good idea to charge your Bluetooth speaker fully before using it for the first time. This will help ensure that you get the most out of its battery life.

Why My Bluetooth Speaker Won’t Charge

There are various reasons why a Bluetooth speaker might not charge. They include the following among others:

1. Faulty charger

Your Bluetooth speaker charger may be faulty. Try using a different charger to see if this solves the problem.

2. Faulty charging port

The charging port on your Bluetooth speaker may be damaged or blocked. Check the port for any dirt, debris, or damage. If you can’t see anything, try using a can of compressed air to blow into the port and clear it out.

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3. Broken/damaged battery

The battery in your Bluetooth speaker may be damaged or broken. If this is the case, you will need to replace the battery.

4. Faulty outlet

The power outlet where you are trying to charge your Bluetooth speaker may be faulty. Try charging the speaker in a different outlet to see if this solves the problem.

5. Blown fuse

This is another major reason why your Bluetooth speaker may not be charging. If there is a blown fuse, you will need to replace it.

As you can see, there are various reasons why your Bluetooth speaker may not be charging. However, most of these problems can be easily fixed. So, if your speaker isn’t charging, don’t panic. Just troubleshoot the problem and you should be able to fix it in no time.

If none of these solutions work, then it is likely that there is something wrong with your Bluetooth speaker and it will need to be repaired or replaced. Contact the manufacturer for more information.


Can an AUX cable power a Bluetooth speaker?

No, an AUX cable cannot power a Bluetooth speaker. The AUX port is only for audio output and does not transmit charge from one device to another.

Can I use my Bluetooth speaker while it’s charging?

Yes, you can use your Bluetooth speaker while it’s charging. However, this is not always recommended as it can shorten the lifespan of your speaker’s battery.

Can I charge my Bluetooth speaker with a USB cable?

Yes, you can charge your Bluetooth speaker with a USB cable. Most Bluetooth speakers come with a micro USB charging port, so you will need to use a micro USB cable.

Can I charge my Bluetooth speaker with a solar charger?

Yes, you can charge your Bluetooth speaker with a solar charger. Solar chargers are a great way to keep your speaker charged while on the go. However, they may not charge the speaker as quickly as other methods.

Why can’t an AUX cable charge a Bluetooth speaker?

The major reason why an AUX cable cannot charge a Bluetooth speaker is that the amplifier in the Bluetooth speaker needs to be powered in order to work. This is why you need a battery in order for the speaker to function. If you’re using the speaker with an AUX cable, the battery will be used to power the amplifier.

What does an AUX cable do?

An Aux cable transfers audio from one device to another. It is commonly used in headphones, car stereos, and other audio devices. An AUX cable cannot charge a Bluetooth speaker.

Final Thoughts

It is not possible to charge a Bluetooth speaker with an AUX cable. The AUX port is only for audio output and does not transmit charge.

However, as I have shown, there are various other ways that you can charge your Bluetooth speaker. So even if you do not have a charger, you can always charge your speaker using one of the methods I have mentioned.


Espen is the Director of ProPairing and has written extensively about Bluetooth devices for years. He is a consumer product expert and has personally tested Bluetooth devices for the last decade.


Обзор маленькой бюджетной Bluetooth-колонки Charge mini 3+

На данный момент можно найти колонку на любой вкус и кошелек. Есть большие и громкие, с подсветкой, с поддержкой радио и флешек. Сегодня я расскажу вам о небольшой и довольно бюджетной колонке под названием Charge mini 3+. Колонка по внешнему виду очень похожа на JBL 3 charge mini.

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Краткие характеристики


Посылка пришла в стандартной упаковке, коробка с краю слегка примята, но внутри все было целое. Внутри коробки находилась сама колонка в полупрозрачном мягком пакете и зарядный кабель microUSB. На коробке обозначены краткие характеристики в виде небольших картинок. Колонка, кстати, пришла заряженной на 80%, что очень порадовало.

Внешний вид

Колонка черного цвета, приехала в целости. Спереди, где расположены основные динамики, находится железная сетка, а весь остальной корпус изготовлен из Soft-touch пластика, который очень приятный наощупь. Колонка не скользит по гладким поверхностям, благодаря мягким вставкам внизу. По бокам находятся пассивные динамики для воспроизведения более низких частот.

Колонка небольшого размера, а ее вес всего 330 грамм. Колонку удобно брать с собой, расположив даже в небольшой сумке.

Сзади колонки находятся все необходимые разъемы:

  • MicroUSB для зарядки колонки
  • Разъем для microSD карт памяти
  • Стандартный USB разъем для флешек
  • Выключатель ON/OFF


При включении колонки можно услышать характерный сигнал. Маленький синий индикатор начнет мигать возле microUSB разъема. Подключается колонка к смартфону довольно быстро, она подписана как CHARGE MINI. Колонку так же можно подключить не только к смартфону, но и к планшету или ноутбуку, например.

Первая кнопка М переключает колонку в режим FM радио, но, забегая наперед, скажу, что это не особо и нужная функция на данной колонке (я не смогла найти радиостанцию с хорошим звуком). Кнопки + и переключают песни, если вы управляете колонкой через смартфон. А если у вас работает флешка, радио или карта памяти, то данные кнопки регулируют громкость. И последняя кнопка останавливает песни, или воспроизводит их.


Как заявлено производителем, диапазон воспроизводимых частот 100 — 16 000 Гц. На самом же деле, колонка может басить, но не очень сильно. Звук, кстати, довольно чистый, колонка не репит и не трещит. Для такой небольшой колонки звук очень даже хороший. Сходить на пикник и на прогулку с ней очень удобно, можно даже не включать музыку на полную громкость – колонка совсем не будет мешать разговорам с друзьями, например.


Заряжается колонка очень быстро – буквально за два, три часа. Во время зарядки возле разъема microUSB горит красный индикатор. Если колонка разряжается, то она издает короткие звуки, но еще недолго может работать. Работает колонка до 4-5 часов при полном заряде, как и указано на странице продавца. В режиме FM радио колонка очень быстро разряжается, и, как я писала выше, очень трудно найти радиостанцию с хорошим звуком.


Я очень довольна такой небольшой и не очень громкой колонкой. Такую колонку может позволить себе практически каждый, и ее удобно брать с собой. Сама я пользуюсь колонкой довольно долго, и пока никаких поломок или ухудшения звука не было.

Колонку можно брать на море, в поход, на прогулку, пикник, или же просто слушать музыку дома. Если вы требовательны к басам, громкости и остальным нюансам, или разбираетесь в частотах, то, возможно, эта колонка вам и не подойдет. Ну, а если вам нужна колонка для частого или повседневного использования, простая и не дорогая, то Charge mini 3+ вам понравится.

Купить колонку с доставкой из РФ можно тут CHARGE MINI 3+

Купить колонку с доставкой из Китая в разных цветах можно тут CHARGE MINI 3+

Ну, а на этом все. Спасибо за внимание, приятных покупок.


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